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Topics - NintendoPianoGirl

Completed by DonValentino

One of my favorite songs from the Wind Waker :) So beautiful. Would LOVE for someone to arrange this.

Legend of Zelda - Wind Waker[GC] - Sage Larutos Theme:

Thank you.
Help! / SOPA???
January 25, 2012, 04:34:43 PM
If the SOPA law passes, will NinSheetMusic be affected?
Help! / Super stupid question...!
December 25, 2011, 04:10:25 PM
Okay so I know all of you are going to read this and think. WOW. Someone's new to the site! Which I am... but anyways! I was reading the forum for "Fulfilling the Requests" And I noticed that there is a list titled "Fulfilled requests(Not on the site)" When it says 'Not on the site' I'm assuming that it means not uploaded officially to the site being ... right? But my main question is, is that when the site is updated next, will all the sheets that have been submitted on the submissions page, be updated onto the site??? Sorry for the stupid question, but I am really confused!! :P I get confused easily OKAY?! Haha thanks guys :)
Request / [GCN] Animal Crossing - "Christmas Eve"
December 17, 2011, 06:42:32 PM
The music played on Christmas Eve in Animal Crossing for GameCube.

Thanks :)
Completed and on site

I absolutely love this fun little song :)

Super Mario: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door - "Poshely Heights"

Thanks so much :)