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Topics - EFitTrainr

Off-Topic / Shadowkirby and the Walk to Seattle
March 27, 2015, 07:17:30 PM
Hi friends, please take a moment of your time to check out my Kickstarter! It would be greatly appreciated!
(More so if you support and/or share with your friends!)
Nintendo / Shadowkirby sells games at you!
April 27, 2013, 02:08:01 PM
Games for sale. I has them. I am also willing to negotiate on prices, so make me an offer!

All $8
Mario Party 7
Mario Power Tennis
Star Wars Rebel Strike


Kid Icarus: Uprising - $20
Nintendo / Shadowkirby sells things at you!
April 27, 2013, 02:07:23 PM

Ask if you see something you want!
Nintendo / The Official Nintendo Direct Topic!
April 16, 2013, 02:51:17 PM
We've got a new one tomorrow morning!
I'm really hoping for a new Zelda on 3DS, but what would you like to see?


Also, apparently some online retailer has listed Majora's Mask 3D, but considering they have this listing, I'm taking it with a grain of salt. (A hopeful grain of salt, though)
Nintendo / Mario and Luigi: Dream Team.
February 14, 2013, 09:24:40 AM
OMG. Look at those beautiful graphics.
Can't wait.
Site News / Super Update Bros - January 31st 2013
January 31, 2013, 02:27:23 PM

We don't have many new sheets, but here's a few:

[GBA] Pokemon: Ruby/Sapphire - "Recovery" - CLBGM
[WII] Pokepark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure - "Loading Screen" -Bubbles7689
[N64] Paper Mario - "Jr. Troopa's Theme" - Dudeman
[N64] Paper Mario - "Walking on the Clouds" - mariolegofan
[GCN] Luigi's Mansion - "Dancing Shy Guy Ghosts" - Dudeman

"Sorry to keep you waiting!"

Thanks to Olimar and Deku for their hard work!

And without further ado...

[3DS] Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask - "The One-Stop Shop" - Jordan Knapp
[NDS] Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 - "N's Theme" - Jordan Knapp
[NDS] Radiant Historia - "Where the Wind and Feathers Return" - spitllama
[NDS] Pokémon Black/White - "Battle! Wild Pokémon" - JDMEK5 and Olimar12345
[WII] Mario Party 9 - "Blooper's Mad!" - Bloop
[WII] Mario Party 9 - "Battle with Blooper!" - Bloop
[GCN] Pikmin 2 - "The Waterwraith is Coming!" - Olimar12345
[GCN] Pikmin 2 - "Bulblax Kingdom" - Olimar12345
[NDS] Theresia - "Memory's Lies" - Olimar12345
1. Coming soon!
2. Coming soon!
Help! / Help with an arrangement!
December 29, 2012, 09:45:21 PM
Can someone tell me what chords are in this song starting at 1:07??
thanks in advance!
Story Telling / The Astonishing Noble Super Mutants
December 11, 2012, 09:30:54 AM
Coming soon to an NSM near you!
November 25, 2012, 01:05:18 PM
Like the other thread, but you'll be actually be mailing people physical gifts. keep it relatively inexpensive (think $20 for the gift itself)

PM me your adress, something you might like, and your username.
I'll use to make it all randomized. GOGOGO!

November 25, 2012, 01:02:06 PM
Hay guys.
This thread is for people who live outside of America, don't want to give out their adresses, or don't has money.

You could like buy someone a steam game, make them an arrangement, or just paint a card for them.

(Pms shall be sent to me, be sure to differentiate between this thread and the other one.)
November 23, 2012, 09:26:58 PM
Hey guys
We should all get each other Christmas gifts.
Off-Topic / I love NSM.
November 17, 2012, 01:18:06 PM
You guys are my favorite people. Whenever I'm feeling sad, you guys always manage to bring a smile to my face. It's awesome being a part of this community. I love how close everyone is. There's no trolling on here, and trolls of the past are forgiven and accepted into the community. I'd choose you over anybody else for my zombie apocalypse team. And you guys all love Nintendo, which is pretty cool as well.

