
Rest in pepperoni, Mario Mario, 1981 - 2021
He will be missed by all, except for me! WARIO, NUMBER ONE!

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Topics - Dudeman

The Werewolf Game / TWG CII Postgame
March 27, 2018, 09:59:20 PM
Congratulations, Wolves.

Wolf Chef: Brawler4Ever
Gordon Ramsay: E. Gadd Industries
Confused Seer: mikey
Paranoid Guardian: BrainyLucario
Anxious Roleblocker: FireArrow
Frivolous Vigilante: Maelstrom
Human: Toby
Human: Trasdegi
Human: ThatHiddenCharacter
Anton Ego: BlackDragonSlayer

Night 1: FireArrow roleblocks Trasdegi. BrainyLucario guards E. Gadd. Maelstrom vigi's mikey, who was going to seer Maelstrom. Maelstrom is wolfed.
Day 1: FireArrow claims roleblocker to start a special alliance. E. Gadd claims seer, and Brawler and Brainy both claim Guardian. Toby is lynched for his incredibly aggressive chatting Night 1.
Night 2: Per a plan set up this night, FireArrow roleblocks Brainy and Brainy guards FireArrow. BDS is wolfed.
Day 2: Brainy is insta'd thanks in part to E. Gadd and Brawler's fake special claims. E. Gadd uses his Ramsaykill on FireArrow. Wolves win.

Let's be honest, the real winner of this game was RNG. Losing the two most powerful specials Night 1 had a crazy chance of happening, but it happened. Without that, E. Gadd and Brawler both being able to slip in as specials wouldn't have had a chance of working. I was disappointed that the scramble never got to be used, but I'm hoping maybe someday we can do this game again without bad RNG and alliances screwing things up.

Brawler4Ever: You get Overall MVP for spearheading the wolf plan this game and basically telling E. Gadd what to do. Sorry E. Gadd, I call it like I see it.
E. Gadd Industries: You get the Sneaky Spy award for passing yourself off as the seer so convincingly. I mean, it is significantly easier when the real seer isn't alive to counterclaim, but you convinced FireArrow.
mikey: You get the Big Mouth award for causing such a commotion Night 1 that the vigi found it necessary to kill you himself. Better luck next time.
BrainyLucario: You get the Employee of the Month award for doing your job as Guardian diligently and not taking any of E. Gadd's bullcrap. It's unfortunate you could not sway FireArrow to the truth.
FireArrow: You get Human MVP for coordinating the alliance, even if said alliance was half wolves. Solid play, even if your mistrust of Brainy led to a human loss.
Maelstrom: You get the F**k This S**t I'm Out award for both offing the seer Night 1 and being considered enough of a threat to the wolves that you got wolfed Night 1. Also better luck next time!
Toby: You get the Metagamer award for analyzing everybody to an extreme degree during Night 1. This ultimately led to your lynch, so maybe don't try and read into everything so hard?
Trasdegi: You get the Eerily Accurate award for perfectly guessing exactly what happened Night 1. Unfortunately you weren't active enough to have much else of an impact on the game...
ThatHiddenCharacter: You get the there was an attempt award for...being in the game. I wish you had been more active; after your impressive Ness play in the previous game I was excited to see what you'd do here.
BlackDragonSlayer: You get the He's A Wolf, I Swear award for hammering Toby hard on Day 1. Not like he didn't deserve it and you had very good reason to suspect him, but unfortunately your suspicions were in the wrong place.

Thanks for playing, everyone!
The Werewolf Game / TWG CII: Srcmalbed Eggs
March 22, 2018, 10:01:16 PM
TWG CII: Srcmalbed Eggs
1. Wolf Chef: During one night phase, the Wolf Chef may choose to randomly scramble the powers of the special roles for the rest of the game. It will be publicly announced at the end of the phase that the scramble has been activated. The scramble is effective immediately, meaning if a special targets a player, their target will receive the effects of the scrambled power and not the original power. The scramble may NOT cause a power belonging to a dead special to be inherited by a living special. The scramble cannot be blocked.
2. Gordon Ramsay: Has a one-use kill any phase that goes into effect at the end of that phase. Bypasses guards. Replaces a standard wolfkill if used during a night phase.

