Yet another game. Quoting from another forum.
Quote from: Moosetroop11I just thought of this game. Whoever gets the longest topic kick in this thread wins. For instance, if the record is 12 days and the thread's been 13 days without a topic kick, you can post and get the record, OR wait and hope that no-one else posts so that you can get a longer record.
You can type random crap in your post, but be sure to put the length of your topic kick in the post so we don't have to work it out.
Hopefully this game will be allowed...
To not make it a super frequent topic in a while, let's wait 24 hours since this post. Eventually, we'll see this topic rarely.
whats a topic kick
Just posting in it. So, just wait for people to not post in it and eventually post yourself in it. Voila.
well.. uh.... heres me
Mine will be longer.
still dont get ti but ok here i am... now what are your other 2 wishes
Who's in first?
I'm new and I like dragons And wolves! :3 :P
erin, how come it says you've only made 2 posts? :o
Ha! I will win!
I don't know but I've posted like 10 or so things!
wow I lasted a whole 3 minutes last time
Ahahaha... a one day topic kick. I'm soo good![/sarcasm]
I was so close to one day :'(
I was at 9 DAYS
*breaks down and cries in the corner*
evil. No one shall break my record of 9 days
YESHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! D:< MUHAhAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!
I still winning
kotor is fail :O
Sauce is jealous of my skillz
I see no skillz :o
Then your jealousy must be blinding you.
/me makes a post
You will never match my awesome topic kicking ability, Sauce
Nor will he mine! I had the second-to-longest topic kick.
Although yours was unfair since NSM was down, but I wont complain. Although I just did... meh.
OMG SANTA CLAUS!/me points in a random direction.
Quote from: iDOWN on December 02, 2008, 04:51:44 AMOMG SANTA CLAUS!/me points in a random direction.
*looks where iDOWN was pointing :o :o Woah! your right!
ur mom :o
this game seems like it would be hard for the impatient.
24 DAYS! WOOHOO! (I think)
Hey, I was saving that. >:(
This even beats kotor's topic kick when the site was down. I beat him by a day.
I am now winning!!!!!!!!!! :)
Jake has no life.
You must be blinded by jealousy from losing.
I win!
Jake speaks the truth like Tupac speaks the streets.
Im better than Tupac :P
Wait, one entire hour? Definite winner. ;D
No, I win!!!
Quote from: ALPRAS on July 19, 2009, 01:59:40 PMNo, I win!!!
No, no, no, you don't understand. The
WiiMan is superior, and always wins. (
Nobodies can break my record.
what do I win?
Crap I forgot about this topic...
MWUHAHAHAHA Musicguy your bump was shorter than mine by less than an hour.
Sorry to anyone who was saving this up, but I like ruining people's hopes and dreams. :P
Did I win?
Dude's winning.
87 days I believe.
What's the record?
Haha you lose by 5 days
And I just lost again.
Nope. I'm a big, fat meany. I'm actually underweight, but that's beside the point...
Beat you by one day. pwnd. 8)
Really? I thought it was Dude.
Nope, I got 87 days. Dude's was 81. :D
Still a personal best for me ::)
Nope :)
...clearly, I have won.
*EXPLODE/8* ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
1=2-30459687q[p]w[qppkv'fl;kv lcnkjbzjgchx`fsdf.'lrt[pheioi!#@^*OI:>LKJHGFDFSAEW(*)+_+">":LBYCSZE$W#W
If anything appears to look like a face, that was purely by accident.
Quote from: gzgregory on April 02, 2011, 01:05:28 PMKick.
OUCH!! WTF!! I have an incredibly sore cyber-ass now! :P
I win.
Hmm... If only I made this topic...
I'd lock it, then wait, then unlock it and post.
Hahaha! :P
HA. ;D
I dont get this game??? But here i am... ???
View the original post and the couple below that. Hopefully that gives you some insight.
The person who posts something after the longest wait has the highest score.
aaah ok now i get it thx ;D
I'm gonna win.
Apparently Purple is winning.
Yep :)
I bet you are gonna win
I'm sure there's another topic like this...
Er, what's the difference between this topic and the other one?
Wait... how does "maybe" answer jub's question ::)
Dunno, I was busy doing something else whilst typing. :P
I've never posted here before. I'm winning :D're not winning. ::)
Nor do you have tiger blood or Adonis DNA.
Me is wining!
Actually, purple is winning. :P
You have the threads mixed up.
Nobody's going to be able to beat purple at the rate we're posting. :P
Or is it?
Yes it is!
Fire power. :P
You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?
It's likely, but I'm oblivious atm. :)
BAM No winning for you!
Wait, what?
Purple is winning from an earlier bump and is preventing us from winning by bumping it more. :(
Winning. Duh :P
*bows to a skill far greater than his own*
Do you like waffles?
Idk about you, but i like pancakes.
Quote from: K-NiGhT on March 17, 2012, 09:48:53 PMWinning. Duh :P
OH SHOOT! 178 DAYS?! You beat me by 91 days... I completely forgot about this!!!! ;D
Quote from: Shadowlegend on April 18, 2011, 01:37:19 PMI bet you are gonna win
Quote from: Purple1222119 on April 24, 2011, 08:29:19 PMNope
And thus the prophecy has been fulfilled.
The top 2 ppl have lucario in their avatar! Win
Hold it. I thought I had the last post here! Where did all my posts go?
Oh i noticed no one had posted in 6 whole months so i took the oppurtunity and won.
I think purple is still winning. or someone. I have no idea.
Quote from: Jub3r7 on March 27, 2012, 05:37:26 PMI think purple is still winning. or someone. I have no idea.
I beat him by exactly 3 months.
Quote from: Purple1222119 on March 26, 2012, 12:30:04 AMOH SHOOT! 178 DAYS?! You beat me by 91 days... I completely forgot about this!!!! ;D
And thus the prophecy has been fulfilled.
Well, I guess this game is popular again, so...
Hold it, I think we're getting this confused with the "Whoever posts last wins" game.
Yeah. Wrong topic. :P
NONE SHALL BEAT ME! I AM TEH WINNAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! don't get how this game works, do you?
Quote from: EgnioWhoever gets the longest topic kick in this thread wins. For instance, if the record is 12 days and the thread's been 13 days without a topic kick, you can post and get the record, OR wait and hope that no-one else posts so that you can get a longer record.
Quote from: Dudeman on April 05, 2012, 08:17:39 don't get how this game works, do you?
I know exactly how this game works. I am winning after all. That's why i'm distracing you with meaningless conversations to keep my record intact! >:3
dang you're good.
You fools! It's hopeless!!!
no it's not!
Tee hee
I'm already on a win streak
Do you even know what this game is?
The person who posts first after the longest amount of time wins.
I have CHORTLES!!! ;D
what's the current record?
178 days by yours truly.
I will beat it. Just watch.
K-NiGhT is going to win
After this TWG game, I'm going to take a break from NSM. I'll mark the day on my calender.
I feel like trolling and taking 10 days off of anybody who is currently waiting.
grrrrrrrr now Ihave to remark my calender.
(insert words)
aaaargh guys this isn't the same as "whoever posts last wins." stop posting plz.
Too bad for Raymond. He shouldn't have posted last.
Are you trying NOT to beat the record? :P
It's his record...
Guys, I posted this post 14.6 billion years after you see it.
I went through a lot of time dilation.
Too bad the time stamp says July 04, 2012, 09:14:26. Nice try, Vera :3
The forum cannot equate the Maths involved for time dilation.
It's dumb!!!
Sure, Mashi...
You're stealing my strategy too!
I feel like there should be a rule where the current leader can't post. What's to stop K-NiGhT from just posting every day or so to prevent anybody from taking his record.
(This is not supposed to count as the last post. Purple is still going in my opinion.)
I think that the rule should be the current leader may not post until after the record is able to be broken. So yes, I agree with Zunawe.
In that case, what is the current record?
14.6 Billion Years.
Any type of time manipulation renders a score null and void. K-NiGhT's record still stands.
Time Manipulation is simply perspective! In fact, simply moving a Planck's Length causes time dilation!
Driving through the city in your car? Time Dilation.
Taking a walk in the park? Time Dilation.
Ascending a flight of stairs? Time Dilation
Moving your arm up and down? Time Dilation.
Twiddling your thumb? Time Dilation.
Sending a myriad of information containing data which can be used to communicate with others across the Earth and parts of the Universe? A WHOLE LOT OF TIME DILATION.
Quote from: Zunawe on August 12, 2012, 01:43:16 PMAny type of excessive time manipulation renders a score null and void. K-NiGhT's record still stands.
:( :( :(
Anyway, is Purple still holding this? I'm saying that all this discussion doesn't count, but I don't know.
At this point, it doesn't really matter, because I'll never be able to beat 14.6 bullion years!
I like paint~
The current record is 183 days, set by yours truly.
Ruining someone's kick.
When I come back this kick better be still alive.
stop being a douche
You guys seem to not understand the gravity of your situation.
Kick. Please, don't reply, I need some pity points. :-\
Aww, why?
