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Topics - EFitTrainr

Story Telling / Eric and Kelsey's Adventures in Alyos!
November 07, 2012, 01:48:27 PM
I now present a spin off of a spin off...
Eric and Kelsey's Adventures in Alyos!

Prologue (and bacon)
It was a late night.  I twirled in my swivel chair at the desk, messaging my friend Kelsey, otherwise known as Kman96.
"Dude, are you ready for this?" I asked.
Rather quickly, he responded, "Of course! I've already tweeted about it, AND posted it on NSM! Everyone's excited to hear how it goes!"

Me: "Aw, I wanted to be the one to post it on NSM... :("

Kelsey: "Haha ;)"

Me: "Hey, it's getting pretty late, so we should get to bed. We've got a big day ahead of us."

"A big day indeed," he replied. "Night, buddy. See you at the airport."
I logged out of Facebook, when my mom entered my room.
"Eric, something related to your father's job has come up in Edding. We're going to leave for the airport soon," she informed me.
"But mom, what about taking me to the airport so Kelsey and I can fly down to Grisleville?!" I was slightly annoyed.
"Don't worry, I've called Kelsey's mother. We're driving you to his house before we go to the airport. You're going to spend the night there, and his family will drive the two of you to the airport. Now go get your bags and your Pokemon ready!"

Shortly after that, we arrived at Kelsey's house. I thanked his mother, and crashed on their couch like I normally do.

I woke up in the morning to the smell of the most amazing meat known to man- fresh bacon! I shrugged off my blanket and walked over to the kitchen. Kelsey's mom offered me some bacon, which I promptly accepted. I sat down and began to eat it, when...   

"Get that out of your mouth!" Kelsey cried.

I dropped my bacon, and gaped at his rudeness.

"That oughta teach you," he sneered, sarcastically.
His mother gaped at his sudden action. "I made more, you know!"

I left Kelsey to my old plate of bacon, and got some more for myself.
"Anyways, what are you doing here? I thought we were rendezvousing at the airport?" Kelsey inquired.

I was unable to answer, due to my mouthful of bacon, but luckily I didn't have to.
"Eric's parents couldn't make the trip to the airport because something had come up over in Edding.  So they dropped him off here before you woke up!" Kelsey's mom explained.  "Now hurry up, you two! We don't want to be late for your flight down to Grisleville- Professor Wages is just dying to meet you!"
Kelsey ran up the stairs, presumably to get his gear.   
I waited at the bottom for him, when I heard him ask, "What Pokémon are you bringing along?"
"Haha, that's a surprise!" I said rather suspiciously.

During the car ride to the Boreal City Airport, I looked through my journal I kept while we were in Terrari, and I was glad to be home with my Pokemon safe and sound. (I did get a chuckle from looking at our FoG motto, though.)

When we arrived at the airport, I noticed a bunch of people I knew waiting to send us off. There was Nick and other Nick, Chris, and... was that Morgan? There were a couple other people I didn't know too, probably there for Kelsey. Then Tom walked up.
"Hey you two," Thomas said quietly. "You two are incredible. Don't ever forget that.  What happened in the past at Terrari doesn't matter, because it's over and done with.  You made it back to us, and now that we have you back, we're looking after you.  Kick ass, and take no prisoners.  Oh, and definitely send some money home to your mothers. It definitely helps, trust me."

I thanked him for his advice and kind words, and began saying my goodbyes. Soon, though, we had to leave. I double checked my gear quickly, while Kelsey did the same.   
I had my mobile phone, my town map, both journals (the one from Terrari and a brand new one I had bought the other day), clothes, a tent (and other camping supplies!), and a few other odds and ends.

I got through security and was getting ready to get on the plane, when I got a text message. I didn't show it to Kelsey, and when he asked what I was doing, I told him I was shutting my phone off. We both got on the airplane, buckled our seatbelts, and I knew we were both thinking the same thing:
This would be the greatest adventure of our lives...

