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Topics - MaestroUGC

Do you want to be funny?

Too bad. But I can make you less un-funny.

Sign up to learn about all the jokes. You will be quizzed. Class starts tomorrow whenever I feel like it.

1. Latios212
2. NocturneOfShadow is likely to fail this class. Sorry, just being honest.
3. braixen1264
3. braixen1264
3. braixen1264
3. braixen1264
3. braixen1264
4. Nebbles is a big poop butt
5. BlackDragonSlayer doesn't get anything said about him because I forget he exists most days.
6. yugi, because I'm not capitalizing his name.
3. Maelstrom
3. mariolegofan blueflower999999999
You guys know the drill.

Ideas, time frame, etc.
Movies & TV / Maestro Talks about Talkies
December 28, 2014, 05:14:33 PM
I watch movies. I also like starting things that I end up forgetting about or otherwise ignore for months at a time.

So I'm going to talk about movies I watch. Possibly some TV series as well.

Some thread rules:
1) If the work I am talking about is tens years or older, it's past the point Statute of Spoiler Limitations. That means we can talk about it freely, with a few exceptions that I will highlight.
2) If the work is less than 10 years old, or is currently on-going, the please use discretion and spoiler tags.
3) If the work is less than a year old, I will refrain from discussing plot details in the actual review for as much as I can. Anything else will be in spoiler tags.
4) If the work I am talking about ran for 5 years or longer, then I would like for it to remain spoiler free as much as possible. Especially for later seasons.
5) No, I will not take suggestions on what to watch/review. Don't bother, I won't listen.

Into the Woods (2014) - Disney's adaptation of a Sondheim classic
Trapped in the Closet Chapters 1-5 - The Saga Begins
Trapped in the Closet Chapters 6-12 - Web of Lies
Trapped in the Closet Chapters 13-22 - A Whole Lot of Shit Goes Down
Olimar [mp3]
FierceDiety SoundCloud

And welcome back to the semi-regular NSM Arrangement Contest, where our wonderful arrangers test their creativity in reworking some VGM classics into new and exciting form and styles. I'll be your gracious host this time around, and after careful consideration the folks here at NSM Enterprises and Maestro Inc. have come to a consensus of the theme for this contest:

Theme and Variations

This time you will choose any theme you'd like to work with, and present the judges with a series of variations. (Exact number of variations required will be determined and announced at the start of the contest.)

Scoring Criteria
Your score will be based on the following criteria:
1) Orchestration: Do the instruments serve the music? A simple copy/paste would result in a low score, while a dynamic orchestration would yield something higher.
2) Preservation: does the arrangement make it clear what the original was while meeting the criteria? If the arrangement only makes a single reference to the original while it does something else entirely, then it'll get a low score.
3) Creativity: does the arrangement go beyond the criteria? If it only does the basic change, low score.
4) Criteria: does the arrangement meet the criteria for the challenge? If no, low score; barely, middle; totally, high.
5) Formatting: make sure your piece has the following information: a title, a subtitle(including the original song title and the game it's from), the composers name, and the arrangers name (either your NSM alias or real name). You get more points if you arrangement had other standard things such as measure numbers, dynamics, etc. (if such things apply to your piece). This category should result in easy points.
6) Popular vote: each entry gets a corresponding score from everyone who votes, an average from the votes for the piece out of all the votes.

Previous Contests:
Arrangement Contest No. 1 in A "Praeludium"
Arrangement Contest No.2 in C "The Grand Dance"
Arrangement Contest No. 3 in G minor "Going Solo"
Arrangement Contest No. 4 in F diminished "Nightmarish Visions"

Sign up and perish.
1. Maestro
2. MaryHadALittleFan
3. EnsignTruffle

1. SlewPekomanz
2. Oblimartin11111111111111111
3. Eck
4. Blumpth
5. Friararrwwo
6. Clancey
7. Fracediet
8. Dansbabydans
10. they

Wait. Sign up or perish.

Once you've signed up, PM me with your song choice as soon as you decide. Cut-off times for sign-ups and song choices will be determined soon. Song choices are first come, first served. Anonymity of judging will be determined if the players want it.

Sign-up cut-off: Dec 26th.
Start: Dec 28th
Due date: Jan 23rd
Results: Jan 28th

Theme and Variations:
 - You must transcribe the original theme, unchanged and unaltered, before any of the variations.
 - You must have a minimum of 5 variations. Anything less will result in a score of "0".
 - You may not have more than 12 variations. Really anything more than 10 would probably be considered excessive (I would know), so anything more than 12 will result in a reduced score.
 - At least one variation must have a mode change from Major/Minor (depending on your piece's original key/mode) to the opposite. Major>Minor or Minor>Major.
 - At least one variation must be a significant meter change from the original, it cannot be a simple change in the pulse. For ex: 4/4>3/4; not 3/4>6/8. 2/4>6/8; not 2/2>4/4. If you have a question about this please ask me.

Also a couple of formatting things:
 - Please number your variations; it will help us keep track of each of them and allow us to comment on them better.
 - Please define the ends of the variations and transition sections with double bar lines, for the above reason.
 - I will update the grading rubric to reflect these additional formatting requirements.

A few reminders as well:
 - Please send your entries to me via PM, I will forward them to the other judges.
 - All you need to send me is an MUS file. Any supplemental materials (PDF, Audio file, Program, etc.) are appreciated but unnecessary.
Figure we can humor the idea of giving this another go of the winter holidays. We managed to get the current one up and running in about a week, and now that we've got a pretty consistent judging rubric I think we can come up with a few ideas this time, set dates, and at the appointed time have the judges pick one and give us the "Ready, Set, Go."

Off-Topic / Maestro Advises You on Things
July 29, 2014, 08:54:23 PM
I have a great need to help others as much as I can. I also have a great need to impose my wisdom and beliefs on other people because I think I am so much better at life than everyone else.

So this is how it's going to work, you guys can ask me for advice, either here in the thread or privately via PM where you will remain anonymous and I will then give you advice. Said advice may or may not actually help you solve anything, but I'm always right, so that doesn't matter.

Some free advice:
-Don't eat the yellow snow. Unless it is a lemon flavored snow-cone.
-Feed your pets four times a day, that way if you forget one day they'll be too fat to care.
-Don't be friends with Satan.
-Feed your head.
The Werewolf Game / TWG 69 - MMM Sign Ups
June 30, 2014, 09:43:26 PM
TWG 69: Maestro's Magnificent Mystery

12 roles.

Last team standing wins.

1. BlackDragonmire
2. Yugg
3. NaHkkkkkkkk
4. Funky
Forum Games / The Second Annual NSM Superlatives
January 26, 2014, 09:31:10 PM
I'm not sure if this is going to work out as well as it did last time, but I say we give this another shot. Although let's keep things to a minimum this time around. 'K?

