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my final message. Goodb ye

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Topics - DrP

Nintendo / What Pokémon are you?
September 04, 2011, 02:28:55 PM
After watching the anime, I feel that everyone on here has a different Pokémon that represents them by their looks and their personalities.

Saying that, every few days I'll post an analysis why I think the specific person matches that Pokémon.

Ill keep a list updated on this post as more and more people ask to be placed up against ALL 649 Pokémon (excluding Legendaries and Ubers UNLESS I see the perfect fit)

All you will need to do is post asking and including these 3 things:
1) 3 words that describe your social personality (outgoing, humorous, laid-back, etc...)
2) 5 words that describes you as a whole (affable, detail-oriented, organized, adventurous, easy-going, etc...)
3) Your career aspirations (if you don't have that yet, then potential college major or a few hobbies other than playing music)

Analyses will come first-come, first-serve

Person-Pokémon Matchups
SlowPokemon - Minccino <---- You're the Guinea Pig for this, since your matchup gave me a great realization.
Dudeman - Growlithe
Fingerz - Gardevoir
Nebbles - Chikorita
Triforced1 - (Analysis coming 15 August 2012)
Fleestar the Flygon
Forum Games / Give Me a Legitimately Good Reason.
August 22, 2011, 06:04:22 PM
The Rules are simple: Give a reason to the dilemma above, then give a dilemma to go on


D: Why did the Starbucks by my house close last week?

R: I spent way too much time there

Try and be witty!

(Let's see how this takes off)

Why are there speed limits?
Forum Games / Pokémon to Hurt and Heal -- v7.0
August 20, 2011, 02:28:55 PM
Unova Time!!!

1. Snivy -- 15
2. Tepig -- 15
3. Oshawott -- 15
4. Blitzle -- 15
5. Sandile -- 15
6. Minccino -- 15
7. Gohita -- 15
8. Litwick -- 15
9. Emolga -- 15
10. Deino -- 15

GO!GO!GO! (I tried to vary the elemental types)
PC / Windows Upgrade Question
July 17, 2011, 09:43:58 PM
Well, it's that inevitable time of the year where I have to reinstall windows because otherwise my computer will just run slower and slower and slower.

My question is: Even though I only have 4GB of RAM and all, should I get the x64 version of Windows, because right now I am only running x86 Windows 7 and maybe I think if I run x64, it might run better. My architecture supports it, but I am unsure about this (because I have only run x86 versions on my computers)

Does the computer run faster? Is there really any difference?
Off-Topic / The Starbucks Thread
July 12, 2011, 10:42:59 PM
Well, I'm making this because we do have more people coming into newfound Starbucks/coffee addictions.

So post for random starbucks discussion, new combinations, or ask the All-Knowing Starbucks Master for any thing relating to Starbucks Drinks and Pastries.

!!!  ;D
GEN III: Battle for Power
1. Treeko - 15
2. Torchic - 15
3. Mudkip - 15
4. Ralts - 15
5. Swablu - 15
6. Snorunt -15
7. Wailmer - 15
8. Numel - 15
9. Slakoth - 15
10. Trapinch -15

GO! GO! GO! Battle of the Primary Evos for evolutionary power (to evolve). I tried to not be super biased, but this seems like a good list!
Nintendo / A Hoenn Departure to...
March 01, 2011, 08:50:58 PM
The Time has come again for something epic to come from the arrangers here at NSM

The Great R/S/E Medley!

So, who wants to help?? I will be taking three or four of you who sign up.

List of Arrangers!
1) DrP
2) dahans
3) Slow
4) Winter
5) Shado
6) Fingerz

List of Songs!
Littleroot Town
Route 101 - Completed by dahans
Oldale Town - Completed by dahans
Petalburg City - Completed by DrP
Route 104 - Completed by dahans
Dewford Town
Petalburg Forest
Rustboro City
Slateport City - Completed by dahans
Marine Research Institute
Route 110
Game Corner
Verdanturf Town - Completed by DrP
Route 113
Fallarbor Town - Completed by DrP
Route 111 (Desert) - Completed by Fingerz
Route 119
Fortree City - Completed by DrP
Route 120 - Completed by DrP
Mt. Pyre
Lilycove City - Completed by DrP
Art Musuem - Completed by DrP
Contest Hall - Completed by Slow
Sootopolis City
Cave of Origin
Ever Grande City - Completed by dahans

Work in Progress
-- Arranger Color

Start talking!
Movies & TV / NBC Thursday Night!
November 29, 2010, 04:43:18 PM
There is no better place to be!

30 Rock
The Office

Let's talk about past and future episode... these are the four most amazing shows out there!
Music / I <3 Soundtracks
November 29, 2010, 04:37:51 PM
This is the discussion of the stuff that falls outside of VG music and the normal stuff people listen too... well stuff that ISN'T a Soundtrack made for that movie (sans words)

Have at it!

Current Soundtrack: HP and the Deathly Hallows.
Alexandre Desplat is probably one of the better HP composers. John Williams set the stage, but Nicholas Hopper and Alexandre Desplat made it amazing!
Music / The Non-VG Music Discussion Thread
November 28, 2010, 10:15:34 PM
Post what you're listening to currently, what you're liking at the moment, whatever seems to suit this thread. People can comment, make recommendations, etc..

Please NO Classical or Video Game (and Anime) music, too... soundtracks are OK because some movies have great soundtracks (like the Wedding Singer and Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist)


Currently, I just discovered Arcade Fire, and it is AMAZING... this is coming from a Vampire Weekend fan (well, my favorite bands are Muse and the Killers, but... im starting to get into Indie Rock)
I've been meaning to do this! Let the Voting and Discussion Commence!
To: All NSM Members
From: The Goldenrod Orchestra

Dearest NSM Members and Loyal Pokémon fans:

We (dahans, DekuT, Shado, pumpy and myself) proudly present our Pokémon Gold and Silver Great Medley, Across the Johto Universe. After working on this for over a month, and encountering MANY minor setbacks, we finally have a finished product for you to hear, touch, smell, and even taste if you so desire, to bring back the nostalgic memories of the past. After putting on all the finalizing touches, I am proud to announce that we have some extras to release along with the final sheet and its MIDI counterpart. Being released along with the sheet, we have to sheet rips in the form of MP3s, so you can listen to a Bright Piano or a Honky Tonk playing this sacred document.

In addition to the MP3s, we have a special Two Movement Full Orchestra playing an unreleased sheet (meaning, some of the songs not included on this sheet are in their full forms and some extra music has been added). FInally, (this is the big one!), we are releasing a small 14 Track CD to go along with this music, which includes the two movements of Across the Johto Universe. Each song is a rip of the original sheet of its namesake and dipped in the chocolate coating called instrumentation. It may not be the best, but it is sure something worthing taking a listen to.

I really want to thank everyone for their support, GreekGeek for all of his comments and suggestions, Slow and Oni for being the “Rally Mankeys” and of course I want to thank the entire production team for all the blood and sweat... and time into this project. We couldn’t have done it with out you all. Dahans, you are the best for getting this thing started. Deku, you have been the best thing for this sheet in its final hours, making sure the UI was perfect for the new users. Lastly, Shado and Pumpy, your contributions form the backbone of this sheet and I personally thank you for everything.

Lastly, I hope that everyone enjoys this sheet as much as we had fun making it. We think y’all gonna love it! Now its the time to let of the fireworks, shoot the confetti and pop the Champagne!

