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Topics - Parker2334

Feedback / Finale 2009!!!!!
July 12, 2008, 10:39:12 PM
Music / How did I do? Corneria Remix
July 02, 2008, 11:14:52 AM
I remixed Corneria from Starfox into a guitar thingy

How bad does it suck?
Music / Two chords same notes
June 14, 2008, 07:54:27 PM
Is it possible?


Off-Topic / What do you drive?
June 04, 2008, 12:56:39 PM
I drive a 1998 2 door Ford Explorer that looks like this-

Microsoft / Battlefield: Bad company
May 31, 2008, 09:44:58 PM
It looks like a good game. The demo comes out June 5th. I want to play it so bad...
Off-Topic / Question about websites in general...
May 30, 2008, 11:23:43 PM
MOst websites are designed in XHTML and Frames and stuff. We all know its not possible to hide the source code, because the browser looks at the code to display the items needed to be displayed. Suppose I want to make a website with the source code hidden. I could code it in flash, but thats time-consuming. Is there is a way to do it using frames? Like on the frameset page it would be

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<title>XHTML frame TAG</title>
<base _targer="main">
<frameset cols="50%, 50%">
      To be viewed properly, this page requires frames.
   <frameset rows="33%, 33%, *">
      <frame src="banner.html" name="banner"/>
      <frame src="Nav.html" name="nav" />
      <frame src="main.html" name="main"/>

My question. What tag can be added to the frameset page that would deny access to view main.html outside of the frame? Simply:I want main.html to displayed only when I click the link on the nav.html page and not when I try to access the actual url? Is there a tag?
Piano Arrangements / Parker2334's Arrangements
May 30, 2008, 10:30:55 AM
Frosty Village accepted.

Finale product usedConsoleGame TitleSong TitleArranger
[PM2oo8][Wii]Legend of Zelda: Twilight PrincessMisc Legend of Zelda SoundsParker2334

Songs In Queue for submission
Finale product usedConsoleGame TitleSong TitleArranger
[FA2oo7][XBOX360]Call of Duty 4:Modern WarfareSpetznaz WinParker2334
Songs finished, but need to be tweaked
Finale product usedConsoleGame TitleSong TitleArranger
[FA2oo7][N64]Starfox 64Training MissionParker2334
Songs started but not complete
Finale product usedConsoleGame TitleSong TitleArranger
[FA2oo7][N64]StarFox 64Boss BattleParker2334
[FA2oo7][SNES]Super MarioMisc Sounds of MarioParker2334 (Feel free to add on)
Songs on the site
Finale product usedConsoleGame TitleSong TitleArranger
[FA2oo7][N64]Diddy Kong RacingEverfrost PeakParker2334
[FA2oo7][N64]Diddy Kong RacingFrosty VillageParker2334
[FA2oo7][N64]Diddy Kong RacingTrack Selection ScreenParker2334
[FA2oo7][N64]Blast CorpsMain TitleParker2334

I love tables