... I was feeling sentimental, ok?

But yeah.
Chapter 1:
     A strangely shaped red car drove down a quiet road in the rural part of England.
     "I don't understand, Professor, why are we going to help solve an inheritance dispute?" asked a young boy in the car.

     "You see, shadowkirby, this is no ordinary inheritance dispute. I suppose I should explain," replied a tall blonde man in a top hat, "Quite recently, Baron F.S.M. passed away. When his will was read, however, everyone was astounded. The will stated: 'I, Baron F.S.M, leave my entire estate to the person who can find the Golden Eighth Note.' Needless to say people were confused, and an entire search of the village turned up nothing."

     "Wow, that sounds exciting! That must be your famous intuition acting up again, eh, Professor?" shadowkirby exclaimed.
     "My famous-? Oh, no, the baron was an old friend of mine, and I had been invited to the reading of the will, however, due to teaching my music class, I could not attend. And besides, the letter I was sent piqued my curiosity. Would you care to take a look?"
     "Sure thing, Professor!" shadowkirby took the letter from Professor Kman and opened it. "It's a map! But, there are no directions!"

     "Take a look at this piece of paper, shadowkirby." The Professor handed shadowkirby another letter.
     "What's this? It looks almost like... a puzzle!" Shadowkirby quickly read through the puzzle, which involved a village that was on a road different from other roads. "I believe it is... this one, Professor!" shadowkirby pointed to a village on the map.

     "That is correct, my boy."

     "So that's what intrigued you, eh?" shadowkirby knew as well as everyone else how much the Professor loved to solve puzzles.

     "Indeed it was. It is rumoured that everyone in the entire village knows at least one unique puzzle!" The Professor seemed to be filled with glee at the prospect.


     After what seemed like an eternity to shadowkirby, the Kmobile (his name for the Professor's odd red car) finally pulled up to a village gate.

      "Password, pleeeaaaasseeee." A slow, droning voice called out.

      "Pardon me, sir, but we're to help with the inheritance dispute. My name is Professor Norschel Kman," the Professor replied, sticking his head out the Kmobile's window.

      "That's exactly why we need a password," the voice replied, "The village of Ennessemm has been overrun by treasure seekers, looking for the Golden Eighth Note. However, I've been having a bit of trouble with this puzzle. Maybe, just maybe, if you can solve it, I'll let you in."

      "What puzzle would that be sir?" asked the Professor.

      "I have three gears here. Can you place them in this machine to get it to run correctly?"
The Professor took a look at the machine and said, "I believe I can. Shadowkirby, would you run over here and give me a hand?"

      "Of course, Professor!"

      "Excellent. Now, take this gear, and place it in the bottommost slot. I'll take care of the other small gear, and put it in the top slot. Then, you can help me put the larger gear in the middle."  The two puzzle solvers placed the smaller gears in the top and bottom, and put the largest gear in the middle together.

     "What! You've gotten it to work!" The slow droning voice had turned into a slow, excited voice. "So, um, I actually didn't require a password, it's just that the gate was broken and we couldn't open it. Just give me a second..." The gate slowly began to open. A tall, skinny man with piercing blue eyes stepped out. "Thank you very much, Mr. Kman. My name is Stachenslow, and if you ever need any help with your investigation, just come to me!" Stachenslow shook the Professor's hand rather vigorously.

     "Of course. Is it not the duty of every true gentleman to help those who need it?"

     "Indeed it is, my good man. Now, you'll be needing lodgings during your stay in Ennessemm. Our best hotel is right there. The price to stay is remarkable, as well. You only to solve one puzzle a night!" Stachenslow pointed to a 3-story building.

     "Wow, a puzzle a night!" repeated shadowkirby. "Let's go there first, Professor!"
The Professor and shadowkirby entered the hotel. "Hello, young chaps! A young boy dressed as an older man greeted them. My name is Wario Pianissimo. I'm in charge of this hotel, and have been all 70 years of my life!"

