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Topics - mikey

TWG CVI: It's Been a Long Time Coming
A Mystery Game

Nine people are trapped in an elevator... wait, I feel like I've heard this before.  Anyway, the elevator is stuck between floors and for some reason two of those nine people want to kill EVERYONE!  Fortunately for the innocents in the elevator, each one of them has a super-secret power that they're hiding from the rest.  With proper use of these powers, you may be able to discover who sabotaged the elevator and bring them to justice!

There is no limit to the type of powers a player can have.
There will be no outside communication.  After all, you're in an elevator.  If you've got something to say, everyone can hear it.
There will be no third party roles.
The setup is designed in a way to severely punish massclaiming.  Be careful about claiming any roles, as it may end badly for you.  This also extends to claiming powers.
A minimum post count of 5 posts per cycle will be enacted this game.  Failure to do so will result in a warning
Wolves have access to a pregame chat and nightchat but cannot communicate during the day.
Humans are allowed a single no lynch, that must be voted on by majority.
There are cardflips.

1. Olimar12345
2. BlackDragonSlayer
3. ThatHiddenCharacter
4. Greg
5. BrainyLucario
6. Trasdegi
7. Toby
8. Mastersuperfan
9. davy

1. FireArrow

Everyone stepped inside the elevator.  Someone pushed the button for the 20th floor.
"Oof, looks like we're going a long way up."
"Haha, this might take a while."
The elevator slowly made its way, the floor counter above the door pinging with each increase.
Someone asked, "Is it supposed to be making that grinding sound?"
"What grinding sound?"  Replied another.

Suddenly, with a loud SNAP, the elevator became weightless.  The emergency brake kicked in and red lights flashed to life.
A voice appeared.  "Everyone, stay calm.  We'll get you out of there in a jiffy."

Role PMs are being sent out.  It is now Twilight.  Twilight ends at 12:00 CST, and that could probably get confusing, so I might switch to MST for future updates.  DO NOT POST DURING THIS TIME.

TWG CVI: It's Been a Long Time Coming
A Mystery Game

Nine people are trapped in an elevator... wait, I feel like I've heard this before.  Anyway, the elevator is stuck between floors and for some reason two of those nine people want to kill EVERYONE!  Fortunately for the innocents in the elevator, each one of them has a super-secret power that they're hiding from the rest.  With proper use of these powers, you may be able to discover who sabotaged the elevator and bring them to justice!

There is no limit to the type of powers a player can have.
There will be no outside communication.  After all, you're in an elevator.  If you've got something to say, everyone can hear it.
There will be no third party roles.
The setup is designed in a way to severely punish massclaiming.  Be careful about claiming any roles, as it may end badly for you.  This also extends to claiming powers.
NEW: A minimum post count of 5 posts per cycle will be enacted this game.  Failure to do so will result in immediate replacement.

1. Olimar12345
2. BlackDragonSlayer
3. ThatHiddenCharacter
4. Greg
5. BrainyLucario
6. Trasdegi
7. Toby
8. Mastersuperfan
9. davy

1. FireArrow
Music / How to fix an upright piano
May 13, 2018, 12:04:10 PM
So our middle C key has been broken for a while and only plays when the soft pedal is being used.  I'm pretty sure I can fix it if I can safely get to the key.  I know some of you are repairpeople so does anyone know how to separate the mechanisms from the entire piano and replace it?
The Werewolf Game / TWG CVI Host Sign-Fedex
May 10, 2018, 05:29:24 PM
If you want to host the next TWG, post your game here.  Games should be balanced for roughly 8 players.
Signups close and voting begins next Sundayish, get your game ready before then.  We'll wait for you!

Potential hosts:
1. Mikey
2. Olimar12345
Game over.  Wolves win!

TWG CV (Off the Grid I):  Roll of the Dice

THE GRID |Roll 1Roll 2Roll 3
Roll 4One-shot VigilanteBrutal WolfVanilla Human
Roll 5Human Odd-Night SeerVanilla HumanVanilla Wolf
Roll 6Wolf RoleblockerHuman GuardianVanilla Human

3 Wolves
8 Humans

1. Olimar12345-Guardian
2. BlackDragonSlayer-Vanilla Human
3. Trasdegi-Vanilla Wolf
4. ThatHiddenCharacter-Vanilla Human
5. BrainyLucario-Vanilla Human
6. Toby-Vanilla Human
7. blueflower999-Vanilla Human
8. Greg-Vanilla Human
9. raeko-Vanilla Human
10. FireArrow-Vanilla Wolf
11. E.Gadd Industries-Brutal Wolf

There were several active players tunneling on each other despite not bothering to read how the arguments were actually playing out.  If they had, they would've realized that many of them were blatantly town/town interactions.  Either way, the sheer amount of infighting allowed the wolves to stay quiet and nobody punished them for their inactivity.  Specifically FireArrow, who I'm awarding Wolf MVP, would certainly have been in the middle of it all as a human, but he passed off his human meta well enough.  This roll was pretty close to balanced, but I expected the guardian to be able to block one of the wolf shots and cancel out the brutaling, which clearly isn't what happened.  I was disappointed to see wolves falling back on lame excuses and staying quiet and inactive and never really being seriously called out for it.  I'm pushing for a minimum post count of 5 per day/night cycle to be enacted to force the issue and not allow wolves to stay quiet, since personally I think of it as cheating.  If you can't make 5 posts every 72 hours, unfortunately TWG is a little too demanding for your lifestyle and trying to play is just going to cause problems in the future.  Toby's angleshooting backfired tremendously, which I hope is a lesson learned.  By definition angleshooting isn't against the rules of twg but it's very against the spirit and as such I can't condone it on NSM.  Please keep things like online stalking and timestamping to a minimum as they wouldn't usually be game-relevant parts of mafia.  Overall this game showcased why you need to put pressure on inactives because you allow wolves to win with minimal effort.  If someone is never present but still voting, take a closer look.  Sheesh.  Other things of note were increased difficulty with discord, which will be addressed in the near future.

Player Summaries
1. Olimar12345
I think your 1v1 with BDS ended up looking really bad on you for no apparent reason, which you would've been able to get out of easily by claiming, and you honestly just died due to pure dumb luck.
Quote[12:13 AM] Gerik "FireArrow": I'm thinking greg is blue
[12:13 AM] Gerik "FireArrow": Although it might be wiser to wolf based on what makes us most likely to survive
[12:15 AM] Gerik "FireArrow": I think we should either go for greg or olimar
[12:16 AM] Gerik "FireArrow": greg is my best guest for special, getting olimar frames bds
[12:16 AM] Gerik "FireArrow": ill let you guys decide
[2:14 AM] Gerik "FireArrow": @Mikey safety wolfing on olimar
[5:13 AM] E. Gadd Industries: That's true, but what're the chances it'll deflect back onto me as well, because Olimar railed on me a bit
[5:14 AM] E. Gadd Industries: I do think it would frame BDS first, though. Thoughts @Trasdegi "Trasdegi" ?
Sucks to be you tbh, but your human read on Toby would've been vital.
2. BlackDragonSlayer
You were human telling the whole time, but I couldn't TELL people that since I wasn't in the game.  Aside from that, where did you go?  Seemed really weird and if you had been here you probably would've been able to stay alive due to raeko's town read of you.  Your answers to some of Toby's questions really were a bit weird, but not in a scummy way, just in a weird way.
3. Trasdegi
Toby caught you out really good with the log edit and if you had faked a log you almost certainly would have died.  However, I don't approve of you skipping out on an entire 48 hours' worth of discussion because of the threat of the log hanging above you.  I know most days you're busy from early morning all the way until bedtime, but 2 or 3 short posts during downtimes isn't too much to ask for.  I think if you had been at a relevant level of activity you would have been caught, which is really unfair for humans.  ThatHiddenCharacter was suspicious of both you and E. Gadd for separately arriving at the same (sheeped) conclusion, so there are definitely things you can work on here.  When you have access to wolfchat, make sure you're planning ahead with your partners on what each of you are going to be presenting and develop an overarching gameplan.
4. ThatHiddenCharacter
The man with the reads himself!  Your gameplay this time around was much improved.  That being said, you were a little bit too self-aware and it came across as slightly scummy.  In the future, just try to play the game and don't worry so much about analyzing yourself- leave that to the people who actually need to analyze you.  You did a good job of picking up on Tras and E. Gadd, but your position in the game didn't allow you to push your suspicions much because there was so much focus on Toby, Olimar, and BDS.  Your analysis comes down to "you did good enough, and you're at the point where I'm comfortable promoting you from newbie to the next rank up, whatever it is."
5. BrainyLucario
You got mislynched because you couldn't be around for end of phase.  I didn't really see a reason for your lynch, but it's technically a good thing you were because Olimar needed to stay alive as long as possible.  There's really not much to talk about here because of that.  Fine job, see you next game (hopefully).
6. Toby
Dude.  Wat r u doin.  DUUUDE.  You were so close this game.  You had brilliant reaction tests on both tras and FA that you discounted almost immediately because you were tunneling on the randomest and dumbest things.  I don't need to give you feedback here because you're good enough to already know what you could've done better.  Just don't forget that someone being suspicious of you doesn't make them a wolf :P
7. blueflower999
Your suspicion of tras was accurate, but you didn't act on it and instead cost humans the game by allowing a wolf rush on THC.  Granted, he probably would have been lynched anyway but you sealed the deal.  Not having access to discord was a bit of a handicap and this is something I'm looking into in the future, also because a lot of people were complaining about having to read or reread large amounts of filler for almost no content.  You did an ok job all things considered, but if you're going to not use the discord try to be a bit more active in the future (I know it's end of the school year and all don't worry).
8. Greg
You played a really vanilla-ey game this time around, not really the gzgregory I remember teaching me how to play.  You were pretty off-base this game but you did a good job at calling FireArrow out for departure from meta.  FA adapted pretty quickly and you seemed to be a lot less suspicious of him in the end.  Overall a solid game, and the big vibe I'm getting is that you weren't really trying too hard at all, which is fine.
9. raeko
You were inactive most of day 1, but day 2 you came at Toby with everything and it was really entertaining to watch from a spectator perspective.  It's nice to have someone who can play hardball with Toby, because usually he does a good job of getting all sorts of random information out of his unsuspecting targets.  Play again soon!
10. FireArrow
Despite slipping (somewhat) concerning the presence of a brutal wolf, you played a really good wolf game and for that I'm awarding you Wolf MVP.  I specifically want to point out a few things about your play that were super good and make for a nice example of solid wolf play in the future.  Most importantly, you recognized that as a towny you'd be way more aggressive toward players and scum hunting in general.  You intitially tried this with Greg, but it didn't stick.  Next (and I really like this part) you consistently and aggressively bussed your partners.  It works so well for you because you can have that towny conviction that they're scum, and it happened to work especially well this game because of the ease at which you pushed the popular wagons as well as their unusual presence this game.  You also managed to hit a special on night 1, but I don't know if that really counts as being well played...  You did a good job at manipulating players away from your partners while still being quite aggressive towards them.  For those of you trying to get better at your wolf game, bookmark this.
11. E.Gadd Industries
inactivity sucks you cheater and toby was totally right, I honestly don't know how you keep passing it off but you've now got a 100% wolf winrate in the past 5 games from playing the exact same way every time.  Maybe you're just that trustworthy?

