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Messages - DarkraixDEATH4

Quote from: FireArrow on May 13, 2017, 01:54:09 PMRememer kids, demonic possesion is bad...

No but really, if Darkraix isn't obviously satire then come on guys.

Quote from: E. Gadd Industries on May 13, 2017, 10:59:29 AMYeah, dark love? Like, a love to do bad or...?

dark love as in like "the love of the dark" like not "love" as in the love you feel for your partner or to someone/something that's done good for you but like a genuine love for dark energy (but the love is dark too) it's like this love = light and dark love = dark light... or just the absence of light but still with the feeling of appreciation i guess i can love but love in a bad way (not of the light)
Quote from: AmpharosAndy on May 13, 2017, 10:57:57 AMI do not understand what you mean.
What did he have to say for himself? People usually tend to meet him when drugs are involved.

he told me i've done a good job
Quote from: AmpharosAndy on May 13, 2017, 10:50:00 AMSo what do they do during the day? Maybe you could try going to sleep early.

oh they don't really do anything in the day they only like the night, but i like them because there all i have
Quote from: E. Gadd Industries on May 13, 2017, 10:48:07 AMSo have they told you these things or have you asked them?

i asked them because i was really curious :)
Off-Topic / Re: The Introduction Thread
May 13, 2017, 10:42:07 AM
Quote from: E. Gadd Industries on May 13, 2017, 10:31:03 AMO_______o WHAAAAAAT? That's crazy!
100% agree

this is so cool :3
Quote from: E. Gadd Industries on May 13, 2017, 10:35:22 AMDo you know their names?

oh i do actually there's Demonica, Adramelech, and Kyle. from what I know Kyle died by suicide, demonica and adramelech idk, but there my only friends...
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on May 13, 2017, 10:19:14 AMI have a question.
Why don't you refer to your collective consciousness as "we"?  It seems you still refer to yourself as a singular person

my demons are not me they are just my friends :o
Off-Topic / Re: The Introduction Thread
May 13, 2017, 10:22:38 AM
Quote from: E. Gadd Industries on May 13, 2017, 09:57:51 AMHey again! Welcome to NSM!
Also,I think I've found my female counterpart XDDD

oh u must really like mario too huh? :) i've been playing video games ever since i could remember my favorite video game of all time is super mario sunshine :3
hi what's ur question
hey guys since i'm new to the community i guess ill share apart of my personal life.. i feel dark energy flowing through my veins everytime my parents ask what's i can tell they never mean it. it's so hard all my life i've felt alone, apart form love. my only companion is my best friend, my inner demons they talk to me at night and tell me to do bad things like not do my chores or not do my school work. there my only REAL friends everyone else is just a lie. sometimes me and my demons go on walks, particularly at night because that's when we feel safe away from the light. my parents have asked me about the voices in my head before, but they'll never understand i don't even think they REALLY care to know who/what i am. they ask just to feel like they're good parents, but me and my demons know that they're just lying. my brother is my parents favorite simply because he was the first born. they spoil him with stuff all the time, but never me. they think im emo but i'm not. they just don't understand that my dark sense of fashion is just the way i like to dress. every morning i wake up for school, my demons are always there to help me through the tough start (unlike my family) i feel like they're the only things that i can love but not with REAL love a dark kind of love. like the kind of love that's not compassionate love but dark love (if you understand what i mean) once I believe I meet the devil himself when i decided to turn to drugs... i started abusing my prescriptions. they say that you cant get a high from Tylenol, but i can confirm to you that you for sure can. my parents found out about my drug abuse but THEY DIDN'T EVEN CARE. i knew they wouldn't, they don't ever care. they simply told me that you can't die from drinking too much of that and that it's nothing too serious like OKAY, WHAT IF I STARTED DOING SOMETHING MORE DARMFUL MOM? what if i turned to ibuprofen huh? I don't know what to do guys... i need a new family, and i think it's NSM that i'll find it you guys seem really cool and i can't wait to get to know all of you. i feel like i belong here. this is where i'm meant to be :)
Off-Topic / Re: The Introduction Thread
May 13, 2017, 09:42:30 AM
ok thank u so much everyone here is so nice and helpful :3
Off-Topic / Re: The Introduction Thread
May 13, 2017, 09:23:25 AM
hi there i'm new and i'm not completely sure how everything works on here but i'll figure it out xP
but i'm a really big fan of anything mario themed, nintendo is my PASSION! it all helps me get away from the real world and makes me feel safe :3 sometimes my parents make things really hard for me so I guess this website will be my safe haven :o i've been wanting to make an account on here for months and i finally got the courage to do it :) so hi, i hope i get along with everyone here and can make new friends x3