I guess most of you are aware of the infamous NSM website upgrade which I've (supposedly) been working on for a few years now. But in case you have no idea what I'm talking about, let me clarify:
The NSM website itself is seriously outdated and needs some kind of upgrade, both in the server side of things (e.g. database improvements) and just features in general. As I'm the guy responsible for doing that in addition to being unable to finish any kind of large projects, the said updates haven't really been coming along. Once I'm done with studies this semester, I should be able to give this yet another try.
However, before I rush headfirst into the coding aspects of this, I should really plan the whole thing. In addition, I'd like to hear your opinions (as crowdsourcing seems to be the popular thing nowadays) on what kind of features you'd like to see on the site. I'll be creating a couple of topics for different areas of planning. What I'd like you to do is to post some new ideas and also discuss ideas which have already been posted.
This topic is for the actual features and functionality of the site, meaning ideas about the actual functionality of the site. I'll post some ideas below to get things started.
- The big one: Improved upload system. Removing the need for the submission topics where people have to post their arrangements. Instead they can use an upload form to add their arrangements to the queue, where uploaders can easily approve or reject them.
- Same for requests. The ability for arrangers to fulfill a request by submitting an arrangement. Maybe even an option for "being worked on" to let the user who made the request / other arrangers know that the request is being fulfilled.
- Sheet archive improvements. This is also something I'd like to see improved. At least something like browsing by series/console/arranger. Also search function, obviously. The ability to rate sheets would also be a possibility.
- To power all the previous features: Forum integration. Allowing you to use your forum account on the main site as well, to access these features.
- One feature I've been thinking about is the ability to link your YouTube videos of you playing to the arrangements. This would give people viewing the sheet another way to listen to it while also letting people promote their YouTube videos here.
I guess those are the main features I've been thinking of so far. Many of them also need to be refined further, for example the sheet archive structure is an important one.
But with that, let's get planning!
A user based average difficulty level.
So practically, next to each arrangment, are five stars, one being that the song is really easy as an arrangment, and 5 being rather hard, or a virtuoso level.
When a user votes for how hard it is to play an arrangment, they click on one of the five stars and the currant score is re-averaged to compensate for that score. Say 2 people have voted on an arrangment, one 2, one 3. They average the star rating, and the average (3) is there for everyone to see.
Sound good?
It's a nice idea, but maybe we should make it so guests can't rate them though, or something like "You need 50 posts in our forum to rate songs."
We don't want a bunch of people just waltzing in and messing up our rating system, right?
That would be the plan, hence the forum integration. Registration should be enough to prevent people from trolling while still not being too annoying for legitimate users.
Oooh, how about a system to see what users rated which songs?
A set rating should be decided by the forums before posting the arrangement.
I kinda like Yugi's version better.
Frankly, I think that idea sucks. You're going to have people who have been playing for ten years rate it easy and noobs rating it super hard. We as a community should decide the difficult level.
ok then how about a proficiency level option where users can rate themselves as piano players and make some complicated algorithm or something? will that make you happy?
What if we vote for the ratings and the option that got the most votes is the official rating?
Quote from: Dude on May 05, 2013, 08:13:37 AMok then how about a proficiency level option where users can rate themselves as piano players and make some complicated algorithm or something? will that make you happy?
No need to be a dick. I'm just saying that a rating system like the one Yugi brought up seems to be flawed. Moderators who know a lot about music, such as Olimar, could discuss with the arranger and get some opinions from the community on the difficulty.
That is, if this is something we definitely want to implement.
Quote from: FSM-Reapr on May 05, 2013, 08:35:43 AMWhat if we vote for the ratings and the option that got the most votes is the official rating?
This would probably work the best. There are some people who are amazing piano players, and some who are just beginners, but for the majority they should view the sheet the same difficulty. Or we could have a key somewhere, saying that 1 star = one hand/simple rhythm, 5 stars = fast/jumping chords/etc
Quote from: SlowPokemon on May 05, 2013, 09:08:20 AMNo need to be a dick. I'm just saying that a rating system like the one Yugi brought up seems to be flawed. Moderators who know a lot about music, such as Olimar, could discuss with the arranger and get some opinions from the community on the difficulty.
That is, if this is something we definitely want to implement.
The problem with discussing each and every sheet is the fact that we have 2184 to go through, though.
Quote from: Jub3r7 on May 05, 2013, 09:47:04 AMThe problem with discussing each and every sheet is the fact that we have 2184 to go through, though.
And eventually, progress on that will slowly die away with time... As we've all seen before.
Yugi's way involves a lot less work on the administrative part and gives more freedom to users, which I like.
I will agree with that. Administration here is pretty unambitious and it'll be done better if put in the hands of users.
Change is coming, my children.
I'm all for a rating system, but I think we should have two. A User based system, and a system where the arrangers and uploaders take a critical look at the sheet and give a suggested proficiency rating, with some indications as to what techniques are employed. (Fast runs, octaves, jumping chords, multiple lines in a single hand, etc...) The latter wouldn't be a star system like the User based one, but more akin to film rating, where it tells you what to expect in the sheet.
I think Maestro's idea is a wonderful compromise, as it gives the best of both worlds (and is quite similar to other review websites).
Ahhh, sort of like Rotten Tomatoes' "users" and "critics" option?
What about forum members only boards? Things that guests can't normally access?
Quote from: SlowPokemon on May 05, 2013, 07:34:57 AMFrankly, I think that idea sucks. You're going to have people who have been playing for ten years rate it easy and noobs rating it super hard. We as a community should decide the difficult level.
Piano grades 1-2: One star
Piano grades 3-4: Two stars
Piano grades 5-6: Three stars
Piano grades 7-9: Four stars
Piano grades 10-ARCT: Five stars
How's that? That seems like a pretty unbiased system due to different abilities around the table.
As for original ideas, a lot of people seem to use Sibelius. It would be nice to figure out some kind of way to let them in too without breaking program consistency, but I'm at a loss as to how we could do that.
I would say difficulty is still relative to some extent so I don't see any point in rating song difficulties unless you start allowing multiple versions of songs so that there are "easy" or "hard" arrangements of the same piece. Somebody at any level should be able to determine how difficult it is for them by just looking at it. Perhaps it has merit in that you could sort by difficulty, but I don't think you're ever going to have a very accurate rating.
In terms of overall site design, you could just use something like JQuery UI if you wanted a low effort way of getting a moderately nice design down. That way you can easily implement sorting and give the pages a slightly more modern look...
For archive see: http://www.datatables.net/
I've done tiny bits of web design (JS, JQuery, Dojo) so I might be able to help there if I have time.. Not much database work though so eh.
Allowing for sheets to have their own pages is one thought, so that comments could be left with feedback, videos, etc. A way to avoid abuse and perhaps promote the community would be to require a forum account to post any comments.
Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on May 18, 2013, 01:20:57 PMA way to avoid abuse and perhaps promote the community would be to require a forum account to post any comments.
I like the sound of that.
Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on May 18, 2013, 01:20:57 PMAllowing for sheets to have their own pages is one thought, so that comments could be left with feedback, videos, etc.
We should have a spot for each song so people can post videos of themselves playing said song.
While I have to agree that adding a rating to each and every sheet would have many complications, adding a Download count/number of views might be an alternative or an extra option. Sometimes it is helpful to see what sheets are better when ranking them by popularity (so this could be part of the Search feature). Since there are three different links (PDF, MUS, MIDI), maybe they could be accumulated into one count?
Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on May 18, 2013, 01:20:57 PMIn terms of overall site design, you could just use something like JQuery UI if you wanted a low effort way of getting a moderately nice design down. That way you can easily implement sorting and give the pages a slightly more modern look...
For archive see: http://www.datatables.net/
Hm, looks promising. Thanks for the links.
Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on May 18, 2013, 01:20:57 PMAllowing for sheets to have their own pages is one thought, so that comments could be left with feedback, videos, etc. A way to avoid abuse and perhaps promote the community would be to require a forum account to post any comments.
Yes, that would be the plan.
Also the idea is to require the forum account for pretty much everything, except browsing and downloading sheets. Submitting sheets, comments or videos would be managed via the forum account so we can just use the forum's account system.
Focus Suggestions: Sheet archive!
Time to get some ideas on specific parts of the site. The most important one (not counting the uploader) is probably the archive itself.
So: What information would you like a sheet to contain? How do you want to browse and sort the archive? Things like this. Discuss.
A bit off topic, but is there a link to the free download of Finale Notepad on the main site? Might be helpful to people who don't know how to open mus files.
^We need that.
And maybe a search box? I know you can just use Ctrl+F but not everyone does.
Games of a franchise should be listed in chronological order? As opposed to alphabetical.
This would be the time to say "Let's add the Guitar Section!" but.... You know, I'm going to revive that.
Being able to sort by console as well as series/franchise would be cool. We probably should expand our series list to include Pikmin, Professor Layton etc too but I guess that'll come with the new uploader.
Having little banners to click on when sorting by console/series would be really neat too (a bit like what they have on rpgmusic.org, except prettier and probably larger).
I'm not so sure about chronological order. Perhaps as an additional option, but I can't imagine that everyone will know the order of the entire franchise they're browsing.
Quote from: SlowPokemon on June 12, 2013, 07:36:28 AMA bit off topic, but is there a link to the free download of Finale Notepad on the main site? Might be helpful to people who don't know how to open mus files.
Yeah, that'd be handy. Can this be added to the Help page, JaMaHa?
There's a link to Finale Reader (which redirects to Notepad) twice on the help page. Guess I could update it to actually saying Notepad though.
I'd like to suggest having a statistics page for on-site arrangements, like how many times they've been downloaded. It'd be an informative thing to see.
I second this!
It would also be cool to see which are our most popular games/series so we can gear things to improving our popularity.
I third this! ;D I always wanted something like this :)
I fourth (?) this, but idk how possible it would be.
It should be rather easy to have a counter installed for file downloads and such, I would assume. I don't know anything about this stuff, but it would be very useful in letting other people know how great I am.
Welcome to the development team, Maestro! First task: Write the download counter. On a more serious note, I've looked around a bit and that should be possible.
Also not to spoil the surprise but there are some interesting changes coming up.
Quote from: Jamaha on November 04, 2013, 02:14:48 PMWelcome to the development team, Maestro! First task: Write the download counter. On a more serious note, I've looked around a bit and that should be possible.
Also not to spoil the surprise but there are some interesting changes coming up.
i have excite.
Cant wait ;D
ETA is ASAP, or more specifically when we get the last couple of missing things done and then test enough to make sure everything works.
If you guys need help writing databases, I can do that.
Also, I know this is probably something ordinary, but Facebook and Twitter Integration. Our Facebook page and Twitter accounts can be live feeds on the sides of the home page. This means we need to have a "Social Media Coordinator" (like what Winter is doing, but someone a bit more active -- someone to reach out to the public with posting tidbits, polls, youtube videos, etc...)
I would apply for "Social Media Coordinator" but to be blatantly honest, social media isn't my area of expertise. I do know my way around it though so if either someone else were doing it with me or it doesn't involve anything super-complicated I'd be perfectly fine. If one of those criteria are met I'd actually like the chance to try. Of course, if nobody else shows up, I'd give it a shot as well.
I'm totally cool doing this. I can do it at school or home really.
I'm quite available actually. I've had nothing much to post about lately though. I usually do things like sort through messages and previous posts and apply proper tags so they get as much reach as possible, sorry It hasn't shown. I'm definitely open to ideas, I do read my PM's too, so say something if you think it's deserving of a post on Facebook/Twitter.
DOEEET Winter!
I'm suggesting more activeness, take a look at Amazon, Starbucks, Costco and Microsoft twitter and facebook pages and take a page from their book or something.
Use social media to actually MARKET our site and our community!
I cant remember if this was said before, but maybe a page where you can see all the arrangements of a certain arranger specifically? Like if I played one or two of Slow's arrangements and I really liked them, I could go and see what else he arranged
Quote from: Bubbles on January 10, 2014, 08:38:54 PMI cant remember if this was said before, but maybe a page where you can see all the arrangements of a certain arranger specifically? Like if I played one or two of Slow's arrangements and I really liked them, I could go and see what else he arranged
Although your suggestion would make things a lot easier, it's easily made pointless with control + F.
^True, but then you'd have to go to each specific category on the side
Coming up.
Check out the new useless browse page:
There is a reason why I set it up that way. The reason is so that I can add more browsing options, including browsing by arranger.
Ahead of the curve
Dont know if Im too late or not
But here are some suggestions I have:
1. Above the popularity sign there could be a little number that stands for how many times the song was downloaded/viewed.
2. Currency Idea - As we talked about earlier, accepting/completing requests could be used as currency either for getting your own update to having Olimar or Deku (2 best arrangers) arrange the song of your pick. I think this idea would greatly help the Fulfilled request board be fuller than the Request board. That would be awesome!
3. There could be Levels of arrangers. We have Vetaran arrangers but what if we had Levels of arrangers. For example, it could go Level 1 (Beginner) Arranger, Level 2 (Intermediete) Arranger, Level 3 (Advanced) Arranger, Vetaran Arranger, and finally Updater (unless you guys think 2 updaters is enough). This would help motivate arrangers to get better. Maybe rewards could come with advancing through the ranks.