Specials are told they are a special, but not which one.
3. Confused Seer: Every night phase, can choose one player. At the end of that phase, is told the color of that player.
4. Paranoid Guardian: Every night phase, can choose to guard one player of their choosing from being wolfed. Can guard themself.
5. Anxious Roleblocker: Every night phase, can choose to block the night action of one player of their choosing.
6. Frivolous Vigilante: Every night phase, can choose to kill one player of their choosing unless they are being guarded. Can vigi themself.

7. Human
8. Human
9. Human
10. Anton Ego: A normal human, seer'd red. Is told they are a normal human.

Humans/specials win when all wolves are dead.
Wolves win when the number of remaining humans/specials is less than or equal to the number of remaining wolves.
Cardflips are off.

1. mikey
2. ThatHiddenCharacter
3. E. Gadd Industries
4. BrainyLucario
5. Maelstrom
6. Toby
7. BlackDragonSlayer
8. Brawler4Ever
9. FireArrow
10. Trasdegi

It is now Night 1. Night 1 will end on Friday March 23 at 10:00PM PST/Saturday March 24 at 1:00AM EST/5:00AM GMT.
Forum Games / The Fifth Annual(?) NSM Superlatives!!
January 01, 2018, 12:10:21 PM

Well folks, 2017 may be over, but here on NinSheetMusic, we've still one last item of business to take care of as we begin 2018. Before the Oscars, the Golden Globes, the Emmys, even time itself, an award ceremony was decreed by the gods (that is, Jamaha, but not Jamaha) to celebrate that which makes NSM, well, NSM. That's right, it's time for the revival of a long-cherished sorely missed uncontroversial fun annual NSM tradition. Welcome, arrangers and arrangettes, to...

Yaaaaaaay! Woohoo! Oh, it's so beautiful! Champagne!

And now to introduce our esteemed host for this year's festivities: a man feared and loved by many, whose reputation spreads far and wide and brings honor to the NinSheetMusic name...KING SAMMER!


Hm? Oh, sorry, excuse me for a moment, this looks important.

Hello, can you make this quick? I'm supposed to be introducing the...


He did what?!?


Oh. S**t. Well, we'll, uh...I'll take care of it. Thanks.

...sorry about that, folks, but it appears that due to, um...budgeting...problems...our host had to be replaced at the last minute. But not to worry! NSM has spared no expense in bringing a top-of-the-line replacement host! Yes, one who will wow you with his excellent feats of *brrrrrriiiiiing* god dammit one second

okay what the f*** is going on now

...whaddya mean Latios "can't make it"?! What am I supposed to tell the public?!

Okay fine, s**t, I'll just do the f***ing thing myself. God dammit, I hate this job.

...okay I just got off the phone with my agent and I have to do the awards now. Sorry, you're stuck with me after all. Maybe we'll get somebody cool next year. Like Tobbeh!

1. You may nominate up to three people for each Superlative (you may choose to only nominate one or two people for a Superlative if you so please). Please send me your nominations to me via PM, using the below Superlative list. The top three (or less, if applicable) nominations for each Superlative will be selected for a final round of voting, where a winner and runner-up will be determined.
     1b. Please make serious nominations. Any nominations made as a practical joke are highly unlikely to be counted.
     1c. You may only vote for ONE member for each Superlative.
2. Nominating inactive members is allowed, but discouraged. This obviously doesn't apply to Superlatives related to older/inactive members.
3. Self-nominating is allowed, but slightly more discouraged. Voting for yourself is absolutely allowed. You made it into the final cut, sport, you deserve it.
4. Having nominations for every Superlative is not required, but is encouraged. Having a vote for every Superlative during the voting round is HIGHLY encouraged, to the point where I'll probably PM you back asking for votes if you leave some blank.
5. Do not use the Superlatives as an opportunity to harass other members or otherwise cause trouble. As a rule of thumb, if your behavior is likely to make things unfun for everyone else, it's a no-no. There's a reason we've gone almost two years without this, and I'd rather not repeat that.
6. The words "Superlative" and "Superlatives" must be capitalized at all times. Anyone who breaks this rule is subject to a frustrated sigh from me as I stare at my computer screen.
7GRAND. Have fun! Don't think too hard about each Superlative and use this as an opportunity to celebrate each other.