Dude. FSM. Do you not know how this game works? You have to go the longest time without posting. Then you post. Currently the record is 183 days, set by me. Nobody posted in this thread for 183 days. Then I did. Now I hold the record. Now if you want to win, you'll have to wait for 183 days from now.
lol I didn't know. I thought the amount of days you have your last post counts. xD
Kick, yes! I win. 2 days, beat that suckerss.
*kicks the puppy topic*
Also, k-NiGhT, that is an AMAZING avatar.
Oh gosh, Purple is back. Hi! :D
Quote from: Purple1222119 on December 16, 2012, 11:02:30 AM*kicks the puppy topic*
thanks ;)
Now i need a santa hat for it :0
just patiently waiting ::)
I like to ruin peoples kicks.
As of now, so do I.
*kicks before purple does*
Geez Social, you're a jerk. I wanted to break K-N's record.
No one's going to get anything if you guys keep posting like that. :P
Quote from: blueflower999 on February 15, 2013, 08:03:56 AMNo one's going to get anything if you guys keep posting like that. :P
Quote from: Yugi on February 14, 2013, 10:21:06 PM*kicks before purple does*
Dangit how did you know?! I was saving that >:(
Why are you guys so stoopid?! D:
No one will ever win this if you keep posting like that.
*kicks just for the heck of it*
We are helping k-NiGhT secure his victory.
Purple basically comes back just to kick this topic. XD
Yeah, this is true haha. I would do more here, but you know, life gets in the way. One day I may come back and start arranging again.
Noo, i even got an old topic just to push this back a page :( What's the record anyway?
Quote from: Purple1222119 on March 03, 2013, 12:48:34 PMYeah, this is true haha. I would do more here, but you know, life gets in the way. One day I may come back and start arranging again.
You made a great arrangement of "Bowser Jr.'s Fiery Flotilla" when I first joined I think.
Quote from: Purple1222119 on March 03, 2013, 12:45:45 PMWe are helping k-NiGhT secure his victory.
yay thanks purple!
Hey guys
I forgot this topic existed.
Quote from: Yugi on April 07, 2013, 11:30:25 PMI forgot this topic existed.
Good; let's forget. *shifty eyes*
Wow, you guys are bad at this.
Stahp. Please.
*ninja'd so badly*
Who's Online stalkin' much?
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on April 08, 2013, 07:59:22 PM(
Stahp. Please.
Forget all about this topic.
Wait... what topic!?!?
Woah... where is this place?! It seems oddly familiar... Like I've been here before. But I have no memory of it! Hmmm... oh well might as well post and see if I get any responses.
oh hey, fabbemannen showed up again (this was on page 19 of unread posts since last visit)
Why would you do that? Someone coulda been saving that...
The Irony of that post is astounding.
The irony of an iron is astounding as well.
Quote from: Purple1222119 on December 04, 2013, 02:59:54 PMThe irony of an iron is astounding as well.
Dedication to the art of topic kicking comes with its fair share of risks.
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on December 04, 2013, 03:01:56 PM(picture)
Dedication to the art of topic kicking comes with its fair share of risks.
I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me! Here take all of my posts!!!
Also, I forgot to say in my last post:
what is this thing o.O
What's the longest we've gone so far?
90-something days by me iirc
<15 min.
I win all.
I... uh... put it away!
No yelling in the library, my sirs.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on June 16, 2014, 09:13:28 AMI... uh... put it away!
if you don't get the reference, don't play along okay
Quote from: K-NiGhT on June 16, 2014, 10:03:09 AMif you don't get the reference, don't play along okay
i was forced to rewatch this movie on Saturday omg
Quote from: K-NiGhT on June 16, 2014, 10:03:09 AMif you don't get the reference, don't play along okay
I do.
That's what she says though
then it's like,
something something
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on June 16, 2014, 12:46:28 PMI do.
That's what she says though
then it's like,
something something
is it? It's honestly been years since I've seen it lol. Sorry lol
Quote from: K-NiGhT on June 16, 2014, 12:48:11 PMis it? It's honestly been years since I've seen it lol. Sorry lol
It's been years for me too. I've forgotten most of it ;)
> Purple1222119: Fondly regard stagnation.
Quote from: Purple1222119 on September 09, 2014, 02:18:16 PM> Purple1222119: Fondly regard stagnation.
Darn you purple I was totally gonna win this game
hello i am a prince of nigeria who is unfortunately trapped whithin this forum post, to get me out please wire 100000 dollars to my home estate
I hope nobody minds if I post here.
Auuuuuuughhhh! Collective loss goes to 99.9 percect of NSM.
wait i'm still winning tho right
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on January 10, 2015, 04:04:10 AM(
And that's
I win!
The last post has been January 10th, 2015...Guess what time it is now?
What do I get?
I believe purple has you beat by at least two months.
Quote from: King Sammer on February 26, 2015, 04:04:40 PMI win!
The last post has been January 10th, 2015...Guess what time it is now?
What do I get?
Nothing! :o
Quote from: Jub3r7 on February 26, 2015, 04:18:58 PMI believe purple has you beat by at least two months.
Not to mention K-NiGhT's current first place record of 183 days!
can i play 2
Could I play?
Scrub! Your two-hour kick will never be a match for my almost-four-month kick!
(although i guess K-NiGhT is laughing at our attempts at this point)
Actually I think you just beat me lol
Quote from: Purple1222119 on February 26, 2015, 11:46:20 PMNot to mention K-NiGhT's current first place record of 183 days!
That's just under six months. You're still winning, buddy.
Oh I guess so lol. I thought mine was only 3 months lol. Carry on then.
I've been watching this thing for so long...
just let it go guys
eventually when this forum is dead and gone someone will rise up out of the ashes to claim their rightful place as topic kicking king
And it will be Purple.
Stop it. Stop it. - stop it. You -. I had an alarm set for the day in December that would let me win everything and you guys ruin it.
i hate this game. i hate epic mafia. "guilty jub" they shoot me immediately before i can say anything but i was the cop
the number of wins i have is four less than the number of losses.
they also shoot the guy who said guilty jub and that guy was village too. stupid -.
Quote from: Jub3r7 on June 24, 2015, 04:52:46 PMStop it. Stop it. - stop it. You -. I had an alarm set for the day in December that would let me win everything and you guys ruin it.
i hate this game. i hate epic mafia. "guilty jub" they shoot me immediately before i can say anything but i was the cop
the number of wins i have is four less than the number of losses.
they also shoot the guy who said guilty jub and that guy was village too. stupid -.
jub, are you okay buddy
I thought I would take this time to create a leaderboard of this topic:
1. K-NiGhT - 179 days
2. Dudeman - 112 days
3. fabbemannen - 110 days
4. Purple1222119 - 106 days
5. Yugi - 88 days
6. Jub3r7 - 83 days
7. Dude - 82 days
8. musicguy360 - 63 days
9. jake3343 - 62 days
10. kotorfanboy - 61 days
11. King Sammer - 48 days
12. Greg - 43 days
13. shadowkirby - 36 days
14. Shadoninja - 26 days
15. Raymondbl - 23 days
16. KefkaticFanatic - 21 days
17. FSM-Reapr - 20 days
18. SlowPokemon - 19 days
19. Zunawe - 10 days
20. Sir Awesomesauce - 9 days
20. Gooch - 9 days
22. fingerz - 8 days
23. erintiger1000 - 6 days
24. ALPRAS - 5 days
24. blueflower999 - 5 days
26. DBJack - 4 days
27. FluteNinja - 3 days
27. Bloop - 3 days
29. BlueFlameDude - 2.5 days
30. Toby - 2 days
31. NocturneOfShadow - 23 hours
32. generalmayo - 21 hours
33. Winter - 12 hours
34. Shadowlegend - 11 hours
35. scooterulez - 10 hours
36. Pit0010 - 9 hours
36. MasterPenguin - 9 hours
38. Mashi - 14.6 billion years 4 hours
39. PseudoMario16 - 2.5 hours
40. Hero of Trains - 2 hours
40. BlackDragonSlayer - 2 hours
40. MoboMoga - 2 hours
40. insaneintherain - 2 hours
44. WiiMan96 - 1 hour
45. braixen1264 - 15 minutes
46. Maelstrom - 14 minutes
47. acropol - 10 minutes
48. Waddle Bro - 7 minutes
49. Brawler4Ever - 3 minutes
50. Egnio - 2 minutes
Feel free to correct me if there are any mistakes. Funny how this game has had exactly 50 participants since it started! Man... now "days" and "minutes" don't look like words anymore...
Now, if only I had waited another 73 days to post this. :P
Hnnnnnnn... :P
best 7 minutes of my life
I was totally waiting for this
darn you purple
Top 20, huh? Now I'm slightly less motivated to be first and slightly more motivated to climb the leaderboard.
Quote from: Waddle Bro on October 11, 2015, 04:32:58 AMbest 7 minutes of my life
And now you've broken that record!