'K. I'll be porting over a partial list of superlatives from last year, so if there's an award you want to be brought back, or a new award, then plus suggest away! Also, this could use a suitable host/general compiler of awards and some presenters.

Friendliest: Bubbles, Slow, Fingerz, K-Night, FireArrow, Dudeman, JDMEK5, Ruto, Mashi
Nicest: Bubbles, K-Night, Pit, FireArrow, Dudeman, Mashi, JDMEK5, Pit
Scariest: JaMaHa, Kefka, ETF, Yugi, Saria,
Sexiest: Massive Mayhem, Nebbles, Bubbles, Slow, SFK, Pit,
Most Improved: Nocturne of Shadow, theblackgiantdoghead, mariolegofan, Bespinben,
Most Changed: Olimar12345, DrP, Blue,
Cutest: Waddle Bro, Nebbles, Bubbles, Pit, Massive Mayhem,
Smartest: Fierce Diety, Mashi, Maestro, Olimar, Ruto, Jompa,
Frivolousest:  Mashi, Maestro, Slow,
Most Frivolousestest: The NSM Superlatives, Mashi, cedarrape,
Best LPer: MaestroUGC, Nebbles,
Calmest: Winter, Mashi, Maestro, Pit,
Best Couple: Fingerz + Pit0010, Slow + Massive Mayhem, Fingers + Pit, Waddle Bro+Roz+SlowPokemon, Kman + Shadowkirby,
Most European: JaMaHa, FSM, Waddle,
Most Canadian: Roz~, Shadoninja, JDMEK5,
Most American: Drp, SFK, Olimar, Saria,
Most Australian: Yugi, Pit 0010, fingerz, Meta Ridley, Deku Trombonist, Clanker37, The Subjective Thought
Prettiest: Roz~, Nebbles, Bubbles, Pit,
Most Likely to Succeed: Mashi, Olimar, Slow, Maestro, Ruto, DrP,
Best Vocabulary: Mashi, Slow, Maestro,
Best Eyes: Espurr, Slow, Pit,
Best Reviewer of Stuff: Blueflower, Slow, Maestro, BDS,
Best to Bring Home to Mom and Dad: Pit, Nebbles, Bubbles, SFK, Spit, Ruto,
Best Artist: Bubbles, Nebbles, Ruto, FSM,
Best Storyteller:  K-Night, Slow, Kman + Shadowkirby, cobrarollercoaster, DrP,
Best Arranger: DekuTrombonist, Slow, Yugi, Olimar, Jompa, Fierce Diety, Maestro, Bespinben,
Best Composer: Clanker37, Maestro, Slow, Pit,
Best Updater: JaMaHA, Olimar, Winter, DekuTrombonist,
Best Sheet Reviewer: DekuTrombonist, Olimar, Winter,
Best Moderator: Bubbles, JaMaHA, Winter, DekuTrombonist, Kefka
Best Avatar: Blueflower, Yugi, TWG Link, Noctunre of Shadow, Waddle Bro
Best Signature: Blueflower, Waddle, Mashi, Nocturne of Shadow,
The Strongest: JaMaHA, Dahans, Roz, Kman, Blueflower, Winter, SFK
Most Likely To Win Most "NSM Superlatives": Maestro, Mashi,
Most Talented: Maestro, Slow, Mashi,
Most Positive: mariolegofan, Mashi, Dudeman, Spit, Pit, Nebbles,
Most Missed NSM Member: Shadoninja, Bespinben, Concerto, Olimar
The Very Best, Like No One Ever Was: Blueflower, Slow, Roz, Waddle,
Best/Most Skilled Gamer: Dudeman, Fingerz,
Cruelest: Slow, Kefka, Saria,
Godliest:God, Dudeman, Slow, Saria, Maestro
Most Depressing: MasterProx, ETF, Roz~, Slow,
Most Ridiculous: SFK, BDS, Slow,
Best BFF: Blueflower, Dude, Ruto, Pit,
Randomest/Most Spontaneous: mariolegofan, Mashi, Harvest, SFK, manio, theblackgiantdoghead
Biggest Fanboy: Blueflower, Slow, Dudeman, Jompa,
Most Dateable: Jub3r7, Pit, Slow, MasterProX, Ruto, SFK

TWG Awards:
Best TWG: Mashi, 1984, All the King's Men
Best Human TWGer: Bird, fank, Verm
Best Wolf TWGer: Kman, vermilionvermin,
Most Improved TWGer: Nocturne of Shadow, JDMEK5,
Funnest TWGer: Mashi, Slow, Bird, BDS
Most Manipulative TWGer: Vermilionvermin, Noctunre of Shadow, Mashi, Thiannon
Best Host: Kman, Bird,
TWGer You Would Want On Your Side: Verm, Bird, fank,
Hardest TWGer To Read: Mashi,
Most Suspicious TWGer: BDS, K-Night,
Most Inactive TWGer: Shadowkirby, Olimar,
Most Unconventional TWGer: Slow, Mashi, fank, Davy
Most Likely To Dances With Wolves: Kman, Toby,

Winners of Superlatives 2013:

Yearbook Awards:

Most Positive:
Who is the one person who you just cannot get down? - mariolegofan!

This guy burst onto the forums some time ago and has since burst into our hearts with his unique brand of cheeriness and can-do attitude.

I think he's faking it.

Our first award is tie between SlowPokemon and Ruto!

Yes, the two friendliest people on the entire site. I cannot think of a more apt duo than these two.

Well, I can, but I didn't vote, so there you go.

The award goes to - Mashi!

Mashi is a cool dude, and always has something nice to say about anything and anyone he talks to. I once remember a time when he talked a guy down from a ledge by complimenting his climbing skills for getting up there in the first place.

What? That didn't happen?

As if there was any other - JaMaHA!

It really must take some serious muscle to wield that BanHammertm with such zeal and confidence. And he served some time in the armed forces too? Ladies if you aren't swooning for this hunk of a man, you better start.

I'd swoon but I prefer my men to be more technically inclined rather than a blob of strength.

And who among us has the biggest brain? - Ruto!

Ruto is sooper smert and has big brain to. She knows how to science and fact check and all sorts of other smart stuff things she do.

I, on the other hand, am only a humble musician who knows how to Google, which isn't sciencing.

Best Eyes:
And who has all of us gazing into their eyes and getting lost in their vast wonder?


Who the f*** is that?

The scariest person on NSM is Kefkaticfanatic.

Don't tell him I said that.

And last but not least -
Most Talented:
Who's the most talented person of all?