4. We could have an Ambassador. Someone who welcomes new people formally via pm. I know.....this one is a little corny :P Ambassador Mlf
5. Last, but not even close too least.... I think Jompa should be a Vetaran Arranger. He's helped/helps me with my arrangements and is very patient :) He also knows a lot about Music Theory and is a heck of an arranger ;D
Hope I didnt embarass you, Jompa 8)
Definitely agree on that last one. Jompa deserves that rank.
Oh sure, give it to Jompa of all people.
No I'm not bitter.
Quote from: MaestroUGC on June 18, 2014, 04:34:40 PMOh sure, give it to Jompa of all people.
No I'm not bitter.
Though I agree that Jompa should get it for sure, I think Maestro totes should too. Why? Cuz he's so awesome of course. And because why not?
Well for starters, the veteran arranger program only works for those who submit music for updates. That way we can gauge the arrangers abilities/knowledge based on what they physically bring to the table. It's not just some sticker (thought, at this point in time it seems like that). But rest assured guys, these thing are being considered for all currently submitting arrangers.
Quote from: Olimar12345 on June 18, 2014, 06:06:46 PMWell for starters, the veteran arranger program only works for those who submit music for updates. That way we can gauge the arrangers abilities/knowledge based on what they physically bring to the table. It's not just some sticker (thought, at this point in time it seems like that). But rest assured guys, these thing are being considered for all currently submitting arrangers.
Good! It
did seem like just a sticker....
Quote from: mariolegofan on June 18, 2014, 04:03:41 PM3. There could be Levels of arrangers. We have Vetaran arrangers but what if we had Levels of arrangers. For example, it could go Level 1 (Beginner) Arranger, Level 2 (Intermediete) Arranger, Level 3 (Advanced) Arranger, Vetaran Arranger, and finally Updater (unless you guys think 2 updaters is enough). This would help motivate arrangers to get better. Maybe rewards could come with advancing through the ranks.
I think this could turn into a problem. Not that it's not a decent idea, but let's not start assigning labels to people for the sake of a title. This veteran arranger thing, while a good goal for the ambitious, is meant to get higher quality stuff onto the site faster. It's not a status. If Deku and Olimar feel too overwhelmed by updates, they have the right to share the power.
It's kinda fun to think about it as an RPG, but we probably shouldn't implement this.
But I'm the only one around here who actually arranges (by which I mean the technical goal of this site is transcription, a direct translation to piano; versus what I do, which is reworking the original pieces into new forms).
But who am I to argue with Olimar?
Quote from: MaestroUGC on June 18, 2014, 06:45:47 PMBut I'm the only one around here who actually arranges (by which I mean the technical goal of this site is transcription, a direct translation to piano; versus what I do, which is reworking the original pieces into new forms).
But who am I to argue with Olimar?
Vetaran Arrangers ''transcribe"
What you do doesnt really put you on the site, but thats ok :)
You have masterful compositions :)
Quote from: Zunawe on June 18, 2014, 06:45:10 PMI think this could turn into a problem. Not that it's not a decent idea, but let's not start assigning labels to people for the sake of a title. This veteran arranger thing, while a good goal for the ambitious, is meant to get higher quality stuff onto the site faster. It's not a status. If Deku and Olimar feel too overwhelmed by updates, they have the right to share the power.
It's kinda fun to think about it as an RPG, but we probably shouldn't implement this.
you gotta good point
but Im NOT saying a Vetaran Arranger is just a title
I used to submit to the site, does that count? In fact I still have something on the site.
So there.
yeah, I know you have one on the site :) Im just sayin' that you'll need more experience with transcribing if your going to be a Vet. Arranger. You have the music theory and compositon down though :)
Don't start this argument here. Or anywhere for that matter.
Quote from: mariolegofan on June 18, 2014, 06:48:36 PMbut Im NOT saying a Vetaran Arranger is just a title
No, but expanding the idea too far stretches the meaning.
Quote from: Zunawe on June 18, 2014, 06:53:11 PMDon't start this argument here. Or anywhere for that matter.
Not trying too :P
Quote from: Zunawe on June 18, 2014, 06:53:11 PMNo, but expanding the idea too far stretches the meaning.
Guess your right :)
Oh I'm just fooling around. My heyday on this site has long since gone.
Quote from: MaestroUGC on June 18, 2014, 06:56:20 PMOh I'm just fooling around. My heyday on this site has long since gone.
haha. You could still try submitting :)
I kind of got the "perma-no" and I don't plan on doing transcriptions, so...
Quote from: MaestroUGC on June 18, 2014, 06:59:16 PMI kind of got the "perma-no" and I don't plan on doing transcriptions, so...
Oh. To bad :-\
Quote from: mariolegofan on June 18, 2014, 06:53:00 PMyou'll need more experience with transcribing if your going to be a Vet. Arranger.
yeah maestro learn to transcribe, ya noob
it's not like your actual arrangements require that knowledge and more, or anything
By the way, I have very little experience with this stuff, but this could possibly help with counting downloads: http://techsplurge.com/2364/track-dropbox-downloads-simple/
Downloads are already counted in order to calculate the popularity bar, so I guess it should be too much of a stretch for Jamaha to include a total somewhere.
Now that I think about it, I probably should have considered how dated some of these posts were concerning the addition of the popularity thing. I was wondering how that was managed without numbers.
Never mind that last post.
Instead of replacing the meter, maybe just change the tooltip to display the number used (whether it's total downloads, average downloads per week, or downloads in the last week).
Example: "### total downloads"; "### downloads/week"; "### downloads in the last week"
The number is nice, but the meter lets those numbers be compared to each other easier. People don't know how significant 100 downloads in a week is.
Also, if the system is currently based on total downloads (and I don't think it is), I'd rather see it based around recent popularity: downloads/time span. That would reflect current popularity better.
I think it's already based on the third. Not entirely sure on that, though.
Quote from: FierceDeity on June 18, 2014, 08:10:41 PMI think it's already based on the third. Not entirely sure on that, though.
Correct. That's what Jamaha said.
Search Box?
Quote from: JDMEK5 on August 13, 2014, 07:06:24 AMSearch Box?
there is one. It just doesn't search very quickly.
Why do I not see one?
Quote from: JDMEK5 on August 13, 2014, 07:20:49 AMWhy do I not see one?
It's in the corner across from the news/random stuff text that changes each time you go to a new page.
Quote from: maelstrom. on August 13, 2014, 07:39:04 AMIt's in the corner across from the news/random stuff text that changes each time you go to a new page.
I thought we were talking about the main site
Oops. yes, a search bar would be nice.
Lol yeah it would be convenient.
Quote from: zoroark1264 on August 13, 2014, 09:31:01 AMI thought we were talking about the main site
^(What I did mean)
Not sure what other people think of this but I think it would be really cool if this site allowed multiple arrangements of pieces. I understand how sloppy this feature has the potential to get, but I think it could be effective as well. Like if there were a tab for the pieces with multiple arrangements and a sort of rating feature so that people can check out the highest rated arrangements... or if they feel like the top rated arrangement isn't one they like, they have the option of looking through others as well. Every arranger is different and may have something unique to offer. (Of course, if an arrangement is extremely poor quality it would be great if there were a feature to report that sort of thing as well).
Another thing that would be great is if you can click on the arrangers name to view all of their arrangements (rather than going to the section with the list of all be arrangers)
That has been suggested in the past and turned down. We try to have only the highest caliber of arrangements put onto the site, and actual arrangements are much too hard to consistently check for quality. That said, there are some pretty terrible pieces on the site that won't be removed until replacements are made.
Okay, but I'm still super down for rating the arrangements and reporting bad ones (on the main site).
I also like that idea of linking YT vids to arrangements.
so um... i'm new to the forum, although i've been using the site for a while to find arrangements to play. the idea i have is kind of undeveloped and just something that may need to be thrown around a bit if anything is to be made out of it. i think it may be a good idea to have a section specifically for arrangements for larger ensembles such as flute quartets, woodwind trios, or brass quintets. (etc.) Maybe even some orchestral arrangements would wind up there too. i don't know exactly what you would do, if you would make a new section, or mix it in with the other arrangements or what would go on. I just think it may be interesting to have ninsheetmusic's arrangements expand from just piano, onto bigger ensembles. anyway... that's my two cents that people may or may not care about.
I'm going to post Bespinbens reply, so...
Quote from: King Sammer on Today at 01:06:43 PM
Post somewhere else.
It's his first post. Give him some slack.
Quote from: Aquatunic on Today at 01:02:11 PM
*orchestral submissions request*
Yeah, NSM has had plenty talk on this subject. It just doesn't seem like it's going to happen. There are though a few members who write orchestral and ensembles pieces in their Personal Arrangement threads
Quote from: AwesomeYears on February 14, 2015, 06:13:53 PMI'm going to post Bespinbens reply, so...
Quote from: King Sammer on Today at 01:06:43 PM
Post somewhere else.
It's his first post. Give him some slack.
Quote from: Aquatunic on Today at 01:02:11 PM
*orchestral submissions request*
Yeah, NSM has had plenty talk on this subject. It just doesn't seem like it's going to happen. There are though a few members who write orchestral and ensembles pieces in their Personal Arrangement threads
Oh, that's a bit lame, but it does make sense, not many people probably write for larger-ish ensembles. Although it would be cool to find an oboe, piano duet for stayin alive from portal or something along those lines.
It just presents a whole lot of logistical issues from a staff perspective. We have enough on our hands trying to keep on top of piano sheets.
There used to be a website with ensemble arrangements but it shut up shop. Personally, I'd love it if it could be resurrected or if someone would like to start up a new one. But as I said, it'd just be too difficult for us to try and cater for everything.
Check Jompa and Maestro's arrangement pages if you want stuff not just for piano.
You could theoretically request an ensemble arrangement of something if you wanted. I'm not sure where exactly to post such a thing but you could. Though it may not yield much often times.
People can still make them, but the site will only officially host piano arrangements. There has been talk in the past about making an "Other arrangements" board where people can post their non-piano arrangements, but it hasn't actually come to fruition. Perhaps once we get the performances board up we could add some board under the Music or Creativity Corner section for it...?
Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on February 15, 2015, 10:01:51 PMPeople can still make them, but the site will only officially host piano arrangements. There has been talk in the past about making an "Other arrangements" board where people can post their non-piano arrangements, but it hasn't actually come to fruition. Perhaps once we get the performances board up we could add some board under the Music or Creativity Corner section for it...?
Won't we get to put performances (eventually) on the site?
That would be the plan, the key word here being "eventually".
Hard to say at this point what the system would be like in the end.
Ok! No rush!
You've already done excellent work already on the site that I greatly use and enjoy. :)
still would enjoy [card][/card] tags :/
that takes up a ton of space though
Quote from: jub3r7 on February 16, 2015, 08:19:01 AM[img width=100 height=100]http://www.cartoonbrew.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/stevenuniverse-catfingers.jpg[/img]
but why depend on shoddy bbcode resize algo when you can do it yourself in an editor with a cleaner output :D
Or be a really cool guy and do it all in matlab (dont do that)
but what would be cooler is if you could get a popup by mousing over the word [card]Illusionary Mask[/card]
but it's obvious it won't happen so whatever
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 16, 2015, 05:36:46 PMbut what would be cooler is if you could get a popup by mousing over the word [card]Illusionary Mask[/card]
but it's obvious it won't happen so whatever
we will work jamaha to death improving the forum adding niche features
then we will have the perfect forum
my thoughts exactly
we will rule the world
Get in line, son.
actually i was just using html knowledge and hoping that bbc would accept it and it did so ha
Quotebut what would be cooler is if you could get a popup by mousing over the word [card]Illusionary Mask[/card]
which reminds me, html can do hovertext so hmm
Sorry for bumping this topic...
I think you should have a Mindless Junk board so people can put their mindless junk in there. However, it won't allow spamming. Is that okay?
And can we do Mafia, Counting, and the Save a Character game?
Quote from: Uranium The Element on April 09, 2015, 05:35:41 AMI think you should have a Mindless Junk board so people can put their mindless junk in there. However, it won't allow spamming. Is that okay?
Thought of the moment (http://forum.ninsheetmusic.org/index.php?topic=19.0)
Quote from: Uranium The Element on April 09, 2015, 05:35:41 AMAnd can we do Mafia, Counting, and the Save a Character game?
I don't see why not. (http://forum.ninsheetmusic.org/index.php?board=24.0)
Mafia=TWG (http://forum.ninsheetmusic.org/index.php?board=23.0)
Quote from: Maelstrom on April 09, 2015, 06:40:07 AMMafia=TWG (http://forum.ninsheetmusic.org/index.php?board=23.0)
we could do short chatroom-based mafia games though, run through 1 host via PM
What are the requirements for a series to get its own section?
Quote from: Maelstrom on June 24, 2015, 06:58:35 PMWhat are the requirements for a series to get its own section?
I'd like an answer to this too
Quote from: Maelstrom on June 24, 2015, 06:58:35 PMWhat are the requirements for a series to get its own section?
I'd say something with a reasonable amount of interest and content, or at least around those lines.
I think they're asking for a more quantifiable answer.
Would it be unreasonable for something like:
At least 3 games within the series/franchise to have arrangements and at least 15/20 sheets in total between them.
