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Messages - Thingyman

The Werewolf Game / Re: Mafia Championship: Season 6
April 30, 2019, 03:44:15 AM

Your representative's game has started, follow the action here:

I wish them the best of luck! :)
Do you wish to spectate?
We have a big chat on Discord (1,000+ members) for those that want to spectate and talk about these games. The representatives will be added to this channel too after they die. Or if you just want to chat with people from other communities, we have a general chat too that is unrelated to the Mafia Championship.


2) Tag one of the red or blue people in the chat (write @Thingyman or @staff for example), let them know who you are and from what community, and they'll give you the necessary permissions to see the spectator channel. This is necessary to avoid the wrong people (the representatives and their backups) joining the channel.

You don't need to have Discord installed in order to join the channel, as there is a web version.

Do you want to have your own private community spectator chat?
This is definitely both allowed and encouraged. However, I ask that you please do everything possible to make this chat private and inaccessible to your representative, backup and your representative's opponents. It's important that your thoughts and comments don't influence the game. In other words, please don't post about the game in public threads -- this is very important.

Where do I get more info?
Refer to this thread:
This thread will tell you all the details about this season. Later today it will also be updated with the full list of participating communities and representatives.

If you need to get in contact with me, my Discord is Thingyman#6075. From this point on I will be checking in less on the various sites.
The Werewolf Game / Re: Mafia Championship: Season 6
April 21, 2019, 09:54:26 AM
Deadline is in 5 days. @mikey - seems like you're the only volunteer. Are you still interested? :)
The Werewolf Game / Re: Mafia Championship: Season 6
April 16, 2019, 05:49:42 AM
Hi guys! :)

Just popping in to give you the 10-day warning and a reminder that the final deadline is April 26.

But the sooner I have your representative's name, the more time I have to get them prepared for the Championship.

The very first qualifier starts April 29. And the last one starts June 17.

I'm very excited about this season! When your representative gets slotted into a game, I'll return with more information on when they're playing and how you can spectate them along with a thousand other people from all the other sites.
The Werewolf Game / Re: Mafia Championship: Season 6
April 10, 2019, 02:19:24 AM
Hey guys. I'm going on vacation next week, so won't be able to check in here. If you guys happen to decide on a representative in that time, they can reach me on Mafia Universe or Discord (Thingyman#6075). I'll then make sure they get the information they need to get prepared :)
The Werewolf Game / Re: Mafia Championship: Season 6
April 01, 2019, 06:48:49 AM
Thank you for sharing the invitation, BDS.

I'll pop in every now and then, in case anyone has any questions :D
Hi guys

I'm going on a short vacation tomorrow. Will be back Sunday, April 29.

As for the deadline for choosing a representative (or someone volunteering themselves), I am extending this by a couple of days to May 3.

When/if your representative is decided, that person should please either PM me on Mafia Universe or reach me on Discord: Thingyman#6075. During evenings I will quickly check messages and get them the information they need to prepare for the game.
Quick Mafia Championship Update

For those who didn't follow the Mafia Championship to the end, Dels from GameFAQs ended up winning the fourth season. He will be receiving a winner's certificate signed by Dmitry Davidoff, the creator of Mafia.

Hydra Event 2017 - Interested?

Last year 220 players from dozens of different communities participated in the first ever cross-community Hydra Event. It was a big success and people have been wanting another one, so... It's finally here! 

If you don't know what "hydra" means, it's when two people share the same account (two heads). So the concept is that each participating community can send multiple hydras if they want, each consisting of two players, which tends to make the game more fun in addition to making it easier to be active since two players are playing on the same account.

Sign-ups will be open for next couple of weeks. Those signing up will receive a link to a Doodle + a Google Survey so that they can be slotted into a game that suits their availability and preferences wrt game size and type.

If you'd like to play, just find a partner and lemme know either here or in the thread below.

More info here:
Hi guys!

Your representative's Mafia Championship game has started:

I wish them the best of luck.

Remember to please keep discussion of the game to private channels where the players wouldn't be able to see your comments on the game. Also, if you want to spectate the game along with people from other communities, you can join the Discord server here (500+ people): Just remember to tag @staff and ask them for access to the spectator channel upon joining server :)

Your representative has been slotted into this game below.

GAME 10 @ JUNE 5 (72/24 Phase Lengths w/ 7 PM EST deadline)
@Amanuensis (17th Shard)
@autolycus (The Org)
@Azure (Stickpage)
@Brandon (Supercell Games: Clash of Clans)
@enderfive (EscapeRestart)
@jonyj1005 (Art of Problem Solving)
@lute (Mafia Universe)
@Makaze (Serenes Forest)
@Midorikawa (Bulbagarden)
@musicneverdies (Braingle)
@Shapelog (Team Liquid)
@Tammy (westeros)
@TheParanoidAndroid (Town of Salem Forums)
@Voxxicus (Dark Lord Potter)
@[NSM] Nocturne (NSM Forums)

Do you wish to spectate and/or talk with players from other communities?
We have a big chat on Discord (300+ members) for those that want to spectate and talk about these games. The representatives will be added to this channel too after they die. Or if you just want to chat with people from other communities, we have a general chat too that is unrelated to the Mafia Championship.

2) Tag one of the red or blue people in the chat (write [MENTION=8963]Thingyman[/MENTION] or @staff for example), let them know who you are and from what community, and they'll give you the necessary permissions to see the spectator channel. This is necessary to avoid the wrong people (the representatives and their backups) joining the channel.