Dr Pamplemousse

Across the Johto Universe

Great Medley: MUS MIDI PDF

Great Medley: Piano; Honky Tonk

The Making Of:

Azalea Town:MUS MIDI
Route 38:MUS MIDI
Cherrygrove City:MUS MIDI
Sprout Tower:MUS MIDI

Buena's Password:MUS MIDI
Eusine's Theme:MUS MIDI
Opening:MUS MIDI
Pokemon Lullaby:MUS MIDI
New Bark Town:MUS MIDI

Dr Pamplemousse
Bicycle:MUS MIDI
Route 27:MUS MIDI
Violet City:MUS MIDI
Route 30:MUS MIDI
Tin Tower:MUS MIDI
Route 29:MUS MIDI
Ecruteak City:MUS MIDI

Surfing:MUS MIDI
Ruins of Alph: MUS MIDI

Bug Catching Contest:MUS MIDI
Burned Tower:MUS  MIDI
Goldenrod City:MUS MIDI
Professor Oak’s Theme:MUS MIDI  
Olivine Lighthouse:MUS MIDI
Professor Elm’s Lab:MUS
Radio Tower Takeover:MUS MIDI

Ending Theme

ALL SHEETS HAVE BEEN UPDATED. You can only find updated sheets here.

Nintendo / Pokémon Black and White News
July 30, 2010, 12:28:19 AM
According to Serebii, there has been a new Pokémon released  Shijikaka (ã,·ã,­ã,¸ã,«), based off of a deer and possibly a pre-evolution to Stantler... Slow will find this one "cute"

The Successor to the Contests in Hoenn, the Super Contests in Sinnoh and the Pokéathlon in Johto will possibly be the "Music Show"

Also, seasons will exist in parts of the game (with a picture given showing autumn)

The Villainous Team of Isshu will be Team Plasma (no picture can be found for this one)

The now announced PokéShifter is shown below (as well as its entrance):

PokéShifter is going to be similar to PokéPark in Generation IV

Nintendo / General Pokémon
July 18, 2010, 04:32:25 PM
I felt since a bunch of us got off topic with Pokémon Gen IV in the Gen V and vice-versa... id just create a thread for all... and have you seen some stuff from PLDH... like these Pokémon 493 wallpapers?

Which one's your favorite?
The Original Word Doc (Automatically Updated): Steps to Simplicity
(If I continue writing the story, all future posts will have a notification to download the document!

Chapter 1: Green Town Entrance

    I remember right after my twelfth birthday, I had something extraordinary happen to me. I was visiting my dad in Lilycove City for my birthday. My parents divorced when I was four, so I got to visit my dad for my birthday and Christmas. We always had so much fun, since the city is right on the water, like Seattle is. We'd visit the beach, get on my dad's Lapras and go water skiing and then go swimming with the Mantyke and Horsea. As I was leaving to go home, my dad said something. "I know you may have not done many things like the kids your age are doing now," he told me. "Your time has come. The government lets you go on a journey from leaving school at the age of 10, but you mother and I just wanted you to study. I will entrust you with this Poké Ball." He gave me a Poké Ball, but it wasn't like a normal one – it was purple on the top half and white on the bottom half, with two pink mounds on the top of it, with an "M" embossed on the top. "Now, don't lose this ball," my dad told me. "It is extremely important. Also, when you arrive home, there might be something great in store for you, if you can deliver this ball unharmed to Professor Oak." "Gotcha dad!" I replied. He went up to the ticket counter and got my ticket. I gave my father a huge hug and waved bye as I entered the security checkpoint at the airport.

   I was sitting in Lilycove International Airport, waiting for my flight to Viridian City to begin boarding. I looked out the window into the deep blue ocean, so calm, so tranquil.  Nothing could stir the ocean in its stillness. It would be my last glimpse of Lilycove City in a long time (not to mention, I'm a sucker for a good landscape). I took out the Poké Ball and looked at it. In the United States, Poké Balls are illegal to be carried on a plane and Pokémon are not allowed on a plane unless they are classified by the Global Pokémon Body as a Normal Type and contain a Pokémon less than 50kg (meaning no Snorlax), but here, Poké Balls are locked from use while in the air. I opened my pack to find a book my dad put in there. I read the title: Pokémon and Modern Society. It seemed to be interesting; I always wanted to know how Pokémon made it to the rest of the world. I opened the book into Chapter One. It was titled The Verdant Republic.

 Basically, Pokémon were discovered in the Verdant Republic, a group of five large islands, called regions, as well as smaller archipelagos. There are six main regions: Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Merin, and Unova. Kanto and Johto are on the same island, Isla Kanto. Hoenn is a smaller island to the southwest of Johto, which is on the west side of Isla Kanto, Sinnoh is a large island to the northeast of Kanto, Merin is west of Sinnoh and north of Johto, and Unova is northwest of Hoenn.  Before 1870, the people of the Verdant Republic spoke Fushigidane, a now-dead language, a variant of Japanese. The Japanese were the only outside people who were in contact with the six Kingdoms (each region was a Kingdom).

In 1850, Vermilion City was discovered by French explorer Marquis Jacques de Verdant. In 1910, the English took control of Goldenrod City. There was a massive battle between the two forces which resulted in the English taking control of the entire nation. Unlike the Western European countries, the then-Kingdom of Kanto was technologically advanced compared to England, launching their first human into space in 1843 from the Mossdeep City Spaceport. It seems so interesting, to learn about a complete civilization that wasn't eradicated. When the English took control of Goldenrod City, the entire nation was split in two, with Johto, Hoenn and Unova going to the British and Kanto, Merin and Sinnoh to the French (as well as the Orange Archipelago and the Sevii Islands). Actually, for about a week, the British controlled the entire group of islands, but French resistance made them relinquish possessions (with help from the Americans, of course). In 1945, after World War II, the British withdrew power from the area and the French stayed in control.

The three regions under British control were then sovereign and formed the Verdant Republic, recognizing their roots of discovery, with a capital centered in Rustboro City. The French "Départment d'outre-mer: Merin" with its capital in Carnelian City, in Merin. The French finally offered their territories sovereignty in 1972, and they combined with the Verdant Republic, calling them the latter and centering at Goldenrod City. English and French became the official languages of the Republic, though French is rarely used. This was all interesting history; I never learned this in school. I wasn't like most people, I was born in the United States and we moved to Pallet Town when I was eight because my mom's then-boyfriend wanted us to go there. We decided to stay, except with one thing we didn't know about. These were the animals we call Pokémon

   Pokémon have always lived in the Verdant Republic with no threats from outside countries. Lavender Town, in Kanto is only 324 miles west of Perth, Australia. A plane ride from the Verdant Republic's main airport in Goldenrod to Perth is only under two hours. The airport in Jubilife City is only about 45 minutes. The only flights to the United States directly are from Goldenrod City, and they go to Los Angeles and Seattle, and they just opened these routes with the introduction of the Boeing 777-200LR, because the flights are over 9,000 miles and takes almost 18 hours. So, we are close to civilization of what these people call the "civilized world". Even though Pokémon have existed since the dawn of time with man, there are still many discoveries about them as we progress in time and have major technological breakthroughs.