     "Professor, isn't he just a kid?" whispered shadowkirby.

     "Just a kid? Oh, no, no, no. I have grandkids, though! Now, are you interested in a room tonight?"

     "Yes we are, Mr. Pianissimo. I have heard that the fee for one night is one puzzle, is it not?" inquired the Professor.

     "Oh, yes, it is. Now let me just find a suitable one... say, how about this one about my grandkids?"

     "That sounds delightful," answered the Professor.

     "Alright, so, Jimmy was having a conversation with Mary. He said to her, 'Say, Mary, if you take my age next year and multiply it by two, I'll be three times your age!' Mary replied, 'That's right! And, if you take my age right now and multiply it by two, I'll be your age next year!' How old are Mary and Jimmy right now?"

     "Let me try this one, Professor!" yelled shadowkirby.

     "Alright, just try not to be so loud."

     Shadowkirby took a notebook and began writing down calculations. After a few minutes, he exclaimed, "Here's my answer! Jimmy is five, and Mary is 3!"
     "Very good, my boy! Now, as for your rooms. I'm going to give you rooms 1 and 2 on the third floor. Does that sound acceptable to you?"

     "That sounds very good. We're going to stop by the F.S.M. manor, and then we shall return here," the Professor explained.

     "I await your return, good sirs!" Wario Pianissimo waved goodbye to Kman and shadowkirby, and went back to his office.

Also, Picarats:

BlackDragonSlayer: 10
Site News / Weekly Updates- November 11th - 17th
November 11, 2012, 08:37:22 PM
Welcome to the first full week of daily updates!
At the end of each week, you will see an update with at least seven sheets!

Apologies regarding the confusion of whether we are uploading sheets daily or not. While the updaters may be putting up at least one sheet a day, you won't see it posted on this page until the week is over.

If you have any question, private message a moderator!

Sunday: [N64] Paper Mario - "Freeze!" - spitllama
Monday: [PS1] Final Fantasy VIII - "The Loser (Game Over)" - SocialFox
Same rules apply as in Olimar's update thread.
(ZIP files, Dropbox, only one post, and look over your sheets yourselves.)
Also, only submit one sheet.
Okay, thanks.

Site News / Daily Updates!
November 09, 2012, 02:39:25 PM
This is going to be a triumph. You'll be making a note here, HUGE SUCESS. It'll be hard to overstate your satisfaction.
Here's what I had in mind for NSM if I ever got to become an updater (and here I am!): Daily Updates.
Now before you start asking questions, let me explain what I mean by a daily update and what it entails.
Every day (twice on Saturday, except for tomorrow as I won't be here), I will upload a new sheet. I chose this one out of someone's submissions threads today, but the rest will be handled like a normal, large, update. My reasoning behind choosing to do daily updates is simple: Updating like 40 sheets (or however many) at once would be a very tedious process, while doing 1 sheet a day would take a lot of stress out of the job. I won't be making a blog post every day, however, but, I WILL make one every Saturday showing which new sheets have been added.
And without further ado, today's new sheet!

[NDS] Professor Layton and the Unwound Future - "A Quiet Town" - Jordan Knapp
Alright guys, here we go. The first step in my plan for world domination making NSM even cooler:
Daily Updates!
Thats right, ladies and gentleman, I'm going to update NSM every day! (providing I have acess to a computer, but that shouldn't be an issue very often.)
So here we GOGOGO!
The first 7 sheets to be accepted will be included in the daily updates for next week!
For those of you who are curious, we will still be doing big updates, probably once a month.
So, without further ado...

Sunday: Spitllama's "Freeze!" - on site
Monday: SocialFox's "The Loser"
Tuesday: Zunawe's "Middle Boss Battle"
Wednesday: Shadoninja's "Spook Mansion"
Thursday: Bloop's Lord "Ghirahim"
Friday: MoboMoga's "Join Avenue - Greetings!"
Saturday: mariolegofan's "Walking on the Clouds" and Bubbles7689's "A Wish for Peace/The End of the Battle"