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Messages - Empathica1928

Just rediscovered this little song after a few years of keeping it in the dark...  Seems like it'd be a laid back, really enjoyable piece for piano.

I'm surprised nobody's tried this yet - it's a really good tune.
Much appreciated!
Just my two cents about some of the arrangements, like in the Mario overworlds and all that...  I think the left hand parts in the middle of the arrangement could be omitted entirely and replaced with the original feel.  Like in Hop Hop Donut Lifts, when the left hand starts to play the lead that the right hand was playing, it loses a lot of punch that the song had.  When the left is playing the same thing the right is, and especially when the left plays a melody (like in HHDL), it just loses a lot of the rhythmic bounce and meaty sound in the bass.

Might be something to think about.  Just my observation.  Otherwise, well done.
I don't listen to enough video game music to really say, but out those it's a tie between Kondo and Uematsu.  KK has the iconic classic themes for so many smash hit games and they have more of an 8-bit, simple sound to them, whereas NU has a very orchestral, symphonic sound, much more like a film score than a happy-go-lucky video game.

Really I love both of them, along with Yasunori Mitsuda and Motoi Sakuraba.
Quote from: MaestroUGC on August 08, 2009, 03:16:53 PMSo is this issue resolved? The last thing I want is my thread to be filled with hatred towards each other over my music.

Yea.  And there's definitely no anger going on here, just different perspectives and opinions is all!  Good luck with your writing, I'll still check them out since they're cool to listen to.
Quote from: Brassman388 on August 08, 2009, 02:29:21 PM
Quote from: Empathica1928 on August 08, 2009, 01:20:52 PMI think I just have a 'different' style of playing.  I've been self-taught all my life and can do some pretty crazy things on the piano, but every day I see things online and even in person that make me feel completely below another person's level.  I guess I'm kind of a minimalist in that I like my music to be as uncomplicated as possible while still retaining the sound and conveying the message.  I'm very picky with what I play, and I personally just don't like unnecessary octave playing and chords on every 8th note, let alone both on the same hand.

And that's completely fine, that's why we have arrangers. So that way, there are many different versions and songs at many different levels. Just request something that you like, from an arranger that has the same style that you have. We have many arrangers with many styles. I'm pretty sure too that, if you ask nicely, that Maestro will happily ablige into making you a more simpler, more elegant piece that you wish to play.

In the meantime, happy playing.

I will have to look into that, then.  I'm a regular user of the main site, but I'm fairly new to the forums.  Thank you!
I'm not trying to be arrogant and ignorantly bash Maestro, I'm not even trying to bash him at all.  I like the way some of them sound.  I also completely understand that there are a lot of unfathomably talented pianists out there who could do this stuff.  I'm just saying that it doesn't seem like these pieces need to be as complicated as they are.

I think I just have a 'different' style of playing.  I've been self-taught all my life and can do some pretty crazy things on the piano, but every day I see things online and even in person that make me feel completely below another person's level.  I guess I'm kind of a minimalist in that I like my music to be as uncomplicated as possible while still retaining the sound and conveying the message.  I'm very picky with what I play, and I personally just don't like unnecessary octave playing and chords on every 8th note, let alone both on the same hand.

Obviously there are exceptions, like the Athletic theme, in which it works very well, but even then I think it goes a little overboard.  I've just always felt that video game music, especially older games (for which most of the music on this site is) is more suited for the not-so-masterful hands.  Just looking at the books I have for Chrono Trigger, Zelda, and Final Fantasy kind of say that, even the Piano Collections.

Summary:  I think you're a nice guy too, I don't have anything against you.  I just think it's a bit excessive.  You're a very talented composer and some of these do sound good, but it's just a bit much at times.
Throw me in the category of people who don't like these.

They're impressive, yea.  And if you can play some of those (like that Virtuoso Athletic theme), more power to you.  But to me it's making a piece far more complicated than it needs to be, even as a virtuoso piece.  A piece of music shouldn't be made hard just for the sake of being hard.  It should add something more to the music than just insane chord runs and octave jumping everywhere.

They're fun to listen to.  But I checked out those etudes too, and not only are those impossible by any means, it doesn't even sound good.

Just my two cents.
I think it was Duck Hunt, then Super Mario World.
Gaming / Re: Best Zelda game ever
July 30, 2009, 04:34:50 PM
I voted Ocarina of Time, but I think I have to go with Majora's Mask, to be honest.

Majora's Mask may have been a bit shorter than Ocarina of Time in terms of the main story and dungeons, but what it lacked there it made up for in side missions, minigames, and character depth.  I absolutely love the soundtrack too and really need to get around to learning more of the music on piano - since my book has been shipped and is coming in any day now, I'll have a lot of fun with that - and many times find myself just standing in an area to hear the music (the Clock Tower especially).  I just love everything about the game.  Getting the masks is still an incredibly fun thing and the effects many of them have are really cool.  I also love the gilded sword, such a cool weapon.

Basically, yea, everything is amazing in that game.  Zelda at its all-time best, in my opinion.

God, I need to play that game again, it's been far too long.
Hello.  Long-time user of the site, can't remember when I registered here, but I've been a self-taught pianist/keyboardist my whole life.  Unfortunately, due to my job and preparation for school, I don't have much time to learn by ear what I want to play currently, and this seems like the perfect place to request some songs.

There are two songs from Baten Kaitos: Origins that I've wanted to play for a couple years.

Tears of Compassion

Deep Red Pastures

EDIT:  I forgot to mention this one, too; Valley of the Winds...

If anybody would be willing to write these out for me, I would greatly appreciate it.