   The laws in the Verdant Republic are similar to the laws of the Western World, but there are some slight variations. Back on Constitution Day, in the Gregorian calendar, March 9, 1427, Pokémon had to be considered in the laws since they were with humans for the most part of their lives, and interacted with them daily. People are only allowed to carry six Pokémon at a time, unless they are a Pokémon Professor or Researcher, then they can carry 10. If one leaves the country jurisdictions, one can only take two Pokémon off the approved list. If one fails to break these laws, the Poké Balls will be transferred to the storage system at their regional professor lab or Pokémon Center. Poké Balls are an enigma of machinery. They [Poké Balls] are registered to a certain person, they can teleport anywhere within the Verdant Republic, they can collapse (even with a Pokémon inside) and they can hold any size Pokémon. They are either by two companies: Silph or Devon, or made out of certain fruits called Apricorns. Other laws protect children and their Pokémon. Children are allowed to apply for a trainer's license at the age of 10. If they pass a test, they are given a Pokédex and a starter Pokémon, only available in that region. They are allowed to participate in their regional league. I wasn't allowed because my parents wouldn't let me and wanted to stay in school. I finally realized their decision was the right one, and I may move back to the United States when I go there to attend College.

   In the Verdant Republic, training with a Pokémon is considered a diploma from a Secondary Education School, though it offers and education system similar to the one in the United States. When a person turns 18, they are given a Secondary Education diploma, given that a student spent their last year studying for college. Pokémon are part of the average daily lives of everyone in the Verdant Republic. I looked up, next to the gate agent was a Mr. Mime collecting boarding passes for the Rustboro flight. For example, people use Fighting types for building (like Machoke), Grass Type Pokémon for plant care (like Rosrade), and Water Types for swimming instruction (like Staryu), or a Meowth for Noodle Shops.

   A voice came on the PA, "Now Boarding all rows for Flight 219 to Viridian City. Please show all Poké Balls to the gate agent for inspection." I got up and stood in line to get on the plane. People had to show Poké Balls just to make sure that their manifest was correct with the amount of Pokémon travelling with a person and that it matched their tickets. I arrived to one of the gate agents. "How many Pokémon do you have with you?" she asked me. "I don't own any," I replied. "I do have this Poké Ball for Professor Oak, though." "Oh, yes," she stated. "The ticketing counter told us about you. Thank you! Please give your ticket to the Machamp ahead. Have a nice flight!" "Thanks!" I added. I got on the plane and I realized where I was sitting; I had a First Class ticket! I was excited; this was a first for me.

   After the plane took off, I just sat and read the magazines from the seat in front of me. After I got bored of that, I looked out the window. I could see off in the distance, two Pokémon; one was red, the other was blue. I wondered what they were doing all the way up here, but then I thought they were just lost bird Pokémon. I looked down and we were flying over Mossdeep City, and it was pretty this time of day. The flight in total took a little under two hours. I picked up Pokémon and Modern Society and began the next chapter. This chapter was entitled The Magic of the Poké ball

   In the world, there are twenty-one variants of a basic Poké Ball. There are others, ones used of tourneys and events like in the Safari Zones of the various regions. When a Poké Ball is bought or received, the trainer encodes his ID into the ball by waving the "Read Poké Ball" sensor on the Pokédex and pressing "Encode ID" on the touchscreen. This sensor also is used to determine the moves known by a Pokémon and its nature all from within the Poké Ball. As I mused before, an invisible airwave teleportation system exists within the borders of the Verdant Republic. With this in place, the airwaves know when one exceeds his/her limit of carrying Pokémon, and will transfer Pokémon to the Regional Professor or their Hometown storage facility (it all depends whether you received your first Pokémon from Nurse Joy or a Professor). I turned the page and it gave a pictorial description of each ball, its catch rate and its special uses (if applicable). I took out the ball my dad gave me and I looked to find it in the book.

Before I could look at the name, the man sitting next to me said, "So, you've got a Master Ball." "Uh, yes," I replied. I looked at the man; he was tall, with grey hair and seemed kind of intimidating. He spoke with a deep voice, and for some reason I felt like he would just steal the Poké Ball from me and hold it above my head, making me jump for it and beg. "How did someone your age get a hold of one of those?" he asked me. "Those balls take about 3 months to produce one. Devon and Silph only release about eight a year, between the two companies." "I didn't know that!" I answered. "The ball, however, is for Professor Oak. I'm just on my way to give it to him. Just what exactly does this ball do?" "This ball can catch any Pokémon without weakening it. It's the perfect Poké Ball. These aren't even sold; they are given to special people." "Wow, so these are really rare," I answered. "Indeed they are," the man noted. "How'd did you get ahold of the ball in the first place?" "I was here visiting my father. He went on a trip to Rustboro for three days and came back with it. He then gave it to me to take to Professor Oak," I said. "Do you know Professor Oak well?" the man said. "He's my neighbor, so of course!" I retorted. "When I turned 10, he pressured my parents to let me go on a journey with a Pokémon and enter the Indigo League, but they both disagreed." "So, you have past age 10 without gaining a Pokémon?" the man said. "That's right," I answered.

I looked out the window and saw a larger city beneath us with a tall tower and a big clearing that has a bunch of rubble in the middle. On top of this tower, I saw a gold looking bird, just enjoying its day and eating something. "The great thing is," I continued while looking out. "There's something big waiting for me when I arrive home." "Well, congratulations, on whatever it is," the man replied. "I forgot to ask. Who exactly is your father?" "Oh," I responded. "His name's Alex Norman." "Wait, THE Alex Norman?" the man questioned. "Is he the Alex Norman that is the Chairman of the Devon Corporation?" "That's him alright," I answered. "He goes to Rustboro about 3 days a week. You know him?" "I do, but not from his work at Devon," the man responded. "He and I go way back. He used to be the Sinnoh Elite Four Champion he passed it down to Cynthia." "What's the Elite Four?" I asked. "You don't know?" The man said as he looked at me as if I asked a stupid question. "You'll find out soon enough." The man then got up and went towards the back of the plane. "Attention passengers," one of the flight attendants came on the PA system. "We are beginning our descent into Viridian City. Please make sure your seats are upright for landing. Thank you for flying Air Verdant." I looked my window; I saw a large plateau with a bunch of stadia and a few towers. I always wondered what that place was. It was pretty built up for not being that populated. I know someday, I'll find out what that place is. Whenever I asked the question to Professor Oak, he would quickly change the subject.

The plane landed around 4 PM, and I looked outside at the trees engulfing the airfield. It wasn't the largest airport, but it was the second largest in Kanto after the Saffron-Celadon-Cerulean Airport. Viridian was about a 3 hour drive south from Pewter, and it usually took us about an hour and a half to get home in traffic. I walked into the main terminal where my mom stood with a Happiny standing next to her. I ran with open arms (though I had a backpack on and bags hanging on to my arms) and gave her a huge hug. "Welcome home, Drew," my mom said. "How was your dad's?" "It was fun," I remarked. "I want to see Professor Oak immediately when I get home." I looked around for the man who I talked to on the plane. "Ok, let's go home!" my mom replied. "There are some people who want to see you!" "Who?" I asked. Just then a Growlithe and a Skitty came running up to me and knocking me to the floor. "Growlithe! Skitty! It is so nice to see you two again!" I exclaimed. Growlithe then proceeded to lick me like crazy. "Growlithe, stop," I said. "Not until we get home." I stood up and Skitty jumped up on my shoulder. "So, mom, how come you have a Happiny?" I asked. "Professor Oak gave him to me," she answered. "He thinks I may need her to help around the house." "Sounds cool, let's get home!" Happiny then proceeded to take all the bags and go out to the car.

Here's Chapter 2. There's a Cliff hanger at the end.

Chapter 2: You Mean What?