Updated Leaderboard: Spoiler
1. K-NiGhT - 179 days
2. Dudeman - 112 days
3. fabbemannen - 110 days
4. Purple1222119 - 106 days
5. Yugi - 88 days
6. Jub3r7 - 83 days
7. Dude - 82 days
8. musicguy360 - 63 days
9. jake3343 - 62 days
10. kotorfanboy - 61 days
11. King Sammer - 48 days
12. Greg - 43 days
13. shadowkirby - 36 days
14. Shadoninja - 26 days
15. Raymondbl - 23 days
16. KefkaticFanatic - 21 days
17. FSM-Reapr - 20 days
18. SlowPokemon - 19 days
19. Zunawe - 10 days
20. Sir Awesomesauce - 9 days
20. Gooch - 9 days
22. fingerz - 8 days
23. erintiger1000 - 6 days
24. ALPRAS - 5 days
24. blueflower999 - 5 days
26. DBJack - 4 days
27. FluteNinja - 3 days
27. Bloop - 3 days
29. BlueFlameDude - 2.5 days
30. Toby - 2 days
31. NocturneOfShadow - 23 hours
32. generalmayo - 21 hours
33. Winter - 12 hours
34. Shadowlegend - 11 hours
35. scooterulez - 10 hours
36. Pit0010 - 9 hours
36. MasterPenguin - 9 hours
38. Mashi - 14.6 billion years 4 hours
39. Waddle Bro - 2.5 hours
39. PseudoMario16 - 2.5 hours
41. Hero of Trains - 2 hours
41. BlackDragonSlayer - 2 hours
41. MoboMoga - 2 hours
41. insaneintherain - 2 hours
45. WiiMan96 - 1 hour
46. braixen1264 - 15 minutes
47. Maelstrom - 14 minutes
48. acropol - 10 minutes
49. Brawler4Ever - 3 minutes
50. Egnio - 2 minutes
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on October 11, 2015, 11:35:24 AMI was totally waiting for this
darn you purple
Whoops, I'm sorry :-[
Congratulations! You've jumped up 22 spots.
Updated Leaderboard: Spoiler
1. K-NiGhT - 179 days
2. Dudeman - 112 days
3. fabbemannen - 110 days
4. Purple1222119 - 106 days
5. Yugi - 88 days
6. Jub3r7 - 83 days
7. Dude - 82 days
8. musicguy360 - 63 days
9. jake3343 - 62 days
10. kotorfanboy - 61 days
11. King Sammer - 48 days
12. Greg - 43 days
13. shadowkirby - 36 days
14. Shadoninja - 26 days
15. Raymondbl - 23 days
16. KefkaticFanatic - 21 days
17. FSM-Reapr - 20 days
18. SlowPokemon - 19 days
19. BlackDragonSlayer - 13 days
20. Zunawe - 10 days
21. Sir Awesomesauce - 9 days
21. Gooch - 9 days
23. fingerz - 8 days
24. erintiger1000 - 6 days
25. ALPRAS - 5 days
25. blueflower999 - 5 days
27. DBJack - 4 days
28. FluteNinja - 3 days
28. Bloop - 3 days
30. BlueFlameDude - 2.5 days
31. Toby - 2 days
32. NocturneOfShadow - 23 hours
33. generalmayo - 21 hours
34. Winter - 12 hours
35. Shadowlegend - 11 hours
36. scooterulez - 10 hours
37. Pit0010 - 9 hours
37. MasterPenguin - 9 hours
39. Mashi - 14.6 billion years 4 hours
40. Waddle Bro - 2.5 hours
41. PseudoMario16 - 2.5 hours
42. Hero of Trains - 2 hours
42. MoboMoga - 2 hours
42. insaneintherain - 2 hours
45. WiiMan96 - 1 hour
46. braixen1264 - 15 minutes
47. Maelstrom - 14 minutes
48. acropol - 10 minutes
49. Brawler4Ever - 3 minutes
50. Egnio - 2 minutes
wow the leaderboard is pretty volitile lol
I wanna be a leader :(
Well you've been added!
Updated Leaderboard: Spoiler
1. K-NiGhT - 179 days
2. Dudeman - 112 days
3. fabbemannen - 110 days
4. Purple1222119 - 106 days
5. Yugi - 88 days
6. Jub3r7 - 83 days
7. Dude - 82 days
8. musicguy360 - 63 days
9. jake3343 - 62 days
10. kotorfanboy - 61 days
11. King Sammer - 48 days
12. Greg - 43 days
13. shadowkirby - 36 days
14. Shadoninja - 26 days
15. Raymondbl - 23 days
16. KefkaticFanatic - 21 days
17. FSM-Reapr - 20 days
18. SlowPokemon - 19 days
19. BlackDragonSlayer - 13 days
20. Zunawe - 10 days
21. Sir Awesomesauce - 9 days
21. Gooch - 9 days
23. fingerz - 8 days
24. erintiger1000 - 6 days
25. ALPRAS - 5 days
25. blueflower999 - 5 days
27. DBJack - 4 days
28. FluteNinja - 3 days
28. Bloop - 3 days
30. BlueFlameDude - 2.5 days
31. Toby - 2 days
32. NocturneOfShadow - 23 hours
33. generalmayo - 21 hours
34. Winter - 12 hours
35. Shadowlegend - 11 hours
36. scooterulez - 10 hours
37. Pit0010 - 9 hours
37. MasterPenguin - 9 hours
39. Mashi - 14.6 billion years 4 hours
40. Waddle Bro - 2.5 hours
41. PseudoMario16 - 2.5 hours
42. Hero of Trains - 2 hours
42. MoboMoga - 2 hours
42. insaneintherain - 2 hours
45. WiiMan96 - 1 hour
46. braixen1264 - 15 minutes
47. Maelstrom - 14 minutes
48. acropol - 10 minutes
49. Brawler4Ever - 3 minutes
49. Nebbles - 3 minutes
51. Egnio - 2 minutes
top 5 B)
top 3 BBB)
Updated Leaderboard: Spoiler
1. K-NiGhT - 179 days
2. Dudeman - 112 days
3. fabbemannen - 110 days
4. Purple1222119 - 106 days
5. Yugi - 88 days
6. Jub3r7 - 83 days
7. Dude - 82 days
8. musicguy360 - 63 days
9. jake3343 - 62 days
10. kotorfanboy - 61 days
11. King Sammer - 48 days
12. Greg - 43 days
13. shadowkirby - 36 days
14. Shadoninja - 26 days
15. Raymondbl - 23 days
16. KefkaticFanatic - 21 days
17. FSM-Reapr - 20 days
18. SlowPokemon - 19 days
19. BlackDragonSlayer - 13 days
20. Zunawe - 10 days
21. Sir Awesomesauce - 9 days
21. Gooch - 9 days
23. fingerz - 8 days
24. erintiger1000 - 6 days
25. ALPRAS - 5 days
25. blueflower999 - 5 days
27. DBJack - 4 days
28. FluteNinja - 3 days
28. Bloop - 3 days
30. BlueFlameDude - 2.5 days
31. Toby - 2 days
32. NocturneOfShadow - 23 hours
33. generalmayo - 21 hours
34. Winter - 12 hours
35. Shadowlegend - 11 hours
36. scooterulez - 10 hours
37. Pit0010 - 9 hours
37. MasterPenguin - 9 hours
39. Mashi - 14.6 billion years 4 hours
40. Waddle Bro - 2.5 hours
41. PseudoMario16 - 2.5 hours
42. Hero of Trains - 2 hours
42. MoboMoga - 2 hours
42. insaneintherain - 2 hours
45. WiiMan96 - 1 hour
46. mariolegofan - 24 minutes
47. braixen1264 - 15 minutes
48. Maelstrom - 14 minutes
49. acropol - 10 minutes
50. Brawler4Ever - 3 minutes
50. Nebbles - 3 minutes
52. Egnio - 2 minutes
Stop making me change the calendar date holy shit guys
Updated Leaderboard: Spoiler
1. K-NiGhT - 179 days
2. Dudeman - 112 days
3. fabbemannen - 110 days
4. Purple1222119 - 106 days
5. Yugi - 88 days
6. Jub3r7 - 83 days
7. Dude - 82 days
8. musicguy360 - 63 days
9. jake3343 - 62 days
10. kotorfanboy - 61 days
11. King Sammer - 48 days
12. Greg - 43 days
13. shadowkirby - 36 days
14. Shadoninja - 26 days
15. Raymondbl - 23 days
16. KefkaticFanatic - 21 days
17. FSM-Reapr - 20 days
18. SlowPokemon - 19 days
19. BlackDragonSlayer - 13 days
20. Zunawe - 10 days
21. Sir Awesomesauce - 9 days
21. Gooch - 9 days
23. fingerz - 8 days
24. erintiger1000 - 6 days
25. ALPRAS - 5 days
25. blueflower999 - 5 days
27. DBJack - 4 days
28. FluteNinja - 3 days
28. Bloop - 3 days
30. BlueFlameDude - 2.5 days
31. Toby - 2 days
32. NocturneOfShadow - 23 hours
33. generalmayo - 21 hours
34. Brawler4Ever - 17 hours-ish?
35. Winter - 12 hours
36. Shadowlegend - 11 hours
37. scooterulez - 10 hours
38. Pit0010 - 9 hours
38. MasterPenguin - 9 hours
40. Mashi - 14.6 billion years 4 hours
41. Waddle Bro - 2.5 hours
41. PseudoMario16 - 2.5 hours
43. Hero of Trains - 2 hours
43. MoboMoga - 2 hours
43. insaneintherain - 2 hours
46. WiiMan96 - 1 hour
47. mariolegofan - 24 minutes
48. braixen1264 - 15 minutes
49. Maelstrom - 14 minutes
50. acropol - 10 minutes
51. Nebbles - 3 minutes
52. Egnio - 2 minutes
can I be at the bottom
Quote from: Latios212 on November 01, 2015, 11:46:23 AMcan I be at the bottom
Yes you may! How... did you do that?