Quote from: Olimar12345 on June 24, 2015, 07:44:22 PMI'd say something with a reasonable amount of interest and content, or at least around those lines.
I thought Deku said something about getting rid of the series headings on the side of the Main site.
Quote from: MaestroUGC on June 24, 2015, 07:47:51 PMI think they're asking for a more quantifiable answer.
Would it be unreasonable for something like:
At least 3 games within the series/franchise to have arrangements and at least 15/20 sheets in total between them.
I like it^
There are series that don't need headings right now. Metal Gear, Dragon Quest, and some others have 10 sheets or less.
Quote from: MaestroUGC on June 24, 2015, 07:47:51 PMI think they're asking for a more quantifiable answer.
Would it be unreasonable for something like:
At least 3 games within the series/franchise to have arrangements and at least 15/20 sheets in total between them.
^Yeah, but that's not true.
I guess it'd still be around that though.
I guess ace attorney doesn't quite make it, as there are only 13 sheets on the site right now (and 3 in review), and one of them needs to be deleted.
It should be noted that they don't compile when the other section is sorted alphabetically, as most of the titles start with different words.
About the series headings, which titles I think should have and not have one:
Should have one:
Kingdom Hearts
Phoenix Write(maybe)
Shouldn't have one:
Harvest Moon
Metal Gear
Dragon Quest(maybe)
I love how we have more sheets from the Mother series than Kingdom Hearts and Metal Gear put together.
Anyway, PW needs a new heading much more than KH.
You're probably missing the fact that Apollo Justice and Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth 2 are both AA games (Which PW is a part of). Not to mention that two more AA sheets are approved for the next update.
I think this has been discussed previously but, it would be nice if you could see number of downloads/week ,or whatever that popularity meter shows, when you hold over the popularity bar.
Ace Attorney has hit the arrangement requirement.
There are now 16 Ace Attorney sheets on the site.
Quote from: Maelstrom on July 25, 2015, 12:17:56 PMAce Attorney has hit the arrangement requirement.
There are now 16 Ace Attorney sheets on the site.
What requirement?
Quote from: MaestroUGC on June 24, 2015, 07:47:51 PMI think they're asking for a more quantifiable answer.
Would it be unreasonable for something like:
At least 3 games within the series/franchise to have arrangements and at least 15/20 sheets in total between them.
Yeah, that still needs to be discussed among the staff.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on July 25, 2015, 02:58:33 PM
Ok sorry. I could of just looked back :P
Quote from: Olimar12345 on July 25, 2015, 03:06:24 PMYeah, that still needs to be discussed among the staff.
I hope it works out. I really like that idea.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on July 25, 2015, 11:21:42 AMI think this has been discussed previously but, it would be nice if you could see number of downloads/week ,or whatever that popularity meter shows, when you hold over the popularity bar.
Yeah, this would be cool.
MusicXML is like the "universal" language among scorewriters, Ninsheetnusic should support it!
Quote from: skiaak on August 29, 2015, 02:25:04 PMMusicXML is like the "universal" language among scorewriters, Ninsheetnusic should support it!
Now that's a thought.
One we've discussed and rejected.
Oh ok.
Quote from: Maelstrom on July 25, 2015, 12:17:56 PMAce Attorney has hit the arrangement requirement.
There are now 16 Ace Attorney sheets on the site.
Imo, the Ace Attorney series would benefit more from it than any other series simply because the games do not sort together alphabetically.
agreed. Ace Attorney is significant enough I think
I think we should categorize by consoles. If we do it by series, well... the list would just keep getting longer making it harder to scroll down. The design I mean is sort of like vgmusic's design.
Quote from: skiaak on August 30, 2015, 08:42:22 AMI think we should categorize by consoles. If we do it by series, well... the list would just keep getting longer making it harder to scroll down. The design I mean is sort of like vgmusic's design.
I don't think so. I think most people prefer to have it categorized as series since there such a wast amount of games and different games for each system it seem a bit illogical. And the list wouldn't be much shorter I believe, it would be as long as there are games for that system and songs arranged for that, meaning that NES's list would be very long for example.
And at current state this isn't much of a problem, the only series having maybe to long lists are Super Mario, The Legend of Zelda, maybe Pokémon and Other.
One suggestion I have however is that if you click on "sheet music" on the main site you'll see the option of searching for arrangements based on series, arrangers or consoles and below if you want to search for Duets.
I think it would be great if we had this search function implemented on the front page somewhere. I think it would be a better design choice and making it easier if people want to search for those categories.
I've also thought the design on "sheet music" looks a bit poor. The text looks so tiny and then below an entire blank page. The poor design probably has with people not caring much about the subfolders ("sheet music" "About" "FAQ" "Staff").
Nice idea Tobbeh! In addition, you could maybe click to expand the list of games on a series page.
Quote from: skiaak on August 30, 2015, 10:23:43 AMNice idea Tobbeh! In addition, you could maybe click to expand the list of games on a series page.
Hmm, are you talking like, when you enter a page it shows you the games and then you click on each game to show its songs? That would actually probably be a great design feature, since as it is now with the games being alphabetical and some games having like the entire 50+ song soundtrack arranged, it's a bit messy and
Quote from: Altissimo on August 30, 2015, 10:26:06 AMHmm, are you talking like, when you enter a page it shows you the games and then you click on each game to show its songs? That would actually probably be a great design feature, since as it is now with the games being alphabetical and some games having like the entire 50+ song soundtrack arranged, it's a bit messy and long.
This might be a really good idea, kind of what I've done in my arrangement thread with the games that I've arranged a lot of songs from like Zelda Oracles or Seasons/Ages.
I think that might something to do when the list gets too big, reaches a certain number of sheets, but if it doesn't the I think it remains the same as it is now. I'm saying this because if you have games from a series that doesn't have that many sheets such as pokémon and Zelda, it might look a bit empty with having it tabbed down.
And final idea might be to have the games show some of the sheets and then having the rest tabbed down. For example Pokémon R/B/Y: showing maybe half the sheets and after that at the bottom having an arrow, which if you click on it will unfold the rest of the sheets. I think this one might be the best idea.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on August 30, 2015, 10:38:22 AMI think that might something to do when the list gets too big, reaches a certain number of sheets, but if it doesn't the I think it remains the same as it is now. I'm saying this because if you have games from a series that doesn't have that many sheets such as pokémon and Zelda, it might look a bit empty with having it tabbed down.
And final idea might be to have the games show some of the sheets and then having the rest tabbed down. For example Pokémon R/B/Y: showing maybe half the sheets and after that at the bottom having an arrow, which if you click on it will unfold the rest of the sheets. I think this one might be the best idea.
I dunno, I feel like that might be confusing to new users who might think that's all the sheets the site has to offer since it's like, there are sheets there, why would there be more you can't see?
You can click on the game to reveal the sheets, that's what I meant.
I don't know if I were a bit unclear. I meant as a "show more button", this way you will still be able to see approximately how many sheets there are, such as "oh Pokémon R/B/Y has a lot of songs arranged", but still not take to much space. Because I find it a bit unnecessary if let's say a game only have one song arrange, that you click on the game and then there shows one song only. With my idea you can get a grasp of if there are lot's of sheet for a certain game or if there are only a few arranged, and also save some space, not making the list to big.
I don't know if any updater or staff-members have seen this, but they've been some discussions about some interesting ideas here and it would be great to hear what the updaters/staff-members have to say about these:
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on July 14, 2015, 05:15:01 PMAbout the series headings, which titles I think should have and not have one:
Should have one:
Kingdom Hearts
Phoenix Write(maybe)
Shouldn't have one:
Harvest Moon
Metal Gear
Dragon Quest(maybe)
Quote from: Maelstrom on July 14, 2015, 06:40:52 PM*Wright
I love how we have more sheets from the Mother series than Kingdom Hearts and Metal Gear put together.
Anyway, PW needs a new heading much more than KH.
You're probably missing the fact that Apollo Justice and Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth 2 are both AA games (Which PW is a part of). Not to mention that two more AA sheets are approved for the next update.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on July 25, 2015, 11:21:42 AMI think this has been discussed previously but, it would be nice if you could see number of downloads/week ,or whatever that popularity meter shows, when you hold over the popularity bar.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on August 30, 2015, 10:04:32 AMI don't think so. I think most people prefer to have it categorized as series since there such a wast amount of games and different games for each system it seem a bit illogical. And the list wouldn't be much shorter I believe, it would be as long as there are games for that system and songs arranged for that, meaning that NES's list would be very long for example.
And at current state this isn't much of a problem, the only series having maybe to long lists are Super Mario, The Legend of Zelda, maybe Pokémon and Other.
One suggestion I have however is that if you click on "sheet music" on the main site you'll see the option of searching for arrangements based on series, arrangers or consoles and below if you want to search for Duets.
I think it would be great if we had this search function implemented on the front page somewhere. I think it would be a better design choice and making it easier if people want to search for those categories.
I've also thought the design on "sheet music" looks a bit poor. The text looks so tiny and then below an entire blank page. The poor design probably has with people not caring much about the subfolders ("sheet music" "About" "FAQ" "Staff").
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on August 30, 2015, 10:38:22 AMThis might be a really good idea, kind of what I've done in my arrangement thread with the games that I've arranged a lot of songs from like Zelda Oracles or Seasons/Ages.
I think that might something to do when the list gets too big, reaches a certain number of sheets, but if it doesn't the I think it remains the same as it is now. I'm saying this because if you have games from a series that doesn't have that many sheets such as pokémon and Zelda, it might look a bit empty with having it tabbed down.
And final idea might be to have the games show some of the sheets and then having the rest tabbed down. For example Pokémon R/B/Y: showing maybe half the sheets and after that at the bottom having an arrow, which if you click on it will unfold the rest of the sheets. I think this one might be the best idea.
1) Ace Attorney needs its own heading
2) Being able to view the number of downloads would be a terrific thing
3) Each game in a series should have a show/hide option because as it stands some of the pages have like hundreds of sheets and it can be a nightmare to find a given game/song. Especially when they're naturally in alphabetical order which imo is a bit ridiculous
Good ideas, but unfortunately no one but Jamaha can do any of this for the time being.
Knowing it's a bigger task than can likely be completed, the overall layout of the main site could be revised. It's not poorly made by any means, but it feels inefficient. I don't have a ton of experience in UI, but navigating to a specific piece of music just doesn't feel as straightforward as it could be. With over 2500 sheets, a search bar is almost necessary. And though the home page is fairly decent, most of the other pages that aren't lists of sheets feel overwhelmingly empty (i.e. the browse page (http://www.ninsheetmusic.org/browse)).
Again, I'm fully aware that this is a big project, but I figured I might as well say something while I was thinking about it.
If Jamaha (and/or the staff) is interested, I'd love to help.
I have experience and plenty of time.
Good points all around. I've created an
Ace Attorney category as it definitely needed its own series. I agree that the current categorizing is rather arbitrary - mostly a remnant from the old days. They were created based on the sheets back then and have remained rather static after that. One problem is the
Other category itself, more on that later.
Quote from: Zunawe on September 20, 2015, 02:23:38 PMIt's not poorly made by any means, but it feels inefficient.
To be fair, I feel it's rather poorly made. The right sidebar is rather pointless. The left sidebar presents a problem with the sheet categories. The Other category is rather nondescriptive. Ideally I would like to have a series for every game and not put any games into the arbitrary Other category. However, with the current layout it would result in a really long list in the sidebar that would be difficult to navigate. Not to mention the fact that it would stretch every page along with it.
Many of these problems can be traced back to me, which is rather unfortunate. It is difficult to find time for NSM with my work and PhD studies and all. Also, one flaw of mine is that I get overly excited about something for a couple of weeks and then completely forget about it. You've probably seen that happen multiple times on NSM. I should find a way to fix that and slowly work on NSM every once in a while.
Now, the challenge is that I'm not an UI designer. If you saw the different measurement software I've written at work, you would agree. So there is the problem of design vs. implementation. I can definitely implement a new UI assuming I can figure out what kind of UI I should implement. One idea I had was to make a topic for brainstorming the new site layout with a mockup I could update based on the suggestions. Once we figure out what the ideal site layout should be, I could then implement that one.
Quote from: Jamaha on September 21, 2015, 01:09:24 AM\Ideally I would like to have a series for every game and not put any games into the arbitrary Other category. However, with the current layout it would result in a really long list in the sidebar that would be difficult to navigate. Not to mention the fact that it would stretch every page along with it.
Only problem with this is that some games have one game and one sheet, which would make it kind of useless and Serebii levels of ridiculous-to-navigate. Maybe split up the Other category into "GBC games, GBA games, NES games" etc? Just a thought, a placeholder maybe until another solution is found. Oh, you could make every
series its own category but games that are not part of a series can be ordered according to the console.
Quote from: Altissimo on September 21, 2015, 04:42:03 AMOnly problem with this is that some games have one game and one sheet, which would make it kind of useless and Serebii levels of ridiculous-to-navigate. Maybe split up the Other category into "GBC games, GBA games, NES games" etc? Just a thought, a placeholder maybe until another solution is found. Oh, you could make every series its own category but games that are not part of a series can be ordered according to the console.