...and we were ready.
"About Town" - Completed by Bubbles
"Puzzles" - Completed by Bloop
"Descole's Theme" - Completed by SlowPokemon

I cannot provide youtube links atm as I am at school, but I'll update this post once I get home.

Professor Layton and the Curious Village:
About Town

Professor Layton and the Unwound Future:
London 3
Searching for Clues
Time Travel (Instrumental)
Puzzles 3

Professor Layton and the Last Specter:
Puzzles 5
Descole's Theme

Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask:
Puzzles Abound
Targent's theme

(There were a couple more from MM that I wanted. I'll edit them in later.)

If anyone does these, they'll be my best NSM friend.
Welcome to this amazing thread of amazingness!
My first soundtrack up for review will be....
By Murray Gold

God, I love this soundtrack. It's probably the best soundtrack Doctor Who has ever produced. Ever. And, it goes along with the best season. Ever.

Track listing time!

Disc 1:
1. Doctor Who XI
The opening theme for the show. Not my favorite version of it, as it's a bit too electronic, but it's still excellent.
And epic. I've listened to this one so many times.
2. Down to Earth
The opening theme to "The Eleventh Hour".
Rather quick paced, but still exciting.
I've made an arrangement of this one, if anyone's interested.
3. Little Amy
One of the new companion's themes. It's slightly haunting.
I really like this one too. It also includes the motif for the Time cracks.
4. Fish Custard
Starts out slow, but increases tempo as it goes on. From the rather humourous scene where the Doctor is trying new foods.
5. Can I come with you?
A slightly sadder version of Little Amy.
6. Little Amy: The Apple
god this song plays so many times in the first episode. Probably the best version on the CD.
7. The Sun's Gone Wibbly
Hurrah! The first version of I am the Doctor! (track 9)
8. Zero
The full version of this track never plays in the episode, which is a shame, as it's a very good song.
9. I am the Doctor
Here we are, the most brilliant track on the entire disc. I started arranging in the hope of eventually arranging this song. I am the Doctor is the main action theme for series 5, and it's quite fitting. Like "Little Amy", this song is heard in serveral other songs on the soundtrack.
10. The Mad Man With a Box
11. Amy in the TARDIS
Starts out as "Little Amy", transitions into the crack motif, then I am the Doctor plays. In a rather epic arrangement.
12. The Beast Below
13. Amy's Theme
The secondary theme for Amelia Pond. Also the best piece to come out of episode 2.
14. A Lonely Decision
15. A Tyrannical Menace
16. Victory of the Daleks
From Victory of the Daleks. I wonder how I figured that out. Plays when the new Dalek paradigm (Power Rangers?) appears.
17. Battle in the Sky
18. River's Path
From the beginning of "The Time of Angels"
And yay the return of River Song.
19. The Time of Angels
When Amy is in the room with the recording. Pretty Creepy.
20. I Offer You My Daughter
21. Chicken Casanova
Has I am the Doctor at the end.
22. Signora Rosanna Calverri
23. Cab for Amy Pond
24. Vampires of Venice
25. Wedded Bliss
26. This is the Dream
Very creepy theme, for a very creepy episode.
27. Rio de Cwmtaff
28. The Silurians

Disc 2 coming soon!
Shadowkirby looked up from his desk. The clouds were even worse today than usual, a pitch black as opposed to the usual gray. The evil from the castle was growing. He could feel it. It had died down for a while. There were stories then, stories of a hero garbed in green. The stories were only that, however. Stories. Shadowkirby gave a heavy sigh. The monsters were preparing to mobilize. He could tell. He usually was able to tell these things. There was no hope. None left at all.