Update on Statistics
While I won't be publishing the statistics quite yet, concerning the past 5 games (101-105) I've got all the raw data for both players and games incorporated into a spreadsheet.  However, I'm going to add 2 more columns- Special Power and # of Nightkills.  Special power will default to 1, with a subjectively good special game awarding 2 points and a subjectively poor special game awarding 0 points.  The score will be averaged per game, so any players with a score greater than one tend to play well as specials and players with a score lower than one tend to play poorly as special.  # of Nightkills will simply refer to the number of times you've been the target of a wolfing (not a vigi or modkill) to determine how much of a threat you can be.  The number will not be averaged.

Additionally, I'm suggesting a stickied thread with a permanent poll to gauge activity.  This thread can also hold the stats as well as links to every signups/game/postgame on NSM for easier access, as well as quick summaries of those games.
TWG CV (Off the Grid I):  Roll of the Dice

THE GRID |Roll 1Roll 2Roll 3
Roll 4One-shot VigilanteBrutal WolfVanilla Human
Roll 5Human Odd-Night SeerVanilla HumanVanilla Wolf
Roll 6Wolf RoleblockerHuman GuardianVanilla Human

3 Wolves
8 Humans

At the beginning of the game, a 6-sided die is rolled.  The number rolled will determine how the setup is filled; a roll of 2 would produce the following setup:

1 Brutal Wolf
2 Vanilla Wolves

1 Human Guardian
7 Vanilla Humans

Whereas a roll of 6 would produce the following setup:

1 Wolf Roleblocker
2 Vanilla Wolves

1 Human Guardian
7 Vanilla Humans

There will always be 3 wolf-aligned roles and 8 human-aligned roles.  They are merely replaced by the roles in the grid.

1. Olimar12345
2. BlackDragonSlayer
3. Trasdegi
4. ThatHiddenCharacter
5. BrainyLucario
6. Toby
7. blueflower999
8. Greg
9. raeko
10. FireArrow
11. E.Gadd Industries

It is now Night 0.  Night 0 ends when Role PMs have been sent out.  DO NOT POST DURING THIS TIME.  SERIOUSLY JUST DON'T DO IT.  NOT EVEN MEMES.
The Werewolf Game / Mafia Championships: Season 5
April 17, 2018, 01:39:01 PM

Hello there! :)

It is with great pleasure that I hereby invite your community to take part in Season 5 of the Mafia Championship.

The Mafia Championship is an annual forum tournament series that pits representatives from various online Mafia (aka Werewolf) communities against one another as they compete to determine the Internet's greatest forum Mafia player. Each participating community democratically elects one person to represent them and be their "Champion".

The whole thing started back in 2013, and since then more than 225 different communities and 50+ different nationalities have been represented.

I hope it sounds like a fun and exciting event :)


If your community wishes to participate, please confirm your participation to me as soon as you can to ensure yourselves a spot.

If you agree to participate, the deadline for selecting your representative is May 1. If this is too soon for you to decide on anyone, let me know and we can work something out.

The games will take place on Mafia Universe. If it's okay, I can link directly to the general discussion thread regarding this topic on Mafia Universe.

Important notes
  • You may decide yourselves how you want to elect your representative, but we highly recommend some sort of democratic process (public nominations followed by a poll usually works out well).
  • In addition to electing a representative, you should also name an alternate who will be asked to step in if the first choice needs to back out.
  • Your representative should be prepared for having to read upwards of 500 posts per 24 hours during the early stages of the game. Additionally, there's a requirement that each player must make at least 10 posts per Game Day. Only active players should apply/participate. I repeat: Your chosen player needs to be able to promise a good amount of activity on a daily basis.

The tournament structure
  • 170 communities will participate, each sending one representative.
  • 10 Qualifying Games will be played, consisting of 17 players each. I.e. every representative plays in one Qualifying Game. The players themselves vote post-game to determine who is deserving of advancement. 1st place will advance directly to the Finale Game (i.e. 10 of the 17 finalists are found this way), while the 2nd places will advance directly to one of the two Wildcard Games.
  • A Jury consisting of finalists from Season 4 will discuss and vote to determine 25 players in total deserving of a second chance: 1 will advance directly to the finale, and the 24 other players will play in 2 Wildcard Games along with the 2nd places that advanced directly to these. From each game, three players will directly advance to the Finale Game based on a post-game player vote.
  • The Finale Game is played. Once it has completed, the players vote to determine who shall receive the title of Season 5 Champion and a winner's certificate signed by Dmitry Davidoff, the creator of mafia.
The setup explained very briefly (more details on host site)
This (view picture below) is a semi-open grid setup meant for 17 players: 4 mafia versus 13 townies. First you randomly select a number to decide the mafia team's composition of Power Roles (1-2), then you randomly select a letter to decide the town's composition of Power Roles (A-E). Fill in the number of Vanilla Townies needed to make the town team have 13 members total, and you have your setup.

*Town Jack of All Trades: 1x Vigilante, 1x Roleblocker, 1x Tracker.

Relevant mechanics info
  • Day start.
  • Deadline Lynch w/ Option for Majority starting Day 2. I.e. when day timer runs out, person with most votes will be lynched. However, day can also be ended early (starting Day 2) if there is ever a majority of votes on one person.
  • If there is a tied lynch, one of the tied players will be randomly lynched.
  • No outside communication. I.e. you may not contact the other players outside of the thread (unless you are Mafia and wish to speak with your teammates).
  • Phase Lengths and Deadlines will be up to the players themselves (I'll organize them into games with deadlines that suit their preferences).
  • Thread is locked during Night Phases.

There will be 10 Qualifying Games, and your representative plays in just one of these. They will have start dates during the months of May and June. So in other words, as long as your representative can play sometime during that period, they should be good and I'll make sure they get scheduled into a game that suits their schedule well. I.e. if your rep is busy until June, that isn't a problem.

Wildcard games will be played in July, and the Finale Game sometime in August/September (whenever we can work out something that suits everyone).

Kind regards,

If you want to get in contact with me ASAP, you can find me on Discord (Thingyman#6075).

The Werewolf Game / TWG CII: Sign-then-drive event
March 18, 2018, 06:47:19 PM
I know postgame isn't even up yet but let's goooo people

we are now allowing a single sub slot for every 8 then 4 then 2 then 2 people

1. mikey
2. dudeman
3. thathiddencharacter
4. e gadd industries
5. brainylucario
6. maelstrom
7. toby
8. blackdragonslayer
9. brawler4ever
10. firearrow
11. trasdegi

1. blueflower999
2. davy

1. blackdragonslayer
2. mikey
3. brainylucario
4. dudeman
5. olimar12345

If you're hosting submit your game by 9 PM CST March 22nd.
I'm done waiting for dudeman

Greetings, everyone.  Welcome to NSM's Twiggy Awards, an offshoot of the slightly more cutthroat Superlatives.  Similarly to the superlatives, these awards display excellence in several categories to both a winner and a runner up.  However, unlike the superlatives these awards are based on rudimentary statistics and therefore can be considered objective.

Without further ado, let's get underway with...

The Best Host!
The best host is...
Wait, no.  I had the paper upside down, backwards, and folded into a mobius strip.

Congratulations davy for your excellent hosting abilities!  And congratulations to our runner up mikey for being not even half as good of a host.

The Best Wolf!
The best wolf is...
I have a feeling this is just because you've played the most games of wolf in the games I analyzed, but you won nearly all of them, so that puts you ahead of the runner up, Olimar12345!  Congratulations to the both of you.

The Best Human!
The best human is...
*advertisements play*

FireArrow, for some reason.  Probably has something to do with the way you manage to kill multiple wolves in the games you play, but I'm no expert.  Our runner up for this category is the one and only davy.  Give yourself a pat on the back.  You deserve it.  It looks like you end up dying early more often than FireArrow, so that's where the difference is made.

The Best Survivor!
The best survivor is...
E. Gadd Industries!  As wolf and as town, you've survived to endgame more than any other player, only dying at all a handful of times.  Congratulations to your survival instincts.  Our survivor runner up is Olimar12345 for being almost as good at surviving.

The Best Game!
The best game is...
TWG XC- Spliter Personalities!  Congratulations to davy for making such an exciting strategy driven game for such a small number of players!  Our runner up is TWG XCVI- The Great Minnesota Get-Together, because I'm biased.  Wait, it's because I calculated best game by length and general postgame sentiment.  (Sorry, Get in the Bag!  You were close!)

Our final award of the night is...

The Most Active!
The most active player is...
Mikey himself!  You do a good job of saying such stupid stuff that everyone rushes in to start talking.  You're the most active player yourself and you generate the most activity.  Our runner up is BrainyLucario for acting similarly, especially in recent games.  If you think about it, this award is not nearly so positive as it ought to be...