You don't need to have Discord installed in order to join the channel, as there is a web version.

Do you want to have your own private community spectator chat?
This is definitely both allowed and encouraged. However, I ask that you please do everything possible to make this chat private and inaccessible to your representative, backup and your representative's opponents. It's important that your thoughts and comments don't influence the game. In other words, please don't post about the game in public threads -- this is very important.

Where do I get more info?
Refer to this thread:

This thread will tell you all the details about this season. It also includes the list of participating communities and their representatives.

If you need to get in contact with me, my Skype is "thingyman" and my Discord is "Thingyman#6075". From this point on I will be checking in less on the various sites. I will make sure to pop in again though when your representative's game starts and post a link :)
Hi guys :)

I just wanted to stop by, say hello, and let you all know that the 2015 Mafia Championship Finale Game has officially begun!

Link to game thread:

70 representatives from 70 different communities have battled it out since April, and now it's time to crown the ultimate winner -- the internet's reigning forum mafia champion.

The question is - can your boy Mashi take home the crown? ;)

I hope you'll enjoy the read, and I hope I'll see your community represented again in season 3 - OR, even better, I hope I'll see you for any other upcoming fun cross-community events (we're gonna do a Hydra game where players can sign up in pairs, which should be a ton of fun) :)

In case you're interested in spectating and talking with others about the game (or, hell, if you just want to shoot the breeze with other mafia enthusiasts), we are a horde of 110+ people on Skype who'd love to chat with you (or you can just quietly lurk, if you prefer). Add me, if you'd like an invite: thingyman
Game 1 of the second season of the Mafia Championship has started:

Bubbles is playing

If you'd like to spectate the game and/or cheer on your representative, feel free to add me on Skype and I'll invite you to the spectator chat: thingyman

The chat attracted more than a 100 people last time from all the various communities and was a ton of fun. Most importantly, it is a great opportunity for networking and creating connections with other communities as evidenced by the fact that it led to a bunch of crossover games the first time around. You should pop in and say hello :)

Bubbles (NinSheetMusic)
CPHoya (Super Mafia All Stars)
fontisian (Dark Lord Potter)
Guild (Talking Time)
Harb (Play Diplomacy)
itisally (The Grey Labyrinth)
NeilOnnsu (Art of Problem Solving)
Paperblade (Serenes Forest)
TheDarkestLight (SC2 Mafia)
Timewave (Atheist Foundation of Australia)
VikeStep (Feed the Beast)
Vytron (xkcd)
Zack (CivFanatics)
Sigh, that's kind of annoying. I had a guy make it and gave him the full list of sites. It seems like you and Giant in the Playground aren't anywhere to be found - at least not clearly :/
Get hyped!

Quote from: Mashi on March 22, 2015, 01:00:12 AMSo fank009 and another representative of 2+2 forums have contacted me telling me that NSM was scouted for sending a representative to play in a forum-wide tournament (at 2+2 forums).  Bird, vermilionvermin, and I being more attached to LLF, it wouldn't really feel right for us to represent NSM.  I think fank009 already played for last year's games, so he would be out for nominations as well, I believe.

Currently, I would recommend Bubbles as the NSM Representative.  I haven't verified with her on whether she would be busy or if she even wants to, but I also want to inquire for other opinions as well.  Would anyone be interested in participating?

The way the games work is that there are is a sort of preliminary round where every representative participates in one of four games, and the best players of each round participate in a grand final round.  Day Phases are lasting 36 hours, Night Phases 12, when on weekdays.  Half the time when on weekends.  So the games are going to be intense and you'll, evidently, need to be active.

The first game is scheduled for April 6th and the other three will have a set starting date for within the next one to three months afterwards.

If enough people are interested, I'll most likely put the representative to score-based voting (everyone scores each nominee on a 1 to 10 scale and the winning nominee is chosen based on who has the highest average).

To clarify: Friday, Saturday and Sunday will be combined, so the game is slower on weekends: 60 hours for day and 12 hours for night. But Mashi is absolutely right that activity is huge - the game will be much more active than you're used to.

Here's all the info:

The current plan for season 2

•   65 different communities will be represented.
•   1 player per community for the entire season (preferably).
•   5 qualifying games will be played with 13 players each.
•   2 players advance to the finale from each game based on post-game votes.
•   3 additional players are granted wildcard spots.

Game setup

The game will have a very basic mafia setup: 3 mafia members, 7 vanilla townies and 1 cop. The cop starts the game with a random vanilla townie peek. Roles revealed upon death.

Some communities are not very used to playing basic setups like this, but for the first season, we utilized a setup with a good share of power roles, so this time around we are trying something new. For season 3 we will switch it up again.

Days will last 36 hours and nights 12 hours, meaning 48 hours (2 days) per game day. With one exception: The weekend (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) will be one game day. This means the game will last a maximum of 2 weeks.


The first game is set to start April 6th. The other four games will take place in the 1-3 months after that. I will make a Doodle and find out the best times to start the 5 games so that preferably everyone gets to play during a time that suits them well.

In addition to this, it is also a priority to ensure as much as possible that all the players in any given game has no prior history of playing with each other to ensure a level playing field (but I cannot 100 % guarantee that this won't happen).

Links to season 1

Qualifying game #1:

Qualifying game #2:

Qualifying game #3:

Qualifying game #4:

Finale game: