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Topics - ASH501ST

Request / [GCN] Luigi's Mansion - Multiple Songs
April 21, 2011, 06:16:40 PM
Okay, I know that I have requested this before, but few people replied, so here I am requesting this again.  I know these are requests, so please do not feel like I am demanding people to arrange these songs, but that said, there are very few Luigi's Mansion songs on this website, being the great game this is, I find that very sad and would like that to change, also many of the songs for it on the site are poorly arranged.  So I am coming to you the arrangers on this site to help that change!  So that said, here is a list of songs I would love to see arranged.  The music of this game means so much to me, so I would be very happy if you arranged any song.  Thank You!

Title Screen
Game Boy Horror  Thanks Bloop -There is already one on the site, but it really needs a replacement!
Toads/Save Theme - There is already an arrangement on the site, but it needs an update, I would also appreciate it if someone would do a duet, and add all the notes.
Music Sheet Battle
Ending Credits/ Luigi's New Mansion - The Luigi's new mansion should be included at the end of the song.
Dark Rooms
Luigi's Mansion Opening
Shooting The Moon/ or its "Finding The Star" - There is no youtube video for this song.  It starts at 00:05.  I'm not completely sure of the title.
The Floating Whirlindas
File Select
Chauncey's Crib
Mini Games With Ghosts - Completed by DekuTrombonist

There are many more songs from this soundtrack, you can find the entire sound track at
I'm not very good at arranging music right now, so that's why I'm not just doing it myself.  So any help at all would be much appreciated.
Feedback / Super Mario 64: Title Theme
October 03, 2010, 08:20:46 PM
Ok so I no that its already posted but its not complete, its missing the last part of the song, so I would like it if someone could finish it.
its at 1:10 of the video that the sheet music ends as you can see there is a lot more so I would like it if someone could do the rest of it.
thanks ASH501ST

This topic has been moved from the Request Board
Request / [XBOX360] Halo: Reach - "Deliver Hope"
August 28, 2010, 08:44:57 PM
ok so in the new trailer for halo reach ther is this awesome song its sounds really easy and is on the piano can one of you guys do it
i am not sure what the title is but the trailer is called
Deliver hope so that might be the name of the song? thanks
Request / [GCN] Resident Evil 2 - Multiple Songs
July 27, 2010, 11:28:07 PM
hay guys there is some great scary music from resident evil and I have looked everywhere for this song and I cant find it it would be great if someone could make an arrangment
thank you
thats the safe room
that one is like the main theme and would br really cool
thats a good creepy one
thats the progue theme
thank you so much if you can do any of these
Request / [GCN] Pac-Man World 2 - Multiple Songs
July 27, 2010, 10:49:12 AM
Hello, I am requesting some songs from one one my favorite games Pac-Man World 2.  If you would arrange any of the songs from the game I would be very happy, but here is a list of a few songs specifically that I would like someone to arrange, if you ever get the chance I would be very grateful.
Pinky's Revenge
Pac-Man World 2 main theme/Pac Village Thanks WiiMan96
Menu Thanks again WiiMan96
Ghost Bayou
Night Crawling
B-Doing Woods
Yellow Pac Marine
Shark Attack
Haunted Boardwalk

These are some of my favorite video game songs of all time, I will be very grateful to whoever arranges some of these.  I made the original post way back in July 27th last year so I have been waiting a long time for arrangements to be made, I'm not very good at arranging now so "your my only hope". Thanks Again And May The Force Be With You! 
Quote from: Shadoninja on May 25, 2012, 03:01:52 PMMy head hurts reading this.

I'm going to move the remaining requests to this thread

HI guys hows it goin Luigi's mansion is one of my favorite games of all time and there is so much good music to it and there is not very many songs posted on ninsheetmusic and I would love it if we could get a few more of the songs on here I have already started woking on a few I have just about finnished the art gallery song and I am now working on the start menu the game menu and the opening clip song but there are a lot more I would really like it if someone would do the end credits and the song it plays when luigi finds marios star there are so many others but any would be great thank you I will try and get mine finnished and posted soon thank again