Congratulations to everyone who was nominated, and for those of you who weren't, keep trying, and next year's TWG awards will likely be expanded, since there are a lot of TWG statistics to break down over the summer!
Wow.  First of all, what a game.  Second of all, congratulations to the Human team for their comeback victory.  I had fun writing the story at first, but I ended it for bigger and better things (the whole thing was just a way to show the approach of monika).  If you want to know how the story would end without the presence of monika, a human victory would have led to ghosts=busted whereas the wolf victory allows the survivors to leave the mansion.  With that out of the way, let's look at the role reveal:
TWG 100: Dinner and a Show

Wolf team- as a team, the wolves may choose one player to kill each night.  Wins at parity.
1. Master Wolf- Each night, can send a PM to the host with the name of target player.  If that player is still alive, the Master Wolf receives a PM with the color of that player.  The Master wolf is seered green.-Rachel Scarlett von Karma, alias Bubbles
2. Wolf Cohort- Has no special powers.  Is seered red.-Miguel Antonio Del Rey, Captain of the USS Cleaver and Scourge of the East Sea, alias ThatHiddenCharacter
3. Wolf Cohort- Has no special powers.  Is seered red.-Lt. Kenji Higashi, alias raeko
4. Needy Wolf- If the needy wolf is the last wolf alive, the wolf team loses their wolf kill.  Is seered red.-Tarin Zapin, alias mastersuperfan

Human team- wins when all threats to the team are dead.
5. Seer- Each night, may send a PM to the host with the name of target player.  If that player is alive, receives a PM with the color of that player.  Is seered blue.-Natalie Marina Brady, alias SuperMarina
6. Brutal Human- If the brutal human is wolfkilled, one wolf at random is killed as well.  Is not told they are the Brutal Human.  Is seered blue.-Addison Gardiner, alias BrainyLucario
7. One-shot Reviver- Once per game, during a night phase, may send the host a PM with the name of a player.  If that player is dead, they will be revived at the beginning of the following night phase.  Is seered blue.-Olivier "Olimar" Martinez, alias E. Gadd Industries
8. Miller- is seered red.  Is not told they're the Miller.-Michael Buble, alias Dudeman
9. Traitor- counts for human numbers, but wins with the wolves.  Is seered red.-Tyler Henry Cormaci, alias TheZeldaPianist275
10. Sayori- is told she's a normal human.  Is seered Monika.-Sayori Ishizuka, alias Olimar12345
11. Vanilla Human- is seered green.-Skyler Brasher, alias FireArrow
12. Vanilla Human- is seered green.-Travis de Gillett, alias MaestroUGC
13. Vanilla Human- is seered green.-Gerik Paull, alias Charu
14. Vanilla Human- is seered green.-Zachary Sharpe, alias BlackDragonSlayer
15. Vanilla Human- is seered green.-Daniel Sharpe, alias Trasdegi
16. Khajiit- Begins the game with every item, but cannot use them.  Once each night (except for Night 1), may distribute a single item to target player by sending a PM to the host with that player's name.-Khajiit, alias Davy

Third Party- counts for numbers of neither team.
17. M̦̣͓̀ ̟̖Ò̦̦͖͔͖̜ ̡̱̲͓̞͔͖Ǹ͎̳̳͍͖̟ ̜̥̭͕̤ͅI̱͉̥ ̭̪K͇͕̺̭͞ ̫̹̘͇͍A̩̪͢- wins when it's just Monika.  Can't be wolf-killed.  Each night, may send the host a PM with the name of target player.  If that player is alive, becomes marked. Marked players are privately told they have been marked.  When the number of living marked players becomes greater than or equal to the number of living unmarked players, Monika may send a PM to the host containing the word "boom" to have all living marked players die.  Is seered literally every color except for red, purple, green, and blue.If wolves would win while Monika is still alive, Monika and the wolves both win.-Monika Candelaria/Just Monika, alias Lkjhgfdsa_77

Game Log
Night 1- Nobody is marked.  Davy is seered by SuperMarina.  Davy is seered by Bubbles.  Lkjhgfdsa_77 is targeted with a wolfing, but doesn't die.
Day 1- Davy is lynched.  He was Khajiit.
Night 2- FireArrow is marked.  FireArrow is seered by SuperMarina.  TheZeldaPianist is seered by Bubbles.  Trasdegi is wolfed.  E Gadd uses his revive then cancels it.
Day 2- Dudeman is lynched.  He was the miller.
Night 3- BlackDragonSlayer is marked.  BrainyLucario is seered by SuperMarina.  FireArrow is seered by Bubbles.  Olimar12345 is wolfed, causing monika to become self-aware.
Day 3- BrainyLucario claims seer with a red check on BlackDragonSlayer, who dies as a result.  He was a Vanilla Human.  At this point a night kill on any vanilla human would cause the human team to win as they would have 6 people voting with them, VS the 5 of the remaining humans.
Night 4- Monika starts to take over.  E. Gadd Industries is marked.  Bubbles is seered by SuperMarina.  MaestroUGC is seered by Bubbles.  BrainyLucario is wolfed, activating his brutal human power and killing raeko in the process.  TZP privately claims traitor to brainy.  E Gadd first uses his revive on brainy, which would have been sick, then switches over to davy.
Day 4- TZP goes on a rampage, claiming an orange check on FireArrow, when a seering of monika would actually return unicode/zalgo like sayori did.  Meanwhile, Bubbles privately claims to TZP.  They both lose precious time playing coy with each other.  TZP takes the hit and at this point it looks like humans finally have a chance.
Night 5- Monika completely takes over and the game falls out of my control.  Charu is marked.  Lkjhgfdsa_77 is seered by SuperMarina.  Charu is seered by bubbles.  SuperMarina is wolfed.  Davy comes back to life.  Davy gives the revolver to E Gadd.
Day 5- Lkjhgfdsa_77 is about to be lynched, and E Gadd bravely instakills bubbles with the revolver.  Both Monika and the Master Wolf die, and I get back to being the host.
Night 6- ThatHiddenCharacter, a wolf, is wolfed.  Davy gives FireArrow the knife.
Day 6- Mastersuperfan is insta'd and the game ends.  Human victory.

Player Profiles

You started talking about Khajiit a bit too soon, and due to time dilation, you were unable to defend yourself on day 1, which is really unfortunate.  I forgot to accomadate multiple time zones this game, which I'll change in the future.  However, you were revived and correctly identified the revolver to be the best item, without any information to go off of.  Good job!  You get the Best Guesser Award, because the only person to guess better than you was E Gadd and I don't hand out more than 1 award to a player.
People immediately wolf read you because of your jumpy behavior and your tendency to just rehash what others were saying.  Just act a little more confident in the future and these problems will probably go away.  Stylishly killing yourself is an interesting strategy.  You get the Jumping Spider Award, which is made of cardboard.
Wow.  Okay, somehow you figured out you were the brutal without having any information to back it up, and made a gutsy play by posting something "private" in the public discord.  The wolves immediately jumped on this and almost killed you that night.  Fortunately for them and unfortunately for you, they didn't.  Now, claiming seer was the correct thing to do in my opinion.  However, you should have backed off the BDS train when you realized he couldn't be a wolf.  Simply saying you didn't truly have any red checks but you were pretty sure the game was in LYLO (lynch or lose) would have been better and probably led back to the THC lynch, which was waiting in the wings pretty much the entire game.  I can't give you an MVP award for your plays, because they were mostly awful, but it was a pivotal moment in the game, so I'm granting you the Earthshaker Award, for being the one willing to act as a catalyst for human victory, even if you didn't do much of the work yourself.
You played a really good seer game, even without factoring your relative inexperience.  Wolves didn't consider the possibility you were the seer until very late (though still before you claimed publicly).  It turns out your public claim was the right thing to do, as wolves decided you were more powerful than davy and that allowed the revolver to get through.  I'm giving you Power Role MVP for your tight play and well-placed seerings.
You played moderately aggressively in the beginning-midgame, and as a result made yourself appear so towny that the wolves felt pressured to kill you.  Your reads were fairly accurate and you were willing to go to lengths to eliminate possible wolves.  Since angleshooting is a negative term, I'm going to give you the do wat i want Award!  You make me laugh sometimes.  Well played game, seriously.
You played a pretty standard traitor game, minus the fact that you obviously weren't human from the beginning since your role PM didn't mention the possibility of you being a brutal human :P .  That being said, your fake claim was absolutely genius and took all of the pressure off a THC lynch.  You get the Look at me Award, an award exclusive to these types of roles!
Well, the fact that you were the miller made it seem like someone got a seering on you, but truthfully you got blamed for wolves buddying up to you.  Your reads weren't bad at all, either.  You get the Best Roleplayer Award, for playing an outstanding miller game without even realizing it.
Despite the fact that it was entirely out of your power, you got mislynched and that's something that rarely happens to you.  You're one of the most intellectual players on NSM, and this is reflected in your award: I Voted For Only Wolves!
You nearly cost humans the game by voting on yourself.  Had they realized it and all been active, they could have insta'd you and regained tempo and control of the game.  Fortunately that didn't happen, and you absolutely redeemed yourself by coming back and feeding E Gadd's bubbles suspicion, indirectly aiding toward the final shot.  I grant you the Comeback Award, for players who display a dramatic reversal in gameplay.
After looking at your posts, you had pretty good intuition and your background nature ended up getting you wolfed, which was their tactic for the early game (killing background characters).  For the sake of completeness, you get the Vanilla Award, for being the standard role-player wolf fodder that you were this game.  You also had some sick Monika edits :P
You were initially suspected very early for saying something incredibly towny but not being specific enough.  The next day you came back with an amazing defense, and you were unfortunately picked as the random sacrifice to the brutal human's power.  It's hard to say whether or not you would have been lynched after that, so I'm tentatively giving you Wolf Right-Hand Man.
You started off REALLY, REALLY weak.  Like, weaker than THC weak.  This was entirely due to real life responsibilities, which you managed to juggle well, and then managed to discuss enough information with brainy to make the most important decisions for the human team.  Your incredible late game human play coupled with your raw instinct on the revolver shot means you get the Human MVP award.  Congratulations!
You managed to stay in the background a fair bit, but like some players pointed out, the only time you were really confident was when you were saving a known wolf.  You sort of gave up at the end as well.  You get the Last Wolf Alive Award.
You were inactive at the beginning and ended up... missing your mark.  Ehehehehe!  That was very funny.  Anyway, wolves got lucky and hit you night 1, so you didn't really need to do anything.  I was originally going to give you some kind of lack of effort award, but instead I'm going to give you the Sherlock Award for your close examination of Monika's posts.  The things you missed- the letter to Tyler Cormaci had capital letters spelling out MONIKA and the character chosen for chapter 6 is actually unicode row 6660 column 6.  The more you know!
I wanted to give you cutest wolf award for your constant referral to THC and MSF as your "lil wolf pups", but that's not a real award.  If you hadn't had a fever I'm almost certain you would have survived longer than any of the other wolves.  So I'm going to give you Wolf MVP.  Note that this was a close decision between you and raeko.
You came out swinging as usual.  I've noticed that you have quite an aggressive playstyle, and many of the dead players felt it was appropriate to give you the human mvp award.  If e gadd hadn't been absolutely fantastic, the coveted trophy very well could have been yours.  Your early reads were fairly accurate, though you tended to veer later in the game.  I'm giving you the Wolf Hunter Award for your aggressive search and destroy tactics.
You came in somewhere around midgame after a big fiasco involving rulebreakers.  You showed remarkable determination in the face of adversity and stuck to it even after realizing this wouldn't be your favorite game ever.  Some of your reads were pretty off, but that's okay.  You tried really hard to structure the humans into a cohesive wolfhunting unit, even if it didn't work very well.  I'm giving you the Temmy Award for your willingness to stay.