*knock knock*

"Who is it? I'm writing!" called shadowkirby.
"It's just me. Hurry up and let me in, it's starting to rain," answered Kman.
"It's almost always raining. You know that," said Shadowkirby, opening the door.
"That doesn't matter. There's been rumours."
"What kind of rumours?"
"They say there's a blade. One with the power to slay the evil king."
"They're just that then. Rumours."
"Stop being such a downer. I want to find that blade. Aren't you sick of living like this? Don't you want your freedom back?!"
"You want your freedom, take it. Hyrule will pull through. That's what I'm counting on."
"Shadowkirby, You've always been able to count on me. Now, I'm asking you for help. Don't let me down."
"Alright, fine. But if we get murdered, I'm blaming you."
"Alright then, listen up..."
Kman and I shall be writing this epic story. It takes place after Ocarina of Time, in the "Link fails" timeline.
We need zoras, gorons, kokiri, dekus, hylians, and terminians. It will be an alternate Reality of both Ocarina, and Majora's Mask.
so, without further ado, GOGOGO!!!

Blueflower999-deku scrub
Nebbles- ???
So last time was a joke. But now, I'm serious :D
So, If you want to be in this, or submit ideas, then gogogo!
Request / Arrangement Project (Mother 3)
May 27, 2012, 01:26:36 PM
This is going to be huge, guys. We've got 250 songs, total. Some are already on the site, some need replacing. Some have been arranged as well.

Aaannndddd here's the track list...

001 - Let's Begin!
 002 - Fun Naming
 003 - Voice 1101
 004 - Welcome!
 005 - Alec's Log House
 006 - Mom's Hometown
 007 - Save
 008 - I'm a Mole Cricket!
 009 - Enemy Encounter!
 010 - Bothersome Guys
 011 - You Won!
 012 - Stand Up Strong
 013 - As You Wish
 014 - A Letter to You, Honey
 015 - Carrier Pigeon
 016 - Mysterious Flying Object
017 - LOG-O-TYPE - Done, On site
018 - F-F-Fire! - Done, WarioMan98
019 - Chapter 1
 020 - Sound of Siren
 021 - Together
 022 - To Sunshine Forest
 023 - Forest Prayer Sanctuary
024 - Forest of Flames - Done, Shadowkirby
 025 - The Enemy Attacks!
026 - Mr. Batty Twist - Done, Shadowkirby
 027 - The Water's Great
 028 - Enter the Pigmasks!
 029 - Dangerous Guys
 030 - Troublesome Guys
 031 - What?
 032 - Back Beat Battle
033 - Gentle Rain - Done, Warioman98
034 - Homely Yado Inn - Done, Warioman98
035 - Letter from You, My Sweet - Done, Warioman98
 036 - Hard Rain
 037 - Let's Go Together!
 038 - Run, My Dog, Run!
039 - Somewhere, Someday - Done, Warioman98
 040 - Got a...
 041 - Cautiously
 042 - Mischievous Blues
 043 - Tragic Reconstruction
 044 - Confusion
045 - MOTHER 3 Love Theme - Done, On site
 046 - Sorrowful Tazmily
 047 - Lonely Room
 048 - In the Room
 049 - Going Alone
 050 - Fun Bazaar
 051 - The Bread's Ready!
 052 - Beyond the Sunshine Forest
 053 - More Mischievous Blues
054 - Cumbersome Guys - Done, Warioman98
 055 - Mambo de Battle
 056 - With My Father-in-Law
 057 - Astonishing March
058 - Magypsy Party - Done, On site (needs replacement?)
 059 - Much Better!
 060 - Danger
 061 - More Troublesome Guys
 062 - Toppling March
063 - Big Enemy Encounter!
 064 - Fight with Mecha-Drago
 065 - Victorious...
 066 - Level Up!
 067 - Long Shadow
 068 - Chapter 2
 069 - Passing Down Secrets
070 - Mind of a Thief - Done, On site
 071 - Suspicious Flying Object
072 - Huh?
 073 - Zombeat
 074 - Tough Zombeat
075 - Fate - Done, Warioman98
076 - Accelerondo - Done, Warioman98
 077 - More Cumbersome Guys
 078 - Osohe Castle
 079 - More Dangerous Guys
 080 - Back Beat Battle - Hard
 081 - And El Mariachi
 082 - Dry Guys
 083 - Etude for Ghosts
 084 - Got Somethin' Good!
 085 - Ragtime Osohe
 086 - Mambo de Battle Plus
 087 - Serious
088 - Unfounded Revenge - Replacement claimed by Shadoninja
 089 - Polterg-g-g-geist
 090 - Family Matters: 2nd Movement
 091 - The Room Too Mysterious
 092 - Fanfare of the Noble Vase
 093 - Morning Already
 094 - A Master, a Father, a Thief
095 - Piggy Guys - Done, Warioman98
 096 - Piggy Something
097 - Open Sesame Oil! - Done, Warioman98
 098 - Open Sesame Tofu! - Done, Warioman98