Updated Leaderboard: Spoiler
1. K-NiGhT - 179 days
2. Dudeman - 112 days
3. fabbemannen - 110 days
4. Purple1222119 - 106 days
5. Yugi - 88 days
6. Jub3r7 - 83 days
7. Dude - 82 days
8. musicguy360 - 63 days
9. jake3343 - 62 days
10. kotorfanboy - 61 days
11. King Sammer - 48 days
12. Greg - 43 days
13. shadowkirby - 36 days
14. Shadoninja - 26 days
15. Raymondbl - 23 days
16. KefkaticFanatic - 21 days
17. FSM-Reapr - 20 days
18. SlowPokemon - 19 days
19. BlackDragonSlayer - 13 days
20. Zunawe - 10 days
21. Sir Awesomesauce - 9 days
21. Gooch - 9 days
23. fingerz - 8 days
24. erintiger1000 - 6 days
25. ALPRAS - 5 days
25. blueflower999 - 5 days
27. DBJack - 4 days
28. FluteNinja - 3 days
28. Bloop - 3 days
30. BlueFlameDude - 2.5 days
31. Toby - 2 days
32. NocturneOfShadow - 23 hours
33. generalmayo - 21 hours
34. Brawler4Ever - 17 hours-ish?
35. Winter - 12 hours
36. Shadowlegend - 11 hours
37. scooterulez - 10 hours
38. Pit0010 - 9 hours
38. MasterPenguin - 9 hours
40. Mashi - 14.6 billion years 4 hours
41. Waddle Bro - 2.5 hours
41. PseudoMario16 - 2.5 hours
43. Hero of Trains - 2 hours
43. MoboMoga - 2 hours
43. insaneintherain - 2 hours
46. WiiMan96 - 1 hour
47. mariolegofan - 24 minutes
48. braixen1264 - 15 minutes
49. Maelstrom - 14 minutes
50. acropol - 10 minutes
51. Nebbles - 3 minutes
52. Egnio - 2 minutes
53. Latios212 - 18 seconds
It's interesting how creating a leaderboard has completely changed the dynamic of this thread.
i'll be second last
Updated Leaderboard: Spoiler
1. K-NiGhT - 179 days
2. Dudeman - 112 days
3. fabbemannen - 110 days
4. Purple1222119 - 106 days
5. Yugi - 88 days
6. Jub3r7 - 83 days
7. Dude - 82 days
8. musicguy360 - 63 days
9. jake3343 - 62 days
10. kotorfanboy - 61 days
11. King Sammer - 48 days
12. Greg - 43 days
13. shadowkirby - 36 days
14. Shadoninja - 26 days
15. Raymondbl - 23 days
16. KefkaticFanatic - 21 days
17. FSM-Reapr - 20 days
18. SlowPokemon - 19 days
19. BlackDragonSlayer - 13 days
20. Zunawe - 10 days
21. Sir Awesomesauce - 9 days
21. Gooch - 9 days
23. fingerz - 8 days
24. erintiger1000 - 6 days
25. ALPRAS - 5 days
25. blueflower999 - 5 days
27. DBJack - 4 days
28. FluteNinja - 3 days
28. Bloop - 3 days
30. BlueFlameDude - 2.5 days
31. Toby - 2 days
32. NocturneOfShadow - 23 hours
33. generalmayo - 21 hours
34. Brawler4Ever - 17 hours-ish?
35. Winter - 12 hours
36. Shadowlegend - 11 hours
37. scooterulez - 10 hours
38. Pit0010 - 9 hours
38. MasterPenguin - 9 hours
40. Mashi - 14.6 billion years 4 hours
41. Waddle Bro - 2.5 hours
41. PseudoMario16 - 2.5 hours
43. Hero of Trains - 2 hours
43. MoboMoga - 2 hours
43. insaneintherain - 2 hours
46. WiiMan96 - 1 hour
47. mariolegofan - 24 minutes
48. braixen1264 - 15 minutes
49. Maelstrom - 14 minutes
50. acropol - 10 minutes
51. Nebbles - 3 minutes
52. Egnio - 2 minutes
53. InsigTurtle - 29 seconds
54. Latios212 - 18 seconds
It's interesting how creating a leaderboard has completely changed the dynamic of this thread.
I've... ruined everything
lol.....nice Latios.
I want in on thiiiiiss
Updated Leaderboard: Spoiler
1. K-NiGhT - 179 days
2. Dudeman - 112 days
3. fabbemannen - 110 days
4. Purple1222119 - 106 days
5. Yugi - 88 days
6. Jub3r7 - 83 days
7. Dude - 82 days
8. musicguy360 - 63 days
9. jake3343 - 62 days
10. kotorfanboy - 61 days
11. King Sammer - 48 days
12. Greg - 43 days
13. shadowkirby - 36 days
14. Shadoninja - 26 days
15. Raymondbl - 23 days
16. KefkaticFanatic - 21 days
17. FSM-Reapr - 20 days
18. SlowPokemon - 19 days
19. BlackDragonSlayer - 13 days
20. Zunawe - 10 days
21. Sir Awesomesauce - 9 days
21. Gooch - 9 days
23. fingerz - 8 days
24. erintiger1000 - 6 days
25. ALPRAS - 5 days
25. blueflower999 - 5 days
27. DBJack - 4 days
28. FluteNinja - 3 days
28. Bloop - 3 days
30. BlueFlameDude - 2.5 days
31. Toby - 2 days
32. NocturneOfShadow - 23 hours
33. generalmayo - 21 hours
34. Brawler4Ever - 17 hours-ish?
35. Winter - 12 hours
36. Shadowlegend - 11 hours
37. scooterulez - 10 hours
38. Pit0010 - 9 hours
38. MasterPenguin - 9 hours
40. Mashi - 14.6 billion years 4 hours
41. Pianist Da Sootopolis - 2.5 hours
41. Waddle Bro - 2.5 hours
41. PseudoMario16 - 2.5 hours
44. Hero of Trains - 2 hours
44. MoboMoga - 2 hours
44. insaneintherain - 2 hours
47. WiiMan96 - 1 hour
48. mariolegofan - 24 minutes
49. braixen1264 - 15 minutes
50. Maelstrom - 14 minutes
51. acropol - 10 minutes
52. Nebbles - 3 minutes
53. Egnio - 2 minutes
54. InsigTurtle - 29 seconds
55. Latios212 - 18 seconds
It's interesting how creating a leaderboard has completely changed the dynamic of this thread.
What have I done
Quote from: Purple1222119 on November 01, 2015, 10:07:29 PMUpdated Leaderboard:
1. K-NiGhT - 179 days
2. Dudeman - 112 days
3. fabbemannen - 110 days
4. Purple1222119 - 106 days
5. Yugi - 88 days
6. Jub3r7 - 83 days
7. Dude - 82 days
8. musicguy360 - 63 days
9. jake3343 - 62 days
10. kotorfanboy - 61 days
11. King Sammer - 48 days
12. Greg - 43 days
13. shadowkirby - 36 days
14. Shadoninja - 26 days
15. Raymondbl - 23 days
16. KefkaticFanatic - 21 days
17. FSM-Reapr - 20 days
18. SlowPokemon - 19 days
19. BlackDragonSlayer - 13 days
20. Zunawe - 10 days
21. Sir Awesomesauce - 9 days
21. Gooch - 9 days
23. fingerz - 8 days
24. erintiger1000 - 6 days
25. ALPRAS - 5 days
25. blueflower999 - 5 days
27. DBJack - 4 days
28. FluteNinja - 3 days
28. Bloop - 3 days
30. BlueFlameDude - 2.5 days
31. Toby - 2 days
32. NocturneOfShadow - 23 hours
33. generalmayo - 21 hours
34. Brawler4Ever - 17 hours-ish?
35. Winter - 12 hours
36. Shadowlegend - 11 hours
37. scooterulez - 10 hours
38. Pit0010 - 9 hours
38. MasterPenguin - 9 hours
40. Mashi - 14.6 billion years 4 hours
41. Pianist Da Sootopolis - 2.5 hours
41. Waddle Bro - 2.5 hours
41. PseudoMario16 - 2.5 hours
44. Hero of Trains - 2 hours
44. MoboMoga - 2 hours
44. insaneintherain - 2 hours
47. WiiMan96 - 1 hour
48. mariolegofan - 24 minutes
49. braixen1264 - 15 minutes
50. Maelstrom - 14 minutes
51. acropol - 10 minutes
52. Nebbles - 3 minutes
53. Egnio - 2 minutes
54. InsigTurtle - 29 seconds
55. Latios212 - 18 seconds
It's interesting how creating a leaderboard has completely changed the dynamic of this thread.