Hmmm, what else...

Oh!  Yeah!  I've calculated SIX awards promoting TWG excellence as part of TWG 100, and these awards (with runners-up) are going to be revealed in conjunction with the NSM Superlatives.  For those of you who earned one of these six prestigious awards, consider yourselves among the best in your respective categories.

I haven't been around for them all, but it's been a great 100 TWGs and I can't wait to see what NSM has in store for us TWGers.  Thank you all for 100 awesome adrenalin-filled games, and here's to many more.
It is now Day 5.  Day 5ends in 24 hours, at 9:00 PM CST on February 28, regardless of when the actual update arrives.

TWG 100: Dinner and a Show

Wolf team- as a team, the wolves may choose one player to kill each night.  Wins at parity.
1. Master Wolf- Each night, can send a PM to the host with the name of target player.  If that player is still alive, the Master Wolf receives a PM with the color of that player.  The Master wolf is seered green.
"I smell you... Your fear..."
2. Wolf Cohort- Has no special powers.  Is seered red.
"Fresh BLOOD!"
3. Wolf Cohort- Has no special powers.  Is seered red.
"Fresh BLOOD!"
4. Needy Wolf- If the needy wolf is the last wolf alive, the wolf team loses their wolf kill.  Is seered red.
"I smell... you?"

Human team- wins when all threats to the team are dead.
5. Seer- Each night, may send a PM to the host with the name of target player.  If that player is alive, receives a PM with the color of that player.  Is seered blue.
"No-one and no-wolf will get past me."
6. Brutal Human- If the brutal human is wolfkilled, one wolf at random is killed as well.  Is not told they are the Brutal Human.  Is seered blue.
"Whatever it takes."
7. One-shot Reviver- Once per game, during a night phase, may send the host a PM with the name of a player.  If that player is dead, they will be revived at the beginning of the following night phase.  Is seered blue.
"I'm here for you."
8. Miller- is seered red.  Is not told they're the Miller.
"I'm doing things my way.  Step aside."
9. Traitor- counts for human numbers, but wins with the wolves.  Is seered red.
"You'll all see soon enough..."
10. Sayori- is told she's a normal human.  Is seered Monika.
"There are rainclouds... and they won't go away."
11. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
12. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
13. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
14. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
15. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
16. Khajiit- Begins the game with every item, but cannot use them.  Once each night (except for Night 1), may distribute a single item to target player by sending a PM to the host with that player's name.
"Khajiit has wares, if you have coin."

Third Party- counts for numbers of neither team.
17. M̦̣͓̀ ̟̖Ò̦̦͖͔͖̜ ̡̱̲͓̞͔͖Ǹ͎̳̳͍͖̟ ̜̥̭͕̤ͅI̱͉̥ ̭̪K͇͕̺̭͞ ̫̹̘͇͍A̩̪͢- wins when it's just Monika.  Can't be wolf-killed.  Each night, may send the host a PM with the name of target player.  If that player is alive, becomes marked. Marked players are privately told they have been marked.  When the number of living marked players becomes greater than or equal to the number of living unmarked players, Monika may send a PM to the host containing the word "boom" to have all living marked players die.  Is seered literally every color except for red, purple, green, and blue.If wolves would win while Monika is still alive, Monika and the wolves both win.
"...What's the point when none of it is even real?"

Lead Pipe

When a player dies, their role will be revealed.


1. davy
2. ThatHiddenCharacter
3. BrainyLucario
4. SuperMarina
5. TheZeldaPianist
6. Dudeman
7. BlackDragonSlayer
8. MaestroUGC
9. Trasdegi
10. raeko
11. E. Gadd Industries
12. MasterSuperFan
13. Lkjhgfdsa_77
14. Bubbles
15. FireArrow
16. Charu

Substitute: Maelstrom

It is now Twilight Phase.  Players are not allowed to post during Twilight Phase.  Twilight Phase ends when Role PMs have gone out and all players have confirmed their roles.  Twilight Phase will last roughly anywhere from 6 hours to 30 hours, depending on how well everything goes.

