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Messages - hoggers

The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG: Desperation Move
May 08, 2020, 01:45:34 AM
my time has come
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG CXIII Postgame
July 30, 2019, 10:50:16 AM
all that oppose me i crush like tiny bugg
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG CXIII Postgame
July 25, 2019, 08:29:08 AM
all might has no weiner
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on July 22, 2019, 03:44:47 PMWait a minute, if MD and Hoggers are both wolves, then the game should have ended already. Parity was reached.
that what i been trying to say.

maddemon vote Yoshi
hoggers vote Yoshi
Quote from: E. Gadd Industries on July 12, 2019, 11:52:33 AMYou accuse Shy of his reasoning being off, and yet when you are directly asked for reasoning, all you say isWhen obviously it is not bc multiple people have asked you to explain further.

But on another note, so had mikey accused you, you wouldn't have asked "Why are you accusing me?" and instead would have just started accusing him? From your perspective, that works because you know your role, whatever that may be. But think about it from ours. We don't know you're human, even if I had town-read you in an earlier post. So if you, instead of trying to figure out why, immediately start pointing fingers back, that looks more defensive than anything else.
you no listen i no speak
let me explain in way you american understand

Quote from: ShyYoshiGuy on July 12, 2019, 11:40:32 AMThat's what I did. I said the person attacking me, you, is wolf. I can't attack your argument if you don't have one.
yes but you reason suck. independantly that also make you wolfy, but it not the starting basis of vote which was question. you no attack mikey or engage and only say why me. then i vote for this and again why me come up but when you think my argument is weak is when you strike. cowardly and wolfy action. only to when you understood argument strong did you enlist help of wolf friend
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on July 12, 2019, 11:04:26 AMHow can someone defend against an argument they don't know the reasoning to!!??
reasoning clear

self centered. how not be self centered? just think of word. self. centered. focus on others and not self. make read that involve not who pushing you but who shying away. he no do this
this not a cause to support. this a decision you come to when you view both player word and find truth. i no vote to kill, i vote to be informed.

why me mean person evil. instead of why me, i attack person argument and offer people who are wolfy or say person attacking me is wolf. town focus less on defense and more offense because they know they good. no need to defend when they feel they should be townread already.
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on July 12, 2019, 10:31:09 AMWhat the hell? Why did you vote for Shy?
preflip association are house of cards. one small mistakeo, and blow over it will. you play dangerous game here, and not look like it work for you.

you get one more chance
Quote from: ShyYoshiGuy on July 12, 2019, 03:26:06 AMmikey: Alrighty then
mikey: I'm going to vote syg
ShyYoshiGuy: Oof, why?
hoggers: i vote him, too
mikey: Because you rolled wolf :(

My message is timestamped 12:52:03. hoggers' is 12:52:12. I guess that's for you to decide if 9 seconds is enough time to make a value judgement for asking why they'll be voted, decide to vote for them, type it out on Discord, and send it. Because according to hoggers, his reason for voting me is my self-centered thinking, but he had already said in the Discord 19 seconds (mikey's second one listed here was 12:51:53) after mikey did that he was gonna vote me.
if you take 30 seconds to think about response that not my fault. train your brain to be better, do not disrespect my reaction time
Quote from: ShyYoshiGuy on July 11, 2019, 10:17:47 PMI refuse to believe you're just "bad with names". That's just, urg, not important. Why are you voting me though? Neither of you have explained. I'm keeping my vote with FG, even though hoggers bandwagoning with mikey doesn't quite make sense to me.
those who say why me and not why not them dedicate self centered mindset as wolf