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Topics - chipmunk884

Feedback / Question about web site design
January 19, 2009, 05:58:05 AM
I'm hoping that JaMaHa will answer this question, but anybody that knows can answer it too.  My question is 2 part.  1.  What news system do you use now for the main page?  (I know that you used to use CuteNews)  2. Before the website stopped in September, how did you make the sheetmusic upload form so that sheets were added to the main site?  The reason that I ask is because I currently run a website, and I have no idea how to make a file upload form for my website.  Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Piano Arrangements / Chipmunk884's Arrangements
December 21, 2008, 09:20:54 AM
Please help me get the correct key signature for "Trucy" so that next time around it can be accepted.

[NDS] Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney - "Trucy" - Chipmunk884 MUS MIDI


[NDS] Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney - "Cross Examination Moderate" - Chipmunk884 MUS MIDI
[GCN] Animal Crossing - "Totaka's Song" - Chipmunk884 MUS MIDI
Off-Topic / Blender 3d modeling
August 25, 2008, 11:19:28 AM
i haven't posted anything in a long time, so i decided to post my latest work in blender.  for those of you who remember, a few months back, i posted some of my early work in blender, the 3d modeling program, and people said that they weren't that good.  well, i've been learning a lot more and have made a model that i think is very good, even though it isn't textured yet.  please post what rating you would give it (1-10, 1=terrible, 10=best).  I hope you like it.  btw, it is a queen piece from chess.
the piece mentioned in the title doesn't exist on the site, even though there are links to it.  whenever i click on the "mus" or "midi" buttons, i get the woops! file not found error.  could someone please fix that?
Music / Found some awesome sheetmusic
July 19, 2008, 05:02:14 PM
I'm not sure if the real heliumkidd is already a member here in ninsheetmusic, but i recently found some of his youtube videos and sheetmusic, and it is very good.  His site is, and not to be rude to anyone, but i personally like some of his arrangements better than the ones here at ninsheetmusic.  For example, his animal crossing medly and new super mario bros overworld 1 are very clean and good sounding, and sound very close to the original.  Just though i'd share this.
Off-Topic / Come see my new site!
July 07, 2008, 12:30:31 PM
Me and my friend are working on our website, and it is mostly finished now.  it is at, so go and check it out, and sign up for the forums.  just remember that on the forums, there is no swearing or inappropriate language.
Help! / Question about the update system
June 28, 2008, 03:38:00 PM
I'm working on a new website with my friend, and didn't know how to create a system so i could post daily/weekly updates, along with having it posted in a forum, just like the one here at ninsheetmusic.  I was wondering if anyone knew how to implement something like the update system here on another website.
Nintendo / Need someone to trade pokemon
June 28, 2008, 09:53:49 AM
Event though i have obtained almost all of the legendaries, i still need someone to trade me the following pokemon that i can't seem to easily get: latios, latias, totodile, chikorita, cyndiquil.  I don't care if they were hacked as long as it won't screw up my game.  here is my friend code: 3952 3484 4697 .  i don't have any special pokemon to trade in return, so please be nice and let me trade you a random pokemon.  Please post your friend code if you can do it and we will try to trade. 
Go to solaceon ruins and battle 100 unowns and win all of the battles.  then, go to the bottom floor and read the enscription.  finally, your next battle will be against a celebi from levels 17-23.  To get jirachi, go to iron island and into the cave where you get lucario.  head down the right stair case, win 100 battles, and your next battle should be jirachi.  with celebi, a nest ball is basically like a master ball when catching it, and both of these methods aren't 100% confirmed, but will most likely work.
Nintendo / I want a mew
June 22, 2008, 07:22:34 AM
I remembered that a while ago there was a person who was offering 5 mews to trade to people through pokemon diamond and pearl.  Well know, me and my brother are playing pokemon ranch and will only be able to get 1 mew and 1 phione, so i won't be able to get the mew.  I was wondering if anyone would trade me a mew, and i don't care if it was hacked, as long as it won't screw up my game.  Also, if anyone has a jirachi or mewtwo and is willing to trade, post here.  Here is my friend code:
3952 3484 4697
I thought that the end to apollo justice was very good.  you find out about so much stuff in the mason system like that apollo and trucy are siblings with their mother being lamiroir.  Also that klavier was behind the whole thing.  and that shadi smith was really apollo and trucy's real father.  post any more comments here that you want if you have finished apollo justice.
Off-Topic / Finally got my new TI Nspire!
June 08, 2008, 04:24:13 AM
I know that this may sound nerdy/geeky, but I am so happy that i finally got my new ti nspire!  It is way awesomer than my old ti 89 titanium, but it unfortunately doesn't have the cas, but most likely i will be able to put programs onto the 84 silver edition keyboard that comes with it so that it works like a cas.  If you guys have no idea what i'm talking about, go to and you can see why the ti nspire is so awesome!
Nintendo / Nintendo Power Surprise (No Spoilers)
May 31, 2008, 05:20:03 AM
Yesterday, i received my new copy of nintendo power v230 and to my surprise, i got another magazine with 20 posters in it!  Even though they don't do the monthly magazine, you now get 20 double sided posters anually.  I'm happy, because my walls are now 100% covered with nintendo posters.
Nintendo / Question about NDS Apollo Justice
May 14, 2008, 04:20:53 AM
I recently tried the demo from nintendo channel for this game, and i love it!  however, i wanted to know how long these games actually last, because there are only like 6 cases in the game.  The demo lasted about 30 minutes for me.  Could anyone post how long it took them to complete all the cases?  I want to know how long I would get to play this game for, because if it isn't that long, i might not get it.
Nintendo / Poll on Mario Kart Wii (*HUGE SPOILERS*)
April 28, 2008, 05:41:18 PM
I want to know what you think the best new character to Mario Kart Wii is.  Personally, I think that Rosalina and Dry Bowser are awesome (even though i have only unlocked rosalina, not dry bowser).  What do you think.  And also, what are your opinions on the new bikes and trick system.  Finally, post your opinion on the new stages (especially the new rainbow road) along with your opinion on the bike and trick system.  Personally, I love the new bikes and trick system, and the new rainbow road is very hard.
Off-Topic / The fourth dimension
April 24, 2008, 06:34:23 PM
Have any of you thought that there is a fourth dimension or tried to imagine what a 4d object looks like?  anyway, i've been doing research on the fourth dimension, and i think that it is awesome and mind boogling, but doesn't exist.  However, my uncle has a theory that the universe is actually in a torus (donut) shaped object that is rotating around in the fourth dimension.  Basically, he is saying that if you go far enough out into space, you will end up back at earth.  Here are some awesome links i found on the topic:

