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Messages - AcceptedSugar

...aaand upon printing it I immediately noticed that the side margins are wrong. I'll fix them in an update once I get feedback  :)

It's still a bit rough, and it's my first time using things like first and second ending so please let me know if I did it right.

In the MIDI and Finale playback, in m37, the rolled chord does some pretty weird stuff. I tried deleting it all and reinputting it, changing the expression definition, putting it in different voices/the same voice, and nothing changed the playback. Any thoughts?

Thanks!  :D
Okay, I think it's all fixed!

idk why m48 was acting so weird lol
Okay! All changes are up to date!

Thanks again

I did everything as you suggested, except the following:

- I left some rests in the RH where it was clear that the note had faded away.
- I left it at 5 pages; shrinking it down to 4 made the octaves cramped hard to read with the clef change in my opinion... is this okay?

Thanks!  :D
Oh wow this is intense! I like it
Yay! Thanks
I just made all of those changes, :)

None of the barline options really worked, so I just moved the poco a poco accel to the left a bit like you suggested.

Thanks for all the help! I'm excited to finally have a real sheet :D
Ah- you're right, I missed the thing in the last measure. I had a tempo marking but I guess it was too small since you didn't see it, so I went ahead and moved the staff down and added a piu mosso instead (probably makes more sense visually, I think I'm explaining it wrong lol).

I think everything else is fixed, just let me know if I missed anything :D
I updated everything to the panel! :D

Oh wow, I could fall asleep listening to that one. So relaxing!
Hi! Thank you so much for the feedback-

I'll get to this tomorrow right when I get home, I'm super excited to finish it up! Your comments are really helpful, as always. I appreciate all the extra help! :D

Thanks again,

P.S. I was thinking about extending the ottava over measures 45-48 just so there's not a gap there (there's some high notes too). Do you think that would help clean it up?

Thanks Khunjund!

This is my second sheet ever- I know that it's probably really rough in ways I don't even know lol

Don't be afraid to be harsh, I just wanna learn as much as I can through this process!

Thanks :D
Site News / Re: Update, Thursday 26th of November 2020
November 26, 2020, 05:13:22 PM
Yay! Thanks to everyone for helping me (I'm one of the newbies).

Apind, BlueKirby, and Kaphita, congrats! Let's keep going!