 099 - Learned PSI!
 100 - Ode to Ancestors: 8th Movement
 101 - Formidable Foe
 102 - Butch and the Villagers
 103 - Chapter 3
 104 - Monkey's Love Song
 105 - We're Going Together...?
 106 - Bean Bean Pork Bean
 107 - BzZzT! Even In My Dreams!
108 - The Peddler's Grand Speech
 109 - Monkey's Delivery Service
 110 - Dance!
 111 - What Happened?!
 112 - Laugh! Be Happy!
 113 - Formidable Foes
 114 - Audacious March
 115 - Drago!?
 116 - Thanks, Drago!
117 - Something Strange is Going On
 118 - Love Theme (Reprise)
 119 - Chapter 4
 120 - A Railway in Our Village!
 121 - Good Morning
 122 - Reminded
 123 - Hotel Yado
 124 - My Wonderful Room
 125 - Fun Shopping
126 - Happy Town?
 127 - A Little Elegy
 128 - What's Beyond the Tunnel?
 129 - Even Drier Guys
 130 - Murasaki Forest
 131 - Whew, Hauling is Hard Work
 132 - Good Work
 133 - Stringent
 134 - Ride the Ropeway
 135 - Club Titiboo Theme
 136 - Big Shot's Theme
 137 - Girl's Room
 138 - Shower Time Ballad
 139 - The Attic's a Dungeon?!
140 - Intense Guys - Done, Warioman98
 141 - A 16-Beat Attack!
 142 - A Marching Attack!
 143 - Rock and Roll (Mild)
144 - Rock and Roll (Spicy) - Done, Shadoninja/Shadowkirby
 145 - Lucky's Room
 146 - Bon Voyage, Amigo
 147 - What's That?!
 148 - Chapter 5
 149 - Oh No!
 150 - Dangerous Highway
 151 - Pork Bean Outta Gas
 152 - Parking Area: Dur-T Cafe
 153 - White (Owner's Recommendation)
 154 - Fairies (Neckbeard's Recommend.)
 155 - Resolve (Gum Guy's Recommend.)
 156 - Blessing (Baldy's Recommendation)
 157 - Adolescence (Toilet Cow's Rec.)
 158 - Wasteful Anthem
 159 - His Highness' Playroom
 160 - His Highness' Memory: 2S
 161 - His Highness' Memory: 2H
 162 - MROB-6720M
 163 - GENE163-1425
 164 - Aria of Unease
 165 - Chapter 6
 166 - Sunflowers and Illusions
 167 - Name These Children
 168 - Mother?!
169 - A Tiny, Enormous Miracle - Done, On site
 170 - Chapter 7
 171 - Right Left Light Reft
 172 - Quite the River
 173 - Magypsy's Home, Sweetie-Pie
 174 - Magypsy's Gone, Cutie-Pie
 175 - Razor and Lipstick
 176 - And Yet, El Mariachi
 177 - Close Your Eyes, Sugar
 178 - She Was Like a Sunflower
 179 - Let's Ride the Train!
 180 - The Green Train's Fun, Too!
 181 - It's Chimera Research
 182 - Pink Shell
 183 - Pulling of the Needles
 184 - More Audacious March
 185 - Mole Cricket Elder
 186 - Snowman
 187 - His Highness' Theme
 188 - Anthem of Destruction
 189 - A Flying Whatchamacallit
 190 - Mr. What's-His-Nose
 191 - Mr. Saturn Theme Z
 192 - Tragic Security
 193 - Hustle for Pride
 194 - War of the Words
 195 - we humming
 196 - Volcano! Inferno!
 197 - Yokuba and InterpreTor
 198 - Coffee Break
 199 - Got Somethin' Great!
 200 - Beach Combing
 201 - O2 in Love
 202 - Tanetane Island
 203 - Red-Green-Yellow-Yellow|
 204 - Is it Just Me Or Are You Gorgeous?
 205 - Strong One
 206 - And Then There Were None
 207 - Is Anyone There?
 208 - Like Looking for a Dropped Pickle
 209 - Chupi-Chupyoi for World Heritage
 210 - Who?
 211 - Strong One (Masked Man)
 212 - True Welcome!
 213 - Life's an Inner Circle Gap
 214 - NPC Loves You!
 215 - Chapter 8
216 - Isn't This Such a Utopia?! - Claimed by Shadoninja
 217 - Blip-Blip High Score
 218 - No Eating Crackers in the Cinema
 219 - Beauty and Tasty
220 - New Pork Bossa - Done, Warioman98
 221 - Absolutely Filthy Apartments
 222 - Leder's Gymnopedie
 223 - Afro Bam-Babam
 224 - Hey, Brother! Gimme an A!
 225 - Theme of DCMC
 226 - Samba de Combo
 227 - Hippo
 228 - Rain, Followed by a Harem
 229 - Refreshing Toilets
 230 - Under Construction...
 231 - Automated...
 232 - Even More Intense Guys
 233 - Mini-Porky's Entrance
 234 - Try Kind of Hard!
 235 - And... Stop!
 236 - Natural Killer Cyborg
 237 - Time Passage
 238 - A Certain Someone's Memories
 239 - I am Porky
 240 - Porky's Porkies
 241 - Burst-In Rock 'n' Roll
 242 - Master Porky's Theme
 243 - Absolutely Safe Capsule
 244 - Battle Against the Masked Man
 245 - Memory of Mother
 246 - It is Finished
 247 - Phantasmagoric
 248 - Curtain Call
 249 - 16 Melodies (Beginning)
 250 - Memory of Life

