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Messages - Music44

Site News / Re: NinSheetMusic's 19th Birthday!
May 15, 2023, 06:56:03 PM
Wow nineteen years.
Many thanks to everyone for all the wonderful sheet music transcriptions throughout the years!
Logged in to say, thanks for the laugh.  ;D

Went on the site today and found this announcement.
Knowing this was an April 1st joke, I picked a particular song from youtube.
After getting the download, I tossed it into finally and pressed play... it was alarmingly dead on,
so I tried a second song, and well, all became clear haha.  ;D
Nintendo / Re: Professor Layton
March 03, 2013, 08:20:40 AM
Oh gosh, I remember that one. XD
Nintendo / Re: Professor Layton
February 16, 2013, 07:44:41 AM
Oh ok,
that does makes sense.
Nintendo / Re: Professor Layton
February 15, 2013, 07:16:24 AM
I liked the Last Specter as well,
I am not really sure what is to dislike.
Nintendo / Re: Professor Layton
February 07, 2013, 06:55:58 AM
Wow, I actually didn't see those letters in your post.  :o

Yeah, well I did make those move sets a long time ago.  :P
(Fun fact though.
Brawl was actually going to have Megaman,
the developers even made a 3D model of him,
but due to lack of communication with the developer who's in charge of the Megaman games,
they didn't know if they were able to use him.)
Nintendo / Re: Game cheat encyclopedia.
February 06, 2013, 06:56:06 PM
Ahhh, so that's how it's done. (I didn't know you hve to time it just right.)
I'll have to try it out, thanks!  :D
Nintendo / Re: Game cheat encyclopedia.
February 06, 2013, 05:46:00 PM
I remember someone said there was a glitch on Majora's Mask,
that makes it so you can start a forth day of some sort.  :o
Sadly, I don't remember what you had to do in order to do it.
(Something to do with the telescope I think...though I recall trying that...)
I remember making character move sets a few years ago...
Oh, found them! (They are pretty old though. XD)
For those who are interested in reading them,
Paper Mario's action list.

Basic Attacks: He will be using basic Mario like attacks, nothing to big here.

Smash Attacks.
Up Smash Attack: Mario will do a Hammer Strike up.
Side Smash Attack: Mario will do a Hammer Strike to the side.
Down Smash Attack: Mario does a spike shoe stomp to the side he's facing.

Special Attacks.
Special Attack: Lakilester pops up over Mario and throws a spiny shell forward.
Up Special Attack: Parakarry pops up then carry's Mario up a short distance.
Side Special Attack: Mario quickly grabs Watt and hits/zaps his foe with him.
Down Special Attack: Koops pops up in his shell, then mario kicks him at the foe then Koops returns to Mario.

Other stuff:
He can also fold into a paper air plane when you hold down the jump button to do a glide.
When he falls in water he turns into a paper boat.

Final Smash.
Mario calls the stars to aid him.
Then Stars rain down on the battle field.
(Like PK Storm, but with stars falling in an angle)

My thoughts:
I thought Paper Mario's allies should be a part of his moves to give him a more different kinds of attacks.
Zero's action list.

(Note: these are base off of Zero from the Megamen Zero series.)

Basic Attacks: He will be using quick saber attacks.

Smash Attacks.
Up Smash Attack: Zero will stab with recoil rod up.
Side Smash Attack: Zero will stab with the recoil rod to the side .
Down Smash Attack: Zero uses the EX skill Kougenijn. (A slash wave)

Special Attacks.
Special Attack: Zero uses his Z-Buster and can charge it. (Saber if theres to many guns)
Up Special Attack: Zero does his up cut dash with his saber.
Side Special Attack: Zero dashes with his saber in a stabbing pose. (EX skill Sengatotsu)
Down Special Attack: Zero uses his Shield Boomerang, to reflect and throw when charged.

Final Smash.
Five Cyber Elfs come to aid Zero.
One Cyber Elf heals Zero, two of them fire bullets, and the last two hold foes in place if they grab them.

My thoughts:
I thought Zero would make an awesome character to have, but I really would like his character model to be from the GBA series.
(Though they could have both looks, like how Wario has two different suits to choose from in Brawl. ^^)
Megaman.EXE 's action list.

Basic Attacks: He will be attacking with punches and kicks, nothing to big.

Smash Attacks.
Up Smash Attack: .Megaman uses a cannon and fires up. (shot is invisible)
Side Smash Attack: Megaman fires a twister one what ever side he's facing.
Down Smash Attack: Megaman makes sharp Bamboo sprouts pop out of the ground.

Special Attacks.
Special Attack: Megaman uses his buster gun, it can also charge.
Up Special Attack: Megaman uses air shoes to make another jump, or could fly like Rob.
Side Special Attack: Megaman slashes with a long sword, (and at maybe at random, he will use a life sword. (Maybe))
Down Special Attack: Megaman does a counter attack and quickly jumps and throws a kunai at attacker.

Final Smash.
Megaman becomes the Cyber Beast Gregar.
He's speed rises. He will have only two attacks, Raped fire that will rise the damage very quickly,
and he will attack with his claws when he gets close to an foe.

My thoughts:
I thought Megaman.EXE would be a cool character to have, most of his attacks are of him using chips, like the counter attack is him using the chip Anti damage.
Bass's action list.

Basic Attacks: He will be using dual daggers to attack.

Smash Attacks.
Up Smash Attack: Bass does several quick dagger attacks up.
Side Smash Attack: Bass does several quick dagger attacks to the side.
Down Smash Attack: Bass does two slashes that make two dark wheel like waves.

