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Topics - mikey

Gaming / Official Magic: The Gathering thread
December 07, 2014, 06:43:14 PM
Because I GUESS for some reason we don't HAVE ONE.

For those of you who don't know what Magic the gathering or MTG is, it's known as some to be the greatest card game ever.  Cocktail party version:  It's like chess where you don't know your opponent's pieces, and you can't find your queen.
Piano Arrangements / Nocturne's Arrangements
November 21, 2014, 08:19:14 PM
Video Game Music

Game Name
"Island in the Sky"
Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
"Troubled Realm"
Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks
"Ezlo Appears"
Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap
"Mt. Crenel"
Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap
"Rainy Mt. Crenel"
Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap
"Resolve of a Legendary Trio"
Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon
Creativity Corner / Halloween Pumpkin Carving Contest
October 30, 2014, 08:42:06 PM
Jack'o'lantern contest!
Poll coming soon
Gaming / The BIONICLE 2015 speculation thread
September 14, 2014, 01:48:07 PM
Why didn't I know about this until now?
The best thing is I can actually collect em now cause I have a job :D
Also yeah post here if you played with bionicles as a kid



The Werewolf Game / TWG LXX: Post Game
August 29, 2014, 05:31:15 PM
Role Reveal:
1. Mashi- Villager
2. Yugi-Mafia Grunt
3. BlackDragonSlayer-Mafia Leader
4. maelstrom.-Villager
5. Bubbles-Villager
6. Dude-Villager
7. The_Subjective_Thought-Villager
8. fank009Villager

Game Log:
Night 1- Yugi is given the Detective power!
The_Subjective_Thought is snapped in two. (Friday the 13th anyone?)
Mashi is painted red.
Maelstrom. is painted red.
fank009 is painted red.
maelstrom. is seered red.

Day 1- Yugi is thrown down a well!

Night 2- Mashi is given the Detective power!
Fank009 is stabbed.
Maelstrom is painted red.
Bubbles is painted red.
Maelstrom. is seered red.

Day 2- Maelstrom. is never heard from again!

Night 3- BlackDragonSlayer is given the detective power!
Mashi mysteriously vanishes... (along with the story, still trying to find it!)
Bubbles is painted red.
Bubbles is seered red.

Day 3- BlackDragonSlayer is legitimately lynched!

1-NocturneOfShadow:  For your first time hosting you could have done much worse; that being said, you've got a ways to go before being the master storyteller.  Host MVP

2-Mashi:  The maelstrom. seering was weak and predictable.  Not much here except people obviously knew you were human, as well as being a major part of the story!

3-Yugi:  You got the seering power night 1, but you claimed seer after a not-so-obvious seering and that led people to questioning you.  I would have lain low.

4-BlackDragonSlayer:  What a game!  You nearly managed to turn the tables by outsmarting the night 2 seer for a free maelstrom. lynch.  In the end what kept you back was bubbles' good sense of judgement.  Wolf MVP

5-maelstrom.:  You didn't really get a say in anything, because of the double red seering.  You were pretty much caught red handed, which was difficult to incorporate into the story!

6-Bubbles:  You pretty much won the game for the humans with that lucky vote at the end, I'd like to know what made you decide BDS over the other human!  Living Human MVP

7-Dude:  See 6-Bubbles.

8-The_Subjective_Thought:  You died right away, but that's because you made sure EVERYONE knew you were human night 1!  You had this game DOWN!  Dead Human MVP

9-Fank009:  You play an important role in the story, but gamewise, you weren't super influential other than your awesome lingo!


Mafia Leader:
QuoteYou are the Mafia Leader.
Have fun senseless destructioning!
Mafia Grunt:
QuoteYou are the Mafia Grunt.
QuoteYou are a Villager.
Be wary.  Stuff's gonna happen.

TWG LXX: Village of Masks- A Classic Mafia
In the small, unheard of village of Qwertyton in Italy, life could not be better.  A new mayor was just elected, leaving all the villagers very happy as to their future.
Well- not all.  Rumor is spreading of an incredibly rare, unheard of, secret group called the Mafia.  Unhappy with their new government, rumor has it that they've started going around senslessly killing innocents.  Of course, that's all rumor-
Isn't it?

1. Mafia Leader
2. Mafia Grunt

3. Villager
4. Villager
5. Villager
6. Villager
7. Villager
8. Villager

1. Mashi
2. Yugi
3. BlackDragonSlayer
4. maelstrom
5. Bubbles
6. Dude
7. The_Subjective_Thought
8. fank009

This village loves the night life.  In fact, 37.5% of the population is usually active during the night!  This is because each night in addition to their killing, the Mafia may also paint 3 players red on Night 1, 2 players red on Night 2, and 1 player red on Night 3.  Not only that, but a player chosen at random is given a Detective power that is displayed publicly.  A player cannot be chosen twice (everyone wants even slices of the cake).  But with the recent suspected uprising of the Mafia, if a player does not perform their allowed actions during the night phase, they get thrown out of town.  What a great government!
Movies & TV / Sherlock?
March 23, 2014, 01:26:19 PM
Anyone watch it?  We just got Netflix and I must say, while it's not quite classic Sherlock, it's still pretty good :P
Completed by McDucky and mariolegofan

It'd be cool if someone could make a solo for this because I don't have any fanboy pianist friends to play with ;_;
Forum Games / Book Quotes quizzes!
February 07, 2014, 03:06:43 PM
If there's already a thread for this, this one is different because it's mine!
Every 24 hours or so, I'll post a quote from a book!  Any book!  Probably a book that I've read!
Starting tomorrow morning!  Be there or be a chu chu!
SlowPokemon: II
mariolegofan: I
BlackDragonSlayer: I
(new!)K-NiGhT: I
Completed by sunnydelight18

Think it sounds really cool.  Here's a youtube video:

I tried to follow the making a request guide, if I did anything wrong, please yell at me in caps lock and shoot me a million PM's until I get it.
Off-Topic / The Official "Nocturne is an idiot" thread
October 03, 2013, 12:33:33 PM
Okay, some of you may remember this post by SlowPokemon:

QuoteOne day you're going to look back at all your old posts and cringe

It just happened.

So with that, I give a formal and casual apology for being an (spammer I guess???) ignorant fool, and a remedy that most of you probably don't care about. :D

Gaming / League of Legends discussion
October 02, 2013, 12:15:50 PM
I've noticed a lack of league of legends on here since March, soooooo...

If you don't have a league account, download it and refer "Venser1798" and get to lv 10 as quickly as possible.  "Technically", League is completely free, but I seem to be the only person who DOESN'T spend money on it :P
And, to get a discussion going with the people who DO have a League account, ...

Nasus is the best champion.  No arguments allowed.
Off-Topic / Emoticons
September 27, 2013, 05:50:42 PM
Post your favorite emoticons!  I'll start with a pretty epic one that's gonna be pretty hard to beat!

                                   Y U NO HAZ EMOTICONS
September 26, 2013, 05:48:27 AM
What does bump mean?
also need help to put in a banner maybe