       I was so excited to return home, though I love spending time in Hoenn. I wanted to see what this huge surprise my father was talking about. I clutched the Master Ball in my hand waiting to see what was going to happen. I burst out of the car the instant my mother pulled into the driveway. "I'll be back soon!" I yelled running down the road to Professor Oak's lab. By the time I reached the top step of the flight of stairs that led to the Professor's lab, I was exhausted beyond belief, using my arms to pull me atop the landing at the top. After waiting a few minutes, I got enough strength to pull myself up and get to the door. I rang the bell and I heard a fast scurry on the inside. By now, the sun had set behind the hills to the east and the Velbert and Illumine came out lighting the warm June night, making light patterns off in the distance.

 A light next to the door turned on and the door flung open. Professor Oak stood at the door perplexed. "You're not Chinese food..." the Professor said scratching his head. "I have something for you," I stated. "Can I come in?" Before Professor Oak could say anything, I ran right inside toward his den. I came to a screeching halt when I saw what I saw. The man who was sitting next to me on the plane was sitting on Professor Oak's couch. He looked somehow a little different than on the plane. "Professor, I have a present from my father," I said. I handed him the Master Ball. "It has been many years since I have seen one of these," the Professor answered as he gazed mysteriously at the Poké Ball. "Professor, I don't mean to alarm you," I began. "But the man sitting in your den was this mysterious man that sat next to me on the plane and asked my lots of questions." "Oh, I was going to wait until tomorrow, but what the heck," the Professor said. "Come!" I followed the Professor into the den.

The man stood up. He was wearing a white lab coat, similar to that of Professor Oak's, but with a gray S on the right sleeve. "Drew, this is Professor Rowan," Professor Oak said. "He is a colleague of mine, the regional professor from the Sinnoh region." "It is finally a pleasure to introduce myself, Drew," Professor Rowan replied. "Professor Oak and I do have a surprise for you, but it will have to wait until tomorrow, since we aren't finished with it yet." "But I've been waiting all morning," I complained. "Trust me, we can't unveil our surprise until everyone is here," Professor Oak responded.  "Now go on home, and get some rest. Come back at 8 AM tomorrow." "Ok, then," I answered. I bolted out of the lab and ran straight home. I quickly got into bed because of all energy I burnt when I ran back home. I didn't even bother to take any article of clothing off, not even my shoes. 
I woke up just a few minutes before 5 AM. I shot out of bed and flipped on all the lights. Skitty came walking out from her little kitty house with that dazed look in her eyes, not knowing what happened. She let out a big cat yawn and walked toward me. "Today's the big day Skitty," I said. "I just can't focus." I sat down on the couch in our living room and sat there for almost half an hour just petting Skitty and wondering what this huge surprise was: A brand new Pokémon, a change to go to Sinnoh or even Merin, a PokéDex... so many possibilities. Then, to pass the time, I took out the book that my dad gave me and opened to Chapter Three: The Pokémon League
In the Verdant Republic, there are six Official Pokémon Leagues, and an unofficial one. Each region has their respective league, including the Orange Islands with the seventh and unofficial league. To participate in the league championships of each individual league, one must visit and win in each of the Eight Gyms located throughout the region. After all eight "Gym Badges" are obtained; one may enter in the Pokémon League of their respective region. What makes this a fool proof system is that the badges are hand made by the Gym Leaders themselves, and are given a special serial number and embedded chip to prove their authenticity. They can only be stored in League approved cases, because when applying for the championships, they must sit in the case and run through a scanner to prove entrance into the League.

 If a trainer attains eight Kanto Badges, they enter the Indigo League and face other trainers, if they arrive in the top four, they will be permitted to face the Four Heavenly Kings, or Elite Four for short. These four trainers are the strongest of their specific Pokémon types in the region. If one manages to beat all four, then the person has an opportunity to face the League Champion. Only skilled trainers make it this far. The guidelines apply to Johto's Silver Conference, Hoenn's Ever Grande Conference, Sinnoh's Lily of the Valley Conference, Merin's Chrysanthemum Conference and Unova's White Conference. If one travels to the Orange Islands and collect all four badges, then they can face the Orange League Champion and be inducted into the Hall of Fame if they beat the Champion.

I closed the book after the end of the chapter. I mulled over the Elite Four and Champion many times. Professor Rowan said my father was the Sinnoh League Champion before he handed it to Cynthia. I shook my head in disbelief. My father was from Austin, Texas and he had no connection to Pokémon until we moved to our first house in Azalea Town. And by the time we moved to the Verdant Republic, Cynthia was the Sinnoh League Champion. After spending countless minutes trying to figure out the connection and how my father was the league champion. After collecting my thoughts and returning to reality, it was already 7:30 AM and before my mom could say good morning, I ran out towards Professor Oak's, but forgetting to open the screen door. Let's just say, there is a Drew-shaped hole in my mom's screen door. I ran all the way to the lab, which was about a little less than a half a mile down the road.

The morning was crisp and cool, unlike the uncommon balmy summer weather that occurred last night. I looked above me to see flocks of Pidgey, Starly, and Tallow fly overhead. They were enjoying the morning as much as I was. There were only a few streets in Pallet Town that consisted of the major residents and the main small shops. I had to run down the street I lived on and make a right turn to go south toward Professor Oak's Lab, which sit upon a hilltop on the outskirts of the town. If I ran further down the road, I would reach the bay that leads south towards Cinnabar Island. There was a long path laden with oak trees leading up to the stairs of the Oak Lab. The Pokémon Range, Professor Oak's private area to study the Pokémon that the trainers from Pallet Town and Viridian City catch and return to Professor Oak. The kid down the street, I think his name is Ash, just left for Johto for a journey, leaving 25 Tauros at Professor Oak's for study.

I got there around 7:50 AM and I pounded on the door. A tall woman with long red hair and glasses answered the door. She was wearing a lab coat and a knee length skirt, but her coat was similar to Professor Oak's, but with an orange M on the side of her right sleeve. "You must be Drew," the woman said. "Please enter." "Thanks!" I replied. "I am Professor Magnolia," Professor Magnolia stated. "I come from Shamrock Town, in Merin." "What's this all about?" I asked. "Just come with me," the Professor said. In Professor Oak's Den, there stood Professor Oak and Rowan, with another woman and a man. They all looked at me and then had a look on their face that showed "that they weren't quite ready". "Professor Elm, Professor Juniper, I would like you to meet Drew," Professor Oak said pointing to me. "Hello Drew, I'm Professor Elm, from Johto," Professor Elm answered. "And I'm Professor Juniper, from the Unova Region," Professor Juniper responded. There was still something not right amidst all the Professors.

Just at that instant, there was a large screech outside and the slamming of a car door. Professor Elm went to the window and came back. "He's finally here," he said sarcastically. I went to the hallway looking at the front door. The door slammed open and in came a large figure going at full speed, which ended up tackling me. "Professor Birch!" I exclaimed, being crushed by the Professor. "Drew, it is finally nice to see you again!" Professor Birch replied. Professor Oak clapped his hands together and said, "Now that everyone is here, we can get started!" As Professor Birch walked into the den, he handed Professor Oak a white paper bag with the top folded off.
I sat in a lone, lazy chair with all the Professors standing in a half circle in front of me. "Why do you think you're here?" Professor Magnolia asked. "Well," I said. "I'm going to be given my first Pokémon and set off on a journey?" "You are somewhat right," Professor Elm answered. "So, I'm going to enter the Indigo League?" I inquired. "Not necessarily," Professor Juniper responded. "You are going to do something even better," Professor Oak added. "About three weeks ago, there was a new Pokémon League Formed. It is called the Verdant League..." Professor Birch then butted in, "Instead of facing eight gyms throughout a region and facing off in their championship Conferences..." "And then facing their Elite Four, and if you're luck, their Champion," I finished what Professor Birch was saying. "The Verdant League is a whole lot different," Professor Juniper began. "You can only start out with one Pokémon, and the League requires for you to visit specific gyms in specific regions. Only the Unova Region is not participating in this league, since the Elite Four there didn't allow it." "So, then why are you here?" I asked. "I am to be your designated Pokémon Professor for the League!" Professor Juniper replied. "There's more," Professor Magnolia stated. "You are allowed to keep your one Pokémon, but how the league works, when you arrive in a region, you must catch Pokémon of four different types and train them as you go visit the five Verdant League-designated gyms in that region. You will start here in Kanto, go to Sinnoh, then Merin then Hoenn and end in Johto. It is then you will hear of the place where you must travel with all the Pokémon you've trained." "When you arrive in each region," Professor Rowan said. "Each Professor will give you a starter Pokémon given to each trainer when they begin their journey. You will have to make sure that the next four Pokémon you train are of a different type, and at any given time while in a region, you are only allowed for one Pokémon to share a secondary type with another. The Pokémon you choose here is exempt from the rule."