It's me, Maestro!

I'd like to thank the Academy and my Peers for giving me this illustrious honor and all I have to say is this:

"I'm glad you all could be here to bask in my greatness. Man, what I would do the be in your place so I can watch my self be the most talented person of time in person. But alas, I cannot. So I must be content with my talent and be comforted in the fact that my talent is of such a high caliber that all others who would so wish to reach it must first find some way to ascend their plane of existence to even reach two levels below my own greatness.

Thank you."

Waddle Bro and Bubbles!

There must be something inherently cute about double consonants, that's the only reason why I can think of as to why I didn't even get nominated for this award.

For shame, NSM. For shame.

And the prettiest person around is - Nebbles!

If you asked me who I thought was the prettiest person on this site, I'd say me. Of course that goes without saying, so I guess Nebbles is a good second according to the voting public.

And the one person who sends all our pants a quiver and makes our naughty bits tingle with anticipation of their hawt-ness?

MM, Nebbles, Bubbles, Slow and SuperFireKirby

Man, that is one super-sexy orgy right there. The only thing it's missing is me, but then that would be a crime against humanity.

Why? Because it's a crime to have such sexy times with an acknowledged celebritypending and show people how wrong they've been doing it for millions of years.

Most Dateable:
This is the person whom you'll will drop everything in an instant for chance to buy them dinner.


Personally I think I'm more dateable, but people keep telling me I'm "aloof" and "unapproachable".

It's not my fault you aren't good enough to ask me out.

Best to Bring Home to Mom and Dad:
And the future Mr./Mrs. NSM is - SuperFireKirby

And I must say, Mom, he is quite the catch. A gentleman and a scholar, too!

Plus I hear he's got a massive [censored].

And finally:
Best Couple:
Which two (or more) lovebirds just make you go "aww"?

Fingerz + Pit0010, Kman + Shadowkirby

Talk about some matches mined, refined, and produced into a fine commercial product in heaven. Imagine if they want on a double date?

Imagine if I went with them? What? I'll have you know I'm a great mood setter for the sexy times.

NSM Technical Awards of Greatness

In honor of those who make this site run as smoothly as it does.

Interpret that as you will.

Best Sheet Reviewer:
This is a job that deserves a lot of praise, so let us heap a some bolded text on them like a medal of honor.


This man is probably single handedly responsible for the largest and fastest improvement of quality on the site in a long time. It's too bad he vanished before he could accept the award.

So I'll take it on his behalf.

Best Moderator:
Moderators are important in a forum because they keep us in line and make sure everybody has a good time.


Bubbles - for keeping or forums, and our hearts, clean and organized.

Well, our forums anyway.

Best Updater:
These are the folks who work behind the scenes and make sure NSM stays afloat amidst a sea of cat pictures and [censored].

And the best of the bunch? JaMaHa

Our lord and master.

Please don't ban me.

Best Arranger:
Arrangements are the life blood of NSM, and the arrangers stand in a class all their own. Mainly because they're the reason this site even exists.

And the one of those who people agree is the tops? DekuTrombonist

Personally I think I should've one this one, but "I don't submit to the site" and that disqualifies me.

I think you just wanted a level playing field.

This is the one who you never want to catch on a bda day. Or a good day. Or even at night.


Don't hurt me, lest you incur my own wrath.

Biggest Fanboy:
This guy loves things almost as much as I love Beethoven.

Which is a lot.

I'm talking full on [oh dear god why would you even do that] right in the butt.


That thing you like is the best thing!

Most Depressing:
Sometimes I wonder why I even bother.

MasterProx, Slow

Such a downer, man...

There is a certain kind of patience that goes on to be able to put up with all of the nonsense that goes on here.


I wish you peace and many moons of tranquility.

Most Ridiculous:
I consider myself a no nonsense guy some I'm just going to present this award and move on.


Best Vocabulary:
Person talks good, gets award.



NSM is on the internet, which means it can be found by people all over the world.

Except China.

The Nationality Awards:

Most European:
Ah, Europe. The cradle of Western Civilization. Paris, Berlin, Rome, Vienna, London.



How are things in Poland?

Most Australian:
An oversized island, if you ask me.


Go fry some shrimp owith a Barbie, you Aussie b******.

Most Canadian:
You mean North North America, right?


Oh! You mean Alaska!

Most American:
What do you think of when you think of an American?

Wait don't answer that.

DrP, SuperFireKirby

Spend, eat, and be merry. The true American Way.

TWG Awards:
I haven't played TWG in quite some time so I'm going to be quick about these.

Best TWG:

Easily the best TWG I've played. If you know what I mean...

Best Human TWGer:

A bird is the best Human in the game? Next you'll be telling me pigeons can fly!

Best Wolf TWGer:

Grr, he's a wolf. Grr.

Most Improved TWGer:
Nocturne of Shadow

You went from not-so-good, to not-so-bad. I guess.

Funnest TWGer:

Woo! TWG! Yeah!

Most Manipulative TWGer:

I assure you all that verm had, in no way, effected the voting process or the counting procedures.

Best Host:

Bird, Bird, he's our man! If he can't host it, then somebody else will probably step up to do it.

TWGer You Would Want On Your Side:

Maniuplation is great if it's in you favor.

Hardest TWGer To Read:

It's as if I'm trying to read a book written in Latin while underwater and blind.

And I only know Portuguese.
Most Suspicious TWGer:

I don't like the way you just sit there and keep talking. And talking. And talking.

Most Inactive TWGer:

I'll say something about this later.

Most Unconventional TWGer:

He's so unconventional that I'm not even going to talk about the award but about some fruit I had earlier.

Oh no, I'm getting 'Nam flashbacks....

No! Not the bagels! My bagels!!!

Most Likely To Dances With Wolves:

I never saw that movie.

b]Only on NSM can you get away with this:[/b]

The man who Frivols more than Frivolity itself.



The Very Best, Like No One Ever Was:
I don't know the rest of the song.

Waddle Bro!

Um. Pokémon?

Most Skilled Gamer:
Records and other high claims are what sets this next guy apart from the rest.


Well, that and being thousands of miles away from everyone else. (Geography joke!)

Best Avatar:
Hey, your picture is a thing of a thing!

TWG Link

Wait, you're not even a real person!

Best Signature:
You have words at the bottom of you other words that I enjoy looking at.


Or a picture, I don't know. I just keep scrolling.




Best BFF:
Who is the person that we turn to when we have something to share. Or something.

Blueflower, Dude

Makes sense, I wouldn't tell me anything. I'm a terrible gossip. Remember that time I told everyone about Slow's bedwetting problem?

Most Improved:
Growth is an important thing.

