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Messages - danjvelker

Piano Arrangements / Re: Danjvelkers Arrangments
January 29, 2013, 05:15:44 PM
Thanks for the info and catching that break!
I'm new to these forums so that format tutorial is a big help. I fixed the link by the way, let me know how you like it.
As for Canan, only the PDF is working right now. I work primarily in MuseScore and the transfer to Finale destroys the music every time. I'll work on a fix ASAP.
Piano Arrangements / Re: Danjvelkers Arrangements
January 28, 2013, 07:40:36 PM
Apologies. It's late over here. I actually meant to change that...
I wasn't sure what to call it, then saw everyone using the term "arrangements" RIGHT after I clicked submit.
There. Fixed.  8)

I also use MuseScore, so it takes some amount of time to transfer from that to Finale.
Piano Arrangements / Danjvelkers Arrangments
January 28, 2013, 07:38:28 PM
The Last Story -- Quark Elegy

The Last Story -- Canan
[.MID] This is not working for me right now. I work primarily in MuseScore and the transfer does not work for this.
[.MUS] This is also not working for me right now. I work primarily in MuseScore and the transfer does not work for this.
[PDF] This is working for me though.
Thanks for the quick and detailed response!
I've been meaning to get into Dropbox for a while. Here's a good excuse. :)
Kind of a (really) dumb question, but how would I upload a file on here directly from my computer? These forums are foreign to me...the format of them is quite strange.