As each Professor was telling me a different aspect of the League, my eyes were filled with a glimmer. I knew I was going to do great, since I was the son of a supposed League Champion. "The League Champion of each region," Professor Elm began after a long silence. "They will give you a special badge after you have completed the requirements in their respective region, but since Kanto is without a Champion, Lorelei will give you your badge of passage!" "One last thing," Professor Oak added. "You go straight to face the Elite four if you collect all five Region badges." "I should mention that this League is harder than all the others," Professor Juniper said. "Only select trainers are selected by the Regional Professors for this League." "Wait, you want me," I began. "With absolutely no battling experience and no experience training a Pokémon. I know my father was the Champion of the Sinnoh League, but..." Professor Oak instantly flared up, "Who told you that?" "Professor Rowan did, sir," I answered. "And then he passed it down to Cynthia. But, what doesn't make sense is how did my dad become the Champion if he said he spent his entire life in Austin?" All the professors began to look around the room like I didn't say anything. After a long silence, Professor Birch broke the silence and asked, "Do you accept the Verdant League challenge?" "Let's go!" I exclaimed. "I'm ready for a challenge!" "Now follow me," Professor Rowan said.

He walked into the room behind the kitchen and then down some stairs into the research lab. The other Professors followed me. "Now, this is where you will meet your first Pokémon," Professor Rowan said. "We have been authorized to give you the League Starters, which aren't conventional starters to a normal league. They are higher level, much stronger Pokémon, since the trainers entering the Verdant League are usually highly skilled trainers." All the Professors stood behind a respective Poké Ball, except Professor Juniper, who stood next to me. "Each Poké Ball contains a Pokémon found commonly in their region, even though they are probably found in others." "Professor Oak held up a photo and the other professors did the same. They were pictures of Pokémon, but I had no idea what they were. "This is a Lapras, a Water/Ice type Pokémon, it can be quite docile at times, and is a powerful opponent," Professor Oak said. "This is a Heracross, a Bug/Fighting type Pokémon, it is strong-willed and not easily able to be put down," Professor Elm said. "This is a Torkoal, a Fire type, it has a hard shell and its Fire and Ground attacks can really pack a wallop," Professor Birch added. "This is Spiritomb," Professor Rowan stated. "It is a Ghost/Dark type Pokémon that is sure to leave its opponents scared out of their wits." "That leaves Tropius, a Grass/Flying type; it takes the grace of flying types and combines it with the power of Grass types, not to mention the fruit that grows on it is delicious!" Professor Magnolia exclaimed.

I walked up to each Pokémon's picture and glanced at the pictures of each. I kept scratching my head trying to choose which one I wanted, and then I weighed the balances of each Pokémon. Every Pokémon was great, extraordinary in every way I could imagine! I stepped over to Professor Rowan, and then Professor Elm and then stopping for a moment at Professor Magnolia. I went over to Professor Oak, stood there and though again. Professor Birch leaned over to Professor Elm, "Kids usually don't take this long." "I didn't know about what Pokémon were being offered," I retorted. I stood back in the center of the room next to Professor Juniper and said, "I choose..."

=End Chapter 2=

Story Telling / Steps to Simplicity - Chapter 2
July 16, 2010, 04:45:02 PM
Here's Chapter 2. There's a Cliff hanger at the end.

Chapter 2: You Mean What?

        I was so excited to return home, though I love spending time in Hoenn. I wanted to see what this huge surprise my father was talking about. I clutched the Master Ball in my hand waiting to see what was going to happen. I burst out of the car the instant my mother pulled into the driveway. “I’ll be back soon!” I yelled running down the road to Professor Oak’s lab. By the time I reached the top step of the flight of stairs that led to the Professor’s lab, I was exhausted beyond belief, using my arms to pull me atop the landing at the top. After waiting a few minutes, I got enough strength to pull myself up and get to the door. I rang the bell and I heard a fast scurry on the inside. By now, the sun had set behind the hills to the east and the Volbeat and Illumise came out lighting the warm June night, making light patterns off in the distance.

        A light next to the door turned on and the door flung open. Professor Oak stood at the door perplexed. “You’re not Chinese food…” the Professor said scratching his head. “I have something for you,” I stated. “Can I come in?” Before Professor Oak could say anything, I ran right inside toward his den. I came to a screeching halt when I saw what I saw. The man who was sitting next to me on the plane was sitting on Professor Oak’s couch. He looked somehow a little different than on the plane. “Professor, I have a present from my father,” I said. I handed him the Master Ball. “It has been many years since I have seen one of these,” the Professor answered as he gazed mysteriously at the Pokéball. “Professor, I don’t mean to alarm you,” I began. “But the man sitting in your den was this mysterious man that sat next to me on the plane and asked my lots of questions.” “Oh, I was going to wait until tomorrow, but what the heck,” the Professor said. “Come!” I followed the Professor into the den.
        The man stood up. He was wearing a white lab coat, similar to that of Professor Oak’s, but with a gray S on the right sleeve. “Drew, this is Professor Rowan,” Professor Oak said. “He is a colleague of mine, the regional professor from the Sinnoh region.” “It is finally a pleasure to introduce myself, Drew,” Professor Rowan replied. “Professor Oak and I do have a surprise for you, but it will have to wait until tomorrow, since we aren’t finished with it yet.” “But I’ve been waiting all morning,” I complained. “Trust me, we can’t unveil our surprise until everyone is here,” Professor Oak responded.  “Now go on home, and get some rest. Come back at 8 AM tomorrow.” “Ok, then,” I answered. I bolted out of the lab and ran straight home. I quickly got into bed because of all energy I burnt when I ran back home. I didn’t even bother to take any article of clothing off, not even my shoes. 

       I woke up just a few minutes before 5 AM. I shot out of bed and flipped on all the lights. Skitty came walking out from her little kitty house with that dazed look in her eyes, not knowing what happened. She let out a big cat yawn and walked toward me. “Today’s the big day Skitty,” I said. “I just can’t focus.” I sat down on the couch in our living room and sat there for almost half an hour just petting Skitty and wondering what this huge surprise was: A brand new Pokémon, a change to go to Sinnoh or even Merin, a PokéDex… so many possibilities. Then, to pass the time, I took out the book that my dad gave me and opened to Chapter Three: The Pokémon League.