It was a dark and stormy night.
"Seriously?  That's it.  I'm taking over."
"What?  What's wrong with that?"
"Dude.  It's a complete joke.  It's been a meme since the 1800's."
"But I like it!"
"It doesn't matter what you like, it matters what they like."
"Never mind- just give me the quill."
I shoved myself aside and grabbed the quill from my hand.  "Ahh..."  I lowered the quill to the parchment and began to write:
It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.
"Woahwoahwoahwoah.  You just shoved him aside for that,  and now you're quoting Orwell?  Double standard much?"
"I don't need to justify myself to you."
"Yes you do- I am you."
"Hmph.  Fine.  How about this?"  I turned again to face the parchment.  Dipping the quill in the well, I once again filled the parchment with neat, even handwriting.
There was a boy called Eustace Clarence Scrubb, and he almost deserved it.
"NO!  NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!"
I turned back to me and sighed.  "What now?"  I questioned.
Just then, I stepped out of the shadows.
"Why not come up with something new?  You know, original?  I'm sure they don't want to read something they've heard a hundred times in school alone."
I suddenly perked up from where I had been pouting after I had been shoved aside by myself.  "Who's they?"
"NEVER MIND!" I shouted in unison.
I turned back to look at myself.
"Maybe you're right.  Let's put our heads together.  With the amount of work we've put into this, we may as well get the beginning as good as the rest of it."
I blinked.  Everyone was gone.  I looked around at the cramped wooden attic-space with just a lumpy, mildewy mattress and a writing-desk, kept illuminated by the baleful flicker of a wax candle.  I sighed to myself.  It wasn't pretty, but it was necessary.
I turned again to the parchment paper.  I took a deep breath.  I thought.  I prayed.  I wrestled with myself.  I had to get this perfect.  It was the only way I would finally get it all back.  Everything I had.  Everything I deserved.  Everything I lost.  Feeling the rage building up in me, my hands shaking, I brought the quill toward the parchment.  I finally knew what to write.
Chapter 1
   Daniel scratched his head quizzically.  He, of all people, had received an invitation to this Dinner and a Show everyone had been talking about?  The stocky teen looked around.  Surely, this was a mistake.  But no, the telegram had his (and his brother's) name on it.  How curious!  He could feel excitement beginning to swell in him.  No more would he be Daniel Sharpe, that other twin, he would be Daniel Sharpe, French exchange student!  Daniel Sharpe, intelligent man!  This was his chance to distinguish himself.  He just had to hide the invitation from his brother.  He swept the thin blonde hair out of his eyes.  His mind began to race with all the possible ways to keep his brother out of this.  Muttering to himself, he trundled up the road toward his home on the hill.
   Tyler Henry Cormaci paid close attention to his note.  It... wasn't what he expected, but at least he had been invited. He wondered if anyone he knew would be at the village.
Rachel Scarlett von Karma sat in the dimly lit chamber musing.  The source of her attention was a handwritten letter on the desk before her, begging for her help.  It was from an old friend of hers, one she wished she had never heard from again.  Still...  Thinking about him, even now, was bittersweet.  Should she take the bait?  For clearly, this was bait.  Not necessarily for her, but she was clever.  Rachel knew when a trap was being set.  For she had set many herself.  Many traps indeed...
 Baron Miguel Antonio Del Rey, Captain of the USS Cleaver and Scourge of the East Sea, was a proud man, to be sure.  So it was to nobody's surprise when he received an invitation from a distinguished character inviting him to some silly little dinner.  Still, a free feast was a free feast, and there would surely be plenty of women there just dying to be at his side.
"Lieutenant!  What are our coordinates?"  He questioned.
He was talking to another man who had a similar aura of confidence about him.  That man was Lt. Kenji Higashi, First Lieutenant of the USS Cleaver, and an old friend of Miguel's.
"Be calm, my friend.  We will arive soon enough."
Miguel Del Ray let out a short laugh.  "My dear man, you know me too well!  One day you'll know me better than I know myself!  Why, you may even become the captain of this fair vessel."
"That would be nothing short of a miracle, sir."
When Skyler Brasher checked the mail that day, he wasn't expecting to receive his greatest wish.  Nor did he realize it was his greatest wish.  All he saw was a plain telegram inviting him to a Dinner and a Show.  He adjusted his glasses, looking closer.  Something about this note seemed... off.  He dismissed his concerns, stuffed the note in his pocket, and left for school.
Hunger.  Anger.  Fear.  He knew these all too well.  He hated those who did not know these feelings as he did.  So when he saw people getting invited to a free dinner, he knew what he needed to do.  A sane man would keep these impulses under control.  Tarin Zapin was not a sane man.
Natalie Marina Brady's house had been turned upside down.  "Where is it... where is it?"  She muttered frantically.  Her naturally curly brown hair bounced up and down as she rushed from room to room, tearing cushions off couches and scattering papers across tables.  There was no way the invitation could be right.  It had to be around here somewhere...
Olivier Martinez was living life and loving it.  The French actor was in the peak of his career, and everyone in Paris knew who he was.  Still, it caught him off guard when he received a curious invitation in the mail.  Coupled with a liner pass to travel to America.  Apparently there was some prestigious Dinner and a Show happening on the east coast that needed his presence to succeed.  It was raising awareness for a strange disease that quite frankly did not sound real.  He was planning on attending anyway, as the travel had already been paid for.  He might even find romance overseas...
My name is Travis de Gillett.  I have evidence that something terrible is about to happen in my town, but nobody will listen to me.  The only chance I have at exposing the truth is at the Dinner and a Show happening this weekend.  To get in, I needed an invitation, but those were in limited supply.  So I forged one.  Sure, I may not be on the guest list, but if I have the invitation they will let me in.  They must let me in.
Michael Buble was curious by nature.  Perhaps it was this very curiosity that granted him an invitation to the Dinner and a Show.  According to this telegram, he was an outstanding citizen.  He had never felt outstanding, but he supposed he could see why one would think so.  He knew basically everyone in town by name.  He knew everyone's daily routes.  The town seemed so predictable to him.  He had been watching it for so long that nothing surprised him.  Nothing until this, that is.
The sun was starting to set.  Michael Buble, Gerik Paull, and Zachary and Daniel Sharpe were up to no good.  Although, to say such a thing would be unfair to poor Daniel, who was a little hesitant with the plan.
"Guys, I'm not sure this is such a good idea.  I mean, it's just a lame soiree!  We don't need to steal invitations from random neighbors."
His twin brother Zachary turned to him.  "You were the one who said he wished he had an invitation in the first place."
"Yeah, but like..." Daniel hesitated.  He had to be careful about what he said.  He hadn't told his brother that both of them were invited, but... should he?  Surely that was a better alternative to whatever crazy scheme Gerik was coming up with now.
Michael interrupted.  "Guys, I hate to break up your little sibling rivalry, but it's now or never."
He pointed toward a young couple, leaving their home with merriment in their steps.  "They're out for the night, we're in for the night."
Gerik smiled.  "Bingo."  The young athlete vaulted over the fence from which the four of them were hiding themselves.   Michael followed him over.
Zachary started over the fence, then paused.  "Maybe you should just stay here."
"Fine.  Get yourself in trouble, and see if I care."
"Why are you always like this?"
"Why are you always like this?
"Ugh.  Alright, just go home."  Zachary finished sliding over the fence and dashed across the field to an open window that Gerik had muscled open moments ago.
Daniel watched closely, his hand unconsciously reaching to his pocket to affirm that the invitation was still there.
Wordlessly, he turned his back to the house and marched back toward his own.
Chapter 2
"Mr. Gardiner, I trust you found your journey here pleasant?"
Addison Gardiner looked down at the man addressing him.  "I did, thank you.  May I set my coat somewhere?"
"Oh, certainly.  Follow me."
The short man with a combover led Mr. Gardiner across a great hall with marble flooring to a coatroom off to one corner.  "None of the other guests will be arriving for some time, so feel free to explore the manor as you wish."
"Thank you," Mr. Gardiner responded.  He let his gaze wander across the hall.  A wooden staircase with smooth banisters occupied the far end of the hall.  Beneath the stairs was a double set of doorways leading into, from what he could see, a library.  On the opposite side of the hall from the coatrack was a white door with a polished handle.  He gently pushed on the door and it swung inward.  An enormous oak dining table with 16 matching chairs, places set, occupied the entire room.  Beyond the table was a swinging door.  He assumed behind it would be the kitchen.
He backed out of the dining room and started up the stairs.  A hallway at the top of the stairs forced him to make a choice and he continued to the left past a row of plain doors.  At the end of the hall was another door.  He pulled the handle and peered inside.  A bedroom.  A vanity and a dresser occupied the wall opposite the door.  To one side lay a four-poster bed.  Very well, he would stay here.  Suddenly, he heard a scraping sound from the hallway.  Thinking quickly, he grabbed a candlestick from the vanity and headed back into the hallway.
"Ah!  Mikey, it's just you.  Goodness, but this place is a bit cheerless, innit?"
"Oh yes, I'm sorry.  I brought your luggage up, Mr. Gardiner.  I take it you'll be staying in this room then?"
"Well, I suppose so."
"Do be careful, I hear that one is haunted," he remarked, giving a roguish wink.
"Hm, yes, quite," Addison replied absentmindedly.  "Well, I've got studies to attend to.  So, if you don't mind..."  He left the dismissal hanging in the air.
Mikey nodded.  "Yes.  I've got things I must attend to myself.  This place will be quite lively soon!"  Humming, he started back through the hallway and down the stairs.
What an odd man, Addison thought to himself.  How did he know...  He couldn't possibly...
Zachary poured a cup of cold water on Daniel's face.
"Hey.  Get up.  This is important."
Daniel winced at the shock and groaned.  "What do you want?  I was sleeping, and it's gotta be like 3 AM."
"You know those invitations we stole from that home?"
"Don't remind me."
"Well, check it out."
Zachary led Daniel to the kitchen, where Michael and Gerik were waiting.
"Look at this," whispered Gerik, gesturing to the invitations.
Unamused, Daniel waltzed over to the table and read the invitations.  His eyes widened with shock.
"What the he-"
"Do you have any clue why they're like that?" Michael interrupted.
"I-I've never seen anything like this," Daniel stammered.  "You stole these invitations, and yet... They have your names on them?!"
Natalie was at the breaking point.  Her house was in a poor state, and her frantic search had only confirmed what the note had seemed to suggest.  Somehow, they had taken it, and she wasn't going to get it back unless she went to that stupid Dinner and a Show thing.
Skyler was feverishly flipping through pages of multiple books, trying to remember...  Why did that telegram seem so familiar?  Something about the writing style was out of place, as if it had been written by multiple people.  He felt like he had seen that before, somewhere.  The night went on as Skyler continued reading at an inhuman pace, digesting information faster than seemingly was possible.  He knew he wasn't going crazy, but he just didn't have the access to what he needed.  Maybe the Dinner would clear things up...
Tyler sighed.  Somehow he had let Sayori convince him into taking her with him to the Dinner.  It was a long enough trip without her constantly chattering.  He glanced sidelong at her.  Sure enough, on and on she went.  Did she know how to do anything but talk?  He silently chided himself for thinking like that.  Sayori was a nice gal, just a bit... enthusiastic.  There is worse company, he decided, as he listened to Sayori now ranting about the difference between brown-eyed susans and daisies.
As the shadows of night enveloped the town, a storm began to roll in, as if foreshadowing the unpredictable events awaiting those unfortunate few who had been invited to the Don Manor...
Rachel was the last one to arrive at the manor.  The rain was coming down heavily now, and her skirt was getting drenched.  She pounded on the knocker and the man with the combover invited her in.
"Thank you," she managed, shivering from the cold.  A large fireplace was warming up the hall, where over a dozen people were socializing, drinking, or admiring the paintings on the walls.  "This is quite the party," she commented.  She turned to look at the man with the combover.  He was nowhere in sight.  Strange, she thought to herself.  Well, I'm here now, so I might as well make the most of it.  She gracefully waltzed over to a group of people and introduced herself.
A crackling sound quickly ended any discussion.  A loud voice rang  out, grainy and clearly unprofessional.  "Greetings, everyone.  I apologize that I cannot be here in person, but as many of you know, I am quite the busy individual.  Fortunately, I should be able to make it to the Dinner and a Show tomorrow.  Now, you all know why you are here, but first I'd like to make a note of who all arrived.  You see, I had a few issues with the guest list, and it seems not everyone has made it yet...
"If you could calmly and orderly introduce yourself to my butler and to each other, we'll have all of this sorted out in no time!"