Special Attacks.
Special Attack: Bass uses rapid fire with both hands.
Up Special Attack: Bass vanishes and reapers. (Teleports)
Side Special Attack: Bass stuns the enemy, then teleports behind him and stabs him.
Down Special Attack: Bass fires his dragon cannon.

Final Smash.
Bass floats to the top right of left of the screen as it zooms out.
Bass then gathers energy and makes a huge giant purple energy bomb,
Then throws it down to the stage then it explodes.
Koopa Kid's action list.

Basic Attacks: He does basic punches and kicks.

Smash Attacks.
Up Smash Attack: Koopa Kid whacks his paint brush over head.
Side Smash Attack: Koopa Kid whacks with his paint brush to the side.
Down Smash Attack: Koopa Kid whacks with his paint brush on both sides, just weaker.

Special Attacks.
Special Attack: When Koopa Kid is next to a paint puddle he summons those paint little monsters form Super Mario Sunshine. (Big the paint puddle, more the monsters)
Up Special Attack: Koopa Kid does a spin jump, that Mario does in Sunshine with flood.
Just Koopa kid does it with his paint brush, and flings little paint globs every where.
Side Special Attack: Koopa Kid flings a paint glob by swing his paint brush.
Down Special Attack: Koopa Kid makes a big paint puddle with the paint brush where he stands, players can slip on the puddle.

Final Smash.
Koopa Kid turns into Shadow Mario, his basic moves are now like Mario's,
but his Smash, and Special moves are the same,
but more powerful and makes huge paint puddles.
His Special Attack now summons Polluted Piranha Plants that whack players nearby.
After a short amount of time, he returns to Koopakid.

My thoughts:
When I first heard people would like to see Koopa kid get in, I really did disagree.
I did not want some one with the same kind of move set as Bowser,
but then I thought about koopa kid with his paint brush,
I thought that would make him much more different from any other character.

I also thought it would be cool if they brought back young Link,
though based off of the game Majora's Mask.
Then he could change forms. (kinda like Pokemon Trainer.) ^^

On a sidenote... I remember the first time I found a Dunsparce.  :D
(I would say that pokemon needs a 2nd form, but then it would probably wouldn't have the same charm. XD)
Nintendo / Re: Professor Layton
February 06, 2013, 04:59:29 PM
Quote from: Bubbles7689 on February 01, 2013, 10:17:13 AMSo Miracle Mask

Spoilers (obviously ::))

First of all, DAWWWWW. For many reasons too. I predicted literally everything once I realized that Henry wasnt the Masked Gentleman. But what I dont get is that after 18 years of Hershel living with the guilt of letting his friend die, he just leaves? After the ending they all just got in the Latonmobile and left Monte d'Or. Wouldn't he spend a little time with his friend? Sure, he could've and they just skipped time to when they left, but still.
Flying Masked Gentleman? They explained everything but left that hanging. Also, how did Randall get so dark skinned? At first I thought it was from 18 years of living in the desert, but in the flashbacks they showed him like that a month or so after he was found by the village. Also Henry and Angela were the same tone while they were living in Monte d'Or the whole time.

Yes, I cried. But if I has to rank the series on which games made me cry the most, this would be at the bottom, just above Curious Village. It was really sweet, but the only times I cried was a tear or two at the flashback with the robot and in the credits when they showed the artwork of Dalston crying when he saw Randall. How could you not cry at that :3

Also now I finally understand the Azran legacies trailers :DD

Oh, to answer some of your comments if you want...
Normally at the end of these games they show that takes places after the game in the credits pictures.
(Like when the Professor was having tea with everyone, and that was after Randall's haircut. Who knows how long they were there.))

As for the Masked Gentleman flying... well, they found a way to make people look like they were floating,
I think something close to that was done. (it would also explain how he disappeared.)

As for Randall having dark skin, I recall a picture (in the top secret menu) of the village Randall lives in after falling,
explained that the people there spent a lot of time outside working. (Which means a lot of sun time.)
While Henry and Angela probably spent most of their time indoors, in the ruins, or/and outside at night.
Though I did noticed in the credits Randall's skin does get much lighter after or before his haircut.
(I just noticed we got this awesome Spoiler button now! Thanks!)  :))
Nintendo / Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y
January 08, 2013, 04:09:33 PM
Hmmmm... know to get one of the games when they come out,
or to wait for Pokemon Z... hmmm...

Though on the other hand they might not have a 3rd version like White and Black...
Nintendo / Re: General Pokémon
January 07, 2013, 07:56:26 PM
Sounds awesome,  ;D
the 3rd gen is my second favorite, right next to the 2nd gen. (So it's almost as if it's my favorite. XD)
I also have been waiting for a 3DS pokemon game. (I am pretty sure this is going to be for the 3DS.)
Nintendo / Re: Professor Layton
January 07, 2013, 12:50:17 PM
Quote from: SlowPokemon on January 07, 2013, 10:23:34 AMIt's the live version included on the last specter album release.
Ohhh I see, that makes sense.  :)
Now only if I could find the sound tracks for less than $40...

Quote from: Nebbles on January 07, 2013, 10:01:44 AMGoing back through Curious Village again. Oh man, how the games have evolved...
Haha yeah, the first game of a series tends to be like that. (The first Megaman Battle Network comes to mind.)
Nintendo / Re: Professor Layton
January 07, 2013, 10:01:05 AM
Oh I just beat the new game two days ago,
oddly enough... it took me 25 hours... (I normally do beat it in around 12 or more with around a 100 puzzles completed. XD)
though I was sick, so the puzzles did take my brain quite a bit longer this time round.  :P

Though yes, that clip after credits. Epic.  ;D

So now I have to wait a whole year for the next game...
(At least there are daily puzzles.  ;D)

I also noticed that they changed Descole's theme a bit,
and it sounds amazing.  :o