I'll look through the site and submissions thread later to see what we have done.

Group Leader: Shadowkirby


1. Shadowkirby
2. Warioman
3. Shadoninja
Art / Shadowkirby makes shit happen!
April 04, 2012, 09:22:05 PM
Prolouge: Kman sizes up the situation, or, Kman felt a little strange.

     Another TWG finished. Another MVP earned. What a great day, thought Kelsey. He was making brownies with an IRL friend for some stupid school project when his facebook began ringing. It was shadowkirby (unsuprisingly). They chatted for a few minutes, then shadowkirby had to gogogogo to clean his room. Kelsey turned around to talk to his IRL friend, when he noticed something odd about him. There was a mushroom on his head! "IRL friend, why is there a FREAKING MUSHROOM ON YOUR HEAD." IRL friend moaned then things began being trippy and trippy music started playing! "WHAT THE HECK." Kelsey grabbed the mushroom off IRL friends head, when an asian kid burst into Kelsey's home! "WHAT THE HECK."

... I'll write more later.
Post here for IN.

And now to end this with a sparrowlike achirp! shadowkirby like "GOGOGO"

Off-Topic / Help!
March 14, 2012, 04:21:10 PM
How do I get someone to play the game Earthbound when they are COMPLETELY against it?! (hi kman)
Nintendo / Anyone want to buy a 3DS?
February 26, 2012, 01:03:15 PM
So, I never play my 3DS anymore, and I'm going to sell it. It's got all the ambassador games, and 32 other downloadable titles, the circle pad pro, Mario Kart 7, The Club Nintendo game card case, a carrying case, the charger, the charging cradle, and of course, the 3DS itself. I can provide pics and stuff if anyone's interested.
Request / Arrangement Project (Mother 3)
February 07, 2012, 11:27:50 PM
So yeah. This game is freakin' amazing. I want to arrange the whole soundtrack! This is, however, a rather daunting task for a n00bish arranger such as myself. Anyone want to help? I've already done Log-o-type, (the title theme), and I'm not sure if shado ever started rock 'n' roll (spicy). But, I (and hopefully others!) WILL do the whole thing. If someone can provide me with midis of songs I send them, I can totes take it from there.