NOMINATIONS ARE NOW CLOSED. I should have voting set up by next weekend.
VOTING IS NOW CLOSED. Superlatives should start going up by March 3rd.

And now, without further ado...the nominees!

This year's list of nominated Superlatives!
Friendliest: Hero of Trains, Latios212, Sebastian
Scariest: Dude, Dudeman, KefkaticFanatic
Calmest: Dudeman, Sebastian, Static
Cutest: Altissimo, Nebbles
Strongest: BlackDragonSlayer, braixen1264, Maelstrom
Frivolousest: Dude, Mashi, Tobbeh99
Longest: Bubbles, sipan1234, Tobbeh99
The Most A+: Dudeman, Latios212, Mashi
Biggest Fanboy/girl/person: BrainyLucario, Dude, Maelstrom
Biggest Hipster: LeviR.Star, Yug_Guy
Most European: AmpharosAndy, Jamaha, Tobbeh99
Most American: Dudeman, Sebastian, Yug_Guy
Most Australian: AwesomeYears, fingerz, WaluigiTime64
Most Canadian: InsigTurtle, JDMEK5, shadoninja
Most Likely To Succeed: Latios212, Olimar12345
Most Likely To Be A Closet Anime Fan: Dudeman, mikey, WaluigiTime64
Most Likely To Not Actually Exist: Tobbeh99, WaluigiTime64, Zeta
Most Likely To Actually Be A Ghost: Bespinben, Nebbles
Best Vocabulary: BlackDragonSlayer, E. Gadd Industries, MaestroUGC
Best Artist: braixen1264, Lkjhgfdsa_77, Onionleaf
Best Arranger: Latios212, Maelstrom, WaluigiTime64
Best Composer: Dekkadeci, MaestroUGC, WaluigiTime64
Best Melody Quiz Maker: mastersuperfan, Static, WaluigiTime64
Best Melody Quiz Taker: Dudeman, Latios212, mastersuperfan
Best Peacekeeper: Dudeman, Latios212, Static
Cutest Friends: BrainyLucario/E. Gadd Industries, MaestroUGC/MaestroUGC, Blueflower99/Maelstrom
Best Updater: Latios212, Olimar12345, Static
Best Moderator: braixen1264, Dudeman, MaestroUGC
Most Missed NSM Member: Bubbles, Jamaha, Nebbles
Most Likely To Be Lurking: Bespinben, MaestroUGC, Winter
Most Improved: E. Gadd Industries,, Sebastian
Most Sarcastic: Dude, Dudeman
Most Talented: dajwxp, Olimar12345, WaluigiTime64
Most Mysterious: MaestroUGC, mikey, Tobbeh99
Most Datable: dajwxp, Nebbles, Zeta
Most Quotable: Dude, Dudeman, InsigTurtle
Most Ridiculous: InsigTurtle, King Sammer, Tobbeh99
Most ?? ?? ?? : BoywithoutaFairy, InsigTurtle, Tobbeh99
The Very Best, Like No One Ever Was: InsigTurtle, Latios212
Most Skilled Gamer: Dudeman, Olimar12345, Static
Most Woomy: BrainyLucario, Olimar12345
The Dankest Of Memers: Dudeman, Olimar12345, Static
Best Presidential Candidate For 2028: Dudeman, MaestroUGC, Sebastian
Best Mod Candidate For Next Tuesday: Altissimo, mikey, Yug_Guy
Most Likely To Nominate Themself For This Superlative: Dude, MaestroUGC, ThatHiddenCharacter
Most Likely To Not Win This Superlative: King Sammer, mayastarr041, ThatGamer
Most Likely To Win Most "NSM Superlatives": Dudeman, WaluigiTime64
Most Likely To Host Next Year(?)'s "NSM Superlatives": Dude, E. Gadd Industries, Olimar12345
Egg: no, Olimar12345, shadowkirby

The winners of each Superlative are entitled to a couple days of fame, bragging rights, no monetary compensation whatsoever, and nihilism. Side effects may include projectile vomiting, ulcers, excessive stubbing of the left big toe, and a desire to arrange more video game music.