Nocturne of Shadow!

Now keep growing and be less terrible!

Randomest:/Most Spontaneous:
I'm going to play Donkey Kong.


Remember Pez?

Most Changed:
You were once a thing and now you're a different thing.

Olimar, Blueflower

It's as if you are two different people now.

Most Likely to Succeed:
And when you do you'll give me lots of money, right?


Just make the checks out to cash.

Most Missed NSMer:
In memoriam:

Shadoninja, Bespinben

Rest in peace.

Most Fivolousestest:



The very being who stands on top of all others.

God, Maestro

I mean, it's only natural that I'm seated in the same plane as the Almighty. I'm just living up to my full potential.

The Maestro Awards for Artistic Achievement:

Best Artist:
Be it pen, pencil, or some other third thing, you sure know how to art.


Also, thanks for painting my ceiling the other day. It still drips, though.

Best Storyteller:
Once upon a time there was a person who told stories.

His name was K-Night

The end.

Best LPer:
Let's Plays are really the highest form of entertainment, these days.

And the winner is Maestro!

I'm the best pilot since Gandhi.

Best Reviewer of Stuff:
Who can describe things and talk about things and explain things to people best?



Best Composer:
[insert music cue here]


Hold on, I'm turning these awards into an Opera.

And finally the moment you've all been waiting for!

Most Likely To Win Most "NSM Superlatives":

Nominated: Maestro!
Actual Winner: Maestro

I win. I am the best.

No, none of you can prove otherwise.

And that's it for the speed round editions of the Second Annual NSM Superlatives!

Yes, no?
Music / The NSM Community Orchestra Project II!
September 18, 2013, 12:07:29 PM
So the first time around I tried too much with little desire to continue working with the material at hand. This time I'm choosing the series we'll be doing so that way I'll actually have a desire  to finish this within a year.

So what'll we be playing?

Super Mario Bros.

QuoteLet's get as many people we can muster to join together to perform a piece that will be a testament to both the website as well as the fantastic talent that comes through these doors. I'm not talking about us all learning one piece to play in unison, nor am I talking about some sort of medley that this site already organizes; I'm talking about a piece, a single arrangement or medley, in which we have 10, 15, 20 pianists each playing a part unique to them! And why stop there? We could even extend this to our other instrumentalists, make this one fantastic event in which we can all participate.

Granted, we'd need someone to arrange all of this, figure out some rehearsal times, and find a way to put this all of this, but I think we could get this done before school starts back up in August. I am aware that some of us will be in school during this period, including myself; but what's the point of music if not to try something ambitious.

Once again, if you are interested in playing this please sign up with whatever instruments you want to play with. I ask that if you signup you have a means of being able to record yourself, Video preferred, but audio at the very least.

1. MaestroUGC - Piano
2. FierceDeity - Trombone, Euphonium
3. K-NiGhT - Piano, Violin
4. JDMEK5 - Piano, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Bass, Harmonica
5. spitllama - Piano, Marimba, Vibraphone, Xylophone, Crotales, Snare Drum, Suspended Cymbal, Sleighbells, Chimes, Crash Cymbals, Cowbell, Timpani
6. Zumawe - Trombone, Euphonium
7. Nebbles - Piano
8. Olimar12345 - Bass Trombone
9. Yugi - Piano, Violin
10. MasterProx - Violin
11. TheZeldaPianist275
12. Pit0010 - Piano, Violin
13. Dusk - Piano, Acoustic Guitar
14. garlicbananas - Horn
15. SuperFireKirby - Acoustic Guite, Electric Guitar, Drumset
16. Tangy - Piano
17. Greg - Piano
28. UnkownKirbyMan

and I as we take you on a journey to fantastical lands and wonderous adventures.

Let's Play The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Ep. 1 - "Thus it Begins"
Ep. 2 - "Arachnophobia"
Ep. 3 - "Sticking Around"
Ep. 4 - "It's a Hoot!"
Ep. 5 - "Rocky Road Pt. 1"
Ep. 6 - "Rocky Road Pt. 2"
Ep. 7 - "Eyeballs of Doom"
Ep. 8 - "Maestro's Demise"
Ep. 9 - "Unusual Fishing"
Ep. 10 - "Faithful Ganon
Ep. 11 - "Security Update"
Ep. 12 - "It was the worst of times..."
Ep. 13 - "Fun-House of Terror"
Ep. 14 - "Fiery Pit of Doom"
Ep. 15 - "Fusrodon't"
Ep. 16 - "Winter Wonderland"
Ep. 17 - "Drowning in Sorrows"

Ep. 18 - "Happy Fun Time"

Let's Play Yoshi's Story
Ep. 1 - "In the Beginning
Ep. 2 - "Dragon on Dragon Action"

Ep. 3 - "Sky Worms"

Completed Let's Plays
One Offs
Nintendo / Nintendo Network IDs
May 29, 2013, 11:12:24 PM
Post your Nintendo Network IDs below and make friends with all of us here.

Maestro: MaestroZ
Dude: jamalarky
Olimar12345: Olimar12345
Pit0010: pit0010
Fabian/fabbemannen: JFKgamer
Waddle Bro: WaddlinBrozinsky
Jamaha: Jamaha
DrP: nkonny
Roz~: Laboltuque
SlowPokemon: jordanknapp26
shadowkirby: shadowkirby128
hjm978: hjm978
Yugi: Yugikun
maelstrom.: aginor
fingerz: NinSheetFingerz
K-NiGhT: MartianMedia
Nebbles: Nebbles
Dudeman: dudeman42
NocturneOfShadow: NeurokCommando
ThatGamer: mcbobo
Clanker37: Clanker37
Xoaz: Xaoz553
JDMEK5: Ginkness
pippin97: Wookie216
TheDreamingHawk: TheDreaminHawk
Yug_Guy: Yug_Guy
Bespinben: BespinBen
TheMarioPianist: cqk328
TWG LIII - All the King's Men

1. Black Dragon Slayer, Soldier - Corporal - The King
2. Yugi, Officer - Captain - Citizen - Died Day 4
3. fank009, Soldier - Private - The King's Council
4. The Boy Who Cried Wolf, Clerk - Corporal - Citizen - Died Night 1
5. FSM-Reapr, M.P. - Sergeant - Prince of Shadows
6. The ZeldaPianist275, Soldier - Private - Citizen - Died Night 3
7. gzgregory, Soldier - Sergeant - Citizen
8. Dude, Clerk - Corporal - Prime Minister - Died Night 5
9. Bird, Pilot - Lieutenant - Conspirator
10. Waddle Bro, Officer - Lieutenant - Citizen - Died Day 1
11. Bubbles, Cook - Sergeant - The Royal Guard
12. Mashi, Officer - Major - The Prince - Died Night 2
13. wolf, Soldier - Private - Citizen - Kicked Night 2
14. Vermilionvermin, Soldier - Corporal - Citizen - Died Night 3
15. Thiannon, Soldier - Private - Citizen - Died Day 2
16. Liggy, Doctor - Major - Conspirator - Died Day 3

1. Black Dragon Slayer, Soldier - Corporal - The King
You had nearly infinite power at your disposal and you wasted every bit of it. At the beginning of the game you deferred every decision to Mashi, which was smart considering he's a strong player. However, once he died you basically threw your hands up and said "Now what?" and failed to lead the humans, allowing the wolves to effectively control the lynching decisions since you went by popular vote. You didn't talk to your people on the grounds that "You weren't sure if you could trust them" which lead to them doing nothing and rendering Human team being effectively useless.

