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Messages - World 36-1

I'm uncomfortable with the number of people putting me in the sus list, so I'll take this opportunity to vouch for myself here.

The main reason for me not posting a ton yet is because I'm a newbie, so I'm still studying how the rest of you play. There's certainly a lot more complex strategies here than what I ever did with my friends, so I want to learn as much as I can before I start accusing others.

Not the strongest argument, I know, but better than nothing!
I'm interested to see who else gets wolfed. Even if BDS was a random choice, the discussions have potentially placed targets on the other experienced players.

I have had no interactions with BDS, so I can't be of much help there. If anyone else has had any convos with him, please share.

36 is fine, World 36-1 is kind of a mouthful lol

Lmao I completely forgot to check the forums. Sorry for leaving you waiting, I'll be checking more frequently so I hopefully don't miss anything else! I'm mainly active on the Discord, so hello Forum Friends!

Regarding suspicions, E. Gadd reached out to me about the game earlier today (thanks btw). Going off of what TheZeldaPianist said, that indicates to me that E. Gadd would be safe.
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG CXIV Sign-ups
July 03, 2023, 06:48:54 AM
 Not usually active on the forums, but I'll never miss a chance to play among us the werewolf game. In.