I don't know about this, I think the alphabetical order is best for the other section. The problem I think lies in that there are so many games with only like 1 or 2 sheets, and then there are those games which have lots of sheets but there only one game, not a series. But on the contrary Super Mario, Pokémon and Legend of Zelda has equally many sheets if not more.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on September 21, 2015, 05:29:57 AMI don't know about this, I think the alphabetical order is best for the other section.
I'm thinking if we keep the Other section as is we should still arrange by series if the series aren't already together alphabetically and have like a separation between "Series" and "Single games", cause I think it's a bit ridiculous that some series (like Ace Attorney before it got moved) are just scattered all over the place.
Really though I don't think anything except the left sidebar should be alphabetical tho
Quote from: Jamaha on September 21, 2015, 01:09:24 AMOne idea I had was to make a topic for brainstorming the new site layout with a mockup I could update based on the suggestions. Once we figure out what the ideal site layout should be, I could then implement that one.
I would support this. The rough ideas I can come up with all seem to have glaring flaws, and getting a dedicated thread for it would definitely make it easier to piece together the best design. (Assuming people have an idea of the work behind certain implementations and what might be impossible)
Here is an idea that I think would be a very helpful addition to the submission system:
Could there be a way to submit (along with the musx, mus, pdf, and midi) an original recording of the song like a youtube link or MP3? The original recording wouldn't go on the site, but would be there for the Updaters when reviewing time comes. This would be much easier than posting a youtube link on the thread every time you make a new submission.
I think that posting a YouTube link in the thread is basically the same thing in terms of work you need to do as submitting an mp3. Plus you don't need to download anything.
I think what he's trying to say is the NSM Panel should take a Youtube link and Zeta should include that in the OP, which would indeed be very convenient
Quote from: Latios212 on November 03, 2015, 11:34:05 AMI think what he's trying to say is the NSM Panel should take a Youtube link and Zeta should include that in the OP, which would indeed be very convenient
Okay that'd shave off like 30 seconds
Quote from: braixen1264 on November 03, 2015, 11:53:37 AMOkay that'd shave off like 30 seconds
Still useful especially since several newbies fail to put their own links in and it'd save erryone time
Quote from: Altissimo on November 03, 2015, 11:58:09 AMStill useful especially since several newbies fail to put their own links in and it'd save everyone time
You hit the nail on the head
Might be useful, but not worth the time right now.
Quote from: Altissimo on November 03, 2015, 11:58:09 AMStill useful especially since several newbies fail to put their own links in and it'd save erryone time
Ah I geddit now
Just noticed that Super Mario 64 and Super Mario 64 DS are 2 different titles. Is this really necessary since there are only 2 songs for the DS version?? Maybe better to have them all at one place?
Yeah... Those songs are only in the DS version, so it wouldn't make sense to put them in the N64 section.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on November 03, 2015, 02:36:55 PMJust noticed that Super Mario 64 and Super Mario 64 DS are 2 different titles. Is this really necessary since there are only 2 songs for the DS version?? Maybe better to have them all at one place?
Actually, you got all the versus songs plus the minigames. Another thing is that they're not arranged. :J
Honestly I don't know how people feel about this but I feel the Chrono Trigger series (or whatever the series is officially named) should have its own section.
Note: between Chrono Cross, Chrono Triggier, and Radical Dreamers there are currently 25 arrangements on the site
Ok, so I know that there have been multiple requests for a difficulty rating system on NSM, and I had the idea of using the AMEB grades as levels to determine difficulty. For those of you who aren't Australian, AMEB, or the Australian Music Examinations Board, is the authority who examines musical ability in an official capacity. You would play three pieces, plus technical work, and the examiner would grade you on your skill. For different grades, you choose pieces out of different graded books. NinSheetMusic could grade its pieces according to the AMEB guidelines. This system works well because it isn't user-determined, meaning that pieces that the best pianists find easy wouldn't be ranked lower than an easier piece found challenging by a junior pianist. The link to AMEB's website will be here. (http://www.ameb.edu.au/shop.html)
The positives of using this system are that it works, as proven by AMEB's success,and that it is not decided by the users, perhaps it could be up to the Updaters to decide which grade the piece most resembles? I do not own samples of all of the grades, but the ones that I do have will be posted below. This system could be largely beneficial to not only the NSM community but also some of the less experienced guests who wish to play some of NSM's gaming pieces. Thank you.
Are these difficulty ratings known and accepted worldwide and can you determine what rating you are without an examiner? I'm getting the feeling that it would only help the few users that are in Australia, in which case it would require tons more work than it would be worth.
I can easily assume that there are other examination boards, and we could follow their systems instead. Perhaps Australians would benefit from this more so than others, but it still would be a system of displaying which pieces are easier than others.
Perhaps we could make a system that is exclusive to NSM, that everyone could know about, and that we could meet here or perhaps in another forum or other to discuss what the guidelines would be.
Only us Australians need everything :^)
Including a country, it seems. If Mashi's reasoning is anything to go by.
My logic was that if we have a system pre-made that works, why not use it?
Quote from: braixen1264 on January 21, 2016, 04:04:47 PMAre these difficulty ratings known and accepted worldwide and can you determine what rating you are without an examiner? I'm getting the feeling that it would only help the few users that are in Australia, in which case it would require tons more work than it would be worth.
AMEB grades IIRC are similar to the british ABRSM grades, which would honestly be better.
ABRSM grades are damn near exactly the same as most US college grades, if not carbon copies. The 1-8 system also works well for the sheets here, since most sheets fall within 3-7. That said, Bespinben's fanfares would likely have the rating of 8+ on them, since he puts in just about everything, often making sheets very hard (though never unplayable!).
Idk how well it would work for the forums, but it might make things easier to assess for classical pianists getting into VGM.
That said, that's probably a minority of people. But I don't think it would be a terrible thing; just not horribly necessary. We've had discussions on difficulty ratings before. If you're looking to improve, as well, you can also look at my pet project, the NSM Pedagogy (http://forum.ninsheetmusic.org/index.php?topic=7504.0), which is still largely in the works but hopefully we can get some stuff done soon.
Quote from: Pianist Da Sootopolis on January 22, 2016, 05:50:05 PMAMEB grades IIRC are similar to the british ABRSM grades, which would honestly be better.
ABRSM grades are damn near exactly the same as most US college grades, if not carbon copies. The 1-8 system also works well for the sheets here, since most sheets fall within 3-7. That said, Bespinben's fanfares would likely have the rating of 8+ on them, since he puts in just about everything, often making sheets very hard (though never unplayable!).
Idk how well it would work for the forums, but it might make things easier to assess for classical pianists getting into VGM.
That said, that's probably a minority of people. But I don't think it would be a terrible thing; just not horribly necessary. We've had discussions on difficulty ratings before. If you're looking to improve, as well, you can also look at my pet project, the NSM Pedagogy (http://forum.ninsheetmusic.org/index.php?topic=7504.0), which is still largely in the works but hopefully we can get some stuff done soon.
In Canada for sure, we have the Royal Conservatory of Music (RCM) grading system 1-10. These grading systems are subjective depending on where you are so I think the only valid grading system we could implement is one, as E.Gadd said, that we put together ourselves. That being said, these official grading systems have been tweaked over decades and decades by professionals who get paid to do it. I don't think a grading system is even necessary, really. If someone tries a piece, it's too hard, they give up and move on, etc. Works for me.
Quote from: JDMEK5 on January 26, 2016, 09:43:42 AMIn Canada for sure, we have the Royal Conservatory of Music (RCM) grading system 1-10. These grading systems are subjective depending on where you are so I think the only valid grading system we could implement is one, as E.Gadd said, that we put together ourselves. That being said, these official grading systems have been tweaked over decades and decades by professionals who get paid to do it. I don't think a grading system is even necessary, really. If someone tries a piece, it's too hard, they give up and move on, etc. Works for me.
Why would we need to implement one ourselves; for everyone outside of the country that we may or may not pick, the system would be just as useful as a self-implemented system. There would be an added advantage to the users from the chosen country that wouldn't take away from the other users.
If we choose to implement a system, we would need to be as inclusive as possible, and we would need to be incredibly clear about which system we use. Otherwise, we're only confusing people who aren't familiar with the system. Creating a simple system would be the best option in my opinion (though it might require quite a bit of intuition). That way somebody could look at one number or color or whatever and be able to get a feel for the difficulty, perhaps without even knowing music. I believe a user voting system was mentioned at some point in the past, and while that is very difficult to regulate, it's an elegant idea.
The biggest problem I have with implementing a grade system established by an official music organization is that you could argue that a majority of people who use the site either won't know the system, will presume to know the system but be mistaken, or will be confused by the use of a system they weren't aware of. I think you guys may be overestimating the musical involvement of our average user as well. Heck, I'm hardly familiar with the rating system we use here, and I've been actively playing instruments for a decade.
There really isn't any need to implement a grade system.
^To add onto this, I think that most people could just look through a sheet or listen to the midi to get a feel of how difficult it is. At least, that's what I do.
The previous two posts summarize this entire debate lol.
Next to the logout button, there should be one that allows a user to ban one's self from the website for an extended period of time (http://it's%20a%20joke)
You could always privately message a mod and ask them to ban you quietly, if banning yourself really means that much to you. Adding it in as a default feature seems like a strange addition to the default hub.
No, we decided a while ago against self-requested bans. You can just log out if you wish.
No, no, he's on to something
Chrome has an extension for banning sites for a time limit.
inb4 "ew chrome"
ew inb4s
Ew chrome
I'm on chrome right now, Suckas!!! HAHAHAHA!!
Would it be possible to add a "Total Number of Arrangements" statistic to each Arranger Name?
For example:
eh idk if that'd be very neccesary or useful to most people; you could just count can't you?
Quote from: braixen1264 on March 22, 2016, 05:13:49 PMeh idk if that'd be very necessary or useful to most people; you could just count can't you?
Of course you
could count, but it does take a while especially the more arrangements there are.
I actually do think it would be a very useful feature especially to guests.
No offense but it seems to serve no purpose except for supporting possible bragging rights. You claim it's useful to guests, but how? tbh i fail to see the use, please enlighten me.
I for one would like to see numbers
not necessarily my own, mostly others' but yes
Quote from: Waddle Bro on March 22, 2016, 05:23:33 PMNo offense but it seems to serve no purpose except for supporting possible bragging rights. You claim it's useful to guests, but how? tbh i fail to see the use, please enlighten me.
It would help the arrangers keep their sheets organized. Take me for example. I am nearing the 40000 character limit on my Arrangement Thread OP and I am going take all the "On the Site" arrangements off the OP to free up some space.
With this statistic, it would greatly help the organization.
It'd also be an interesting statistic for the guests.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on March 22, 2016, 05:30:39 PMI for one would like to see numbers
not necessarily my own, mostly others' but yes
Basically this.
In concordance with the other reasons above, it would be cool to have some more stats. I do have some more that I could've brought up, but this one seems to have the most use in my opinion.
Quote from: Sebastian on March 22, 2016, 05:34:34 PMIt would help the arrangers keep their sheets organized. Take me for example. I am nearing the 40000 character limit on my Arrangement Thread OP and I am going take all the "On the Site" arrangements off the OP to free up some space.
With this statistic, it would greatly help the organization.
I fail to see the effect "total sheet number" has on organizing your sheets, if you take those arrangements off your page, they are still gonna be on the site and the number wouldn't change. Am I wrong? seems like a https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_herring
Quote from: Sebastian on March 22, 2016, 05:34:34 PMIt'd also be an interesting statistic for the guests.
I'm sure someone might see it fascinating, but you were advertising it as useful:
Quote from: Sebastian on March 22, 2016, 05:20:17 PMI actually do think it would be a very useful feature especially to guests.
"interesting" doesn't correlate with "very useful" my friend :s
I'm sure it can be interesting and you'd like more stats, but I fail to see it serving any purpose other than that, that's why I was asking for clarification!! if you're claiming something to be "very useful" or "necessary" there should be reasons to why that is!!
Quote from: Sebastian on March 22, 2016, 05:20:17 PMI actually do think it would be a very useful feature especially to guests.
If it existed visitors would likely mistake quantity for quality. (XXX must be really good, he has a ton of sheets!) In reality sure I guess it might be fun to look at but I think it's misleading.
Quote from: Sebastian on March 22, 2016, 05:20:17 PMOf course you could count, but it does take a while especially the more arrangements there are.
If you want the number of sheets someone has on site just Ctrl+F (or whatever search is on your computer) for the arranger name on the arranger page and subtract one.
Seems to me to just be a narcissism thing.
As far as your predicament w/ character limit, can't you just list a bunch of arrangements and say "all on site"?
If there is some use for guests, I'd love to see it implemented, but chances are it's somewhat ignored (I'm curious to see how many even go read the arranger's page and whatnot).
Idea of the moment (though I recognize this is a rather unimportant detail): On the arrangers page, enable the arranger to give some information as to who they are if they'd like. To be clear, this would only occur on their page, so you'd see something like,
Just a thought.
I like the idea of a little personalized comment about each arranger, but there are still a lot of really well-done arrangements on the site by people who have long since moved on, and it wouldn't really feel fair to introduce that now. But I still like the idea regardless. Maybe we can come up with something that plays well to both crowds. Or maybe we can write something up about retired members ourselves. Idk.
We could always just leave it open as an option to those who want to (rather than any kind of mandation, but that wasn't the idea anyways). If those arrangers were to come back and write something and leave again, no harm done really.
