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Topics - Oritendo

Help! / Help
August 18, 2011, 02:49:15 PM
How do you make an arrangement? I've seen so many by different people, but how excatly do you do it?

Thanks in advance. :)
Help! / MuseScore Help
August 01, 2011, 01:49:28 PM
A topic for those who use MuseScore and need help from others.

I got a question:

How come I can only do 12 bar things and then they wont let me do the arrangement any longer? (did that make sense?)
Help! / Recommendations?
August 01, 2011, 10:48:54 AM
Does anyone know a good piece for someone who is trying to play with two hands? (something to challenge a beginner); it's for a friend. He wants something not to short or too long, and helps him play with both his left and right hand since he gets mixed up sometimes. Thanks in advance!

I was wondering if someone could arrange the following from Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood DS game..

~Green Hill Zone
~my gosh, I forgot what the next city after green hill is called. >_<

thanks in advance!

~Oritendo ;)
Feedback / PDF not working
July 16, 2011, 03:43:16 PM

the PDF for "Walking the Plains (Two Pianos)" isn't working. Can you look into this?

Thanks in advance.
Feedback / Making compositions question
July 01, 2011, 06:52:13 PM
I have a quick question: I am using musescore to make compositions, but they don't allow metronome (sorry if it is mispelled). Is there another free program I could use, or do you know how I can add a metronome with musescore? thanks
Feedback / Just an idea
July 01, 2011, 03:37:27 PM

I enjoy piano A LOT I've played the piano for a long time.
I find it amazing that so many put dedication in making compositions of nintendo music, and enjoy this website.  I had this idea, and I wanted to see what others think:

Like I mentioned before, I don't know much about the piano, even if I have played for a long time. I look at the PDF's of the songs other people write, and was wondering if it would be a good idea if you would work with me to make simplier versions for some songs. For instance, I enjoy the Overworld theme of SMW, but wouldn't it be complex for a beginner pianoist?

Edit: Well, the overworld isn't really hard, I was just giving an example.

if anyone is interested in the idea or have a comment, please post.