Go here
The Werewolf Game / TWG: XXVI Doctor Who: Post Game.
January 27, 2012, 01:50:01 PM

The Doctor: Master Wolf (has seer powers)-blueflower999
Amy Pond: Wolf-Wrydryn
Rory Pond: Wolf- SuperFireKirby

Cyber Controller: Guardian - Cannot guard self.-davy
Dalek Caan: Seer-xK-NiGhTx

Silent (Miller)-Mashi
Dalek (Human)raymondbl
Dalek (Human) Slowpokemon
Dalek (Human) Jub3r7
Cyberman (Human) gzgregory
Cyberman (Human) vermilionvermin
Cyberman (Human) Dude

Anaylsis coming at a later date.

Off-Topic / Words with Friends!
January 24, 2012, 12:04:25 PM
Words with Friends has been sweeping NSM by storm over the past few weeks.

This topic can serve as the leaderboards within NSM as well as the place to post your username for the game

DrP: nkonny
Mashi: On Facebook
Winter: winterkid09

Also, I'm thinking of a NSM tournament with Words with Friends... and for those without smartphones, it is accessible through Facebook. Just bold your "in" when you post your username if you want to join the tournament

1. DrP
2. Mashi
3. xK-NiGhTx
The Werewolf Game / TWG XXVI: Doctor Who
January 20, 2012, 02:53:53 PM
Role Pms are out. Night Phase ends on 1/21/2012 at 8:30 PM EST.

The Doctor: Master Wolf (has seer powers)
Amy Pond: Wolf
Rory Pond: Wolf

Cyber Controller: Guardian - Cannot guard self.
Dalek Caan: Seer

Silent (Miller)
Dalek (Human)
Dalek (Human)
Dalek (Human)
Cyberman (Human)
Cyberman (Human)
Cyberman (Human)

     "Amy! Rory! You're going to have to trust me on this one!" called The Doctor.
"The only way to stop the invading forces is by befuddling them!"
     "But Doctor, how will we know each other once we've changed minds?" asked Rory.
     "We'll know each other, but the Daleks, Silence and Cybermen won't!"
     "Doctor, you'd better be right about this!" Amy yelled.
     "There's only one way to find out! GEERRRRROOONNNNIIIIIIMMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" The Doctor exclaimed with a childish grin.

1. Wrydryn
2. SuperFireKirby
3. xK-NiGhTx
4. Jub3r7
5. Slowpokemon
6. davy
7. raymondbl
8. Mashi
9. blueflower999
10. vermilionvermin
11. gzgregory
12. Dude
I want someone to make the main theme from this game. *coughshadoninjacough*
The Doctor: Master Wolf (has seer powers)
Amy Pond: Wolf
Rory Pond: Wolf

Cyber Controller: Guardian - Cannot guard self.
Dalek Caan: Seer

Silent (Miller)
Dalek (Human)
Dalek (Human)
Dalek (Human)
Cyberman (Human)
Cyberman (Human)
Cyberman (Human)

     "Amy! Rory! You're going to have to trust me on this one!" called The Doctor.
"The only way to stop the invading forces is by befuddling them!"
     "But Doctor, how will we know each other once we've changed minds?" asked Rory.
     "We'll know each other, but the Daleks, Silence and Cybermen won't!"
     "Doctor, you'd better be right about this!" Amy yelled.
     "There's only one way to find out! GEERRRRROOONNNNIIIIIIMMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" The Doctor exclaimed with a childish grin.

1. The Chocolate Lord
2. Mah Bro
3. xK-NiGhTx
4. Jubby
5. Yay Slow <3
6. davy
7. ray-ray
8. Mashiiiiiii <3
9. blueflower999 x 3
10. Mustache Vulpix
11. gzgregory
12. Doodle

(MG edit to put in Player Sign ups in title.)