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Messages - Arison The Bat

wasn't trying to group you all together, sorry for the misunderstanding. just trying to group all of those "haters" together.
hey, welcome to the site.

a suggestion i have is to include a midi file with the music so people like myself can preview things faster.
wow, thats quite a list there. by some of what i sampled, there pretty good. keep up the good work.
Nintendo / Re: wii music
March 04, 2009, 04:44:53 PM
no, no, not you man. i can tell just by reading your posts your a musician. im talking to the person who started this thread.

i can see playing a game and getting so involved with it because you cant do it your self, but wii music is something that is just a joke becuase music is something anybody can do with some practice. so instead of practicing fake music, practice a real instrument. its much more satisfieing to not only yourself, but to other people.
Nintendo / Re: Online Brawling
March 04, 2009, 04:39:31 PM
well, some people do. and some people just like having a good time. and allisbrawl isnt just for SSBB. weve got a halo section, street fighter, and several other games aswell.

in a sence, everybody has a good time. but obviosly you guys dont think so, so i'll stop pushing the subject.
Music / Re: Band Arrangements?
March 04, 2009, 04:34:02 PM
sooooo, how exactly is JWpepper lameness? it was the only way i was able to get my band teacher to allow us to play game music in the first place. having trouble understanding why you didnt like the suggestion. could you alaberate?
Quote from: Gamer4250 on February 13, 2009, 09:12:14 AMSilly fanboy, find something other than official press releases to read from.

You should realise you can buy the original games for much cheaper most of the time, can actually store an amount you would want to play on a computer and use emulators, the Wii has no HDD which limits basically any downloadable content, and that the 360 is cheaper.

You have proven to us that you have only joined this forum to spew your tourneyfag spam and fanboy spam.  Nobody likes that.  I suggest you leave.

how does it limit downloadable content. use something called homebrew. I've got it, and love it. and how is the 360 cheaper? games are 10-20 dollars more than new wii games. Playing online with people cost monthly as where The Wii is free online (yes i know the quality is not as great, but still free is good)

Not to dis on the 360 though. i own one of those aswell. its just so much more expensive, i find it better to buy Nintendo products rather that xbox products.

oh, and you guys have obviosly made your point that you would rather be lonely than play games with other people. Im not going to push it with you guys anymore, so cut the "tourney Fag" crap and try to be atleast a little bit more reasonable.

oh, and resident evil 5 is okay by my standards.
so if you guys arnt interested in brawling. why are you posting here exactly? i'll never understand the mind of a child.
Request / Re: Super Mario RPG
February 13, 2009, 08:50:56 AM
thanks man.
Nintendo / Re: Resident Evil 5: Wii Edition anytime soon?
February 13, 2009, 08:48:32 AM
im with you on the fact that the old nintendo games are better, but you have to live in the day man. believe it or not, people enjoy the wii for several reasons.

1) its great for families.

2) good for friends to have a good time.

3) virtual console allows old time game lovers like you and me to play the old games without the hassle of carrieing around countless cartiges and risking them being broken.

4)its cheaper than anything else out on the market.

5) its nintendo, cant dis that. they've been around for over 100 years.
Nintendo / Re: Resident Evil 5: Wii Edition anytime soon?
February 11, 2009, 08:26:18 AM
If you hate Nintendo so much, why are you at this site?
Nintendo / Re: Online Brawling
February 11, 2009, 08:23:56 AM
How mature. All im stating is that allisbrawl is made for this kind of stuff. All im doing is trying to get more people to play with because of the low population of smashers in washington. And all is brawl isnt just used for brawl. There is all sorts of different gamming communities that go on with it. Like halo for instance. This site just really focuses on organizing things better, and its got a well more put together forum than this site.

You cant blam a guy for wanting to have fun. And insulting me just proves that you really are not mature "gamer4250". How about you grow up a little bit, and except the fact that I'm no different than the people in this thread. We all just want to have a good time and brawl.
Wow, you sound 20 years maybe. Does your mycro of a brain not comprehend the fact that even after your insults, im still trying to be a nice guy and do what gamers love to do with other gamers. Or are you a infectuos troll who feels the need to haras every single person you meet. Please try to reframe from being so negitive to other people and grasp the meaning of kindness in that blacked coal of a heart you have.
Music / Re: Give the best shot!
February 11, 2009, 08:02:09 AM
if you want something really, really hard. get the athletic them from super mario world. very, very difficult. i can play most music on this site, but that one is got to be on the top of the most difficult list. and its cool to listen to and play.
Music / Re: need song to play
February 11, 2009, 07:58:37 AM
Super mario RPG has some difficult themes aswell. like valintina's theme. or SMG, Chrono trigger. if you want a balad, get waltz of Pain(very difficult) cant get it from this site though. if you want though, i can email it to you. its mallows sad theme from SMRPG, but its 4 pages long and songs like a piece of mozart.