2. Yugi, Officer - Captain - Citizen
You didn't do much throughout the game, at least nothing of note. You were just kind of there and threw your two cents in every now and then. A moderate performance, I guess.

3. fank009, Soldier - Private - The King's Council
You have proven yourself to be a very capable player, but you tend to overthink your plans and end up stumbling over them. You have to learn some of the nuances of the game and how it works here, but I think you'll fit right in.

4. The Boy Who Cried Wolf, Clerk - Corporal - Citizen
Died Night 1. Good job.

5. FSM-Reapr, M.P. - Sergeant - Prince of Shadows
You were great at being a wolf. You layed so low most people didn't even notice you and was able to make some effective decisions that brought the wolves closer to victory. Most of you performance was in the shadows and that was done really well.

6. The ZeldaPianist275, Soldier - Private - Citizen
You were a human, and you didn't get yourself lynched, so I'd say you did alright.

7. gzgregory, Soldier - Sergeant - Citizen
You disappeared halfway through the game, but you at least chimed in from time to time before that.

8. Dude, Clerk - Corporal - Prime Minister
You were a good human, until you threw a fit mid-way threw the game and revealed the roles of the specials. This was a spiteful move for an ultimately dumb reason. "BDS isn't talking to me, so I'm going to tank the human team." This was a despicable move and I'm recommending a one game ban.

9. Bird, Pilot - Lieutenant - Conspirator
You were a very strong wolf, and you managed to stay one step ahead of the humans most of the time. Combined with the rest of your team it's no surprise that you guys won without much resistance.

10. Waddle Bro, Officer - Lieutenant - Citizen
You were the first lynch, due to inactivity as per the norm around here. Good job.

11. Bubbles, Cook - Sergeant - The Royal Guard
You played a good game until after BDS stopped communicating with you. Instead of getting mad you just stopped playing altogether. Bad form, young miss. Bad form.

12. Mashi, Officer - Major - The Prince
You were effectively the leader of the human team, with BDS acting as your proxy. He went to you and you either course corrected him or affirmed his decisions. Then you died and everything went to sh*t. Yay!

13. wolf, Soldier - Private - Citizen
Inactive. Unceremoniously kicked.

14. Vermilionvermin, Soldier - Corporal - Citizen
You were a strong asset to the human team, and you had some good hunches that would've proven useful had the wolves not taken you out.

15. Thiannon, Soldier - Private - Citizen
You were active and looked as if you were going to be useful, but you were lynched Day 2 and that was the end of that. Yay.

16. Liggy, Doctor - Major - Conspirator
You didn't do much this game, but when the humans were pulling straws your name came up and BDS chose you. Why? I'm not too sure.

Overall, the humans performed terribly. Sure, the Wolf team was unusually strong (Bird, FSM, Liggy, and fank), but the humans just did not get a footing. BDS is single handedly responsible for the failure of the humans. He didn't effectively unite the players into making cohesive moves. He alienated his own alliance and he ultimately lead to the total chaos that was the lynching process. I don't even have words to describe how badly the humans did. All the power was seated with BDS and he fell on his typical paranoia that lead to his failure.

Well I hope you had fun. I'm going to take this time to say this will be my last TWG. Probably not forever, but at least for a long time. I just don't have the time to manage hosting a game, and I barely have time to effectively play one either. You'll probably see me hanging around the chatroom and commenting in the forum from time to time, but this is going to be my last game.

I've had fun, and I hope to have more fun later. You people play well while I'm away, because I expect a challenge when I get back. For now I'll just say this, Go Wolves.

The Werewolf Game / TWG LIII: All the King's Men
May 14, 2013, 12:30:47 PM
TWG LIII – All the King's Men
War! There is great civil unrest, and a conspiracy has been uncovered to kill the King. A coup has been staged, and it is your job to find the conspirators and bring them to justice. Most of the movement has been apprehended, but 4 of the conspirators have gone undetected and they are capable of acting out their intentions.

 - The King has Full Authority, only the one who "Wears the Crown" is allowed to lynch somebody. The Crown Bearer PM's his vote to the host and can change it anytime during the day phase.
 - The one in Power sends the Host a PM with His/Her choice.
 - The Public (All players excluding the King and the Prince [Royalty]) can opt to Veto the Crown Bearer's choice through Public Vote.
 - Vetos requires a 2/3 majority vote for success. This is counted for total possible vote count. The King and Prince cannot vote. Game start: 2/3=10 votes out of 15 total.
 - The King and Prince know each other. All of the wolves know each other.
 - State of Powers is as follows: King>Prince>Council>Public Vote
 - The Public Vote functions like normal voting. One lynch per day, wolfings occur as normal.
 - There will be an announcement each time the Crown moves, or when the game enters into Public Voting. It will not be announced on which player the Crown sits.
 - Wolves win when their numbers equal the humans. Humans win when all of the wolves are dead.

16 Players:
Prince of Shadows – Master Wolf, the mastermind behind the movement.
2 Conspirators – 2 soldiers dedicated to the movement.
The King's Council – A traitor; if he is killed, one name of a conspirator will be announced (Prince of Shadow's name is last on the list for reveal). If he dies while in power then the lynching will revert to a Public Vote.

The King – Our sovereign leader, if he dies power goes to the Prince. No Voting Power.
The Prince – Next in line for the throne, if both the King and Prince Die, the Charismatic Wolf assumes Power. No Voting Power.
Prime Minister – Has double voting power.
The Royal Guard – Guardian
8 Citizens – People loyal to the King

There is no seer, so the colors are mainly for show/makes it easier to tell the roles apart. I'll clear up the language later, since I'm big on theming I plan on using terms and phrases when posting updates and the like.