What have I done
you're further cementing my legacy. thanks man ;)
I want to be higher on the board :(
me too
Updated Leaderboard: Spoiler
1. K-NiGhT - 179 days
2. Dudeman - 112 days
3. fabbemannen - 110 days
4. Purple1222119 - 106 days
5. Yugi - 88 days
6. Jub3r7 - 83 days
7. Dude - 82 days
8. musicguy360 - 63 days
9. jake3343 - 62 days
10. kotorfanboy - 61 days
11. King Sammer - 48 days
12. Greg - 43 days
13. shadowkirby - 36 days
14. Shadoninja - 26 days
15. Raymondbl - 23 days
16. KefkaticFanatic - 21 days
17. FSM-Reapr - 20 days
18. SlowPokemon - 19 days
19. BlackDragonSlayer - 13 days
20. Zunawe - 10 days
21. Sir Awesomesauce - 9 days
21. Gooch - 9 days
23. fingerz - 8 days
24. erintiger1000 - 6 days
25. ALPRAS - 5 days
25. blueflower999 - 5 days
27. DBJack - 4 days
28. FluteNinja - 3 days
28. Bloop - 3 days
30. BlueFlameDude - 2.5 days
31. Toby - 2 days
32. NocturneOfShadow - 23 hours
33. generalmayo - 21 hours
34. Brawler4Ever - 17 hours-ish?
35. Winter - 12 hours
36. Shadowlegend - 11 hours
37. mariolegofan - 10 hours
37. scooterulez - 10 hours
39. Pit0010 - 9 hours
39. MasterPenguin - 9 hours
41. Mashi - 14.6 billion years 4 hours
42. Pianist Da Sootopolis - 2.5 hours
42. Waddle Bro - 2.5 hours
42. PseudoMario16 - 2.5 hours
45. Hero of Trains - 2 hours
45. MoboMoga - 2 hours
45. insaneintherain - 2 hours
48. WiiMan96 - 1 hour
49. braixen1264 - 15 minutes
50. Maelstrom - 14 minutes
51. Nebbles - 10 minutes
51. acropol - 10 minutes
53. Egnio - 2 minutes
54. InsigTurtle - 29 seconds
55. Latios212 - 18 seconds
You don't have to keep track of everything, you know.
Also congrats, you don't need to update mine.
I know, I wasn't planning on doing it this often and I probably won't haha :P
edit: Oddly enough, I'm still at the same rank lol
Hai guys.
Update lederboard plz
why do you do this
it's only worth winning first place
You're just mad I'm ahead ::)
ahead of what, exactly?
I keep having to reset my alarm like wtf guys. Stop bumping for useless leaderboard spots. Top 3 or don't post
yes i am in the top 3 may i post please thank you
Updated Leaderboard: Spoiler
Quote from: Purple1222119 on December 19, 2015, 01:24:47 AMUpdated Leaderboard:
dammit i wanted to win
someone ban me, I'm tired of this place
You suddenly remember the topic kicking thread. The thought that you may someday hold the winner's crown fills you with determination.
^ i decided to do the equation in your sig for fun and i am now greatly amused
Quote from: Purple1222119 on January 22, 2016, 03:08:41 AMYou suddenly remember the topic kicking thread. The thought that you may someday hold the winner's crown fills you with determination.
Quote from: InsigTurtle on January 22, 2016, 04:20:07 AM^ i decided to do the equation in your sig for fun and i am now greatly amused
EDIT: t should start out with an exponent of 7
It's more correct that way in the final answer. :3
What's the leaderboard now?
I'm still the best. Nothing changes that.
EDIT: But for the record, you'd be in 14th.
Whoops, I've been slacking on that, huh? :P
Updated Leaderboard: Spoiler
Quote from: Purple1222119 on December 19, 2015, 01:24:47 AMNOBODY. EACH TIME SOMEBODY POSTS, NOBODY WINS. (Except K-NiGhT.)
Unless there is more than a 179 day gap between posts, the above statement will always be true. Congrats! ;D
Now that I'm starting to be more open about things... I just really, really hate this topic. Maybe not more than the "last one to post wins" topic, though. if i was a mod that other one would be locked
why am i still awake
Would you like some fries with that salt?
Quote from: Dudeman on March 16, 2016, 10:35:00 PMWould you like some fries with that salt?
Don't be a prick.
No, it's okay, Dude. I do want some fries.
No, it's not OK. He's a damn mod, he should act like one.
Woah, Dude. Chill out. Jub, if I've offended you, feel free to say so. It seems like you're fine with the exchange, based on your response.
Also, for the record, I've considered locking the Last to Post Wins thread multiple times but decided it would be unsportsmanlike.
How odd
Quote from: Purple1222119 on March 16, 2016, 08:49:13 PMUpdated Leaderboard:
Quote from: Purple1222119 on December 19, 2015, 01:24:47 AMNOBODY. EACH TIME SOMEBODY POSTS, NOBODY WINS. (Except K-NiGhT.)
Unless there is more than a 179 day gap between posts, the above statement will always be true. Congrats! ;D
See, the shitty thing is, I had two tabs open and I replied to the wrong one
I was saving that!
My reply was just gonna be
but now it's too late.
Quote from: shadowkirby on June 09, 2016, 04:27:08 PMSee, the shitty thing is, I had two tabs open and I replied to the wrong one
Why would you have this open in a tab you monster?! :'(
I just wanted to take this moment to say R.I.P. Lemmy's Land. I will always miss you. ;_;
come on why do i have to keep resetting the alarm
If I really wanted to, I could delete all the posts but the op and post to win
Guess that means I better restart my record-keeping!
Still winning tho 8)
I finally did something substantial on this thread.
why must you do this to us
Dang it, man! I was planning on kicking it here soon, too.
Now we're getting into the swing of things! ;D
Quote from: Dudeman on November 13, 2016, 07:33:19 PMWOULD Y'ALL STOP IT
Okay okay, I'll wait a long long time before I post in here again. Sound good to everyone else?
what's that? >:)
I think you're supposed to wait longer.
Purple showing up is always a bittersweet moment
I love this
when did he update his avatar
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on January 22, 2017, 10:42:24 PMPurple showing up is always a bittersweet moment
Aww shucks, commenting here is always bittersweet :P
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on January 23, 2017, 10:02:15 AMwhen did he update his avatar
Recently, I just thought it'd be funny.
So what's the highest record in this topic so far?
Quote from: Purple1222119 on November 02, 2015, 10:52:21 PMUpdated Leaderboard:
1. K-NiGhT - 179 days
2. Dudeman - 112 days
3. fabbemannen - 110 days
4. Purple1222119 - 106 days
5. Yugi - 88 days
6. Jub3r7 - 83 days
7. Dude - 82 days
8. musicguy360 - 63 days
9. jake3343 - 62 days
10. kotorfanboy - 61 days
11. King Sammer - 48 days
12. Greg - 43 days
13. shadowkirby - 36 days
14. Shadoninja - 26 days
15. Raymondbl - 23 days
16. KefkaticFanatic - 21 days
17. FSM-Reapr - 20 days
18. SlowPokemon - 19 days
19. BlackDragonSlayer - 13 days
20. Zunawe - 10 days
21. Sir Awesomesauce - 9 days
21. Gooch - 9 days
23. fingerz - 8 days
24. erintiger1000 - 6 days
25. ALPRAS - 5 days
25. blueflower999 - 5 days
27. DBJack - 4 days
28. FluteNinja - 3 days
28. Bloop - 3 days
30. BlueFlameDude - 2.5 days
31. Toby - 2 days
32. NocturneOfShadow - 23 hours
33. generalmayo - 21 hours
34. Brawler4Ever - 17 hours-ish?
35. Winter - 12 hours
36. Shadowlegend - 11 hours
37. mariolegofan - 10 hours
37. scooterulez - 10 hours
39. Pit0010 - 9 hours
39. MasterPenguin - 9 hours
41. Mashi - 14.6 billion years 4 hours
42. Pianist Da Sootopolis - 2.5 hours
42. Waddle Bro - 2.5 hours
42. PseudoMario16 - 2.5 hours
45. Hero of Trains - 2 hours
45. MoboMoga - 2 hours
45. insaneintherain - 2 hours
48. WiiMan96 - 1 hour
49. braixen1264 - 15 minutes
50. Maelstrom - 14 minutes
51. Nebbles - 10 minutes
51. acropol - 10 minutes
53. Egnio - 2 minutes
54. InsigTurtle - 29 seconds
55. Latios212 - 18 seconds
Now, with that out of the way,
Quote from: Dudeman on November 13, 2016, 07:33:19 PMWOULD Y'ALL STOP IT
Whoa, this topic still exists?! I can't believe it!!! I haven't visited the NSM forums in at least 4 years, but it's still here! Too bad people are still active in this topic though. If everyone had forgotten about it by the time I returned, I surely would be winning, haha. Oh well, I'll keep on trying, so you guys better not post again!
Topic Kicking but every time Purple1222119 posts I lock the thread for three years
Maybe I'll just post here instead, then...
