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Messages - mysteriouscellist

Thank you good sir, I look forward to finally getting a look at this spectacular score.

Thank you times one million and seven.

eh I guess whatever lol I don't really care as long as I snag the music off someone. :P But I guess your right.
Quote from: Composer #40 on July 20, 2009, 08:32:17 PMI'll make it easier for anyone who want's the Mp3 but I'm posting the entire OST. The Premium Arrange is not bad either. (Get WinRAR)

Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II OST.part1.rar
Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II OST.part2.rar
Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II OST.part3.rar
Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II Premium

@: mysteriouscellist: I'll try to do this but I find arranging by ear for this game rather frustrating so it might take some time.

Yep, I know what you mean. My girlfriend listened to this and said there was so much going on that it's hard to focus on just one thing.... I sadly couldn't even figure out the time signature for the beginning... drove me absolutely nuts... but then again I'm not nearly the greatest at figuring stuff out by ear. If you do this I will be very thankful but I completely understand if you don't. Whatever you do finish would you mind sending to me? I can probably finish it if you start it.

In the request section it said this though:

Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on May 27, 2009, 08:30:03 AMA final note: This section of the forum is only for requesting a piano arrangement of a song.  If you're looking to make a special request for an orchestral arrangement or one for another instrument, please take that to the "Music" section.

I'm looking at getting an arrangement almost identical to the original.
Hello all, I have been searching the internet high and low and it just doesn't exist! There are no midi's or anything. I'm looking for an arrangement of this piece for it's original instrumentation. I am perfectly capable of doing it but am to lazy and don't have the time now adays to figure it out. If someone could atleast Start it that would help alot and I'll finish it where ever you leave off and if you write the whole damn thing then thats even better.

This is the Song I'm talking about:

*If you write out the parts for piano I can arrange that for orchestra, I'm just really slow starting from scratch...*

Thank you very much sir. I have finished the first song. And the funny thing is, i was already going to give you credit for this song cause i was transcribing from your piano version. thank you very much for the help... i would never have gotten that unless you had helped... lol thanks again.
Music / Golden Sun : Venus Lighthouse Maramba Part?
June 28, 2008, 02:06:23 PM
So, I'm working on writing a whole symphony sort of thing for full orchestra of all the Golden Sun music, and I just can't figure out the marimba part. I am going to camp for the next two weeks so, hopefully when i get back someone will have gotten this. I'll give you credit for writing it I just need someone to do it so I don't spend too much time on any one thing. Ok, going back to work. Thanks in Advance!


You can hear the original song here:

or on youtube here:
(On Youtube, the marimba starts at about 1:17)