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Topics - blueflower999

Completed and on site
I'm shocked that nobody has arranged this yet! And also, I noticed that we have a section on the side of the main site for Dragon Quest, when we only have... four songs? Why have an entire section dedicated to a series that only has four songs arranged so far? That doesn't seem to make sense to me. There are game series in the "More" category that have way more songs arranged, and yet don't have their own section. Could someone please explain?
Just one of the Terran theme songs from StarCraft. Anyone want to arrange it? It's kinda long.
Gaming / E3 2012 Topic
June 02, 2012, 01:08:14 PM
I noticed that nobody has made this yet, so I thought I would. E3 2012 is only 3 or 4 days away. What games do you guys want to see there? I sure hope that Nintendo will be able to make the Wii U look appealing with neat games for it.
Off-Topic / The Poll Topic
April 15, 2012, 06:26:17 PM
Here's a topic for people who just want to get the general opinion of people. Every couple of days, I'll take suggestions for a poll on a random topic that you guys are just curious what other people think. For starters, I'm curious to know whether people like their bacon crunchy or chewy.
Gaming / Blueflower's Gaming Blog and Reviews
March 27, 2012, 04:31:30 PM
Table of Contents:


By Order Reviewed

By Console


Lists (Top 10, Top 20, etc.)

Game Analyses

So my friends know me as a very opinionated person who easily forms a belief about something and sticks with it. But that's not going to stop me from doing what I love doing; rating things. I'm going to rate Nintendo video games in various areas and give them a score out of ten overall. If you have a suggestion for a game that I should play/review, please let me know. And remember that all this is just my opinion, and if you don't agree, please don't crucify me. I have a tenancy to be against the common beliefs.

Pokemon Diamond/Pearl:

Because I don't want to start with my favorite game of all time, and I certainly don't want to start with my least favorite, I'll start with one that almost everyone should know: Pokemon Diamond/Pearl:

Gameplay: 7/10 Pretty good, I think. Kept me going until I beat the Elite Four, which gave a n00b Pokemon player like me quite some trouble in this game, even though I beat the Elite Four in Black and White on my first try.

Addictiveness: 6/10 Good enough to get me to finish it, not high enough to make me play it again. (I hate replaying games.) It's just another Pokemon game, and I would rather replay Black and White if I had to because of all the new features.

Story: Wasn't too original at most parts, but I did like the parts with Buck and Heatran, Team Galactic attacking the 3 lakes, and the Spear Pillar.

Music: 8/10 I liked the music in this game quite a lot. My favorites were the Wild Pokemon Battle, Sunnyshore City's theme, the Pokemon Evolution theme, the GTS theme, and especially Route 209, among others. Here are my top picks for this game:
Route 209
Dialga/Palkia's Battle Theme
Arceus Battle Theme
(Technically this song can't be accessed without cheating, but I love it anyway!)
Sunnyshore City Theme
Wild Pokemon Battle Theme

Character Design: 3/10 Other than the standard rival, there really weren't that many memorable characters in Diamond and Pearl for me, except for Team Galactic and Cyrus, who I hated. They were a good villain design, imo.

Humor: 3/10 Other than the Pokemon name puns, I didn't really find this game very funny.

Difficulty: 5/10 For a Pokemon game, it was somewhat challenging for me to beat. This may have been due to the fact that is was one of the first games I ever really played. I got stuck for a REALLY long time once, which I hated, and the Elite Four was a pain to beat, but it wasn't really that challenging otherwise.

Other Memorable Features: I loved the underground multi-player playing, and just digging underground in general. I also loved the GTS, the Battle Tower, and shining my badges with the stylus.

Overall: 8/10 All in all, a very good game, and probably the best traditional Pokemon game I've played. I'd recommend this to anyone who wants to try out Pokemon for the first time, because it's a great intro to the series.
Nintendo / Which Zelda game is best?
December 23, 2011, 12:27:24 PM
So, I was thinking of buying a Legend of Zelda game to play. Considering I don't know very much about them, I would like your advice on which game to get, so I don't end up buying the worst game in the series.
Pikmin - "The Final Trial" redirected here
Earthbound - "Saturn Valley" -- Completed by Shadoninja

I would really appriciate it if someone would update the EarthBound and/or the Pikmin section because they are my 2nd and 1st favorite games of all time, respectively.