The man with the combover stood next to the fireplace.  "Well, you heard the master.  Everyone please introduce yourself!  ...Ah, perhaps we should move into the dining room.  Champagne, anyone?"
As everyone got settled in the dining room, each sitting in one of the 16 chairs, they began to introduce themselves, beginning with a strange catlike creature standing upright.
"You may call Khajiit... Khajiit," he said smiling, showing off a row of sharp teeth.  "Khajiit is here on request of employer.  That is all."
"My name is Zachary Sharpe, and this is my little bro-"
"No!  Stop."  A young man identical to Zachary stood up.  "I'm Daniel Sharpe, and we're twins, he said, glaring at Zachary.  "I'm studying here to become an astronomer!"
Zachary sighed and the twins sat down.
A redheaded woman twirling her hair spoke up.  "My name is Rachel Scarlett von Karma.  Pleased to meet you all."  She said that in a tone that made it very clear she was not in fact pleased to meet them all.
"Is nobody gonna question the fact that there's a cat-man in this room?  Cause I think it's weird.  Anyway, my name is Monika Candelaria.  Nice to meet you!"  Monika curtsied.
"I am Olivier Martinez," a man with a thick Paris accent said.  "Please, if it suits you, simply call me Olimar.  You may know me from several French films."
Natalie gasped, then covered her mouth with her hands.  "Sorry!" she squeaked.  "I thought you looked familiar.  Sorry...  I'm Natalie Brady."  Embarrased, she sunk down low in her seat.
"I'm Michael Buble.  I'm a songwriter.  I haven't seen any real success yet, but I feel like I'm close.  Good to meet ya."
Two men simultaneously stood up.  "Allow me to introduce you to the one and only Baron Miguel Antonio Del Rey, Captain of the USS Cleaver and Scourge of the East Sea.  While he prefers you call him by his full title, you may call him Captain Del Rey or simply Captain."
"The great man who introduced me is my compatriot, First Lieutenant Kenji Higashi.  Please show him the respect he deserves."
"But I don't mind if you simply call me Kenji!"
A tall, attractive man spoke up.  "I am Travis de Gillett.  I'm one of the townspeople here, and I'm fairly well-known among them."
Someone laughed.  "Yeah, but not in a good way!"  Everyone turned to look at the man who had interrupted.  "Oh, sorry.  Well, I'm Tyler Henry.  I'm directly descended from the Cormaci royals who settled here a long time ago.  I make my living off the ocean shore."
"Wow, Tyler, I barely recognized you!" a young woman laughed.  "I'm Sayori Ishizuka.  Usually his hair is all sweaty from the sea salt and hard work, but he cleans up nice!  Look at that curly hair!"
" name is Skyler Brasher.  I'm not really anyone special, but recently I've been studying paranormal activity as a hobby."
An older man perked up.  "My name is Addison Gardiner.  I'm here on the owner's request.  That's all you need to know about me.  Feel free to talk to me any time, especially you, young man."
"My name is Gerik Paull.  I do football, basketball, and baseball.  I've got scholarships waiting for me in any of those.  I just really like athletics and being athletic."  He shrugged and sat down.
"Well, everyone's introduced themselves.  Who are we missing?"
The butler pulled out a folded note.  Reading it, he nodded individually at each person sitting down.  "Ah, yes.  It appears we are missing one... Mike Scott."
Suddenly, there was a loud bang.  Several people jumped up to their feet, startled.
"My apologies everyone!  That's just the door.  No need to panic."
Everyone followed the butler back into the hall, where the banging continued frantically.
The butler opened the door.  It would be more accurate to say the butler tried, then the howling maelstrom outside did the rest of the work.  A frail old man fell in through the doorway, shivering.  "I-i-i-i m-m-made it..." he stammered.
"Poor man, let's get you to your feet.  You must be Mike Scott?"
"Mike... S-s-s-scott..."  The man pulled out a crumpled note from his pocket.  "Y-yes, Mike Scott.  That's m-m-me," he said, before his eyes closed and he slumped further into the butler's arms.
"Oh, dear me," the butler tutted.  "Let's get him a warm bed and some tea, shall we?  He'll be right as rain soon enough."
Rachel tiptoed down the stairs and knocked on the door.  It opened a crack, and a feline eye stared at her through it.  "Yes?"
"Listen.  I don't trust you one bit.  I want to know what exactly you're doing here."
"Well, why did you not say so earlier?  Come.  Khajiit will show you."  He opened the door all the way to reveal a bedroom not unlike Rachel's own.  However, this one had a strange table with glass boxes on it.
"I sell these, for your coin.  You see anything you like?" Khajiit purred.
Rachel's eyes wandered over the objects.  Some of them seemed quite valuable, such as a silver dagger.  Others were commonplace or otherwise seemed odd.  Shaking her head, she said, "Maybe later.  Good luck with... your exchanges."  She slowly walked back towards the door and walked upstairs.
Natalie lifted her head from the crack in the floorboards.  "Oh, I wonder what he has down there.  Maybe he has my...  No, that seems quite dubious.  I'd better forget about it.  It's late.  Besides, he doesn't seem malicious.  Not the type to steal from a damsel, anyway."  Natalie climbed into her bed, pulling the thick covers up to her chin.  She soon slipped off into sleep.
The sound of a tinny bell woke Skyler from his sleep.  He groggily rubbed his eyes, then flung himself out of bed.  Pulling on some trousers, he opened his door.  The butler!
"Your breakfast is ready, everyone.  Hop to, my master has an important announcement to make for your benefit!"  He announced.
Skyler met Addison at the foot of the staircase.
"Skyler, was it?  Pleasure to make your acquaintance."
"Oh, yeah..."
"Listen, you didn't hear any activity last night, did you?"
"Nah, I was unconscious pretty quick.  Why?"
"Oh, never mind...  Let's just enjoy breakfast.  I've got something to show you afterwards."
As Skyler sat at the table, he noticed an extra chair had been brought up to one end.  He recalled the events of the previous night, Mike coming in late.  Poor guy.
Soon everyone was seated and eating.  Out of the corner of his eye, Skyler saw Mike Scott shoveling huge amounts of food into his mouth at a time, barely pausing to breathe.  Interesting guy, he thought.  He turned back to his own plate.  Sausage, eggs, toast, and most importantly, bacon!  He chewed on the bacon, tearing it apart.  Delicious.
Rachel ate quietly, concerned.  Something here was wrong, she could tell.  She had expected something to happen last night, but everything seemed accounted for.  And there was something off about this... Mike Scott.  Rachel could see why everyone was here, except for him.  A question.  She smiled to herself.  Maybe he did fit in.  After all, what was all this entire charade except one question after another?
The Werewolf Game / TWG XCVIII: postgame
January 03, 2018, 08:32:02 AM
role reveal:

wolf    -BlackDragonSlayer
human    -FireArrow
human    -E. Gadd Industries
human    -Olimar12345
human    -Blueflower
human    -Trasdegi
sharp order:

Blueflower 6 (until 9 PM)
Olimar 2 (Until 11 PM)
E Gadd 5 (Until 4 AM)
Trasdegi 6 (Until 10 AM)
BlackDragonslayer 5 (Until 3 PM)
Blueflower 4 (Until 7 PM)
Olimar 4 (Until 11 PM)
E Gadd 2 (Until 1 AM)
Trasdegi 4 (Until 5 AM)
BlackDragonSlayer 6 (Until 11 AM)
Blueflower 2 (Until 1 PM)
Olimar 2 (Until 3 PM)

New Phase
Olimar 4
E gadd 1
BlackDragonSlayer 5
Olimar 1
E gadd 5
BlackDragonSlayer 1
Olimar 5
E gadd 6
BlackDragonSlayer 1
Olimar 6
E gadd 3
BlackDragonSlayer 1
Olimar 4
E gadd 1
BlackDragonSlayer 2
Olimar 1
E gadd 1

so as you can see, at the time E gadd chose to insta, BDS actually DID have the sharp, meaning if he had chosen the correct target, BDS still would have won.  Oh well!
The Werewolf Game / TWG XCVIII: pass the sharp
December 28, 2017, 01:45:12 PM
-E. Gadd Industries

pass the sharp

1. wolf
2. human
3. human
4. human
5. human
6. human

after night 1, night 2 starts.  night phases after night 1 are 48 hours long.  after the first night phase, night phases are when lynches happen and wolves kill during the day phases, which will be shortened to 24 hours.  during the night phases players receive the sharp, a mystical piece of paper full of an interesting plant that does the opposite of what we might expect.  the sharp is constantly passed around from player to player in a predetermined random order at varying time frames (picture musical chairs).  if the wolf receives the sharp when the phase ends, the lynch does not go through.  in addition, the wolf's daykill will not go through.  players are not told when they have the sharp

role PMs:

QuoteYou are the wolf.

QuoteYou are a human.

It is now Night 1.  Night 1 ends at 3:00 PM MST on December 29.
Each day you can hurt 2 points divided as you choose among 1 or 2 and heal 1 point

1. Undertale - 10
2. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - 10
3. Super Mario Bros. 3 - 10
4. Dig Dug - 10
5. Halo 2 - 10
6. Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - 10
7. Splatoon/Splatoon 2 - 10
8. Ace Attorney Something About Justice - 10
9. Danganronpa - 10
10. Super Mario 3D World - 10
11. Mega Man (the Best One) - 10
12. Super Smash Bros. Brawl - 10
13. Super Smash Bros. Brawl, but Subspace Only - 10
14. Ghost Trick
15. Kirby Super Star - 10
16. Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker - 10
17. Kirby's Return to Dreamland - 10
18. Kirby and the Crystal Shards or Something - 10
19. Mario Kart Double Dash - 10
20. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare - 10
21. Mario Party 6 - 10
22. Duck Hunt - 10
23. Fallout 3 - 10
24. Pokémon Emerald - 10
25. Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky - 10
26. Shovel Knight - 10
27. Warioland 2 - 10
28. Love Live School Idol Festival - 10
29. Rhythm Heaven - 10
30. Super Metroid - 10
The Werewolf Game / TWG XCVI Post Game
September 25, 2017, 08:17:53 PM
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on September 11, 2017, 05:33:35 PM
TWG XCV: The Great Minnesota Get-Together
Wow!  9 (or 10 (or even 11 (I like to be optimistic (but not really)))) of us all went to the Minnesota State Fair together and we're ready to have a blast!  Unbeknownst to the group of us, two members of the party are unbelievably selfish and want to hog all the [generic food item]-on-a-sticks to themselves.  But we're not going to let that happen.  Are we?

1. Hungry Werewolf- Each night phase, sends a PM to the host with the name of a Player.  That Player is killed.  If that player was holding an Item, the Hungry Werewolf takes that Item.  The Hungry Werewolf never receives an Item during distribution.
2. Fat Werewolf- As long as the Fat Werewolf is holding an Item, if the Fat Werewolf would die, instead becomes a Vanilla Werewolf and loses any Item held.
3. Foodie- Each night, sends a PM to the host with the name of an Item.  The Foodie receives a PM with the name of the Player holding that Item.
4. Fitness Guru- Each night, sends a PM to the host with the name of a Player.  That Player loses any Item they were holding.
5. Control Freak- Once per game, at night, may send a PM to the host asking the host to redistribute the Items.  The Items will be redistributed at the end of the Phase.
6. Vanilla Human- Has no extraordinary powers, but likes food a lot, which is a superpower in its own right.
7. Vanilla Human- Has no extraordinary powers, but likes food a lot, which is a superpower in its own right.
8. Vanilla Human- Has no extraordinary powers, but likes food a lot, which is a superpower in its own right.
9. Vanilla Human- Has no extraordinary powers, but likes food a lot, which is a superpower in its own right.