Quote from: Purple1222119 on March 04, 2017, 05:19:57 PMWhoa, this topic still exists?! I can't believe it!!! I haven't visited the NSM forums in at least 4 years, but it's still here! Too bad people are still active in this topic though. If everyone had forgotten about it by the time I returned, I surely would be winning, haha. Oh well, I'll keep on trying, so you guys better not post again!
I swear I want to High Jump Kick you through my computer screen so badly.
Quote from: Purple1222119 on March 04, 2017, 05:19:57 PMWhoa, this topic still exists?! I can't believe it!!! I haven't visited the NSM forums in at least 4 years, but it's still here! Too bad people are still active in this topic though. If everyone had forgotten about it by the time I returned, I surely would be winning, haha. Oh well, I'll keep on trying, so you guys better not post again!
Quote from: E. Gadd Industries on March 04, 2017, 07:24:37 PMHOW MANY TIMES MUST I RESET MY REMINDER AUGHHHHH
One more time
So now I'm the bad guy??
At least I'm not the one who broke a 179-day streak of nobody posting here.
:( :( :( :( :(
Quote from: E. Gadd Industries on March 04, 2017, 07:24:37 PMHOW MANY TIMES MUST I RESET MY REMINDER AUGHHHHH
Aaaaaaand again
I'm bored
Oh hey there bored, I'm WOULD YOU JUST QUIT IT ALREADY
You made me reset my reminder to bump this post so that other people would reset their reminders.
But see this way Purple doesn't even need to come back
Quote from: mastersuperfan on March 30, 2017, 03:45:05 PMBut see this way Purple doesn't even need to come back
...Do.... do you not want me back? :(
I'm just trying to save you some trouble here :)
Just because.
Quote from: mastersuperfan on March 31, 2017, 08:23:55 AMI'm just trying to save you some trouble here :)
Oh no, it's no trouble for me, it's my pleasure :)
The forums having been needing a little more excitement lately
X Zeta Pye-ex-Zeta X Pye-ex-Zeta X Pye-ex-Zeta
X Zeta Pye-ex-Zeta X Pye-ex-Zeta X Pye-ex-Zeta
Z X Zeta Pye-ex-Zeta P Exxy X Zeta
X Pye-ex-Zeta X Pye-ex-Zeta X Pye-ex-Zeta
X Zeta Pye-ex-Zeta X Pye-ex-Zeta X Pye-ex-Zeta
How are you supposed to play this game again? I forgot
Quote from: InsigTurtle on May 22, 2017, 02:16:17 AMHow are you supposed to play this game again? I forgot
I need to know this, too.
I will post in this topic exactly two weeks from now. Just to let you all know.
ples sthap
Okay, okay, I'll stop, jeez
am i still winning
who r u
Is this how I play?
Quote from: mastersuperfan on May 22, 2017, 12:36:53 PMI will post in this topic exactly two weeks from now. Just to let you all know.
I trusted you >:(
hm hm
this isn't how you play the game
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on August 05, 2017, 09:40:12 PMthis isn't how you play the game
i don't know how this works the rules are gone
a post from me is long overdue
Inb4 purple is actually just a bot on a timer
If I was a bot on a timer, would I be able to do... THIS?!
(That is, properly respond to a post, as a human would.)
Nope, I just have this forum bookmarked and check in every so often lol.
I am totally a human, who thinks in thoughts, not ones and zeroes. I swear!
Quote from: Purple1222119 on August 15, 2017, 02:19:56 AMIf I was a bot on a timer, would I be able to do... THIS?!
(That is, properly respond to a post, as a human would.)
Nope, I just have this forum bookmarked and check in every so often lol.
I am totally a human, who thinks in thoughts, not ones and zeroes. I swear!
Dang it, man! Why do you have to go off and tell people about that!
*human cough*
ban'd 4 lyfe
Wait, what?
Quote from: on August 27, 2017, 12:35:21 PMWait, what?
He meant "band for lyfe"
He wants to create a band with the top players in this topic. K-NiGhT gets to be band leader, of course.
Awwww guys that's... actually really thoughtful. Thanks! <3 <3 <3
I used the search function to go look up something on the forums and somehow I ended up in this topic
what did you search for
a way out of this hellhole, apparently
Still don't think I'll ever understand this game, no matter how much explanation I get.
Quote from: some guy called moosetroop I guessWhoever gets the longest topic kick in this thread wins. For instance, if the record is 12 days and the thread's been 13 days without a topic kick, you can post and get the record, OR wait and hope that no-one else posts so that you can get a longer record.
I'm really not sure what's so hard to understand about this.
There's got to be one big record you all want to beat. Why don't you guys wait longer? And what happens if some person keeps "kicking" this topic early? What do you do, ban them?
That's what doesn't make sense to me.
Oh there is one big record we all want to beat.
Quote from: Purple1222119 on November 02, 2015, 10:52:21 PMUpdated Leaderboard:
1. K-NiGhT - 179 days
2. Dudeman - 112 days
3. fabbemannen - 110 days
4. Purple1222119 - 106 days
5. Yugi - 88 days
6. Jub3r7 - 83 days
7. Dude - 82 days
8. musicguy360 - 63 days
9. jake3343 - 62 days
10. kotorfanboy - 61 days
11. King Sammer - 48 days
12. Greg - 43 days
13. shadowkirby - 36 days
14. Shadoninja - 26 days
15. Raymondbl - 23 days
16. KefkaticFanatic - 21 days
17. FSM-Reapr - 20 days
18. SlowPokemon - 19 days
19. BlackDragonSlayer - 13 days
20. Zunawe - 10 days
21. Sir Awesomesauce - 9 days
21. Gooch - 9 days
23. fingerz - 8 days
24. erintiger1000 - 6 days
25. ALPRAS - 5 days
25. blueflower999 - 5 days
27. DBJack - 4 days
28. FluteNinja - 3 days
28. Bloop - 3 days
30. BlueFlameDude - 2.5 days
31. Toby - 2 days
32. NocturneOfShadow - 23 hours
33. generalmayo - 21 hours
34. Brawler4Ever - 17 hours-ish?
35. Winter - 12 hours
36. Shadowlegend - 11 hours
37. mariolegofan - 10 hours
37. scooterulez - 10 hours
39. Pit0010 - 9 hours
39. MasterPenguin - 9 hours
41. Mashi - 14.6 billion years 4 hours
42. Pianist Da Sootopolis - 2.5 hours
42. Waddle Bro - 2.5 hours
42. PseudoMario16 - 2.5 hours
45. Hero of Trains - 2 hours
45. MoboMoga - 2 hours
45. insaneintherain - 2 hours
48. WiiMan96 - 1 hour
49. braixen1264 - 15 minutes
50. Maelstrom - 14 minutes
51. Nebbles - 10 minutes
51. acropol - 10 minutes
53. Egnio - 2 minutes
54. InsigTurtle - 29 seconds
55. Latios212 - 18 seconds
We'd be doing really well if
SOMEBODY didn't like screwing with it so much.
Quote from: Dudeman on September 10, 2017, 02:36:15 PMOh there is one big record we all want to beat.We'd be doing really well if SOMEBODY didn't like screwing with it so much.
I don't get what you're trying to- ohhhhhhh nope I get it.
YEAH! Screw that Plum1222119 why he gotta make winning this topic so
someone move my time up 2.5 hours is for scrubs
A leaderboard is for scrubs. :o
Why not?
Where am I on the leaderboard?
I am #1
i swear to fucking god it's been not even four days purple, you're ruining your reputation
I just wanted to say hi :(
Also, what reputation? lol.
Apparently you have a reputation for randomly posting here, forcing people to reset their countdowns
Quote from: E. Gadd Industries on October 21, 2017, 02:01:41 PMApparently you have a reputation for randomly posting here, forcing people to reset their countdowns
If that's the case, then aren't I just living up to my reputation?
Ruining my reputation would be if I stopped posting here completely.
inb4 everyone says "yes please do that I want a fighting chance at winning"
yes please do that I want a fighting chance at winning
yes please do that I want a fighting chance at winning
yes please do that I want a fighting chance at winning
no keep doing that its hilarious
omg these posts made my day honestly, thanks everyone haha :P
oh wow I missed a lot here didn't I
You did
bumping the thread before purple does
it's been literally 3 days, relax
*hmm hm hmmm*
Whence is that knocking?
How is 't with me when every noise appals me?
What hands are here? Ha! They pluck out mine eyes.
Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood
Clean from my hand? No, this my hand will rather
The multitudinous seas incarnadine,
Making the green one red.
But if it's knocking, can it also be kicking?
BITCH YOU G--Uh oh! You friccin
moron. You just got
Tag your friends to
totally BEAN! them!
Guys. Please stop kicking the topic so much. Some of us are actually trying to beat the high score. >:(
Thanks everyone! Let's try to keep the posting levels at this rate.
What rate?
Uncommonly. (Is that a word?)
I mean, anything could be made into an adverb if you really wanted it to be. But yes, it is a word :P
Hey, what's up, guys? Ready for the holidays?
I am SOOOO ready for the holidays! Are you?
I sure am! ;D
What's wrong, @Purple?
