
oh god how did this get here I am not good with computer

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Messages - Momo

Thank you guys so much! Rambling is okay with me, quite a few other people have rambled too so I can't tell whose is whose. Also, Latios I'm not the best writer but I'm thinking of handing my dissertation in as website, so after the marking part is done I can probably post the link. If everything goes to plan with the website it should at least be a fun read. I think I can use any comments here as part of my research too if theirs any addition comments anyone has that wasn't in the survey!
First of all I'd like to say a big thank you to Ninsheetmusic for existing, I've been using the site for years but I've never been to the forum part. If it wasn't for this sites existence it's hard to say if I'd still be playing piano now.

But now to the point of this post, I wasn't sure where to put it so I went with the music part if I've got the wrong area please let me know. For my dissertation I'm looking at how to music and visuals in The Wind Waker work together and measuring the amount of immersion they create together. I'd be really grateful if any of you guys took some time to fill out the survey below:

I'm sorry this is out of nowhere and I'm not really a community member. I just had a thought that some of the people here might have some more specific and interesting things to say about it musically. Thank you!!