1. Black Dragon Slayer, Soldier - Corporal
2. Yugi, Officer - Captain
3. fank009, Soldier - Private
4. The Boy Who Cried Wolf, Clerk - Corporal
5. FSM-Reapr, M.P. - Sergeant
6. The ZeldaPianist275, Soldier - Private
7. gzgregory, Soldier - Sergeant
8. Dude, Clerk - Corporal
9. Bird, Pilot - Lieutenant
10. Waddle Bro, Officer - Lieutenant
11. Bubbles, Cook - Sergeant
12. Mashi, Officer - Major
13. wolf, Soldier - Private
14. Vermilionvermin, Soldier - Corporal
15. Thiannon, Soldier - Private
16. Liggy, Doctor - Major
TWG LIII – All the King's Men
War! There is great civil unrest, and a conspiracy has been uncovered to kill the King. A coup has been staged, and it is your job to find the conspirators and bring them to justice. Most of the movement has been apprehended, but 4 of the conspirators have gone undetected and they are capable of acting out their intentions.

 - The King has Full Authority, only the one who "Wears the Crown" is allowed to lynch somebody.
 - The one in Power sends the Host a PM with His/Her choice.
 - The Public (All players excluding the King and the Prince [Royalty]) can opt to Veto the Crown Bearer's choice through Public Vote.
 - Vetos requires a 2/3 majority vote for success. This is counted for total possible vote count. The King and Prince cannot vote. Game start: 2/3=10 votes out of 15 total.
 - The King and Prince know each other. All of the wolves know each other.
 - State of Powers is as follows: King>Prince>Council>Public Vote
 - The Public Vote functions like normal voting. One lynch per day, wolfings occur as normal.
 - There will be an announcement each time the Crown moves, or when the game enters into Public Voting. It will not be announced on which player the Crown sits.
 - Wolves win when their numbers equal the humans. Humans win when all of the wolves are dead.

16 Players:
Prince of Shadows – Master Wolf, the mastermind behind the movement.
2 Conspirators – 2 soldiers dedicated to the movement.
The King's Council – A traitor; if he is killed, one name of a conspirator will be announced (Prince of Shadow's name is last on the list for reveal). If he dies while in power then the lynching will revert to a Public Vote.

The King – Our sovereign leader, if he dies power goes to the Prince. No Voting Power.
The Prince – Next in line for the throne, if both the King and Prince Die, the Charismatic Wolf assumes Power. No Voting Power.
Prime Minister – Has double voting power.
The Royal Guard – Guardian
8 Citizens – People loyal to the King

There is no seer, so the colors are mainly for show/makes it easier to tell the roles apart. I'll clear up the language later, since I'm big on theming I plan on using terms and phrases when posting updates and the like.

1. Black Dragon Slayer, Smith
2. Yugi, Unemployed
3. fank009, Cobbler
4. The Boy Who Cried Wolf, Rancher
5. FSM-Reapr, Electrician
6. The ZeldaPianist275, Baker
7. gzgregory, Carpenter
8. Dude, Dancer
9. Bird, Pilot
10. Waddle Bro, Veterinarian
11. Bubbles, Chef
12. Mashi, Teacher
13. wolf, Farmer
14. Vermilionvermin, Lawyer
15. Thiannon, Sheriff
16. Liggy, Doctor

TWG XLVII: Relax, I'm a Doctor
3 Wolves:
Doctor Victor von Doom – Master Wolf
Arch-Nemesis to Reed Richards, leader of the Fantastic Four, the only man who can match his intellect; possibly the world's most dangerous villain, he manages to stay one step ahead of everyone.; he takes two hits to kill.

Doctor Frankenstein – Brutal Wolf
Known for his bizarre experiments, a rumor circulated that the man created some sort of beast that escaped. Frankenstein was last known to be in the Antarctic, presumably chasing his lost creation. Can be revived, but the monster cannot.

Doctor Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik – Wolf
Once planning to rule the world by turing the small fuzzy creatures into his robotic slaves, he has been thwarted numerous times by a quick little blue hedgehog.

9 Humans...Mostly:

4 Specials:
The Doctor – Guardian
A Time Lord; not much is known about this odd little man, but he is possibly the world's greatest hero nobody's ever heard of. He carries the Sonic Screwdriver, which allows the user to one vote each day phase, goes into effect during the tally. Not a human.

Doctor John Watson – Seer
Sherlock Holmes' "Man Friday", the time the good Doctor spent with Holmes gave him incredible deductive powers that allow him to see through even the most devious of charades.

Doctor Emmett Brown – Psychic
Built a time machine out of a DeLorean, presumably to travel the Space-Time Continuum in style; he can take another player of his choosing to either the future or past. Going to the past allows both players to adjust their votes from one day to a different player; going to the future will give them safe passage to the next day phase. He carries Gray's Almanac, granting the holder a tally of used powers throughout the game. The Almanac can only be used once all game, meaning the reader will only be told everything once he/she uses it.

Doctor Gregory House – Reviver
One of the greatest Medicine men of all times, his quick deductions and near encyclopedic knowledge of the human body grant him the ability to Revive dead players, but they must be a human for him to be successful.

4 Humans:
Doctor Zhivago – Human
A master of Zen like focus, his work on inner peace gives him an almost inhuman control of negative emotions. Takes two hits two kill, votes count for half.

Doctor Strangelove – Crazy
A former Nazi scientist, Dr. Strangelove is now working for the US Government during the Cold War. Absolutely mad, handle with Caution, his death means an immediate Game Over, No winner, No loser, just Mutually Assured Destruction.

Doctor Leonard H. "Bones" McCoy – Human
Chief Medical Officer aboard the Starship Enterprise, and will always remind that he's a Doctor, not anything else. He's also a damn good shot, and will survive a KitB if he has to.

Doctor Evil – Miller
Has aspirations to take over the world, but thwarted by the "International Man of Mystery" Austin Powers. He has since defected to the good guys, but with a name like Evil how much can you actually trust the man?

1 Rogue:
Doctor Henry Jekyll/Mr. Edward Hyde – Rogue
Mild mannered Henry Jekyll by day, ferocious beast Edward Hyde by night; each day he counts as a human, but has no voting power (votes=0), but each night he goes rogue and can kill any player he wishes. He is not considered a wolf at night. Win conditions: Hyde must kill either Doctor Doom or the Doctor; being killed by either side doesn't count, and must survive until the end of the game. If he's killed one of the above players by game's end, then he wins; if not then the appropriate team will be the victor. Not a human.