       In the Verdant Republic, there are six Official Pokémon Leagues, and an unofficial one. Each region has their respective league, including the Orange Islands with the seventh and unofficial league. To participate in the league championships of each individual league, one must visit and win in each of the Eight Gyms located throughout the region. After all eight “Gym Badges” are obtained; one may enter in the Pokémon League of their respective region. What makes this a fool proof system is that the badges are hand made by the Gym Leaders themselves, and are given a special serial number and embedded chip to prove their authenticity. They can only be stored in League approved cases, because when applying for the championships, they must sit in the case and run through a scanner to prove entrance into the League.

       If a trainer attains eight Kanto Badges, they enter the Indigo League and face other trainers, if they arrive in the top four, they will be permitted to face the Four Heavenly Kings, or Elite Four for short. These four trainers are the strongest of their specific Pokémon types in the region. If one manages to beat all four, then the person has an opportunity to face the League Champion. Only skilled trainers make it this far. The guidelines apply to Johto’s Silver Conference, Hoenn’s Ever Grande Conference, Sinnoh’s Suzuran Conference, Merin’s Chrysanthemum Conference and Isshu’s White Conference. If one travels to the Orange Islands and collect all four badges, then they can face the Orange League Champion and be inducted into the Hall of Fame if they beat the Champion.

       I closed the book after the end of the chapter. I mulled over the Elite Four and Champion many times. Professor Rowan said my father was the Sinnoh League Champion before he handed it to Cynthia. I shook my head in disbelief. My father was from Austin, Texas and he had no connection to Pokémon until we moved to our first house in Azalea Town. And by the time we moved to the Verdant Republic, Cynthia was the Sinnoh League Champion. After spending countless minutes trying to figure out the connection and how my father was the league champion. After collecting my thoughts and returning to reality, it was already 7:30 AM and before my mom could say good morning, I ran out towards Professor Oak’s, but forgetting to open the screen door. Let’s just say, there is a Drew-shaped hole in my mom’s screen door. I ran all the way to the lab, which was about a little less than a half a mile down the road.

       The morning was crisp and cool, unlike the uncommon balmy summer weather that occurred last night. I looked above me to see flocks of Pidgey, Starly, and Tallow fly overhead. They were enjoying the morning as much as I was. There were only a few streets in Pallet Town that consisted of the major residents and the main small shops. I had to run down the street I lived on and make a right turn to go south toward Professor Oak’s Lab, which sit upon a hilltop on the outskirts of the town. If I ran further down the road, I would reach the bay that leads south towards Cinnabar Island. There was a long path laden with oak trees leading up to the stairs of the Oak Lab. The Pokémon Range, Professor Oak’s private area to study the Pokémon that the trainers from Pallet Town and Viridian City catch and return to Professor Oak. The kid down the street, I think his name is Ash, just left for Johto for a journey, leaving 25 Tauros at Professor Oak’s for study.

       I got there around 7:50 AM and I pounded on the door. A tall woman with long red hair and glasses answered the door. She was wearing a lab coat and a knee length skirt, but her coat was similar to Professor Oak’s, but with an orange M on the side of her right sleeve. “You must be Drew,” the woman said. “Please enter.” “Thanks!” I replied. “I am Professor Magnolia,” Professor Magnolia stated. “I come from Shamrock Town, in Merin.” “What’s this all about?” I asked. “Just come with me,” the Professor said. In Professor Oak’s Den, there stood Professor Oak and Rowan, with another woman and a man. They all looked at me and then had a look on their face that showed “that they weren’t quite ready”. “Professor Elm, Professor Araragi, I would like you to meet Drew,” Professor Oak said pointing to me. “Hello Drew, I’m Professor Elm, from Johto,” Professor Elm answered. “And I’m Professor Araragi, from the Isshu Region,” Professor Araragi responded. There was still something not right amidst all the Professors.

       Just at that instant, there was a large screech outside and the slamming of a car door. Professor Elm went to the window and came back. “He’s finally here,” he said sarcastically. I went to the hallway looking at the front door. The door slammed open and in came a large figure going at full speed, which ended up tackling me. “Professor Birch!” I exclaimed, being crushed by the Professor. “Drew, it is finally nice to see you again!” Professor Birch replied. Professor Oak clapped his hands together and said, “Now that everyone is here, we can get started!” As Professor Birch walked into the den, he handed Professor Oak a white paper bag with the top folded off.

        I sat in a lone, lazy chair with all the Professors standing in a half circle in front of me. “Why do you think you’re here?” Professor Magnolia asked. “Well,” I said. “I’m going to be given my first Pokémon and set off on a journey?” “You are somewhat right,” Professor Elm answered. “So, I’m going to enter the Indigo League?” I inquired. “Not necessarily,” Professor Araragi responded. “You are going to do something even better,” Professor Oak added. “About three weeks ago, there was a new Pokémon League Formed. It is called the Verdant League...” Professor Birch then butted in, “Instead of facing eight gyms throughout a region and facing off in their championship Conferences…” “And then facing their Elite Four, and if you’re luck, their Champion,” I finished what Professor Birch was saying. “The Verdant League is a whole lot different,” Professor Araragi began. “You can only start out with one Pokémon, and the League requires for you to visit specific gyms in specific regions. Only the Isshu region is not participating in this league, since the Elite Four there didn’t allow it.” “So, then why are you here?” I asked. “I am to be your designated Pokémon Professor for the League!” Professor Araragi replied. “There’s more,” Professor Magnolia stated. “You are allowed to keep your one Pokémon, but how the league works, when you arrive in a region, you must catch Pokémon of four different types and train them as you go visit the five Verdant League-designated gyms in that region. You will start here in Kanto, go to Sinnoh, then Merin then Hoenn and end in Johto. It is then you will hear of the place where you must travel with all the Pokémon you’ve trained.” “When you arrive in each region,” Professor Rowan said. “Each Professor will give you a starter Pokémon given to each trainer when they begin their journey. You will have to make sure that the next four Pokémon you train are of a different type, and at any given time while in a region, you are only allowed for one Pokémon to share a secondary type with another. The Pokémon you choose here is exempt from the rule.”

       As each Professor was telling me a different aspect of the League, my eyes were filled with a glimmer. I knew I was going to do great, since I was the son of a supposed League Champion. “The League Champion of each region,” Professor Elm began after a long silence. “They will give you a special badge after you have completed the requirements in their respective region, but since Kanto is without a Champion, Lorelei will give you your badge of passage!” “One last thing,” Professor Oak added. “You go straight to face the Elite four if you collect all five Region badges.” “I should mention that this League is harder than all the others,” Professor Araragi said. “Only select trainers are selected by the Regional Professors for this League.” “Wait, you want me,” I began. “With absolutely no battling experience and no experience training a Pokémon. I know my father was the Champion of the Sinnoh League, but..” Professor Oak instantly flared up, “Who told you that?” “Professor Rowan did, sir,” I answered. “And then he passed it down to Cynthia. But, what doesn’t make sense is how did my dad become the Champion if he said he spent his entire life in Austin?” All the professors began to look around the room like I didn’t say anything.

