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Messages - stibbar155

Music / Re: What are you listening to right now?
January 15, 2019, 02:49:21 PM

There are previews for a new Fire Emblem Arrangements CD with some great tracks: Trouble(fe1), Holy War(fe4), Mila's Divine Protection and Where the Road Ends(fe2+15), Companions (fe7) to name a few. Even some new vocal arrangements with Yumi Kawamura who's known for her vocal work in Persona 3 OST! Definitely can't wait til the full tracks get released, hopefully I can figure out how to buy it and ship it overseas too.
Piano Arrangements / Re: stibbar155 First Arrangement
January 03, 2019, 06:50:08 PM
Updated sheets with links in the first post!

Your advice was super helpful! It took a while to try to find the right chords, although there's a few I'm not sure about, but either way it made it a lot easier to pinpoint the bass and piano backing melody! If I can implement the backing piano voice into a solo piano sheet, I think it will be too difficult for my sister to play which is why I have two separate mus, etc files for them.

Some changes I made:
  • Labeled all the chords that I heard/used, it looks messy but in my final sheet I'll just copy paste the notes only, wanted to post the chords I used tho to see if  I was right or not
  • put more chords in the second part of the song since it was kinda plain
  • rewrote the bass in the last measure to closer match the original song
A few issues I already know:
  • Probably some incorrect chords/ notes in piano melody in the "Full" sheet but it sounded alright to me so I decided to post an updated sheet
  • I forgot to unslur the D-> C# in measures 10 +18, and by the time I remembered when I unslured them the measures shifted which meant I would have to move all the chord markings I made.. so I uploaded as is, but it's fixed now!
  • The last two measures aren't a part of the song, but I couldn't figure out how to delete measures in notepad lol
  • Notepad doesn't playback the grace note chords in the second part of the song correctly, but I tried it IRL and it sounded fine so yay
    • EDIT: Just realized I forgot to tie some of the notes in that area which is why it probably sounded weird.. oops
  • The note layers in the "Full" mus file are a bit of a mess.. I forgot that I could've used layer 3 the whole time for the piano backing but I already wrote a lot of it in layer 2 and couldn't figure out how to make the notes change layers so I left it as is, hope it doesn't bother anyone too much

I'm glad that I tried to match the piano backing in the "Full" sheet, I think it sounds really good in the beginning! The problem is that I believe it is currently unplayable as a solo sheet, and I'm not sure how to arrange this third voice into the RH. I think it's doable for the last section, but I wanted to see if any arrangers here could give me advice on how to write it, or show me an example measure/line. Chords are my favorite part of music but I don't know that much about them, so mapping and learning different chord progressions was pretty fun! Again, I'd appreciate any comments on how to improve either sheet. :)
Piano Arrangements / Re: stibbar155 First Arrangement
January 02, 2019, 05:19:42 PM
Updated mus file, midi and pdf in my first post!

Tried my best to fix the notation, but if I still made any errors feel free to let me know! In measures 6 & 8 when I used layers to separate the different melodies I tried to hide the extra rests with the H key but couldn't get it to work, so I moved the rests into the beams of the other layer. If someone knows how to input hiding rests on Finale Notepad, please let me know, or else I might need someone's help to do that. Also if anyone has any recommendations or advice about moving/changing notes in the bass/melody, or rhythmical changes I'd appreciate that too.
Working on making a sheet of this! My post with the work-in-progress sheets is in the Piano Arrangements section of the forum.
Piano Arrangements / Re: stibbar155 First Arrangement
January 02, 2019, 08:20:51 AM
Thanks so much for the feedback! I agree that there's a lot of cleaning that needs to be done, I'll try to fix the beams/tails and spacing so it's easier to read musically for the rest of the song first. I don't think I'll run into much trouble revising the notes into the pulse grouping you showed, but in terms of tails/stems pointing up and down I'm not sure what is best so I'll just go with my eye for now.

QuoteTextually, if you could get those quick mid-range chords in somehow, that would go a long way to matching the feel of the original. I think they would ideally go with the RH under the melody (could be impossible in some spots) even if they have to change inversions, but be aware that this would make the piece significantly harder to play, which is especially relevant if this is a gift. Just bear that in mind.
I agree, that was my original plan but my sister isn't the best at playing a jumping melody/bass. So I sorta mashed up the piano and bass that I could pick out the notes for and put it in this bassline. I think for my purpose, I'll stick closer to what have right now for the melody and bass, even if that is a kinda strange way to arrange a piece. If I get the time, I would like to rewrite it the way you're describing, it would be challenging to play but probably sound pretty nice!

QuoteEDIT: I also noticed you requested this song in the Request board. To be honest, given the start you've already got into it, I don't see why you couldn't take care of it yourself (even with some assistance). As a gift as well, I think this would also be phenomenal.
Yup, sent out that message at the Request Board a few days ago, should probably comment that I'm working on it now to finish a sheet of it. Since I'm still on break for a week I thought why not give it a shot myself arranging it for piano, no harm in trying. Like I said earlier, it makes me respect all the time and work the people here put into their sheets, and to helping others revise their sheets too  ;)

But yeah I'll get started on cleaning the rhythm, beams, spacing first. After that, I'll see if I can fix some of the chords/bass that sounds wonky but if I run into trouble, I'll just post here again for help. I've learned so much already, so thanks for all of the feedback and advice again!

Piano Arrangements / stibbar155 First Arrangement
January 01, 2019, 06:28:29 PM
First time trying to arrange game music for piano, makes me appreciate all the sheet music you all create and wonder how long it takes too. Anyways here's some links, I'm not sure how to get pdf from Finale NotePad so it's just the mus and midi files.

Original Song (Wardrobe Idol):
Updated the sheets! There's two new versions I have files for, the first is the one that I'm arranging for my sister, and the other labelled "Full" has the piano backing melody from the original song but the problem is that I'm not sure how to or if it's possible to arrange this third voice in a solo piano sheet. (BTW if someone could message or PM me the way to type urls as clickable text, so instead of Mus: [link] when you click on the word Mus that is the link, if that makes sense :D)

Mus Version 3:
Midi Version 3:
Pdf Version 3:

Mus "Full":
Midi "Full":
Pdf "Full":
Hi, new to the forums but really enjoy playing the sheet music on this site! Requesting any song from the Style Savvy: Styling Star Soundtrack, it seems really underrated. But here's one of my favorites