1. Dr. Bubbles, D. A. - Doctor John Watson – Seer
2. Dr. Boy, O. D. - Doctor Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik – Wolf
3. Dr. B. D. Slayer, D. C. N. - Doctor Henry Jekyll/Mr. Edward Hyde – Rogue
4. Dr. Yugi, D. D. S. - Doctor Evil – Miller
5. Dr. Waddle, D. C. - Doctor Leonard H. "Bones" McCoy – Human
6. Dr. Liggy, Psy. D. - Doctor Zhivago – Human
7. Dr. Hunter, D. D. - Doctor Emmett Brown – Psychic
8. Dr. Sheikah, D. P. A. - Doctor Victor von Doom – Master Wolf
9. Dr. Dude, D. H .S./Dr. Mashi, D. F. - The Doctor – Guardian
10. Dr. Vermilion, Ph. D. - Doctor Frankenstein – Brutal Wolf
11. Dr. Bird, D. V. M. - Doctor Gregory House – Reviver
12. Dr. T. Z. Pianist, Au. D. - Doctor Strangelove – Crazy

Analyses will be up later. Congratulations to our winner: BlackDragonSlayer!
The Werewolf Game / TWG XLVII - Relax, I'm a Doctor
January 22, 2013, 10:48:58 PM
TWG XLVII: Relax, I'm a Doctor

Is there a Doctor in the house? Oh, it looks like there are only Doctors in this house, let's get a head count:

12 Players:

3 Wolves:
Doctor Victor von Doom – Master Wolf
Arch-Nemesis to Reed Richards, leader of the Fantastic Four, the only man who can match his intellect; possibly the world's most dangerous villain, he manages to stay one step ahead of everyone.; he takes two hits to kill.

Doctor Frankenstein – Brutal Wolf
Known for his bizarre experiments, a rumor circulated that the man created some sort of beast that escaped. Frankenstein was last known to be in the Antarctic, presumably chasing his lost creation. Can be revived, but the monster cannot.

Doctor Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik – Wolf
Once planning to rule the world by turing the small fuzzy creatures into his robotic slaves, he has been thwarted numerous times by a quick little blue hedgehog.

9 Humans...Mostly:

4 Specials:
The Doctor – Guardian
A Time Lord; not much is known about this odd little man, but he is possibly the world's greatest hero nobody's ever heard of. He carries the Sonic Screwdriver, which allows the user to one vote each day phase, goes into effect during the tally. Not a human.

Doctor John Watson – Seer
Sherlock Holmes' "Man Friday", the time the good Doctor spent with Holmes gave him incredible deductive powers that allow him to see through even the most devious of charades.

Doctor Emmett Brown – Psychic
Built a time machine out of a DeLorean, presumably to travel the Space-Time Continuum in style; he can take another player of his choosing to either the future or past. Going to the past allows both players to adjust their votes from one day to a different player; going to the future will give them safe passage to the next day phase. He carries Gray's Almanac, granting the holder a tally of used powers throughout the game. The Almanac can only be used once all game, meaning the reader will only be told everything once he/she uses it.

Doctor Gregory House – Reviver
One of the greatest Medicine men of all times, his quick deductions and near encyclopedic knowledge of the human body grant him the ability to Revive dead players, but they must be a human for him to be successful.

4 Humans:
Doctor Zhivago – Human
A master of Zen like focus, his work on inner peace gives him an almost inhuman control of negative emotions. Takes two hits two kill, votes count for half.

Doctor Strangelove – Crazy
A former Nazi scientist, Dr. Strangelove is now working for the US Government during the Cold War. Absolutely mad, handle with Caution, his death means an immediate Game Over, No winner, No loser, just Mutually Assured Destruction.

Doctor Leonard H. "Bones" McCoy – Human
Chief Medical Officer aboard the Starship Enterprise, and will always remind that he's a Doctor, not anything else. He's also a damn good shot, and will survive a KitB if he has to.

Doctor Evil – Miller
Has aspirations to take over the world, but thwarted by the "International Man of Mystery" Austin Powers. He has since defected to the good guys, but with a name like Evil how much can you actually trust the man?

1 Rogue:
Doctor Henry Jekyll/Mr. Edward Hyde – Rogue
Mild mannered Henry Jekyll by day, ferocious beast Edward Hyde by night; each day he counts as a human, but has no voting power (votes=0), but each night he goes rogue and can kill any player he wishes. He is not considered a wolf at night. Win conditions: Hyde must kill either Doctor Doom or the Doctor; being killed by either side doesn't count, and must survive until the end of the game. If he's killed one of the above players by game's end, then he wins; if not then the appropriate team will be the victor. Not a human.

All items can be traded. To give another Player an item, PM me the name of both the item and recipient, they will get the item at the start of the next phase. If the sender dies, the item will still be sent; if the recipient dies, the item will be returned to the sender.

1. Dr. Bubbles, D. A.
2. Dr. Boy, O. D.
3. Dr. B. D. Slayer, D. C. N.
4. Dr. Yugi, D. D. S.
5. Dr. Waddle, D. C.
6. Dr. Liggy, Psy. D.
7. Dr. Hunter, D. D.
8. Dr. Sheikah, D. P. A.
9. Dr. Dude, D. H .S.
10. Dr. Vermilion, Ph. D.
11. Dr. Bird, D. V. M.
12. Dr. T. Z. Pianist, Au. D.

1. Dr. Mashi, D. F.
TWG XLVII: Relax, I'm a Doctor

Is there a Doctor in the house? Oh, it looks like there are only Doctors in this house, let's get a head count:

12 Players:

3 Wolves:
Doctor Victor von Doom – Master Wolf
Arch-Nemesis to Reed Richards, leader of the Fantastic Four, the only man who can match his intellect; possibly the world's most dangerous villain, he manages to stay one step ahead of everyone.; he takes two hits to kill.

Doctor Frankenstein – Brutal Wolf
Known for his bizarre experiments, a rumor circulated that the man created some sort of beast that escaped. Frankenstein was last known to be in the Antarctic, presumably chasing his lost creation. Can be revived, but the monster cannot.

Doctor Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik – Wolf
Once planning to rule the world by turing the small fuzzy creatures into his robotic slaves, he has been thwarted numerous times by a quick little blue hedgehog.

9 Humans...Mostly:

4 Specials:
The Doctor – Guardian
A Time Lord; not much is known about this odd little man, but he is possibly the world's greatest hero nobody's ever heard of. He carries the Sonic Screwdriver, which allows the user to one vote each day phase, goes into effect during the tally. Not a human.

Doctor John Watson – Seer
Sherlock Holmes' "Man Friday", the time the good Doctor spent with Holmes gave him incredible deductive powers that allow him to see through even the most devious of charades.