       After a long silence, Professor Birch broke the silence and asked, “Do you accept the Verdant League challenge?” “Let’s go!” I exclaimed. “I’m ready for a challenge!” “Now follow me,” Professor Rowan said. He walked into the room behind the kitchen and then down some stairs into the research lab. The other Professors followed me. “Now, this is where you will meet your first Pokémon,” Professor Rowan said. “We have been authorized to give you the League Starters, which aren’t conventional starters to a normal league. They are higher level, much stronger Pokémon, since the trainers entering the Verdant League are usually highly skilled trainers.” All the Professors stood behind a respective Pokéball, except Professor Araragi, who stood next to me. “Each Pokéball contains a Pokémon found commonly in their region, even though they are probably found in others.” “Professor Oak held up a photo and the other professors did the same. They were pictures of Pokémon, but I had no idea what they were. “This is a Lapras, a Water/Ice type Pokémon, it can be quite docile at times, and is a powerful opponent,” Professor Oak said. “This is a Heracross, a Bug/Fighting type Pokémon, it is strong-willed and not easily able to be put down,” Professor Elm said. “This is a Torkoal, a Fire type, it has a hard shell and its Fire and Ground attacks can really pack a wallop,” Professor Birch added. “This is Spiritomb,” Professor Rowan stated. “It is a Ghost/Dark type Pokémon that is sure to leave its opponents scared out of their wits.” “That leaves Tropius, a Grass/Flying type; it takes the grace of flying types and combines it with the power of Grass types, not to mention the fruit that grows on it is delicious!” Professor Magnolia exclaimed.

        I walked up to each Pokémon’s picture and glanced at the pictures of each. I kept scratching my head trying to choose which one I wanted, and then I weighed the balances of each Pokémon. Every Pokémon was great, extraordinary in every way I could imagine! I stepped over to Professor Rowan, and then Professor Elm and then stopping for a moment at Professor Magnolia. I went over to Professor Oak, stood there and though again. Professor Birch leaned over to Professor Elm, “Kids usually don’t take this long.” “I didn’t know about what Pokémon were being offered,” I retorted. I stood back in the center of the room next to Professor Araragi and said, “I choose…”

=End Chapter 2=

Story Telling / Steps to Simplicity - Chapter 1
July 14, 2010, 11:15:12 AM
So, this is my Pokémon FanFic. My chapter would've been longer, but for cliffhanger purposes, I will split everything to make it smaller! I hope you enjoy (plus its my writing style to give a background of everything, so you dont get lost in the future)

Chapter 1: Green Town Entrance

      I remember right after my twelfth birthday, I had something extraordinary happen to me. I was visiting my dad in Lilycove City for my birthday. My parents divorced when I was four, so I got to visit my dad for my birthday and Christmas. We always had so much fun, since the city is right on the water, like Seattle is. We’d visit the beach, get on my dad’s Lapras and go water skiing and then go swimming with the Mantyke and Horsea. As I was leaving to go home, my dad said something. “I know you may have not done many things like the kids your age are doing now,” he told me. “Your time has come. The government lets you go on a journey from leaving school at the age of 10, but you mother and I just wanted you to study. I will entrust you with this Pokéball.” He gave me a Pokéball, but it wasn’t like a normal one â€" it was purple on the top half and white on the bottom half, with two pink mounds on the top of it, with a “M” embossed on the top. “Now, don’t lose this ball,” my dad told me. “It is extremely important. Also, when you arrive home, there might be something great in store for you, if you can deliver this ball unharmed to Professor Oak.” “Gotcha dad!” I replied. He went up to the ticket counter and got my ticket. I gave my father a huge hug and waved bye as I entered the security checkpoint at the airport.

   I was sitting in Lilycove International Airport, waiting for my flight to Viridian City to begin boarding. I looked out the window into the deep blue ocean, so calm, so tranquil.  Nothing could stir the ocean in its stillness. It would be my last glimpse of Lilycove City in a long time (not to mention, I’m a sucker for a good landscape). I took out the Pokéball and looked at it. In the United States, Pokéballs are illegal to be carried on a plane and Pokémon are not allowed on a plane unless they are classified by the Global Pokémon Body as a Normal Type and contain a Pokémon less than 50kg (meaning no Snorlax), but here, PokéBalls are locked from use while in the air. I opened my pack to find a book my dad put in there. I read the title: Pokémon and Modern Society. It seemed to be interesting; I always wanted to know how Pokémon made it to the rest of the world. I opened the book into Chapter One. It was titled The Verdant Republic.

 Basically, Pokémon were discovered in the Hokkaido Republic, a group of five large islands, called regions, as well as smaller archipelagos. There are six main regions: Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Merin, and Isshu. Kanto and Johto are on the same island, Isla Kanto. Hoenn is a smaller island to the southwest of Johto, which is on the west side of Isla Kanto, Sinnoh is a large island to the northeast of Kanto, Merin is west of Sinnoh and north of Johto, and Isshu is northwest of Hoenn.  Before 1870, the people of the Verdant Republic spoke Fushigidane, a now-dead language, a variant of Japanese. The Japanese were the only outside people who were in contact with the six Kingdoms (each region was a Kingdom).
In 1850, Vermilion City was discovered by French explorer Marquis Jacques de Verdant. In 1910, the English took control of Goldenrod City. There was a massive battle between the two forces which resulted in the English taking control of the entire nation. Unlike the Western European countries, the then-Kingdom of Kanto was technologically advanced compared to England, launching their first human into space in 1843 from the Mossdeep City Spaceport. It seems so interesting, to learn about a complete civilization that wasn’t eradicated. When the English took control of Goldenrod City, the entire nation was split in two, with Johto, Hoenn and Isshu going to the British and Kanto, Merin and Sinnoh to the French (as well as the Orange Archipelago and the Sevii Islands). Actually, for about a week, the British controlled the entire group of islands, but French resistance made them relinquish possessions (with help from the Americans, of course). In 1945, after World War II, the British withdrew power from the area and the French stayed in control.

        The three regions under British control were then sovereign and formed the Verdant Republic, recognizing their roots of discovery, with a capital centered in Rustboro City. The French “Départment d’outre-mer: Merin” with its capital in Carnelian City, in Merin. The French finally offered their territories sovereignty in 1972, and they combined with the Verdant Republic, calling them the latter and centering at Goldenrod City. English and French became the official languages of the Republic, though French is rarely used. This was all interesting history; I never learned this in school. I wasn’t like most people, I was born in the United States and we moved to Pallet Town when I was eight because my mom’s then-boyfriend wanted us to go there. We decided to stay, except with one thing we didn’t know about. These were the animals we call Pokémon.

   Pokémon have always lived in the Verdant Republic with no threats from outside countries. Lavender Town, in Kanto is only 324 miles west of Perth, Australia. A plane ride from the Verdant Republic’s main airport in Goldenrod to Perth is only under two hours. The airport in Jubilife City is only about 45 minutes. The only flights to the United States directly are from Goldenrod City, and they go to Los Angeles and Seattle, and they just opened these routes with the introduction of the Boeing 777-200LR, because the flights are over 9,000 miles and takes almost 18 hours. So, we are close to civilization of what these people call the “civilized world”. Even though Pokémon have existed since the dawn of time with man, there are still many discoveries about them as we progress in time and have major technological breakthroughs.

   The laws in the Verdant Republic are similar to the laws of the Western World, but there are some slight variations. Back on Constitution Day, in the Gregorian calendar, March 9, 1427, Pokémon had to be considered in the laws since they were with humans for the most part of their lives, and interacted with them daily. People are only allowed to carry six Pokémon at a time, unless they are a Pokémon Professor or Researcher, then they can carry 10. If one leaves the country jurisdictions, one can only take two Pokémon off the approved list. If one fails to break these laws, the Pokéballs will be transferred to the storage system at their regional professor lab or Pokémon Center. Pokéballs are an enigma of machinery. They [Pokéballs] are registered to a certain person, they can teleport anywhere within the Verdant Republic, they can collapse (even with a Pokémon inside) and they can hold any size Pokémon. They are either by two companies: Silph or Devon, or made out of certain fruits called Apricorns. Other laws protect children and their Pokémon. Children are allowed to apply for a trainer’s license at the age of 10. If they pass a test, they are given a Pokédex and a starter Pokémon, only available in that region. They are allowed to participate in their regional league. I wasn’t allowed because my parents wouldn’t let me and wanted to stay in school. I finally realized their decision was the right one, and I may move back to the United States when I go there to attend College.