•Trasdegi-Hungry Werewolf
•davy-Fitness Guru
•Olimar12345-Fat Werewolf
•E. Gadd Industries-Human
•Lkjhgfdsa_77-Control Freak

To consume an Item, the Player holding that Item sends a PM to the host notifying them of their intent.  Once consumed, Items are removed from the game and do not return.

Mocha-On-A-Stick: A Player may consume this Item to revive another Player at the end of the next Night Phase.

Deep-Fried-Baklava-On-A-Stick: This Item is always given to the Hungry Werewolf.  Since nobody likes Baklava, this Item cannot be consumed by a Player and instead can be passed on to another Player as a night action.  If that Player is holding an Item already, they swap Items.

Sweet Martha's Cookies: If a Player holding Sweet Martha's Cookies would die, instead the Item is consumed and that Player's Role is publicized.

Corn-Dog-On-A-Stick: A Player may consume this Item to have their vote count as 2 during the next Day Phase.
This is why you make games humansided.  It went to the final three despite a revive, 4 confirmed players, and two players almost immediately zeroed in on the wolves yet didn't push their suspicions.  It ended up being a really close game, so congrats to the wolves (one in particular) for a game well played.

Trasdegi-  sorry, bud.  You didn't get to play much.  It burns me up that you got wolf read for more or less no reason.  Not much to say here other than better luck next time.  I think you could have put more thought into your baklava choice and maybe even communicate with olimar about it, but you didn't.

Olimar- probably the best game I've seen you play ever.  It's unfortunate you never got an item, because if you had the game would have been that much closer.  You didn't do much communicating with your partner either, but you did a good job everywhere else.  A twist of the rng wheel and you would have won this game easily.

Licky- this is your first game?  Welcome to twg, I hope you enjoyed your first game.  You played pretty darn well for your first time.

Davy- you seemed a little bit distant this game.  You were playing fine, sure, and you were the only one breaking things down mechanically, but you did the work and didn't extrapolate anything from it, leaving that to others.

ThatHiddenCharacter- You played much better this game than last game.  You had 2 mistakes.  First, you revealed that Davy was a special/had an item and the wolves could have capitalized on that.  Second, you claimed foodie too early.  That didn't matter much, but you weren't really under as much pressure as you thought you were.  Well on your way to becoming a solid player.

BlackDragonSlayer- hmm...  Not sure what to say here, other than people obviously weren't meta reading you this game.  E gadd put you under some heat early and that helped lead to your demise, but your overall attitude about the game sure didn't help.

E Gadd-  You're still one of the new players, and I enjoy watching you learn with every game.  You've got a ways to go, but you're enthusiastic and that can take you far. Keep working at it.  You learned a lot about day phase tomfoolery here and I think you added a bit of knowledge to your metagame reads of certain players.  You also survived to the endgame, so you get good points for that.

BrainyLucario- Hehehe.  You took my playbook and ripped up the pages, didn't you?  There are two schools of thought- first is that you save the cookies for when you need them, which is what most people were thinking going into the game.  You decided to get yourself lynched, which was extremely beneficial in this setup, denying the cookies to the wolves and increasing the "confirmed" block of human players.  Your reads we're spot on and if you had trusted your gut and maybe toned it down after day 1 you could have led the humans to an easy victory.

Blueflower- eeeeeeee welcome back to twg.  You played a good game, but your lack of presence from public chat hindered you slightly.  Fortunately brainy had you false claim guru or I think you'd have been dead that much sooner.  You've been gone for a while, but it doesn't seem like you've missed a beat.

Did I miss anyone?  Time for awards.

MVP Award goes to Olimar12345!  Well played.
Most Improved Award goes to THC!  Much better than your last game, but let's not bring that up.
Player on the Rise Award goes to BrainyLucario!  You're an intuitive player, and you've shown tremendous progress during the year.  I have no doubt you'll soon become a twg veteran.

Congrats to the humans to their (bumbling) victory and to the wolves for their superior play.
TWG XCV: The Great Minnesota Get-Together
Wow!  9 (or 10 (or even 11 (I like to be optimistic (but not really)))) of us all went to the Minnesota State Fair together and we're ready to have a blast!  Unbeknownst to the group of us, two members of the party are unbelievably selfish and want to hog all the [generic food item]-on-a-sticks to themselves.  But we're not going to let that happen.  Are we?

1. Hungry Werewolf- Each night phase, sends a PM to the host with the name of a Player.  That Player is killed.  If that player was holding an Item, the Hungry Werewolf takes that Item.  The Hungry Werewolf never receives an Item during distribution.
2. Fat Werewolf- As long as the Fat Werewolf is holding an Item, if the Fat Werewolf would die, instead becomes a Vanilla Werewolf and loses any Item held.
3. Foodie- Each night, sends a PM to the host with the name of an Item.  The Foodie receives a PM with the name of the Player holding that Item.
4. Fitness Guru- Each night, sends a PM to the host with the name of a Player.  That Player loses any Item they were holding.
5. Control Freak- Once per game, at night, may send a PM to the host asking the host to redistribute the Items.  The Items will be redistributed at the end of the Phase.
6. Vanilla Human- Has no extraordinary powers, but likes food a lot, which is a superpower in its own right.
7. Vanilla Human- Has no extraordinary powers, but likes food a lot, which is a superpower in its own right.
8. Vanilla Human- Has no extraordinary powers, but likes food a lot, which is a superpower in its own right.
9. Vanilla Human- Has no extraordinary powers, but likes food a lot, which is a superpower in its own right.


•E. Gadd Industries

To consume an Item, the Player holding that Item sends a PM to the host notifying them of their intent.  Once consumed, Items are removed from the game and do not return.

Mocha-On-A-Stick: A Player may consume this Item to revive another Player at the end of the next Night Phase.

Deep-Fried-Baklava-On-A-Stick: This Item is always given to the Hungry Werewolf.  Since nobody likes Baklava, this Item cannot be consumed by a Player and instead can be passed on to another Player as a night action.  If that Player is holding an Item already, they swap Items.

Sweet Martha's Cookies: If a Player holding Sweet Martha's Cookies would die, instead the Item is consumed and that Player's Role is publicized.

Corn-Dog-On-A-Stick: A Player may consume this Item to have their vote count as 2 during the next Day Phase.

Night Action Order:

Control Freak
Hungry Werewolf
Item Actions (Including consumption)
Fitness Guru

The game begins on a Day Phase, as does the MN State Fair.  This Day Phase will be 72 hours long to ensure everyone is active.  Cardflips are OFF.  There will be a STORY.

It is currently Night 1.  Night 1 ends on September 16, at 12:00 AM CST, regardless of when the actual phase update comes.

Role PMs

You are the Hungry Werewolf- Each night phase, sends a PM to the host with the name of a Player.  That Player is killed.  If that player was holding an Item, the Hungry Werewolf takes that Item.  The Hungry Werewolf never receives an Item during distribution.  Your partner is PLAYERNAME, the Fat Werewolf.

You have been given [ITEM-description]./You were not given an item. (This line is present in every role PM.)


You are the Fat Werewolf- As long as the Fat Werewolf is holding an Item, if the Fat Werewolf would die, instead becomes a Vanilla Werewolf and loses any Item held.  Your partner is PLAYERNAME, the Hungry Werewolf.


You are the Foodie- Each night, sends a PM to the host with the name of an Item.  The Foodie receives a PM with the name of the Player holding that Item.


You are the Fitness Guru- Each night, sends a PM to the host with the name of a Player.  That Player loses any Item they were holding.


You are the Control Freak- Once per game, at night, may send a PM to the host asking the host to redistribute the Items.  The Items will be redistributed at the end of the Phase.


You are the Vanilla Human- Has no extraordinary powers, but likes food a lot, which is a superpower in its own right.
So you've learned the rules of TWG, maybe even played in a handful.  But you can't quite seem to get how those good players know just what they know.  Here I'm going to break down some TWG strategy that goes slightly beyond the basic rules.

General Strategy

Since the play of the game varies quite a bit depending on your role, I'm going to break up each section into 3 overarching sections- Vanilla Humans, Werewolves, and Special/Third Party Roles.

Werewolf Strategy

Playing the "perfect" game as a werewolf is nearly impossible for all but the best of the best.  The werewolves are the only players at the start of the game who (usually) have perfect information- so you have to be careful of what you say.  Keen players will pick up on any slip of information you shouldn't have, so it takes a well-trained tongue.  In addition to this, you have to attempt to play your usual game of oblivious human and pretend to forget all the information you know.  And, you have to quietly and persistently manipulate the entire human team down the wrong trail while making a good case for why that trail is very pleasant and inviting.  For these reasons I believe the werewolf team is the hardest role to learn and play.

Tools Available to Werewolves:
  • Typically the werewolves have some power in addition to their night kill.  Most common is a Seering.  You thus have the ability (in alliance games) to potentially fake-claim seer to the person setting up the alliance, but in most instances it isn't a good idea.  There will always be advantages and disadvantages, so you need to learn when the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
  • The number of werewolves alive is incredibly important.  The more alive, the easier it is to reach parity.  As a general rule of thumb, it's a bad idea to make a play if that play will end up costing you one of your numbers.
  • It can be easy to gain some free town cred by doing something simple like pointing out a humany post or dissecting the game setup for potential human advantages.  That can backfire though if you notice something you don't want the humans to find out.
  • When one of your partners is thrown under suspicion, sometimes it's best to add to the pile and sometimes it's best to try to steer the humans off.  A few factors can help you determine which is better.  If players don't get cardflips, you should be a little leery of "bussing"- throwing your partner "under the bus".  If there is an unusually large number of wolves, bussing can also be more profitable.
  • Being overly confident about a player's role can be generally viewed as wolfy.  Humans usually can't know for sure what role someone is until they've died, and maybe even then.
  • Being inquisitive as to the identity of Special Roles in the game can be generally viewed as wolfy.  In most cases, the Specials can do their own thing without guidance from the Human mass, so discussion about Specials is frowned upon in general.