Quote from: Pianist Da Sootopolis on March 22, 2016, 10:08:05 PMSeems to me to just be a narcissism thing.
really? You think I'm narcissistic?
no one said you're narcissistic ._.' chill he was referring to what i said as well,
Quote from: Waddle Bro on March 22, 2016, 05:23:33 PMNo offense but it seems to serve no purpose except for supporting possible bragging rights.
don't get triggered over nothing friend we're not on tumblr
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on March 23, 2016, 10:27:04 AMreally? You think I'm narcissistic?
For as much as you have accused me of reading things out of context, you appear to have done the same.
Quote from: Sebastian on March 22, 2016, 05:04:49 PMWould it be possible to add a "Total Number of Arrangements" statistic to each Arranger Name?
Quote from: Waddle Bro on March 22, 2016, 05:23:33 PMNo offense but it seems to serve no purpose except for supporting possible bragging rights. You claim it's useful to guests, but how? tbh i fail to see the use, please enlighten me.
Quote from: Pianist Da Sootopolis on March 22, 2016, 10:08:05 PMSeems to me to just be a narcissism thing.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on March 22, 2016, 05:30:39 PMI for one would like to see numbers
not necessarily my own, mostly others' but yes
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on March 23, 2016, 11:31:25 AM[snip]
well it's not narcissistic if you're saying you want to see others but i'm p sure pds was mostly referring to mlf lol
as someone who would like to see stuff like that appear I say it's not a bragging or narcissism thing
I personally agree that it doesn't serve a huge purpose beyond bragging rights, though, which is why I liked the idea of personalized descriptions either in place of them or alongside them.
why would I brag about my whopping 4 1/2 arrangements
Quote from: Waddle Bro on March 23, 2016, 10:53:09 AMno one said you're narcissistic ._.'
Quote from: Pianist Da Sootopolis on March 23, 2016, 11:24:24 AMFor as much as you have accused me of reading things out of context, you appear to have done the same.
we already clarified how no one claimed you were narcissistic and after that you've made three posts pointing out how you're not narcissistic,
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on March 23, 2016, 11:31:25 AMQuote from: NocturneOfShadow on March 22, 2016, 05:30:39 PMI for one would like to see numbers
not necessarily my own, mostly others' but yes
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on March 23, 2016, 11:34:26 AMas someone who would like to see stuff like that appear I say it's not a bragging or narcissism thing
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on March 23, 2016, 11:43:17 AMwhy would I brag about my whopping 4 1/2 arrangements
please can you end it
sure I'll stop only because you guys STILL never get what I'm saying you just completely ignore me and everything I say
I was thinking about adding a little arrangement total in users' forum profiles so it would appear next to posts and so on but obviously it hasn't been done. Although it sounds like it might just be that final straw to the camel's back.
I can't believe how fired up this got over a simple suggestion. I think I need to start handing out rations of chill pills to everyone.
deku fam with all due respect, no one was saying more statistics like that wouldn't be interesting. just calling out the motives like claimed "usefulness" people were trying to advertise it as, especially when there are other suggestions that can be seen as more beneficial to add
also tbh I personally wouldn't want a number saying "arrangements:0" under my forum post count, at least make it an optional thing
also half of this fuzz came from people assuming they were accused of being narcissistic
Haha yeah I know, there was a bit of catastrophising there. Also, it wouldn't have appeared at all for people with zero arrangements, if I understand how the system works correctly.
I'm still handing out chill pills though!!!
1. http://www.ninsheetmusic.org/browse/arranger
2. Click someone
3. Ctrl+f that person's name
4. Subtract 1 from the total amount of instances of the name
5. ??????
6. Profit!
wb dude c:
Tadaima dess!
Be sure to remove my sheets before you guys ban me.
The mods are stupid so yeah
Quote from: Dude on March 29, 2016, 01:09:32 PMBe sure to remove my sheets before you guys ban me.
The mods are stupid so yeah
how bout dont ban dude
Honestly, I'm done dealing with children. This would probably be for the best. I literally hate most of these people anyway so.
I am still a child
Quote from: Dude on March 29, 2016, 01:22:26 PMHonestly, I'm done dealing with children. This would probably be for the best. I literally hate most of these people anyway so.
Also, guys I broke a rule.
Quote from: Dude on March 29, 2016, 01:09:32 PMThe mods are stupid so yeah
Quote from: Dude on March 29, 2016, 02:32:12 PMAlso, guys I broke a rule.
10 month ban seems like the only solution amirite
Nah, you seem determined to leave on your own, so I don't see any reason to ban you.
K I'll stay then.
Quote from: Dudeman on March 29, 2016, 03:24:21 PMNah, you seem determined to leave on your own, so I don't see any reason to ban you.
Perhaps the only reason he would leave himself is because he knew that he would inevitably be banned over nothing if he stayed?
It's ok, whatever reasons they would have for banning me would be idiotic so I'll just be patient and wait for the inevitable.
Quote from: Pianist Da Sootopolis on March 29, 2016, 03:30:33 PMPerhaps the only reason he would leave himself is because he knew that he would inevitably be banned over nothing if he stayed?
yeah =/
Guys, it's fine! I'm used to unfair policies!
I love to spite as much as the next guy, but srsly, find a hobby. It doesn't have to be music. Start a Youtube channel, do some LPs, draw some art, write a column... ANYTHING is better than this. Don't waste away your days hoping for this great "retribution" or "I told you so!". Chasing the snake after it bites you only drives the venom faster to your heart. Please Dude, please.
I do have hobbies, but whenever I post them here, either no one comments on them or they completely bash them.
I wanted to say your MS paint drawing was really good but I was worried you'd think I was sarcastic
like, you're getting better at MS paint
Thx... But thanks to Ben I'll be sure to stay as long as I can now. Sorry your plan backfired.
well i'm glad! the more friendly friends the better
can you play animal crossing in like a half hour
I would like for the list of songs in each update to include links to the sheet. Just a thought.
And a search feature pleaaase
Can you give an example of a search because I can't possibly see a need when you can browse by everything you would need.
1) Go to game page
2) Ctrl+F
3) Type song title
4) ???
5) Profit
I agree with b-waf on the song link thing because I'm waaaay too lazy to go and actually head over to the main site to look at a song I'm never going to play
Just throwing this out there, but I was thinking of creating some audio related tools and Sebastian gave me the idea of having something along that line added to the site. I have been looking at a bunch of webpages and it would be totally possible to do most stuff with pure javascript. This would definitely help newcomers as well as veterans since most tools you could need would be here.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on April 20, 2016, 01:43:11 PMI agree with b-waf on the song link thing because I'm waaaay too lazy to go and actually head over to the main site to look at a song I'm never going to play
I think that is a good idea. Or at least implementing a search feature to find individual songs or games with songs, like a decent sized text bar below the navigation menu on the home page. This would most likely increase traffic and user retention time (a.k.a. bounce rate).
Quote from: PetrifiedLasagna on June 05, 2016, 05:33:03 PMJust throwing this out there, but I was thinking of creating some audio related tools and Sebastian gave me the idea of having something along that line added to the site. I have been looking at a bunch of webpages and it would be totally possible to do most stuff with pure javascript. This would definitely help newcomers as well as veterans since most tools you could need would be here.
This so much^
It'd be pretty cool to have some helpful tool(s) like that here on NSM, but I'm not sure how much effort that would take. I would totally be willing to put in any work and time for this if need be.
Also, Lasagna, PHP is used here. I'm not sure if the admins/codemonkeys use Javascript as well or not. I believe Jamaha told me once that it's all PHP
Here's where we brought up this hypothetical idea.
Quote from: Sebastian on June 05, 2016, 12:45:18 PMSomething like TuneTranscriber would be very cool to add to NSM.....
Quote from: Sebastian on June 05, 2016, 07:14:13 PMAlso, Lasagna, PHP is used here. I'm not sure if the admins/codemonkeys use Javascript as well or not. I believe Jamaha told me once that it's all PHP
PHP is actually a server side language, which means that anybody's browser who connects to the site will never run a single bit of that code. Javascript (or JQuery, Flash, etc.) are run by the browsers themselves, i.e. it is client-side. So if there is like an outright ban on using javascript, then we might as well throw this idea out the window :P
Although if need be, I could host it on my web server.
So, I have been experimenting and have got some good results so far. I can load a client-side file and decode the audio file, and have printed the number of channels, all in less than 98 lines of code. So it is definitely a feasible project. There is only one thing that describes my experience with this today...
as do most programming projects
you're like, oh, this'll only take a few lines
then the next thing you know you've had to add 3 more variables and a pair of for loops
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on June 06, 2016, 06:57:54 PMas do most programming projects
you're like, oh, this'll only take a few lines
then the next thing you know you've had to add 3 more variables and a pair of for loops
Soooooo true. That's why I gave up on programming xD
Either that or I had no one to help me or care about helping me.
So true Nocturne, although It is mostly just learning APIs/Web technologies. Luckily this wasn't anything like my more math involved programs where I have to figure it out. I will draw these diagrams as visual aid, and if you were to look you would swear I was coding for NASA or something!
Quote from: Sebastian on June 06, 2016, 07:06:22 PMSoooooo true. That's why I gave up on programming xD
Either that or I had no one to help me or care about helping me.
That's sad to hear that. You know I might have never even considered becoming a programmer if it wasn't for Nintendo's Wario D.I.Y. ;)
Although, I can say from experience that once you have learned the basics, the hurdle after that point is time (and maybe implementation).
programming is super addicting, cause once you finish it feels so good you want to write another program
I couldn't agree more with that. I literally took a "Break" from [school] work today to program. Even when I have to do it as a job, I enjoy it so much.
I actually found a major bug in a 3d animation program I made, because there was a problem with my math. It was so satisfying when I had that "aha" moment and fixed it.
Have you worked on any projects Nocturne?
I took a semester of Python in high school, and I've taken a 100 level Problem Solving course in college that utilized the MATLAB language. Both super great, although not as widely used as C++/Java
Oh, that's cool. I got a little into Python, it is very nice especially as a scripting language. I have actually never heard of MATLAB, but it looks really cool from the videos. Although, I am curious as to what you mean by "100 level problem solving." Did you have to solve a problem that had a hundred things that needed to be addressed?
it was a 100 level class as opposed to 200 300 or 400 level
basically freshman
This is about to get epic. The project is playing files that I select, and will be presentable after I neaten up the code and fix bugs that cause it to fail. I just have to find an elegant way to slow down the recordings without changing pitch. Any sound engineers around here? :)
Even if it can't be put on the site, I will make sure to put the links where you guys can get to them. I am also going to be creating a program for midi files that I was originally making for PC, but will do a web port instead. Also, all future updates will be put into a thread that I will create leave a link to in a little bit.
The new thread, which can be found under "off-topic": http://forum.ninsheetmusic.org/index.php?topic=8486.0 (http://forum.ninsheetmusic.org/index.php?topic=8486.0)
I volunteer ben as sound engineer
I think one thing that should be updated is the file validation for arrangement submission. I am not sure how it is setup right now, but I encountered a problem which I posted at Problems with PDF submission (http://forum.ninsheetmusic.org/index.php?topic=8298.0).
I will just summarize what happened. Basically, all of my PDFs that I attempted to submit were valid, but the only reason that it was not submitting was, because I did not have Adobe Reader installed. I think you should be checking whether a file is valid or not by reading the header information.
I posted links below that contain the header information of each file type
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portable_Document_Format#File_structure (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portable_Document_Format#File_structure) (PDF)
http://www.fileformat.info/format/midi/corion.htm (http://www.fileformat.info/format/midi/corion.htm) (MIDI)
If any admins/mods are interested by this change, then I can PM the specs on the MUS/MUSX file format as well (avoid piracy and all that)
Hmm...so I read through your previous post. Can you still create PDFs (ones that fail to upload) via the method you used before? If so, could you do that and send it to me?
Also, all checking is done server-side so it has no way of knowing what you do/do not have installed. Some checks probably just need a little expanding/loosening. I remember having to do this for the Finale 2012-compatible .mus files exported by Finale 2014, which for some reason differ from those produced by Finale 2012 and before.
Anyway, I'd be interested to see what you have on .mus/.musx files.
Quote from: Deku Trombonist on June 15, 2016, 02:13:37 AMHmm...so I read through your previous post. Can you still create PDFs (ones that fail to upload) via the method you used before? If so, could you do that and send it to me?
Nope. :P
My first attempt was to use an old file that I had generated. The file was generated using the adobe postscript driver and converted using the converter at "ps2pdf.com". These files had been submitted with no problem on my desktop which had Adobe Reader.
Eventually I got a new PC, and had the files on hand. I had been having some internet trouble at the time so I decided to see if it test if I would be able to upload files without any problems. I had a newly generated set of files (created on the old computer) that I had yet to upload, so I decided to try it out, but this failed with the message for "not a PDF" or whatever.
This PC can't install the postscript driver so I downloaded CutePDF and that also failed to upload, so I downloaded AR to make sure that it would load it (which it did). So I tried uploading again and it worked. Every file I have generated up to this point has worked.
I am really confused at how this behavior is occurring if all checks are done server side.
I will try uninstalling AR and see if the error occurs again.