Dudeman plz lock k thz
Quote from: BrainyLucario on January 04, 2018, 07:37:48 PMDudeman plz lock k thz
You would not believe how many times I've thought about it.
But by posting in here, we're preserving a 9 1/2 year tradition! We can't stop that! :'(
He's got a point.
Traditions are designed to be broken though
Nah, man, you're thinking about resolutions
Who unlocked it
Not me.
We can't -- this topic will be locked and then unlocked by a mod in a time long enough to set a new record; we all know that.
god damn it
What did I miss?
The Earth is now flat. That's about it.
That doesn't seem natural. It takes sharp wit to see that the Earth is double flat.
:thinkene: how can something be double flat? Unless it's 1-dimensional? O_o
Flat earth "theory" is the funniest bs on the internet
Earth-chan isn't flat!
But what about Mars? Is Mars flat?
Your face is about to be flat if you keep kicking this topic
But how can this be so if I don't exist?
He's got a point.
^thanks for backing me. I was feeling as though I would have to report Dudeman's threats to a mod, as they seemed pretty serious.
D: what's wrong?? I was just expressing gratitude
R we gon hav to ruff u up m8 yeh fort knot innit
Fort knot? I love that game! :D
You just want the world to burn don't you?
Ehhhh not really. I gave up that goal desire a few years back
never give up on your dreams
Don't let your dREAMS be dREAMS
am i still winning this or
Quote from: K-NiGhT on June 22, 2018, 06:36:39 PMam i still winning this or
Yes, yes you are. I've started a new tradition that ensures you'll always be the winner, as it was always destined to be.
Tradition? Huh... I thought you were just trying to have friendly conversation
The weirdest thing happened to me today.
Quote from: Egnio on July 17, 2008, 04:06:20 PMYet another game. Quoting from another forum.
To not make it a super frequent topic in a while, let's wait 24 hours since this post. Eventually, we'll see this topic rarely.
Happy very belated 10th birthday to this topic!
b u m p
Merry Thanksgiving! What are you thankful for?
mini and chewy sweetarts
everything except this topic
Arrangement project threads so I can claim sheets and say no one else can arrange them.
This topic is the only thing I'm thankful for.
inevitably... there is an end.
in the time before,
there has been a search for Meaning
and it
is feared, for the universal Meaning
, accepted by all,
is unknown;
as such, Man has
searched for a Meaning
where is it?
bup (
fridays are the Day to eat a FOOD
It's been a while, hasn't it
Does this mean I can go around nsm kicking random topics?
only this one
Maestro don't kill me. I've been dubbed a mod by mikey.
Quote from: Maelstrom on March 27, 2019, 02:20:53 PMIt's been a while, hasn't it
I know for a fact this doesn't get you anywhere relevant on the leaderboard cause I checked to see if I could snag a record
any time
Quote from: mikey on March 27, 2019, 06:38:45 PMI know for a fact this doesn't get you anywhere relevant on the leaderboard cause I checked to see if I could snag a record
Unless the leaderboard was scored cumulatively :o :o :o :oThat would just make this topic be way more active tho, there'd have to be like a minimum kick time for the score to be counted.
It wouldn't be NSM without Purple logging in once a month to continue the Topic Kicking legacy
I tend to agree, yes
It's da purplanater!
Given the existence as uttered forth in the public works of Puncher and Wattmann of a personal God quaquaquaqua with white beard quaquaquaqua outside time without extension who from the heights of divine apathia divine athambia divine aphasia loves us dearly with some exceptions for reasons unknown but time will tell and suffers like the divine Miranda with those who for reasons unknown but time will tell are plunged in torment plunged in fire whose fire flames if that continues and who can doubt it will fire the firmament that is to say blast hell to heaven so blue still and calm so calm with a calm which even though intermittent is better than nothing but not so fast and considering what is more that as a result of the labours left unfinished crowned by the Acacacacademy of Anthropopopometry of Essy-in-Possy of Testew and Cunard it is established beyond all doubt all other doubt than that which clings to the labours of men that as a result of the labours unfinished of Testew and Cunard it is established as hereinafter but not so fast for reasons unknown that as a result of the public works of Puncher and Wattmann it is established beyond all doubt that in view of the labours of Fartov and Belcher left unfinished for reasons unknown of Testew and Cunard left unfinished it is established what many deny that man in Possy of Testew and Cunard that man in Essy that man in short that man in brief in spite of the strides of alimentation and defecation is seen to waste and pine waste and pine and concurrently simultaneously what is more for reasons unknown in spite of the strides of physical culture the practice of sports such as tennis football running cycling swimming flying floating riding gliding conating camogie skating tennis of all kinds dying flying sports of all sorts autumn summer winter winter tennis of all kinds hockey of all sorts penicilline and succedanea in a word I resume and concurrently simultaneously for reasons unknown to shrink and dwindle in spite of the tennis I resume flying gliding golf over nine and eighteen holes tennis of all sorts in a word for reasons unknown in Feckham Peckham Fulham Clapham namely concurrently simultaneously what is more for reasons unknown but time will tell to shrink and dwindle I resume Fulham Clapham in a word the dead loss per caput since the death of Bishop Berkeley being to the tune of one inch four ounce per caput approximately by and large more or less to the nearest decimal good measure round figures stark naked in the stockinged feet in Connemara in a word for reasons unknown no matter what matter the facts are there and considering what is more much more grave that in the light of the labours lost of Steinweg and Peterman it appears what is more much more grave that in the light the light the light of the labours lost of Steinweg and Peterman that in the plains in the mountains by the seas by the rivers running water running fire the air is the same and then the earth namely the air and then the earth in the great cold the great dark the air and the earth abode of stones in the great cold alas alas in the year of their Lord six hundred and something the air the earth the sea the earth abode of stones in the great deeps the great cold an sea on land and in the air I resume for reasons unknown in spite of the tennis the facts are there but time will tell I resume alas alas on on in short in fine on on abode of stones who can doubt it I resume but not so fast I resume the skull to shrink and waste and concurrently simultaneously what is more for reasons unknown in spite of the tennis on on the beard the flames the tears the stones so blue so calm alas alas on on the skull the skull the skull the skull in Connemara in spite of the tennis the labours abandoned left unfinished graver still abode of stones in a word I resume alas alas abandoned unfinished the skull the skull in Connemara in spite of the tennis the skull alas the stones Cunard tennis... the stones... so calm... Cunard... unfinished...
Also, before anyone says something weird: that is one of Lucky's only lines in the play "Waiting for Godot" (the English translation) by Samuel Beckett. Analyzing that play was probably the worst time of my life and I liked it so much
私の名は『吉良吉影』 年齢33歳 自宅は杜王町北東部の別荘地帯にあり... 結婚はしていない...
仕事は『カメユーチェーン店』の会社員で 毎日遅くとも夜8時までには帰宅する タバコは吸わない 酒はたしなむ程度 夜11時には床につき 必ず8時間は睡眠をとるようにしている...
寝る前にあたたかいミルクを飲み 20分ほどのストレッチで体をほぐしてから床につくと ほとんど朝まで熟睡さ... 赤ん坊のように疲労やストレスを残さずに 朝 目を覚ませるんだ... 健康診断でも異常なしと言われたよ
『勝ち負け』にこだわったり 頭をかかえるような『トラブル』とか 夜もねむれないといった『敵』をつくらない...というのが わたしの社会に対する姿勢であり それが自分の幸福だということを知っている...
もっとも 闘ったとしても わたしは誰にも負けんがね
You don't really exist, do you?
That's okay. You're among friends now. We don't really exist either.
Come, have a cup of tea. We can talk about our non-existence together.
We could also talk about our non-essence. That's fine, too.
While you're here, do you mind answering a question for me? It's been bothering me for a bit.
... Is that silence a yes or a no?
... You don't seem to be the talkative type.
Well, I guess silent protagonists are alright too. I don't mind.
*Link has entered the chat.
Happy 22th!
Oh good, somebody else posted. I was beginning to think people forgot about this topic like they're technically supposed to but shhhhhhhhhhh
Now this was a long one
Merry Christmas ya filthy animals.
More like , amirite
I can't belive you still show up for this thread
but what if i want egg
I'm doing this to preempt any New Year's Eve/Day posts. Could someone kindly update the rankings?
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on December 30, 2020, 09:15:09 PMCould someone kindly update the rankings?
No, there's no point. That would just take so much effort to calculate all the time between each of the posts, I mean who here is even willing to put in that kind of time and effort?
And besides, K-NiGhT will always be winning. I have ensured this. Therefore, the leaderboard stays as it is.