Have a blast, everybody! I'm very excited to see the results!

You may heal for 1 point and hurt for 2 points every calendar day

1. Mario Kart: Double Dash!! should have won the previous Hurt and Heal game: 15
2. Mario Kart: Double Dash!! should NOT have won the previous Hurt and Heal game: 15

this is mostly a joke and I'll delete it if no one wants to actually do it
Sony / MOVED: Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World
February 05, 2017, 01:58:14 PM
What the fuck was this game? It started off as a good time. Jokes were had, people signed up, we were all ready for a fun game. Then I had to balance it. No big deal, but it did reveal the cracks in the structure of this abnormal game that only got wider as the game went on. And then all of a sudden people were, like, really incredibly salty. The amount of salt in the game past, like, Day 2 was astronomical and I still don't understand where the hell all of it came from (aside from the frustrations aimed at a few human players who didn't play very intelligently). I just wanted to make a fun game and it crumbled under the weight of reality and my own poor planning.

[heavy sigh]

Role reveal.

1. davy - Exeggutor
2. NocturneOfShadow - Metapod
3. Maelstrom - Nebby
4. BlackDragonSlayer - Ya Boi Guzma
5. TheZeldaPianist275 - Lusamine
6. dajwxp - Dugtrio
7. Olimar12345 - Lillie
8. Dude - Popplio
9. FireArrow - Mimikyu
10. E. Gadd Industries - Toucannon

Day 1: dajwxp is screened due to poor understanding of the game rules. This becomes a running theme for most of the game, which I take full responsibility for.
Night 1: Bag votes: Maelstrom 6, daj 4, Olimar 1, davy 1. BDS seers daj. davy is wolfed (a very unfortunate occurrence).
Day 2: NocturneOfShadow is screened because he still hasn't learned how to not come across as aggressive and incomprehensible.
Night 2: Bag votes: daj 6 (2 wolf votes), Maelstrom 5, Noc 1. BDS seers Olimar. Noc is wolfed.
Day 3: E. Gadd is screened due to poor reasoning and understanding of the game (there it is again).
Night 3: Bag votes: Maelstrom 5, BDS 4 (wolf votes), daj 3, Olimar 1, E. Gadd 1. BDS seers FireArrow. E. Gadd is wolfed.
Day 4: BDS gets his cover blown by ending up the Bag. TZP is screened although I was kind of secretly hoping the KitB would fall to FA because I was rooting for the wolves this whole game.
Night 4: Logic dictates that BDS will not be Bagged this night which, now that he's an obvious wolf, sets him up for screening on Day 5. I end the game here. Humans win.

Human MVP and overall MVP goes to FireArrow, congrats on the aggressive plays and solid logic buried beneath the salt.
Wolf MVP goes to TZP for staying under the radar until BDS got himself in hot water and left you in the spotlight trying to pin down FireArrow (though you did an impressive job nonetheless at the end).

THE BAG AWARDS (I warned you people would lose for not capitalizing):
Silent But Deadly: BlackDragonSlayer, for not uttering the word Bag until the start of Day 4 (you lose brownie points for not ever capitalizing it, though).
Tight-Lipped: Maelstrom, for only saying the word Bag once and capitalizing it.
Apathetic: Dude, for only saying the word Bag once and not capitalizing it.
Bipolar: dajwxp, for a capitalization occurrence of exactly 50%.
Slack-jawed: FireArrow, for saying the word Bag the most times out of any other player in the game (you only capitalized it twice, though).
The Losers, Statistically: NocturneOfShadow, BlackDragonSlayer, Olimar12345, and Dude, for never capitalizing the word Bag once.
The Loser, For Real: Olimar12345, for saying the word Bag most out of those who never capitalized the word Bag.
MY FAVORITE PLAYER: For the most capitalized uses of the word Bag, where every other player only averaged about 2 capitalizations...
E. Gadd Industries, for 11 capitalized uses of the word Bag and only one uncapitalized use (and the second most uses overall, right behind FireArrow). You the real MVP, E. Gadd.