Quote from: Deku Trombonist on June 15, 2016, 02:13:37 AMAnyway, I'd be interested to see what you have on .mus/.musx files.
I have only looked at .mus at this point (since I use 2012), but I could dig around and find any differences between general formatting.
Off the top of my head (posting from phone) the only thing I can think of is that something would make the mime type not be application/pdf, but something like application/x-pdf. Although that sounds dodgy in itself because it implies silent header modification somewhere along the way.
Rewriting of everything is currently in progress anyway. And we've advanced a few PHP versions since I wrote that so now I can take advantage of some newer functions. Which hopefully might improve some things.
I did several tests with old and new PDFs and they all went through without any errors. It is pretty bizarre on what could have been causing the error, but it does not seem to be causing any errors now.
The oldest arrangement that I have is from last November which I know for a fact was generated using my previous setup. When I did encounter the issue, I checked my files against other user files as well as the PDF specs and it followed the format. Although, whatever may have been causing the error is gone now.
Quote from: Deku Trombonist on June 15, 2016, 05:56:40 AMOff the top of my head (posting from phone) the only thing I can think of is that something would make the mime type not be application/pdf, but something like application/x-pdf. Although that sounds dodgy in itself because it implies silent header modification somewhere along the way.
Perhaps that is what caused it. It was definitely unexpected.
Quote from: Deku Trombonist on June 15, 2016, 02:13:37 AMAnyway, I'd be interested to see what you have on .mus/.musx files.
I'll PM the results from my examinations right now.
Just gonna throw this out there before I forget, but file input tags can have filters applied, which would be helpful with file submission. The filter is enabled by using the "accept" attribute, but it still allows users to select "*.* all files" and find a file with other types (can't remember name). Below is an actual example that is being used in my current alpha of Virtuoso.
<input type="file" id="file" accept=".midi,.mid" style="width:49%;display:inline-block;"/>
(Wasn't quite sure which topic this should go under)Just thought of a small idea for the main site: Wouldn't it be nice to give special credit to the game soundtracks that have been 100% completed, usually after an official arrangement project? I made a couple of GIF images to show what I mean:
Something like this, perhaps?
Merged together:
Example of what it could look like on the site:
What do you think?
Ooooo. I am all for this idea.
That would look so cool!!
I really enjoy the site and the effort this community puts into it! Problem is, I frequently forget it exists. ;D
I wonder, could an RSS Feed could be put into place on the site? It would really help if the site alerted me to new sheets so that I don't get swamped after checking in sporadically.
I hope these sentiments are shared by other users.
Much appreciated!
I've never really seen (and used) any RSS feeds, so I can't personally attest as to their helpfulness and/or necessity, but if it's not too difficult to implement, and doesn't take up too much space, I don't see why it would hurt.
Also, forgetting about NSM? For shame!!! : P
We have a facebook page
For now, in addition to Facebook, you can enable email notifications on the Site News board, which will let you know when we run an update.
One small idea I thought of (and sorry if it's already been mentioned earlier lol) is including a YouTube link or MP3/OGG download next to the other filetypes. This way, people would have a convenient way to listen to the original songs. It would be a pain to add like >3K extra links, sure, but I think it might be really helpful.
Hello! I know it's not really polite to stroll into here after being away for a year and a half, but I'm afraid my presence is a little more sporadic these days since I no longer enjoy near-infinite spare time (that being said, I usually respond if thrown a PM). But now I've finally got my own apartment (after living in student housing/collectives for the past five years), and have some time to play piano again, so I may be around a little more now.
Anyway, the Super Mario (http://www.ninsheetmusic.org/browse/series/SuperMario) section of the site is getting awfully long. I think we should look into splitting it up. By my count, it features 70 games, each with a large handful of sheets. Breaking it down a little, one can identify at least 7 "sub-franchises" under the overall Mario umrella:
Super Mario core series1: 20 games (Bros., Bros. 2, Bros. 3, Land, World, Land 2: 6 Golden Coins, World 2: Yoshi's Island, 64, Sunshine, New Bros., Galaxy, New Bros. Wii, Galaxy 2, New Bros. 2, New Bros. U, 3D World, Maker, Run, and shortly, Odyssey [As well as The Lost Levels, but we don't make the distinction on-site]). Plus the re-releases, some of which have their own sections (Super Mario Advance, Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3, Mario 64 DS).
Mario Kart series: 8 games (Super Mario Kart, 64, Super Circuit, Double Dash!!, Wii, DS, and 8 - we have no sheets from Mario Kart 7 at all). With an estimated 10-15 sheets per entry in the series, that's roughly a hundred sheets, more than several franchises with their own page.
Mario Party series: 6 games (out of 9 existing - we miss sheets from 4, 6, and 8 ), with a total of 31 sheets. Still more than on the Dragon Quest and Metal Gear pages, for instance. More sheets than them both put together, actually.
Mario & Luigi series: 5 games, 45 sheets.
Mario Sports series: 6 games (Mario Golf, Mario Golf GBC, Mario Golf: Advance Tour, Mario Tennis, Mario's Tennis [yes, that's a separate game], Mario Power Tennis, and a handful of titles we don't have on site (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Mario_sports_games) ). Not that many sheets, though, but it is one of the most successful Mario spin-off series by sales numbers.
Paper Mario series: 4 games (Paper Mario, Paper Mario: Color Splash, Super Paper Mario, and Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, but two of them seem to have more than 50 sheets each.
Wario series: 9 games (Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3, Wario Land II, Wario Land 3, Wario Land 4, Wario Land: Shake it!, Wario World, Wario's Woods, Wario: Master of Disguise, and WarioWare: Smooth Moves), with a total of 21 sheets.
Not sure on what to do with the Yoshi series, since the biggest and most well-known installment (Yoshi's Island) technically belongs to the Super Mario series, but apart from that there are still sheets from 6 games on site, although four of them only have one sheet, and the two others 5 and 6, respectively. Those 6 games and 15 sheets still outnumber the Metal Gear sheets we have, but I seem to recall from a few years back that that page shouldn't really be taken as an ideal example.
1Wikipedia makes the distinction between the Mario franchise (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mario_(franchise)) and Super Mario series (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Mario).
At the very least, I think we should give the numerous Mario spin-offs their own page, since they either bury or are buried by the main series games people generally look for sheets from. The same could be said about the Pokémon games. And speaking of giving games their own page, I think the Undertale section of the "More" page is big enough to warrant separating, even though the franchise only has one game. It has, what, 120 sheets?
And as for the popular suggestion of difficulty levels, let me throw out another approach to that. People would usually want to look up only two difficulty levels: Easy sheets that beginners can play, and ultra-hard ones because complicated music pieces are interesting. I'd say we gain no further traffic or enhance the visitor experience from focusing on the latter, but the people looking for the former probably constitute a big portion of our "non-regular" visitors. Instead of ranking ever sheet in the database with difficulty scores, I think we could make a little page recommending some easy sheets for beginners, with direct links to the relevant arrangements. Of course, it's hard to really quantify what counts as "easy" or "difficult" to play, but I think there are some sheets out there that our more professional members can agree are suitable for beginners. Being very far from a professional myself, I wouldn't know for sure, but for instance, "File Select" from Super Mario 64 (http://www.ninsheetmusic.org/download/pdf/802) looks like it wouldn't pose much of a challenge to aspiring piano players. I think it would be helpful - and not very work-consuming - to dig out a few easy pieces from the database, and feature on their own little page.
Welcome back! I agree with Mario being a bit long but let's make sure we don't separate it into too many sections or people might not be able to find stuff. In regards to the easy sheets thing, daj has already been working on this: http://forum.ninsheetmusic.org/index.php?topic=9535.0
I think it should stay as-is, but that might just be me.
Whoa, welcome back, Cobraroll! Nice to see you around again.
As for your suggestion, dividing up the Super Mario section is something that we have been thinking about doing. I'm not sure where everyone stands on it as of now, but hopefully some of the others will voice their opinion.
Quote from: SlowPokemon on August 12, 2017, 06:24:33 AMI think it should stay as-is, but that might just be me.
I agree with Slow here. Nice idea, though.
I do see the merit of splitting up the section a little bit. I don't think it needs to be in 7 different categories, because all of a sudden our sidebar is flooded with Mario, but maybe, like, the Mario RPG's could have their own section, and/or Mario Kart.
And yeah, daj has kickstarted an easy sheet thing for his own purposes, but we could probably use that as a baseline for difficulty ratings in the future. I agree that we probably don't need to make it any more complicated than "easy" and "advanced."
At the very least, we could separate it the way Smash does - Yoshi & Wario get their own series, but the rest of the Mario series is all under the same umbrella.
Tbh, at some point we really need to figure out what counts as a "series", or even what we want to accomplish by giving a franchise a spot on the sidebar in the first place. I think once we figure that out, we can make some progress on this topic. Otherwise, we're just making arbitrary distinctions.
I have a rather odd suggestion. Could we maybe have multiple arrangements on site for a single track? Or maybe provide a forum link to maybe a collection of other arrangements for a single track? To that end i was thinking that we could have a similar submission process to get it onto this hypothetical thread. Basically the idea is to have a stickied thread where people can submit alternate arrangements or where replaced arrangements can go. Maybe also have the thread arranged in a similar manner to the main site just with a spoiler pyramid.
But...why? Are you talking, like, creative variations on an existing tune, or just the same sheet done by other arrangers?
the creative variations thing yes.
Quote from: Yug_Guy on August 12, 2017, 10:12:51 AMAt the very least, we could separate it the way Smash does - Yoshi & Wario get their own series, but the rest of the Mario series is all under the same umbrella.
The issue with that is that there are very few wario/yoshi sheets in comparison, and I don't think doing that will solve the problem. I could see mario kart being its own section easily, and maybe a few others. If we do opt for splitting up all of the mario sheets, we could also keep a section that contains all off the sheets if desired.
Also, @Cobra that's a great idea with the easy sheets! It would be less work to put together and being isolated could be a beginners dream.
Quote from: BoywithoutaFairy on August 12, 2017, 10:23:57 AMthe creative variations thing yes.
Nope. This has always been a thing the site will never host, right alongside musicXML and musescore files.
The point of the site is to have
one definitive sheet, which best represents the original. That's why we go hard on creative liberties in the submissions.
There's pages and pages of discussions already done about this, and I don't feel like typing them out. Suffice it to say that it would cause a headache for updaters, ruin the focus of the site, and negate the need for replacements.
It's just now how we do things here.
Quote from: Maelstrom on August 12, 2017, 10:41:40 AMNope. This has always been a thing the site will never host, right alongside musicXML and musescore files.
The point of the site is to have one definitive sheet, which best represents the original. That's why we go hard on creative liberties in the submissions.
There's pages and pages of discussions already done about this, and I don't feel like typing them out. Suffice it to say that it would cause a headache for updaters, ruin the focus of the site, and negate the need for replacements.
It's just now how we do things here.
Quote from: BoywithoutaFairy on August 12, 2017, 10:23:57 AMthe creative variations thing yes.
I mean, there is a section for those things on the forums, just not the main site. So, it's not like it's nonexistent. (I'm on Mael's side, in case that wasn't clear.)
Quote from: Dudeman on August 12, 2017, 09:48:32 AMI do see the merit of splitting up the section a little bit. I don't think it needs to be in 7 different categories, because all of a sudden our sidebar is flooded with Mario, but maybe, like, the Mario RPG's could have their own section, and/or Mario Kart.
Oh, sorry if I wasn't clear. Or maybe I hadn't thought it through entirely, I can't really remember. I realize that making 7 new categories would rid us of one problem at the cost of making a dozen more. The "sub-series" I listed in the previous post would be mostly for discussion purposes. Say, if we made two or three new pages, we should avoid splitting up the various series (for instance, we shouldn't put two
Wario games on one page and the rest on another). And which series would go on which page? How many/few pages would we need to put every game on an appropriate, but distinct page?
Would it be possible to have sub-menus of each section? That is, when you click "Super Mario", you are not taken to a new page, but a bunch of smaller categories pop up underneath the button: "Super Mario series", "Mario Kart", "Mario Party", "Yoshi", and so on. Or maybe the main Mario page would be a disambiguation page (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mario_(disambiguation)). Both solutions would require a bit of extra work, though, which I agree is a heavy argument against them.
I think that if the current system is kept, and we seek to do this as easy as possible by making new pages, we should seek to:
- ...split into as few pages as possible. Again, there's the argument of flooding the sidebar, and it could be difficult for visitors to understand which page to look on, or frustrating to browse through multiple pages in search of one specific sheet (again the ambiguity of SMW 2: Yoshi's Island, for instance).
- ...take out as many sheets and game titles from the main page as possible. We won't reduce the clutter of the Super Mario page by removing the 6 games and 15 sheets from the Yoshi series, for instance. That would still leave 64 games and some 7-800 sheets, hardly a noticeable change.
- ...make it as clear as possible where to look for which sheets. For instance, a "Super Mario RPGs" page would include the Paper Mario games if I understand correctly, but that's not very intuitive.
My best suggestion that satisfies the criteria above would be to take out the
Super Mario series, those considered the "flagships" of the franchise. Twenty titles with a few hundred sheets in total, that fill roughly half the current page. All other
Mario games would remain on a page named "Mario spin-offs". This approach would also be directly applicable to the
Pokémon series.