Doctor Emmett Brown – Psychic
Built a time machine out of a DeLorean, presumably to travel the Space-Time Continuum in style; he can take another player of his choosing to either the future or past. Going to the past allows both players to adjust their votes from one day to a different player; going to the future will give them safe passage to the next day phase. He carries Gray's Almanac, granting the holder a tally of used powers throughout the game. The Almanac can only be used once all game, meaning the reader will only be told everything once he/she uses it.

Doctor Gregory House – Reviver
One of the greatest Medicine men of all times, his quick deductions and near encyclopedic knowledge of the human body grant him the ability to Revive dead players, but they must be a human for him to be successful.

4 Humans:
Doctor Zhivago – Human
A master of Zen like focus, his work on inner peace gives him an almost inhuman control of negative emotions. Takes two hits two kill, votes count for half.

Doctor Strangelove – Crazy
A former Nazi scientist, Dr. Strangelove is now working for the US Government during the Cold War. Absolutely mad, handle with Caution, his death means an immediate Game Over, No winner, No loser, just Mutually Assured Destruction.

Doctor Leonard H. "Bones" McCoy – Human
Chief Medical Officer aboard the Starship Enterprise, and will always remind that he's a Doctor, not anything else. He's also a damn good shot, and will survive a KitB if he has to.

Doctor Evil – Miller
Has aspirations to take over the world, but thwarted by the "International Man of Mystery" Austin Powers. He has since defected to the good guys, but with a name like Evil how much can you actually trust the man?

1 Rogue:
Doctor Henry Jekyll/Mr. Edward Hyde – Rogue
Mild mannered Henry Jekyll by day, ferocious beast Edward Hyde by night; each day he counts as a human, but has no voting power (votes=0), but each night he goes rogue and can kill any player he wishes. He is not considered a wolf at night. Win conditions: Hyde must kill either Doctor Doom or the Doctor; being killed by either side doesn't count, and must survive until the end of the game. If he's killed one of the above players by game's end, then he wins; if not then the appropriate team will be the victor. Not a human.

All items can be traded. To give another Player an item, PM me the name of both the item and recipient, they will get the item at the start of the next phase. If the sender dies, the item will still be sent; if the recipient dies, the item will be returned to the sender.

1. Dr. Bubbles, D. A.
2. Dr. Bin, O. D.
3. Dr. B. D. Slayer, D. C. N.
4. Dr. Fox, D. D. S.
5. Dr. Waddle, D. C.
6. Dr. Liggy, Psy. D.
7. Dr. Hunter, D. D.
8. Dr. Sheikah, D. P. A.
9. Dr. Dude, D. H .S.
10. Dr. Vermilion, Ph. D.
11. Dr. Bird, D. V. M.
12. Dr. T. Z. Pianist, Au. D.

1. Dr. Mashi, D. F.

The Doctors will be with you shortly.
Gaming / Maestro Plays Games Too!!!!!
January 15, 2013, 06:40:45 PM
I like video games, so I want to review them to. No fluff, just a straight foward review. Let's start with classic game, yes?

Super Mario 64

Is good game. I like it. Mayro jumps and kicks. Spin Bowser. Save Princess Pear.

Rating: 10/Kumquat

Too short.

Rating: 1/10/Kumquat pie

Go play.

Well, I hope you liked it. Expect more reviews later? In the meantime, feel free to post your own reverends while you wait in the meantime.

Table of Complaints:
Super Mario 64 - Look up you dumb-bumb
Super Mario World 2 - An adventure in babystting
Pikmin - Flower Power!
Diddy Kong Racing - The best Mario Kart
Luigi's Mansion - Resident Mario, if you will
The NES Mario Games - All terrible movies
Mario Kart 64 - The best Mario Kart
BattleTanx - Tanx-a-plooza!
Pikmin 2 - Flowerer Powerer-er!
Wario Land 4 - The best your nightmares can offer
Super Mario Sunshine - Public Service: The Game
Nintendo Land - Not quite Mario Party
Superman [N64] - Winner of "Most Soul Crushing Game of All Time"
Lego Racers - The Game Nuts and Bolts wishes it could be
Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2 - World Domination for Fun and Profit
Mario Party - Because Lady Fortuna hates you
Paper Mario - Mario is 2D at last again for the first time!
Super Smash Bros. - Because beating the sh*t out of bad guys isn't enough
Worms Series Summary - It isn't violence if it's worm on worm
Top Ten Mario Kart Tracks - Lists are fun
Banjo-Kazooie - Mmfm, it's so good
The Neverhood - Oh Gawd, it's so wonderful
Super Mario Galaxy - Mario in Space
Yoshi's Story - Nintendo's Baby Game for Babies
Conker's Bad Fur Day - Rated M for MostwonderfulthingI'veeverwitnessed
New Super Mario Bros. - More Mario, More Money
Wario World - Because Talent
Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards - Just for you, Blue
Slow Reviews Stuff and junk - Happy Birthday
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door - Paper cuts galore
Donkey Kong Country - A game about monkeys
Super Mario World - A nice game A piece of s***
Monopoly - Money 'n' s***
Super Mario 3D World - Game of the Year 2013
Wii Music - Beethoven never sounded so terrible
The Wonderful 101 - It's just so... Wonderful
Dig Dug - the Diggening
Mario Kart 8 - Almost Perfect Mario Kart
Fortune Street - Monopoly, but in the Real World
Feedback / NSM as a business?
January 01, 2013, 06:26:49 PM
I think I've figured out the problem with the updates:

We're all students trying to be editors/publishers.

This site has the desire to be a free, user-based publisher for VG Music. The free, user-based part denotes the idea of it being a hobby, which it is for most, if not all, of us here. The Publisher part denotes the intention of this being a thriving business, with full time updaters and contributers.

The thing is, that last part takes time and energy that none of us can afford to give the site it requires. Hell, the man who owns it barely has enough time for maintenance, from what I've seen. With all of us being students or have full time jobs, or some combination of the two, we don't have the time to devote to this. In order for updates to be regular, we need a few people on full-time staff whose only job is to run updates, maybe an additional person to act as an editor if needed. The thing is, the only way people would agree to this is the prospect of being paid, or otherwise compensated for their time.

In order for this site to flourish it needs time, care, and attention. Yes, things are better than they were a few years ago during the great drought, but the site isn't exactly thriving. We have the content, but none of the ambition to do anything with it.

Those two people who were just hired? They have other obligations, more pressing ones than attending to this hobby of ours. Now if this changes over the next few weeks and updates start flowing in, then congratulations, you've found something that works. If not, then you need to find people who can devote themselves to this site. This site has the potential of become the largest Piano-based VG Music site on the internet, yes it already is, but but we've only cracked the surface of the amount of music out there.

tl;dr Stop running the site as a hobby, start running it as a business. Find dedicated, full-time updaters.