Human Strategy

Since Human is the most common role and therefore frequent, players tend to develop pretty good human skills.  Being Vanilla Human is difficult in its own right because you have no unique powers to help you gain information, and you start off with little to no information.  Being a good human is nearly as hard as being a good werewolf, but being an adequate human is much easier.

Tools Available to Humans:
  • It's the responsibility of the Humans to generate information.  If you ever find yourself thinking "I don't know anything", it's because you haven't tried to find anything out.
  • In games with OOTC (Out of Thread Contact/Communication), the humans are benefited because you can share information without letting the wolves know you've discovered this piece of information.
  • Inactivity benefits the wolves.  If you see nobody has posted in the thread lately, it's your responsibility to make a post.  Even something as simple as pointing out, "Hey.  I think this is wolfy." is enough to spark some conversation.
  • As you're looking for the wolves, pay careful attention to interactions between players.  Wolf partners will publicly interact in some ways that humans don't normally interact with each other.  Wolves will also generally have fewer logs to share between them because it can be difficult to feign lack of knowledge to each other.
  • There's no such thing as a "bad" wolf.  If someone seems quite obviously wolfy, you may have to look again.
  • On the flip side, sometimes you do play with new players, but they will still be trying their hardest to conceal their identity and are unlikely to try anything that could out them.
  • If anything jumps out to you on a specific player, you MUST share that information with at least one other player.  If anyone is confirmed human, always send them all your logs, all the time.  If nobody is confirmed human, just share that specific information with someone who is very unlikely to be a werewolf with that player.
  • If you're having a hard time finding out who could be a wolf, look for humans instead.  This helps narrow down who could be wolves tremendously.

Special/Third Party Strategy

These roles are typically very fun to play.  Special Roles are among the easiest roles to play well, and Third Party Roles can range from something as simple as Fool to something as hard-core as Serial Killer.  The big thing that characterizes Third Party Roles is their unique win condition.  As a result, they're considered a threat to the Human team.

Tools Available to Other Roles:
  • Most Third Party Roles won't want to claim any kind of Power Role at all.  When in doubt, if you have to claim to someone, claim human.
  • If you're the Seer, if you seer someone green and there's a Master Wolf in the game, you could wait until you get a second green seering and claim to both of them at the same time to let them know the other is the Master Wolf if you die.  Alternatively, the odds are so low you can just claim to them anyway with low chance of failure.
  • In most setups as the Seer, if you seer someone Red you should claim your role at that point.
  • The Vigilante should almost never claim.  If someone counterclaims Vigilante, the night actions will determine who was lying.  The best Vigi is the silent Vigi.
  • If you're not sure who to shoot overnight, the second highest voted player during the day is a safe bet.  This helps the humans focus on another target and prevents the game from stalling.
  • As the Guardian, you should try your best to guard the player most likely to die.  The Seer may sometimes claim publicly to set up an alliance, so you'll have to guard them.
  • As any Special Role, if you're about to die, you must claim publicly.
  • However, don't just claim because you feel like you're under pressure.  Wait until the human block is for sure going to try to kill you.


While no two players have the same playstyle, there's a lot of theory you can apply to a player without a specific metagame from reading/playing in lots of TWGs.  While no theory is foolproof, to paraphrase a departed player, this game amounts to yelling at someone 'till they've died.  So if you're wrong, sometimes you're wrong.  But certain archetypes crop up and being able to use them to your advantage will help you win more often than not.

Reading the Wagon

The theoretical "best" wagon at the end of a day is one with a very close number of voters on each person.  If the person who flips ends up being a wolf, it's pretty simple to assume everyone on that wagon is human- you essentially cut the number of possible wolves in half.  When this doesn't work is when bussing occurs, but if the two wagons are close enough, the wolves aren't likely to vote for their partner when they can vote for someone else without fear of suspicion.  The worst possible wagon is either a many-way "kitb"- "Knife-in-the-box" (a tie), or an abnormally large amount of voters on a single person.  If one person is an uncontested lynch candidate, that means there's almost certainly a wolf among them.  Other, lesser things to watch for in the votes is someone making a defensive vote without much context- they could be "a bad player", or they could be a wolf starting to panic.  A smarter wolf will vote for someone they can make a case for.

Emotion in TWG

While TWG is a game about deception, manipulation, and intellect, tempers can flare and emotions can get in the way.  From my experience, someone getting very emotional about the game is more likely to mean they're human.  Unfortunately, it often gets them lynched because they are viewed as obstructing the human game plan and potentially a wolf.  If you have a problem with ornery temper, consider listening to chill or up-tempo music while playing.  If you can bob your head to the beat, you can detach from what you feel more easily and think logically about scenarios.  Something else I see often in games (but not usually on NinSheetMusic) is two players going at it with each other.  This behavior is very anti-town, yet it usually ends up being two humans in the conflict.

Metagame, or the "FireArrow Effect"

A decently skilled TWG player named FireArrow considers himself to have "no metagame"- that is, he doesn't play a specific way depending on his role.  I firmly believe that only the best of the best players can remove themselves from metagame context; therefore you can apply "would X player do this as Y role?" to any argument you may have on this TWG forum.  Understanding metagame is important, and as Davy and I found from playing over at FlashFlashRevolution, metagames develop differently in different forums.  So while it's not always possible to rely on metagame, when you can it's one of the most useful tools you have.

Aggressive Bussing

While bussing isn't a common tactic on NinSheetMusic, there are absolutely do's and do not's to bussing.  It's generally accepted that if there are only 2 wolves, you shouldn't bus your partner at all.  I've played games with 4 wolves where they did nothing but bus each other, and it ended up working out for them, as one wolf died and the rest ended up living through heavy fire and won the game.  Another strong reason to not bus somebody is the presence of cardflips- usually bussing only works if you know the person who died was a wolf.  Note that bussing is not the same thing as bandwagoning.  As a wolf, if you're reasonably confident that your partner will die, staying off their wagon will only increase suspicion towards you.

Alliance Games

Alliance games are uncommon and are heavily setup-dependent.  They require a large number of Special Roles and a way to protect the alliance- some common examples of this are a Guardian or a Brutal Human.  Typically the designated public special will claim to the thread on the first day phase and the rest of the specials wait for potential counterclaims.  Once nobody has counterclaimed each player messages their role to the public special and that person decides who is and isn't in the alliance.  Sometimes a wolf may sneak into the alliance, but it's a tricky thing to do.  NSM has a lot of examples of alliance games done both well and poorly, so be sure to check them out.  The important thing about alliance games is they benefit the humans so the game is balanced by making the wolf team overpowered.  Even though it can be easy to win with a well-set-up alliance, getting to that point is more difficult than it sounds, and alliances more often than not only end up being 3-4 players (the specials and the person who got seered).

This version has only scratched the surface of what you can learn about TWG, but since I wrote it all in one sitting it's hard for me to come up with strategies that I consistently use all at once.  Hopefully you learned something from this and if there's anything I forgot or anything you think should be made known just shout it out.

I'm doing this thing since I liked Alti's a lot I wanted to try one.  Here we go.


We open on a scene of a raft crossing the ocean in the midst of a raging thunderstorm.

It me.  Things aren't looking too good...

Suddenly, my raft is blown apart by a lightning bolt! AAAAAAAAAH!

Are you Zelda?  At any rate, this beachgoing brunette finds me while strolling along the beach.  She shakes me for a bit and the camera pans up toward the sky where we see...


I wake up in a cozy house with that girl from the beach watching over me.  Some fat dude is here too.

What a relief!  I thought you'd never wake up!  You were tossing and turning...  What?  Zelda?  No, my name's Marin!  You must still be feeling a little woozy.  You are on Koholint Island.

Thanks, Marin.  So now what?  I hop out of bed and talk to her again.

Follow the lane south to reach the beach where I found you.  Since you washed ashore, lots of nasty monsters have been in the area, so be careful, okay?

Sounds like a plan.  Before we go, I want to talk to the fat guy.

Well, Link, ya finally snapped out of it...  Name's Tarin...

But how do you know my name?

Hope yer feelin' better... What?  How did I know your name?  You think it's weird eh?  Well, I saw it on the back of this shield!

I step outside the house and follow a small dirt path past a few houses where I see (strangely) a Chain Chomp?  I do a flip off a few cliffs and end up on the beach.  Marin wasn't kidding about the monsters, they're everywhere!  After combing the beach I stumble across something in the water.

Before I can grab it, however, an owl swoops out of nowhere and starts talking to me.  Weirdo.

Hoot!  Hoot!  So you are the lad who owns the sword...  Now I understand why the monsters are starting to act so violently...

Is it because they're afraid of me, or because monsters are inherently violent?

A courageous lad has come to wake the Wind Fish...

I don't think I'm supposed to be here, I was just enjoying a cruise and ended up here by accident.

It is said that you cannot leave the island unless you wake the Wind Fish...  You should now go north, to the Mysterious Forest.  I will wait for you there!  Hoot!

I guess I'm waking the Wind Fish then.  Huzzah, a quest awaits!

But first...

The sword.

End of Prologue

PS Main chapters will be longer than the prologue
Nintendo / Breath of the Wild NSM Recipe Book
June 02, 2017, 04:38:31 PM
post your favorite recipes or something

Hearty Salt-Grilled Gourmet Meat
1x Raw Gourmet Meat
1x Hyrule Herb
1x Goat Butter
1x Rock Salt
1x Hearty Radish

Effects: Full Recovery, 3 Yellow Hearts

Submitted by NocturneOfShadow
Fish And Eggs
Fruit Dishes
Sidequest Dishes
Rock Hard Food
2x Amber
1x Warm Darner
1x Rushroom
1x Diamond

Effects: Terrible waste of money

Submitted by:  E. Gadd Industries