Anyway, I'm glad to see the discussion, if nothing else. Even if we end up agreeing to do nothing, at least the issue is addressed, and/or we will determine whether it is a problem or not. Discussing the problem is addressing the problem! (I might have spent too much time in academia already)
Woah hi cobraroll
Quote from: Cobraroll on August 12, 2017, 11:54:49 AMMy best suggestion that satisfies the criteria above would be to take out the Super Mario series, those considered the "flagships" of the franchise. Twenty titles with a few hundred sheets in total, that fill roughly half the current page. All other Mario games would remain on a page named "Mario spin-offs". This approach would also be directly applicable to the Pokémon series.
From my conversations with other NSM'ers it looks like this might just be me, but in my mind I always think of the Mario RPGs as being part of the "main series," so I could see some potential confusion with this.
Static just brought up the idea on Discord that each series tab could have a console sub-tab, so you could divide up a series by consoles. Thoughts? I think it's a step in the right direction.
Quote from: Dudeman on August 12, 2017, 01:28:22 PMStatic just brought up the idea on Discord that each series tab could have a console sub-tab, so you could divide up a series by consoles. Thoughts? I think it's a step in the right direction.
Sounds like a good idea to me. Would make it easier to find the game you want.
I don't know if it would be the best to divide them by consoles, but that might just be me.
I wholeheartedly agree with drop-down menus (that appear when you click/hover over the "Super Mario" link on the sidebar) that allow you to select between various parts of the whole franchise. It takes a little bit longer than I'd like for the whole section to load just so I can reach Super Mario 64.
I kinda like the consoles idea but for some categories it would be entirely unnecessary like with golden sun.
It would definitely make it easier to browse the "other" section
I was thinking that some sort of symbol, like a star or a crown, should be implemented next to the name of a game on the site that has its soundtrack completed with sheets all up to current standards of quality.
In discussing this idea with Latios, he suggested a system where one icon, such as a gold star, be displayed next to games with their full soundtracks completed and silver stars displayed next to games that don't have all the tracks completed but for which all of the sheets are of good quality (e.g. he cited Super Mario 3D World as an example)--a proposition that I'm all for.
Thoughts? I'd like to see this implemented sometime (within the next five years, preferably), partly as an indicator to visitors as to what games have all good sheets and partly as motivation for arranging for certain games (maybe finishing up all those unofficial arrangement projects, huh...).
like the alola pokedex
This is a great idea, I support its implementation.
This is kinda like what I do in my PA; I label certain games with complete OSTs with a glow effect.
I support this idea.
Sounds like a good idea; it enables a bit more convenience and provides more information about the site while not taking anything away or making any changes that are too drastic.
if there's a kind of shoddy-looking star for things that need desperate replacing then i feel sorry for the person who would have to go through the entire Other section to check
which is why that shoddy-looking star probably won't happen
Quote from: WaluigiTime64 on September 10, 2017, 08:01:38 PMif there's a kind of shoddy-looking star for things that need desperate replacing then i feel sorry for the person who would have to go through the entire Other section to check
which is why that shoddy-looking star probably won't happen
but (http://forum.ninsheetmusic.org/index.php?topic=8899.0)
yeah i thought of that but it still only accounts for formatting
Well this isn't for every individual sheet, just certain games, so it shouldn't be too much work
And for the record I would be willing to go through and check the whole site if need be
Quote from: mastersuperfan on September 10, 2017, 08:16:58 PMAnd for the record I would be willing to go through and check the whole site if need be
I'll be saving this baby in the Hall of Quotes.
Well, if you count 3500 sheets, 10min per sheet, and 10 mad people ready to check sheets 2h/day, you can check all sheets in a month
10 minutes per sheet seems a little much
Oh, a little too much time? Okay, five minutes per sheet. That way you get it all done in two weeks.
Woah since when do sheets take only ten minutes to check??? Sign me up, damn.
Quote from: Olimar12345 on September 11, 2017, 02:49:18 PMWoah since when do sheets take only ten minutes to check??? Sign me up, damn.
I mean, assuming I have this correct, we're really only identifying which sheets do or don't need to be replaced, right? So like 98% of sheets can be determined just by taking a quick glance and/or listen to them - the other 2% would need to be gone through in depth, which would be OK.
Also, if we ever get something officially worked out in order to check over sheets, I would be more than happy to assist.
I'd think checking the whole site would take an overly long amount of time, especially for one person. It would be hard deciding on challenge replacing or editing sheets for most.
If we are going to do this, though, I think Super Mario and Donkey Kong sections should be taken on by multiple people. Most of the categories are so small I wonder why we have them, like Dragon Quest and Harvest Moon.
itt: people with too much time on their hands
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on September 11, 2017, 05:19:02 PMitt: people with too much time on their hands
We're a forum of gamers, what did you expect ???
Quote from: LeviR.star on September 11, 2017, 04:20:57 PMI'd think checking the whole site would take an overly long amount of time, especially for one person. It would be hard deciding on challenge replacing or editing sheets for most.
If we are going to do this, though, I think Super Mario and Donkey Kong sections should be taken on by multiple people. Most of the categories are so small I wonder why we have them, like Dragon Quest and Harvest Moon.
Well for one thing, I interpreted it as how Yug Guy said it where most sheets that desperately need to be replaced are obvious after looking at or listening to it. And if we're only putting stars next to exceptionally shoddy sheets or sections where most of the sheets are like that, then we can assume that all of the sheets published after the rework don't have to be checked over unless it's for mismatched or broken files. In that case, checking sheets in order of number on the pdf page would be more efficient (assuming every single sheet is going to be checked)
I'm also willing to help out whenever I'm available
I want to reiterate that the stars would be placed next to the name of the games, not next to the sheets themselves. If you find one or two sheets of poor quality in the game's section then you would already know that it's not worthy of a star and move on.
(I don't think these "shoddy stars" for poor sheets are necessary either, since the absence of a star already tells you that not all the sheets for the game are of good quality. It'd also look kind of bad, imo.)
I think we can already put the star on some games, like undertale and dk64, than got an arrangement project not so long ago, it's already two hundreds sheets less to check
Quote from: mastersuperfan on September 11, 2017, 05:33:05 PM(I don't think these "shoddy stars" for poor sheets are necessary either, since the absence of a star already tells you that not all the sheets for the game are of good quality. It'd also look kind of bad, imo.)
yeah it was kind of a joke anyway lol
it would look really bad
however having a NSM Audit for
musical errors
sorry yug available on the forums only would be pretty good
maybe yug could host that as well, or put it as part of the same thing but again comes the whole site checking process
Quote from: WaluigiTime64 on September 12, 2017, 03:22:05 AMhowever having a NSM Audit for musical errors sorry yug available on the forums only would be pretty good maybe yug could host that as well, or put it as part of the same thing but again comes the whole site checking process
I basically tried to start that project like two years ago but it fell apart
Anyway basically I think all you need to do is not look for specific music errors but ANY music errors so you can determine whether or not the sheet needs a replacement
For instance, I don't know how shitty Sloprano (http://www.ninsheetmusic.org/download/pdf/331) from Conker's Bad Fur Day is all the way through, but it's apparent from as early as measure 2 that the arranger didn't understand this was in A minor and therefore A-flats need to be G-sharps, and the key change is notated as F minor rather than B-flat minor, a half step up (which is what actually happens). That was one I already knew offhand, but you get my point when I say if you can identify
one prominent or persistent error you really don't need to go through and check
everything because it's already apparent the sheet needs a replacement.
But I already knew Sloprano had these errors, so to further prove my point, I decided to grab a random sheet by an unfamiliar arranger name (i.e. it's old enough it probably predates the updated submissions process and therefore is more likely to need a fix). Darkmoon Caverns (http://www.ninsheetmusic.org/download/pdf/788) from Diddy Kong Racing. Never having heard the piece before in my life, I can still point to the rhythms used starting in the middle of system 3 (the pairs of dotted 8ths) as a reason for replacement.
That took about five seconds. Typing the analysis of it up took longer than eyeballing it and realizing it needed a replacement for musical (not formatting) reasons.
Quote from: WaluigiTime64 on September 12, 2017, 03:22:05 AMhowever having a NSM Audit for musical errors sorry yug available on the forums only would be pretty good maybe yug could host that as well, or put it as part of the same thing but again comes the whole site checking process
I'd be willing to host it, but first I think we need something a little more concrete in terms of planning - how we plan on checking for musical errors, how many volunteers we expect to have, etc. etc.
(If you've got any suggestions WAH, feel free to PM me here or on Discord - I'm all ears)
Hey, I like this idea. Maybe, instead of having intense notechecks, you can just have a few catagories it can be filed under, like:
Key sig issues
accidental issues
minor notation issues (beaming, etc)
major notation issues (doesn't represent original, etc)
minor melodic issues (few wrong notes)
major melodic issues (a lot of wrong notes)
And then stick with these and never go more in depth.
edit: Oh, and come up with abbreviations for them all, because a sheet with major melodic issues will probably have more than one type of issue
Anything for rhythmic errors?
KeY Signature issues
This isn't helpful at all but I figured I'd bring it to light.
Quote from: Altissimo on September 12, 2017, 04:36:03 AMI don't know how shitty Sloprano (http://www.ninsheetmusic.org/download/pdf/331) from Conker's Bad Fur Day is all the way through
I just now noticed this grade-A (accidental?) pun
This isn't helpful at all but I figured I'd bring it to light.
Stop stealing my material, copycat!
Checking a revised arrangement replacement (in wich only small things like formatting / en harmonics / key changes are fixed) doesn't take long. However, I think than most people never submit an arrangement like this because its a wasted submission spot.
So here is my suggestion: Don't count the revised arrangements in the 2 per update limit. That would help with making the sheets on-site more up-to-date with formatting standards, without stealing much of the updater's time.
We've considered that, and rejected it for the time being. There's no easy way to change the coding of the system to allow for this without overhauling everything, or having an updater manually add the sheet to subs for you.
For the record, this has come up numerous times before now, but hasn't happened and won't for the foreseeable future.
So if we do the star-thing, maybe we can review all sheets, make an arrangement project for fixing all the easy-to-fix ones, and make a big special update with all that? That would be a way to fix all the sheets than only have formatting and/or minor issues, and without taking all submission spots for the next year
Well, I know there was supposed to be a replacement update (I even sent two sheets in) but I don't know what's happened to that.
Just throwing in my two cents about the whole "organize the mess" issue: I think the time that would be spent on logging the arrangements that need fixing and listing the errors that need correcting could be much better spent on actually fixing sheets. Seems silly to put so much effort into an idea like this.
Pretty sure this whole topic got derailed from the original "star system" idea two pages ago, so Olimar if that's what you're talking about then let me get this thread back on track.
We're not logging all the errors in each and every sheet on-site. We're not logging which sheets need challenge replacements vs. edit replacements vs. a simple formatting update. Heck, most of the time we'd only have to look at a couple sheets from each game.
The idea is that we go through the site and check the games that have at least one sheet--just one!--that need replacing. If we find one, then all we do is mark that the game isn't worthy of a star and move on to the next one. And if all the sheets of a game are up to current standards, then great; we can write down that it deserves a star. And that's it. (See Alti's post two pages ago for a good example.)
This data collection should in fact take very little time at all.
Quote from: Olimar12345 on September 22, 2017, 02:24:39 PMJust throwing in my two cents about the whole "organize the mess" issue: I think the time that would be spent on logging the arrangements that need fixing and listing the errors that need correcting could be much better spent on actually fixing sheets. Seems silly to put so much effort into an idea like this.
I guess my retort to this whole ordeal would be: "But who's
actually fixing sheets to begin with?" The majority of replacement sheets have been done by individuals in their own spare time; there really hasn't been any sort of collective effort (at least, that I know of) of people trying to fix a lot of the awful sheets on site. Personally, I figure if we get some sort of chart, or table, or whatever, showing
exactly which sheets need fixing, and to what extent, people will be a lot more motivated to do replacements. And also, if they actually make the sheet to begin with, they'll feel as though they have a stake in cleaning up the site. At least, that's my theory.
Like, if I'm going to be real honest, I think having a lot of those terrible sheets really puts a stain on NSM's reputation. I can only imagine how many people immediately disregarded this site after opening up one of those sheets & thinking that the rest of them were of a similar caliber. That's why I'm so adamant about getting the site cleaned up as much as possible. So c'mon guys, let's get to it!
Um, and I guess I agree with what MSF said above? He posted that while I was still writing this, so this whole post probably seems a bit tangential to the whole conversation idk
@Yug I think it would be more successful to just pick a game, go through the sheets AND THEN replace them, completing the process from start to finish. Like the arrangement projects do.
Yeah, sure, that makes sense too. I'm just saying that if anyone is opposed to the system of logging all the errors on-site, then that should really have nothing to do with the implementation of the "star system." Olimar might have just been opposed to Trasdegi's idea and not my original proposition, so I'm not sure if he was actually contesting the "star system" or not. If so, then keep in mind that the whole "star system" thing has nothing to do with going through every single sheet and logging all the errors.
Quote from: Olimar12345 on September 22, 2017, 02:46:24 PM@Yug I think it would be more successful to just pick a game, go through the sheets AND THEN replace them, completing the process from start to finish. Like the arrangement projects do.