Ending this with another apology for this pretty confusing, unconventional game that seems to have left a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths.

The Werewolf Game / TWG XCIII: Get in the Fucking Bag
December 27, 2016, 12:26:10 PM
TWG XCIII: Get in the Fucking Bag

Game starts on a Day phase. Each Day phase, every player votes for a player to send to Looker for screening. If that player is a bad guy, Looker puts them in the Ultra Wormhole FOREVER (they ded). Otherwise, the player is sent back and nothing happens. At Night, the Bad Guys can try to capture (wolf) one player. At the same time, each player will vote via PM for two players to put in the Bag. Players put in the Bag will not be wolfed at the end of the Night phase, and will be publicly announced at the beginning of the next Day phase. Bagged players also cannot be sent for screening. Wolves start out with 0 Bagging votes, but will gain two votes collectively for each Human they capture. If they capture Lillie, the Bag will only have one open spot on the next Night Phase (this cannot occur two Night Phases in a row; capturing Lillie twice in a row will do nothing). Bagged Pokemon exit the Bag at the start of the next Night phase.

Bad Guys (Wolves):
Wolves know each other.
1. Lusamine: Has memory problems and can't remember who Lillie is. She's a President-type human so her screening votes can count for two, but only if she PM's the host stating so each Day phase.
2. Ya Boi Guzma: Every Night phase, he can get Team Skull to check what Pokémon a player is. They're not that smart, so all they can get is the color.

3. Exeggutor: Its neck is so long that it takes up an extra spot in the Bag and the other Pokémon is forced out (at random, if the Bag has three spots). The first time this occurs, the other Pokémon becomes so confused that it cannot be captured that phase.
4. Metapod: Metapod's just here to make the game harder.
5. Toucannon: Angry. Very angry. Angery reacts only.
6. Nebby: Pokémon lose if Nebby is captured.
7. Mimikyu: Mimikyu creates a realm of spoopy scary shadows inside the Bag that it hides the other Pokémon in (chosen at random, if the Bag has an extra spot). This lets the Bag keep both spots if Lillie is captured, but spoops the Pokémon so bad that they refuse to go in the Bag for the rest of the game. Unless it's Nebby, 'cause then the game would break.
9. Popplio: The starter nobody wanted. Capturing Popplio causes Lillie to have an extra spot in her Bag the next Night phase.

10. Lillie: Is told who Nebby is. She's a super important character with plot relevance so she's told how many of each color of player are left at the end of each Night phase.

Things that will be announced in the thread:
1. Popplio decided to go back to the "Pending Designs" pile where it belongs. An extra spot opened in the Bag! (Day after Popplio's capture)
2. [player] hid in the Bag's shadows and refuses to GET BACK IN THE FUCKING BAG! (Day after Mimikyu is Bagged)
3. Exeggutor's neck defies explanation! It forced a Pokémon out of the Bag! (Day after Exeggutor is Bagged)

Wolves win when Nebby is captured.
Humans win when both Wolves die.
Nebby wins if it never gets put in the Bag.

Everybody loses if somebody forgets to capitalize the words Bag, Bagging, Bagged, etc.

Role PM's:
Quote from: Dudeman on December 27, 2016, 12:25:24 PMYou are a Pomon. Try not to get captured.
Quote from: Dudeman on December 27, 2016, 12:25:37 PMYou are Ya Boi Guzma. Lusamine, your partner in crime, is Player.
Quote from: Dudeman on December 27, 2016, 12:25:46 PMYou are Lusamine. Ya Boi Guzma, your partner in crime, is Player.
Quote from: Dudeman on December 27, 2016, 12:26:03 PMYou are Lillie. Nebby, who won't stay in the fucking Bag, is Player.
Quote from: Dudeman on December 27, 2016, 12:41:17 PMYou are Nebby. Stay out of the fucking Bag.