Please post any thoughts that you have on this subject, because i'm very curious what you think about it.  Enjoy!
Art / Chipmunk884's Computer Art
April 21, 2008, 04:33:51 PM
Here is all of my computer art that I have been working on.  I hope you enjoy, especially the ones made in Google SketchUp:

Kirby Desktop Image *COMPLETE*

Final Smash Desktop Image *COMPLETE*

Mercay Island Map *COMPLETE*

The Mercay Island map is now complete with houses and ocean king temple.  I know that the texturing and the modeling of the houses isn't that great, but i did my best with my limited 2d texture skills (with the help of built in textures).  Enjoy!

Nintendo / Brawl Final Smash Desktop Project
April 16, 2008, 02:55:14 PM
Sorry for the 1 month delay, but i finished the project i promised that was a desktop image of final smashes from super smash bros brawl.  Here is the link.  Enjoy.  Note that if you request that a specific one with characters of your choosing be made, just post the 8 characters you want in it, along with either a background image or what you want for the background. 
 Final Smash Desktop Image
Gaming / Rubik's Cube
April 08, 2008, 04:32:11 AM
Does anyone here besides me do rubik's cube?  I am still very slow at it, with my fastest time being only 1 minute 58 seconds.  Post any thoughts/times about rubik's cube here.  And i'm not sure if i'm posting this in the right spot