This is exactly the reason (one of the reasons, at least) why I proposed the original star system idea: so that we as arrangers would be more motivated to complete all the tracks from a game (the other reason being to show to visitors which games have the best-quality sheets and/or all the tracks completed). That way we can see a new, shiny gold star get added for all our hard work and effort.
Honestly, the biggest thing for me is trying to get as many arrangers as possible to try and get all the bad sheets replaced as fast as we can possible manage. If MSF's star system is the best way to get that done, then I'm all for it. If Oli's mini-arrangement project suggestion is the best way to get that done, then I'm all for it.
Sorry if I'm coming off a bit abrasive, but I really want to start working on some sort of replacement project/table/whatever as soon as possible. So, I'm hoping we reach a consensus pretty quickly.
Quote from: mastersuperfan on September 22, 2017, 02:48:58 PMYeah, sure, that makes sense too. I'm just saying that if anyone is opposed to the system of logging all the errors on-site, then that should really have nothing to do with the implementation of the "star system." Olimar might have just been opposed to Trasdegi's idea and not my original proposition, so I'm not sure if he was actually contesting the "star system" or not. If so, then keep in mind that the whole "star system" thing has nothing to do with going through every single sheet and logging all the errors.
This is exactly the reason (one of the reasons, at least) why I proposed the original star system idea: so that we as arrangers would be more motivated to complete all the tracks from a game (the other reason being to show to visitors which games have the best-quality sheets and/or all the tracks completed). That way we can see a new, shiny gold star get added for all our hard work and effort.
I would rather not have this "star system" on the site. That would look tacky and probably confuse visitors. May be just in a thread somewhere on the forums?
Quote from: Olimar12345 on September 22, 2017, 02:46:24 PM@Yug I think it would be more successful to just pick a game, go through the sheets AND THEN replace them, completing the process from start to finish. Like the arrangement projects do.
Totally agree to this. But I think than before that, we should check and put the stars on games than already have all tracks arranged and/or of good quality, like MSF said. And it wouldn't take long: if you take all games of Yug's nsm audit, you have already at least two times less games to check, and you can already give the stars to games than recently had an arrangement project too, like Undertale or DK64. So I think than checking every remaining game to see if we can put a star to them should take really little time.
And then, when we know which games have sheets to fix, we can do fixing-the-sheets arrangement project, 1 per game or even 1 per serie for small series like harvest moon or dragon quest.
Quote from: Trasdegi on September 22, 2017, 03:03:09 PMUndertale
There were Undertale sheets on-site before the arrangement project update.
Oh, I didn't know that. So 1 more game than wouldn't have a star and than we haven't to check.
Quote from: Olimar12345 on September 22, 2017, 02:59:58 PMI would rather not have this "star system" on the site. That would look tacky and probably confuse visitors. May be just in a thread somewhere on the forums?
Yeah, people would find it strange to have games with 20 sheets or more and no star, and games with just 1 sheet and a star because this only sheet is up to today's standards. So maybe only put stars for games with all scores done and up to the standards, and have somewhere on the forums a list of games which doesn't need any fixing, but have tracks missing
It's like putting a band aid over a cut until it heals
I just thought: but for games like Pokemon SMD, who came out really recently, there shouldn't be any problem, but... I just checked and there's a formatting issue in one of them. Sad.
Quote from: Olimar12345 on September 22, 2017, 03:05:42 PMThere were Undertale sheets on-site before the arrangement project update.
But those were accepted in the current submission system...? So why shouldn't they be up to standards?
Remember Temmie Village?
The URL is missing. I really don't know how this got trough the submission system without being noticed
Quote from: Trasdegi on September 22, 2017, 03:27:19 PMThe URL is missing. I really don't know how this got trough the submission system without being noticed
No it isn't? (http://www.ninsheetmusic.org/download/pdf/3365)
Was speaking of this one. (http://www.ninsheetmusic.org/download/pdf/2923) Got on site a year and a half ago.
Quote from: Olimar12345 on September 22, 2017, 02:59:58 PMI would rather not have this "star system" on the site. That would look tacky and probably confuse visitors. May be just in a thread somewhere on the forums?
Kinda with Oli on this. It's not a marker normal people would notice, understand, or even care about. It'd be easier just to keep a list on the forums, as oli said
An even simpler and more user-friendly solution: Mark the games where we have the full OST arranged. Don't consider the quality of the arrangements just yet, chances are many users wouldn't know enough about that to need it, but I think they'd be interested in seeing which games have the entire soundtrack on site.
That's better, I guess
How about a little gold circle with the letters "QA" and on the top of the site sort of where the link to the forum is there's a legend that has gold star for complete game and medal for quality assured
Quote from: Trasdegi on September 22, 2017, 03:27:19 PMI really don't know how this got trough the submission system without being noticed
Mistakes happen. That's why we have this (http://forum.ninsheetmusic.org/index.php?topic=6181.0)
It's already in Yug's nsm audit, so I don't think it's worth posting it in the error thread
Quote from: Trasdegi on September 23, 2017, 11:01:44 AMIt's already in Yug's nsm audit, so I don't think it's worth posting it in the error thread
No, that's not how the audit should be thought of. Post the mistake in the error thread, and I'll worry about taking it off the spreadsheet.
I've only been on the forums for a very short time so I'm probably not going to have a very powerful say in the matter, but here are my suggestions.
Something that I would be very grateful for is the combined integration of both Finale and Sibelius files for uploading scores. I'm not including free programs like Musescore or Flat.io because they aren't coming from anyone's pocket, whereas Finale and Sibelius are both professional programs that cost a hefty amount. I understand your guys' aim for unanimity with the appearance of your scores but it would be great if you could include the PDF's made from Sibelius files. They don't look all that different from Finale files if you know what you're doing (and if you spend several hundred dollars on Sibelius, you know how to use it). I may be completely oblivious to it, but I genuinely don't see the issue with this; people like me want to share their scores but not being able to because of this barrier of the two programs. I also understand that it isn't hard to ask for someone to convert the files and tidy them up for us but, it makes me feel that I'm not qualified to produce scores myself in an effective manner although I am just as qualified.
In place of the ".mus" option, why not have a ".sib and/or .mus" option instead? It would be super helpful to people like me who have spent hundreds of dollars on Sibelius. Yes, it would mean having to add another button to both the submissions panel and the webpage but it would make it so much more accessible for the population of Sibelius users.
I really want to contribute to the site, and I feel like I have the skills to supply well put together and accurate sheets, but having the barrier of Finale and Sibelius makes is very difficult to maintain your standards.
Please forgive me if I sounded rude or obnoxious, but if I had've known the world would be so displeased with Sibelius users, I never would have purchased it to begin with.
Welp, there goes all my good karma on this site. Forgive me. :-\
Quote from: BonesEXE on February 05, 2018, 08:33:57 PMPlease forgive me if I sounded rude or obnoxious, but if I had've known the world would be so displeased with Sibelius users, I never would have purchased it to begin with.
Welp, there goes all my good karma on this site. Forgive me. :-\
Hey, no worries! It's a legitimate point with merit. That said, this comes up every so often; let me explain:
Quote from: Latios212 on December 24, 2016, 10:41:15 PMIn addition to the above, here's a practical reason without saying "because it's always been this way": Using a Finale file as a master file allows us to keep everything in sync - that is, generate a .mid and a .pdf file off of the .mus so we know they're all up to date by checking against one file. Trying to incorporate files from other notation software would make our retention of multiple file types asynchronous, meaning that any small change in one would have to be made in the exact same change in the other, which is really bad because it's easily prone to error and causes more work for the arrangers and updaters, who would (and should) rather be checking an arrangement for its content and not having to deal with using multiple notation softwares. It's good practice to consistently offer the same file type for every arrangement, and also simplifies site maintenance for the staff (should anything need to be changed, a quick change to the .mus and a couple of exports is all that is needed).
All that said, there are people around here more than willing to help you iron out the kinks with file conversion. MuseScore arrangers still have potential to be successful here - just read some of the above posts. So don't worry too much.
There's more discussion around this post that refers to MuseScore, but can be similarly adapted to other notation softwares. Basically, there's nothing we have against Sibelius specifically. It's not just the appearance of the scores that we try and keep uniform, it's the way they're stored and maintained.
Of course, we understand people use other notation softwares and we welcome new arrangers regardless (we don't judge, great arrangements are great arrangements!). As such, we'll always be around to help you convert an arrangement into Finale form for submission.
Quote from: BonesEXE on February 05, 2018, 08:33:57 PMI'm not including free programs like Musescore because they aren't coming from anyone's pocket, whereas Finale and Sibelius are both professional programs that cost a hefty amount
Triggered (I always have trouble understanding the "It's expensive, therefore it's better" logic, be it there or with anything else)
Quote from: Trasdegi on February 06, 2018, 11:43:53 AM(I always have trouble understanding the "It's expensive, therefore it's better" logic, be it there or with anything else)
It's more that people don't want to admit that a free program is on the same level or better than a program they already paid a lot of money for (to validate their purchase).
Admittedly, money blocks do filter out the bad from the good a fair bit though.
Quote from: Latios212 on February 05, 2018, 08:46:57 PMHey, no worries! It's a legitimate point with merit. That said, this comes up every so often; let me explain:
There's more discussion around this post that refers to MuseScore, but can be similarly adapted to other notation softwares. Basically, there's nothing we have against Sibelius specifically. It's not just the appearance of the scores that we try and keep uniform, it's the way they're stored and maintained.
Of course, we understand people use other notation softwares and we welcome new arrangers regardless (we don't judge, great arrangements are great arrangements!). As such, we'll always be around to help you convert an arrangement into Finale form for submission.
Thank you for the info regarding this. I appreciate it a lot! And if that is the case, I need someone to take the .xml file for my arrangement of "Deep Castle" and convert it/fix it to a .mus file.
I can do that for you.
Bones, you've always got people here willing to convert to Finale format for you; don't forget that. We help each other out.
I was thinking that since K.K. Slider's songs tend to be the same throughout the Animal Crossing series, that we put a new category under Animal Crossing labeled K.K. Slider.
It would separate game-specific songs and K.K.'s songs (which are many). Just a thought; any objections?
Since it's not a game, there's no justification to split them up.
Is there a way that the release year of a new game can be entered by the arrangers themselves when submitting sheets? I'm looking back at all of my on-site sheets (in chronological release date order) and I'm noticing too many inaccuracies that I'd rather prevent myself. If we can have this feature, updaters can just verify the release date themselves.
^I could see this being helpful in eliminating any ambiguity concerning regional release dates. I always use the earliest personally but I've seen others do otherwise.
Quote from: JDMEK5 on January 09, 2019, 09:48:26 PMI could see this being helpful in eliminating any ambiguity concerning regional release dates.
I mean yes, there's of course that, but also strange cases like mid-nineties GB games coming before the earliest Nintendo arcade titles:
Though, I don't know what exactly is encoded wrong, because I can't see what year each game is set to on the site.
Games that don't yet have a release date entered appear at the top before any other game, which is what you can see in the screenshot you posted. The two Mega Man titles didn't have a release date so they appeared first. I added them in so it should look more normal now.
Quote from: Deku Trombonist on January 10, 2019, 02:19:40 AMGames that don't yet have a release date entered appear at the top before any other game, which is what you can see in the screenshot you posted. The two Mega Man titles didn't have a release date so they appeared first. I added them in so it should look more normal now.
Ah, ok; thank you, Deku. The only other inaccuracies I see are when on-site remakes/ports are given the release dates of the original, in some cases 5+ years before (
Wizardry II: The Knight of Diamonds, and
Target: Renegade, to name a few) It's not really a big deal, just something I'd thought I'd point out
Target: Renegade has been fixed.
For Wizardry II, should the Japanese date suffice? https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/nes/587773-wizardry-knight-of-diamonds-the-second-scenario/data
And I'll wait for Latios to get back for Tetris.
Give a holler if you see anything else that might be suspect!
Ok, I may just be the worst at finding information here, but I don't see anything telling you to post a YT link when you submit a sheet, other than past experience or viewing others' submissions. Anyways, is it possible we could incorporate the YT links into the NSM panel? Couple reasons:
1. A better way of telling new people that they need to provide a YT Link
2. Helps people not forgot to add a link
3. And it's just an extra step I dislike very much. There's a window of error where people have to guess if you forgot to do it, or if you're just about to.
Second thing. An option to remove a file entirely from the NSM Panel. It would be particularly useful when it comes to people with versions of Finale that don't allow you to make .musx files.
Thank you.
It's on the to-do list, so it will definitely be added but the moment I'm absolutely flat out working on something else for NSM.
Quote from: Deku Trombonist on January 13, 2019, 06:35:54 PMIt's on the to-do list, so it will definitely be added but the moment I'm absolutely flat out working on something else for NSM.
Are you referring to me? If you are, I'm glad you put it on your to-do list. Thank you.
I like this idea. It would really save updaters the trouble of either asking for the YouTube link or looking for and posting it themselves.
Quote from: LeviR.star on January 13, 2019, 06:43:48 PMI like this idea. It would really save updaters the trouble of either asking for the YouTube link or looking for and posting it themselves.
That was what I was going for. That's a much better argument for it, lol.
Can we get a Night Mode?