1. davy
2. NocturneOfShadow
3. Maelstrom
4. BlackDragonSlayer
5. TheZeldaPianist275
6. dajwxp
7. Olimar12345
8. Dude
9. FireArrow
10. E. Gadd Industries

Role PM's have been sent. It is now Day 1. Day 1 will end in 48 hours, or approximately 1 PM PST on 12/29/16. Now get in the fucking Bag.
Movies & TV / Dudeman's "Short-Winded" Anime Reviews
August 22, 2016, 08:09:24 PM
Rated out of 5 in these categories:

Draw: How well does the series attract the viewer in the first few episodes?
Main plot: Is it sensical? Is it well-paced? Does it affect the characters on a personal level? Do the filler episodes (if any) still relate back to the plot?
Subplots: Do the characters interact well beneath the main plot? Are their personal and interpersonal conflicts realistic and do they resolve sensibly?
Characters: Are the main characters round and dynamic? Do the supporting characters serve their purpose without being flat or irritating?
Character development: Do the main characters adapt to their situation and go through arcs as they become stronger? Is it realistic and sensical to the character's motives?
Peril: If a character gets slashed in the chest, is the viewer actually worried if they will survive? Does the series break its own survival rules?
Payoff: How well does the series tie itself off by the final episode? How many questions does it leave the viewer with?
Feels: If I cried I'll probably put at least a 3 here.
Mind-Blow: If I screamed "WHAT" really loudly I'll probably put at least a 3 here.

Currently Watching: _____

To Watch (in no particular order):
Blue Exorcist
Tokyo Ravens
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
From the New World
Code Geass (rewatch)
Angel Beats! (rewatch)
Noragami/Noragami Aragoto (rewatch)
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (rewatch)
Psycho-Pass (rewatch)
Seraph of the End (rewatch)
Gaming / MOVED: Top 10 Video Game Music?
May 07, 2016, 11:48:39 AM
Music / The Best of SiIvaGunner
March 16, 2016, 09:38:59 AM

...all right, with that out of the way: there's just so many good rips on this channel that I (and I hope others) just have to share the best with the rest of the world. I had no better place to do it. Feel free to post the best rips you find here.

I'll start things off simply. lol jk that channel is ded

Here's a playlist I made instead:
TWG LXXXIII: Convergence Zone

Role Reveal:
1. Tridus: NocturneOfShadow
2. Blind/Deaf: mariolegofan
3. Cil: davy
4. Agrith: BlackDragonSlayer
5. Vintash: FireArrow
6. Othek: Latios212
7. Rofut: Brawler4Ever
8. Tirall: Maelstrom
9. Sekka: fank009
10. Jogul: Dude

Night 1: Wolves choose to not wolf anyone to support Noc's Jogul claim. Fank seers Noc red. MLF didn't use a power for some reason??
Day 1: Dude and Noc vote for Dude. FA, B4E, Mael, Latios, BDS, and fank vote Noc. Fank's vote came in literally 4 minutes before phase end so I didn't bother to mention it was technically an insta. Noc is lynched.
Night 2: Noc uses his vigi on davy (ouch!). Fank seers BDS green. MLF wolfs Dude, but nothing happens 'cause Dude's the Fool. Aaaaaaand he still doesn't use a power. ???
Day 2: Dude votes for Dude. B4E, FA, fank, BDS, and Mael vote MLF. MLF is insta-lynched. Game over. Humans win.

Wolf MVP: Wolves played pretty terribly. Correction: Noc played pretty terribly. The fool claim died pretty early, and Noc soon after. Imma give this to MLF for briefly fooling people (read:Brawler) into thinking he was the fool.
Human MVP: Shoutouts to Brawler, fank, FA, and Mael for the behind-the-scenes discussion (thanks for letting me in on that, btw. Fun reads). Giving official MVP to Brawler for solid reasoning and generally good-humanness. fank's a close second.
and way to go dude you only got one person to say they would vote for you and they never pm'd it to me

Discuss, if you choose. I care not.
The Werewolf Game / TWG LXXXIII: Convergence Zone
August 13, 2015, 03:14:26 PM
TWG LXXXIII: Convergence Zone

All lynch votes are messaged privately to the game host.