   In the Verdant Republic, training with a Pokémon is considered a diploma from a Secondary Education School, though it offers and education system similar to the one in the United States. When a person turns 18, they are given a Secondary Education diploma, given that a student spent their last year studying for college. Pokémon are part of the average daily lives of everyone in the Verdant Republic. I looked up, next to the gate agent was a Mr. Mime collecting boarding passes for the Rustboro flight. For example, people use Fighting types for building (like Machoke), Grass Type Pokémon for plant care (like Rosrade), and Water Types for swimming instruction (like Staryu), or a Meowth for Noodle Shops.
   A voice came on the PA, “Now Boarding all rows for Flight 219 to Viridian City. Please show all Pokéballs to the gate agent for inspection.” I got up and stood in line to get on the plane. People had to show Pokéballs just to make sure that their manifest was correct with the amount of Pokémon travelling with a person and that it matched their tickets. I arrived to one of the gate agents. “How many Pokémon do you have with you?” she asked me. “I don’t own any,” I replied. “I do have this Pokéball for Professor Oak, though.” “Oh, yes,” she stated. “The ticketing counter told us about you. Thank you! Please give your ticket to the Machamp ahead. Have a nice flight!” “Thanks!” I added. I got on the plane and I realized where I was sitting; I had a First Class ticket! I was excited; this was a first for me.

   After the plane took off, I just sat and read the magazines from the seat in front of me. After I got bored of that, I looked out the window. I could see off in the distance, two Pokémon; one was red, the other was blue. I wondered what they were doing all the way up here, but then I thought they were just lost bird Pokémon. I looked down and we were flying over Mossdeep City, and it was pretty this time of day. The flight in total took a little under two hours. I picked up Pokémon and Modern Society and began the next chapter. This chapter was entitled The Magic of the Pokéball

   In the world, there are twenty-one variants of a basic Pokéball. There are others, ones used of tourneys and events like in the Safari Zones of the various regions. When a Pokéball is bought or received, the trainer encodes his ID into the ball by waving the “Read Pokéball” sensor on the PokéDex and pressing “Encode ID” on the touchscreen. This sensor also is used to determine the moves known by a Pokémon and its nature all from within the Pokéball. As I mused before, an invisible airwave teleportation system exists within the borders of the Verdant Republic. With this in place, the airwaves know when one exceeds his/her limit of carrying Pokémon, and will transfer Pokémon to the Regional Professor or their Hometown storage facility (it all depends whether you received your first Pokémon from Nurse Joy or a Professor). I turned the page and it gave a pictorial description of each ball, its catch rate and its special uses (if applicable). I took out the ball my dad gave me and I looked to find it in the book.

       Before I could look at the name, the man sitting next to me said, “So, you’ve got a Master Ball.” “Uh, yes,” I replied. I looked at the man; he was tall, with grey hair and seemed kind of intimidating. He spoke with a deep voice, and for some reason I felt like he would just steal the Pokéball from me and hold it above my head, making me jump for it and beg. “How did someone your age get a hold of one of those?” he asked me. “Those balls take about 3 months to produce one. Devon and Silph only release about eight a year, between the two companies.” “I didn’t know that!” I answered. “The ball, however, is for Professor Oak. I’m just on my way to give it to him. Just what exactly does this ball do?” “This ball can catch any Pokémon without weakening it. It’s the perfect Pokéball. These aren’t even sold; they are given to special people.” “Wow, so these are really rare,” I answered. “Indeed they are,” the man noted. “How’d did you get ahold of the ball in the first place?” “I was here visiting my father. He went on a trip to Rustboro for three days and came back with it. He then gave it to me to take to Professor Oak,” I said. “Do you know Professor Oak well?” the man said. “He’s my neighbor, so of course!” I retorted. “When I turned 10, he pressured my parents to let me go on a journey with a Pokémon and enter the Indigo League, but they both disagreed.” “So, you have past age 10 without gaining a Pokémon?” the man said. “That’s right,” I answered.

        I looked out the window and saw a larger city beneath us with a tall tower and a big clearing that has a bunch of rubble in the middle. On top of this tower, I saw a gold looking bird, just enjoying its day and eating something. “The great thing is,” I continued while looking out. “There’s something big waiting for me when I arrive home.” “Well, congratulations, on whatever it is,” the man replied. “I forgot to ask. Who exactly is your father?” “Oh,” I responded. “His name’s Alex Norman.” “Wait, THE Alex Norman?” the man questioned. “Is he the Alex Norman that is the Chairman of the Devon Corporation?” “That’s him alright,” I answered. “He goes to Rustboro about 3 days a week. You know him?” “I do, but not from his work at Devon,” the man responded. “He and I go way back. He used to be the Sinnoh Elite Four Champion he passed it down to Cynthia.” “What’s the Elite Four?” I asked. “You don’t know?” The man said as he looked at me as if I asked a stupid question. “You’ll find out soon enough.” The man then got up and went towards the back of the plane. “Attention passengers,” one of the flight attendants came on the PA system. “We are beginning our descent into Viridian City. Please make sure your seats are upright for landing. Thank you for flying Air Verdant.” I looked my window; I saw a large plateau with a bunch of stadia and a few towers. I always wondered what that place was. It was pretty built up for not being that populated. I know someday, I’ll find out what that place is. Whenever I asked the question to Professor Oak, he would quickly change the subject.

         The plane landed around 4 PM, and I looked outside at the trees engulfing the airfield. It wasn’t the largest airport, but it was the second largest in Kanto after the Saffron-Celadon-Cerulean Airport. Viridian was about a 3 hour drive south from Pewter, and it usually took us about an hour and a half to get home in traffic. I walked into the main terminal where my mom stood with a Happiny standing next to her. I ran with open arms (though I had a backpack on and bags hanging on to my arms) and gave her a huge hug. “Welcome home, Drew,” my mom said. “How was your dad’s?” “It was fun,” I remarked. “I want to see Professor Oak immediately when I get home.” I looked around for the man who I talked to on the plane. “Ok, let’s go home!” my mom replied. “There is some people who want to see you!” “Who?” I asked. Just then a Growlithe and a Skitty came running up to me and knocking me to the floor. “Growlithe! Skitty! It is so nice to see you two again!” I exclaimed. Growlithe then proceeded to lick me like crazy. “Growlithe, stop,” I said. “Not until we get home.” I stood up and Skitty jumped up on my shoulder. “So, mom, how come you have a Happiny?” I asked. “Professor Oak gave him to me,” she answered. “He thinks I may need her to help around the house.” “Sounds cool, let’s get home!” Happiny then proceeded to take all the bags and go out to the car.
Nintendo / Skyward Sword
July 03, 2010, 10:42:03 PM
I wanna know everyone's thoughts on the new Zelda game (even though it won't be released for sometime... like Pokémon Black and White).

I love the fact that the sword is basically an extention of the arm with MotionPlus (which works on SMG 2 suprisingly)
Nintendo / Calling all Pokémon Arrangers!!!
July 02, 2010, 02:12:04 PM
Pokémon Gold/Silver Medley Info


Thanks for everyone's help on this project! It's gonna be a huge success, me thinks!

Release Date: August 16th, 2010 at 4:00 PM PDT (GMT-8)

Arrangers: I'll be sending you a PM shortly with instructions!