.......jk it's been 5 years, I guess it's as good a time as any for an update
Updated Leaderboard: Spoiler
1. K-NiGhT - 178 days, 2 hours, 35 minutes, 4 seconds
2. Dudeman - 111 days, 15 hours, 31 minutes, 04 seconds
3. fabbemannen - 108 days, 23 hours, 50 minutes, 27 seconds
4. Purple1222119 - 105 days, 2 hours, 49 minutes, 10 seconds
5. Yugi - 86 days, 1 hour, 2 minutes, 6 seconds
6. EFitTrainr - 84 days, 2 hours, 50 minutes, 25 seconds
7. Jub3r7 - 82 days, 12 hours, 20 minutes, 24 seconds
8. Dude - 81 days, 14 hours, 2 minutes, 32 seconds
9. swimswamit - 64 days, 3 hours, 3 minutes, 57 seconds
10. musicguy360 - 62 days, 58 minutes, 14 seconds
11. jake3343 - 61 days, 13 hours, 47 minutes, 30 seconds
12. kotorfanboy - 61 days, 4 hours, 28 minutes, 8 seconds
13. mastersuperfan - 59 days, 8 hours, 31 minutes, 5 seconds
14. E. Gadd Industries - 58 days, 23 hours, 28 minutes, 39 seconds
15. BlackDragonSlayer - 50 days, 4 hours, 55 minutes, 39 seconds
16. King Sammer - 47 days, 2 hours, 15 minutes
17. Greg - 41 days, 12 hours, 25 minutes, 26 seconds
18. Maelstrom - 39 days, 8 hours, 55 minutes, 11 seconds
19. InsigTurtle - 25 days, 13 hours, 2 hours, 10 seconds
20. Shadoninja - 25 days, 7 hours, 28 minutes, 42 seconds
21. Raymondbl - 22 days, 15 hours, 37 minutes, 5 seconds
22. KefkaticFanatic - 19 days, 14 hours, 29 minutes, 39 seconds
23. FSM-Reaper - 19 days, 11 hours, 27 minutes, 17 seconds
24. SlowPokemon - 18 days, 5 hours, 31 minutes, 50 seconds
25. Lkjhgfdsa_77 - 17 days, 19 hours, 54 minutes, 40 seconds
26. mikey - 16 days, 16 hours, 10 minutes, 18 seconds
27. Pianist Da Sootopolis - 15 days, 3 hours, 17 minutes, 43 seconds
28. BrainyLucario - 11 days, 22 hours, 18 minutes, 24 seconds
29. Zunawe - 10 days, 4 hours, 7 minuntes, 49 seconds
30. SirAwesomeSauce - 9 days, 4 hours, 17 minutes, 44 seconds
31. Gooch - 8 days, 20 hours, 12 minutes, 44 seconds
32. Splatoon Inkling - 7 days, 22 hours, 55 minutes, 50 seconds
33. fingerz - 6 days, 18 hours, 50 minutes, 4 seconds
34. blueflower999 - 5 days, 17 hours, 9 minutes, 8 seconds
35. erintiger1000 - 5 days, 11 hours, 16 minutes, 51 seconds
36. Olimar12345 - 5 days, 8 hours, 20 minutes, 32 seconds
37. ALPRAS - 5 days, 4 hours, 54 minutes, 31 seconds
38. WiiMan96 - 5 days, 1 hour, 57 minutes, 47 seconds
39. legoenthusiast - 4 days, 10 hours, 46 minutes, 18 seconds
40. Taser9090 - 4 days, 6 hours, 45 minutes, 33 seconds
41. - 3 days, 22 hours, 41 minutes, 18 seconds
42. FluteNinja - 3 days, 12 hours, 40 minutes, 53 seconds
43. DBJack - 3 days, 11 hours, 9 minutes, 47 seconds
44. Bloop - 2 days, 19 hours, 10 minutes, 5 seconds
45. BlueFlameDude - 2 days, 10 hours, 51 minutes, 30 seconds
46. Toby - 1 day, 22 hours, 31 minutes, 31 seconds
47. AmpharosAndy - 1 day, 9 hours, 50 minutes, 41 seconds
48. Shadowlegend - 21 hours, 19 minutes, 58 seconds
49. generalmayo - 20 hours, 12 minutes, 3 seconds
50. Brawler4Ever - 16 hours, 46 minutes, 28 seconds
51. Winter - 12 hours, 34 minutes, 24 seconds
52. Mashi - 14.6 billion years 12 hours, 28 minutes, 10 seconds
53. Sebastian - 9 hours, 42 minutes, 34 seconds
54. scooterulez - 9 hours, 37 minutes, 1 second
55. Yug_Guy - 9 hours, 29 minutes, 4 seconds
56. iDOWN - 9 hours, 16 minutes, 30 seconds
57. MasterPenguin - 9 hours, 6 minutes, 30 seconds
58. Pit0010 - 9 hours, 2 minutes, 22 seconds
59. Yellow - 7 hours, 47 minutes, 14 seconds
60. braix - 7 hours, 28 minutes, 1 second
61. PseudoMario16 - 2 hours, 28 minutes, 45 seconds
62. Waddle Bro - 2 hours, 24 minutes, 36 seconds
63. MoboMoga - 1 hour, 58 minutes
64. Hero of Trains - 1 hour, 52 minutes, 33 seconds
65. insaneintherain - 1 hour, 35 minutes, 7 seconds
66. Nebbles - 1 hour, 18 minutes, 48 seconds
67. WaluigiTime64 - 32 minutes, 52 seconds
68. Trasdegi - 12 minutes, 50 seconds
69. acropol - 10 mintues, 21 seconds
70. Egnio - 2 minutes, 18 seconds
71. Latios212 - 18 seconds
This updated leaderboard made possible by the newly discovered magic of ✨SPREADSHEETS✨
(which will make it much easier on me if I decide to update this in the future!) (also please tell me if I made any errors, and i'll fix them!)
Wow, I can't believe in the 5 years since I've updated this last, we've gained 20 new participants!
Now that that's over with, I think another 5 years til the leaderboard is updated again is a good amount of time to wait. (Because updating it more often just caused people to post in here a lot lollll)
Now can we all agree to leave 2020 behind us, and with it, this topic, forever? Good, glad we're all in agreement!
I see you're a man who's content to be Top 5... but secretly longs for more. I understand you a lot more now. But yes, let us all agree to keep the peace, until a time, perhaps, when we can change things. (i.e. the leaderboard)
Oof, just missed the leaderboard update by that much. Welp, you'll definitely be added in the 2025 leaderboard update, so that's something to look forward to!
Quote from: legoenthusiast on January 05, 2021, 10:08:30 AMbumpty-bump
Aw, heck it, you know what? 2021 is the year of giving or something, I'm feeling generous. I've added you to the leaderboard! Congrats!
dangit how could you do that. It was almost 6 months...
Oh well, at least I'm on the leaderboard, thanks.
I don't know what to put, nor do I understand the purpose of these, but I may as well participate, right?
Quote from: Whoppybones on November 03, 2021, 07:22:47 AMI don't know what to put, nor do I understand the purpose of these, but I may as well participate, right?
This is not a rickroll:
The world shall never know if that is indeed a true rickroll or not. Or at the very least, I shall never know.
Quote from: E. Gadd Industries on January 07, 2022, 04:56:34 PMThe world shall never know if that is indeed a true rickroll or not. Or at the very least, I shall never know.
Spoiler: it wasn't
Or maybe it was, I'm not actually sure
sure, I'll take second place
K-night will never be dethroned
(forgot my old password)
wait hold up you're alive
Quote from: ItThatBetrays on September 04, 2022, 07:04:38 PMsure, I'll take second place
K-night will never be dethroned
(forgot my old password)
that's actually kinda impressive
also does someone wanna help noc get his account back or smth idk
How might one go about doing that? Or is that something mods can even do?
Should I actually kick my phone right now? This is called "Topic Kicking" and the topic is on my phone...
71 days. YESSS.
Edit: Mixed this up with another game XD
Quote from: A# Minor on May 14, 2023, 01:01:43 PMShould I actually kick my phone right now? This is called "Topic Kicking" and the topic is on my phone...
71 days. YESSS. I don't think anyone can beat E. Gadd though lol
kicking your phone is not recommended :-X
Aw man...
...where was I going to post again?
just going to reduce this to nothing
honestly though
Quote from: Purple1222119 on January 21, 2024, 08:03:42 AMindeed
DANGIT. I was literally thinking about this topic
yesterday and figured I'd push my luck by waiting a few more months (hoping, obviously in vain, that everyone else had forgotten).
Hey guys, I just discovered this fancy new technological communication system called a "forum"! It lets you talk to people from all over the world, AND you can go back and see whatever you wrote for all of eternity! Can you imagine the monumental level of interaction and camaraderie we could experience if we had one? We should really get in on this!
...wh...where did everybody go...?
Welcome back Dudem-HEY!!! :o
Quote from: E. Gadd Industries on August 01, 2024, 04:48:46 PMyeah what he said
BRO. I was literally just thinking about this topic a couple hours ago :'(
...which is, of course, the best way to get someone else to post in it.
> : )
so... should I post here every time I visit?
Quote from: A# Minor on August 15, 2024, 08:13:17 AMso... should I post here every time I visit?
pls no :( have mercy
h e h h e h h e h
Heeeere's an annoying pointless post that contributes nothing and doesn't hold a candle to the record :D
here's another annoying pointless post that contributes even less than that!!! ;D
i miss the old forum's scrolling text
my sig is very sad without it
Quote from: A# Minor on February 19, 2025, 12:31:44 PMi miss the old forum's scrolling text
my sig is very sad without it
First of all, welcome back!
Secondly, how dare you.
* huh, i guess you can use different fonts. i never knew that. that's pretty humerus.