Colored Cardflips are in effect.

1. Tridus: Has a one-use vigilante upon death.
2. Blind/Deaf: Wolf Schizophrenic. Can either seduce one character during any night phase to force them to vote during the following day phase for whatever player Blind chooses OR can prevent the Seer from using their power during any Night phase.
3. Cil: Starts on the side of the wolves and has the wolf win conditions, but is told he is a normal human. Wolves are not told Cil's identity. If Cil is lynched, he flies into a rage and kills one other player selected at random. In the thread it is publicly announced that "Cil flew into a rage and killed <player>!" Cil's player is messaged "You are Cil. You have killed <player>." If Cil publicly claims his role at any time from this point forward, he switches to the human side and gains the human win conditions.

4. Agrith: If Agrith is lynched, Tridus dies without using his vigilante. Is told he is a normal human.
5. Vintash: Can avoid one mislynch. Is told she is a normal human.
6. Othek: Always wins a Knife in the Box. Is told he is a normal human.
7. Rofut: Takes two hits to kill. Is told she is a normal human.
8. Tirall: Is told the identities of Tridus, Jogul, Sekka, and Rofut, but not which is which.
9. Sekka: Immortal Seer. If Sekka is wolfed, his spirit will leave his body and inhabit a random, normal human who will become the new seer. The new seer will remain green. This power transfer only occurs once.
10. Jogul: The Fool. If the Fool dies, the game is over and the Fool wins UNLESS Jogul is killed by Cil's rage. Jogul is immune to all wolfings. Is told he is the Fool.

Each human (including Cil) possesses an element. If a player votes to lynch a player who is weak against their element, their vote will count for two.
- Agrith: Fire. Double against Cil and Jogul.
- Vintash: Wind. Double against Othek and Agrith.
- Othek: Water. Double against Agrith and Tirall.
- Tirall: Earth. Double against Vintash and Sekka.
- Sekka: Lightning. Double against Othek and Jogul.
- Jogul: Jungle. Double against Tirall and Rofut.
- Rofut: Stone. Double against Cil and Sekka.
- Cil: Ice. Double against Vintash and Rofut.

Wolves who aren't Cil know each other.
Wolves win the number of wolves is equal to or greater than the number of remaining humans. If this condition is met while Cil is aware of his role and is still a wolf, Cil may choose to remain a wolf and win automatically OR join the humans to try and lynch the wolves.
Humans win if all the wolves are lynched/killed.
Jogul wins if he is lynched.

The unfortunate participants:
1. davy
2. fank009
3. Latios212
4. Maelstrom
5. FireArrow
6. BlackDragonSlayer
7. NocturneOfShadow
8. Brawler4Ever
9. mariolegofan
10. Dude

1. Liggy

All role PM's have been sent. It is now Night 1. Night 1 will end on August 14th, 2015 at 10:00pm PST.
Gaming / E3 2015
June 15, 2015, 11:20:06 AM
Sound off!

Aw crap, wrong board. SOMEONE MOVE THIS
Help! / Trying to submit...
April 16, 2015, 05:25:29 PM
I'm trying to submit a replacement, but I don't know what to put in the "Which sheet would you like to replace?" box. It keeps telling me that I need to select a sheet to replace. What do I put there?
Story Telling / Dudeman writes things creatively.
March 03, 2015, 09:17:45 PM
I'm in a creative writing class in school, and I think I'm fairly good. I'm gonna post some of my stuff here to share with teh interwebs, if you don't mind.

Criticism is welcome and encouraged!
Movies & TV / The Bible
April 22, 2013, 07:14:23 PM
I guess it's somewhat controversial to be making this topic...but I felt we needed a discussion topic for The Bible TV series. I personally think the creators have done a splendid job with the series (even though I have some disagreements on some minor elements...). Thoughts?
Creativity Corner / Dudeman's YouTubing Adventures!
February 18, 2013, 01:48:11 PM