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Messages - Wyvern

Off-Topic / Re: Strange Dreams
March 02, 2008, 08:06:22 AM
Quote from: Harvest on March 01, 2008, 10:09:16 AMHm, dreams.

I've had many, I had some great ones but I don't wanna post. 

I really wish I could have lucid dreams, it isn't fair that some people have them every night.

I was at one point trying to have a lucid dream, and I had two or three.  Though every time I realized I was dreaming, it would start fading out and I would try to do something fun but then I'd wake up.

If you don't know what a lucid dream is then here:  A Lucid Dream is a dream where you know you are dreaming and you can do anything you want.
You know, spinning around after you realize you're dreaming helps you stay in the dream. That and rubbing your hands.
I love lucid dreaming. I do it a lot. Common, we spend 1/3 of our life sleeping. Might as well use it for something. ^^ I get a ton of recall because I actually lucid dream as a hobby so that's why in case you're wondering. I also use dreaming lingo like so because I keep a DJ (dream journal)

ND: Normal Dream
RC: Reality Check: ways to prove you're dreaming
LD: Lucid Dream
DC: Dream Character
RL: Real Life

Fun at the park with DC’s
Lucid dream
Rated: G (Don’t worry. “Fun” doesn’t imply rated R stuff. :p)

I can’t remember how the dream started off. All I know is I was at my grandparents’ house on the Greek side of my family. This location is VERY common in my dreams.
My cousins and I wanted to go to the park. It was really sunny and bright outside so I decided to take them. Both my brothers and my dad also came. While walking down the path, I watched my cousins Christina and Andrew racing. I was alittle worried they’d slip on the cement path. They managed to make it to the park uninjured and but continued with other semi-dangerous things like fighting with sticks and climbing trees.
I saw my little brother making a volcano out of sand and that reminded me of the time in RL when I was 4 and first learned what a volcano was. Upon remembering this moment, I became lucid.

I decided to try and convince my little brother that this was a dream so I started flying around in circles around him saying, “This is a dream! You can fly too!”
He didn’t seem to get it or care.
I gave up and started flying circles around the playground for fun and then changed into a big bat, which made flying easier. It didn’t last long though. I soon became stuck in midair and couldn’t shake it off. My vision, my wings, everything was stuck. I yelled out in frustration and woke up.

WBTB + Accidental WILD (these are techniques to get lucid dreams)

I was back at the park and completely lucid. I decided to lay off the flying though. I started heading down the path and changed into my male form. While walking, I saw 3 DC’s next to a tree who had seemed to have gotten a ball stuck in it. The fat one tried climbing the tree but failed.
I ran over to them and told them that this was a dream and I had dream powers. Surprisingly, they didn’t believe me. This doesn’t happen to me often.
“If you have powers, then prove it!” said the fat one.
I then flew up in the tree and gave them their ball… which turned into a stick… Yeah, they were as confused as I was about that…
“There. I flew. Is that proof enough?” I asked.
“What else can you do?” asked the skinnier taller one.
“I can do anything.” I replied. I had so much confidence at the time, I probably could do anything.
“Make your feet grow big!” said the girl.
“Um, okay…” I said weirded out and made my feet grow big. It felt weird! :p
The three of them cheered and introduced themselves. The fat one was Tim, the tall one Lance, and the girl was Alison. I introduced my self as Clayton because that was my dream name.
“This is so cool! We can do anything then! Oh! I got an idea!” said Tim as he pointed to a black expensive looking car, “Let’s steal that car over there!”
I didn’t have any experience with driving a car in a LD so I agreed. We all went inside, me in the driver’s seat, Tim in the passenger seat, and the other 2 in the back. I then started up the car and we were driving.


We were on the highway now. The car was going super fast. Unfortunately we had to slow down because of trucks infront of us.
“Let’s fly, Clay!” said Lance.
“Alright!” I responded and started turning the car into a helicopter. It wasn’t flying that high though. Infact, it was practically dragging on the road at times but the others didn’t seem to mind. Lance and Alison we eating candy in the back and Tim had somehow made a machine gun appear and was firing at other cars. We both laughed as one car got fired in the window, the driver couldn’t see, and the car spun out of control into a truck causing a massive accident. It was just hilarious!
I started lifting off in the helicopter and wanted to go to a store and maybe terrorize the DC’s in there. It was just so much fun. Especially controlling the helicopter. Unfortunately my dream soon faded and I woke up.

If you wanna read another, I got plenty. :)