I realize that we've been having a lot of new forum games pop up recently, but here's a fun one that can
actually get you rewarded in real life. Here's how it works:
I post a piece of video game trivia, usually pertaining to Nintendo or some other game company that I an somewhat knowledgeable about. Depending on the conditions for the question,
you may or may not be allowed to use the internet to help you. If I say you can, go ahead, Google the question. But if I say you can't, then don't! The first person to post the correct answer to the question gets a point.
Whoever gets ten points first wins a
free mycokerewards code that's worth three points on mycokerewards.com. For those of you that don't know, these codes are found on the bottom of caps of Coke products, and you can enter the codes on the site to win free goodies, when you have enough. Once someone reaches 10, the counters will be reset and a new round started. (The code will be sent to the winner via PM, so that no one can steal it)
Well, let's play!
Round #1, Question #1:
In what year did Super Mario Brothers and the NES itself get released in the USA?
You may use Google.
POINTS:Round 1
Bubbles: 5
Slow: 7
Sheikah: 4
Waddle: 7
BDS: 10
TBWCW: 3.5
Bloop: 0.5
Dudeman: 4
SocialFox: 4.5
Olimar: 1
Winter: 1
Round 2
Social: 10
Sheikah: 3
Olimar: 7.5
Waddle: 1
Slow: 7
Maestro: 6
Bubbles: 3
Dudeman: 5
BDS: 6
Shado: 1
Shadowkirby: 7
FSM: 2
BP: 1
Fank: 1
Current Round
Maestro: 2
Shado: 1
Dudeman: 1
BDS: 2
Bubbles: 2
K-Night: 1
Nocturne: 1
MLF: 3
Maelstrom: 2
Yugi: 1
Nebbles: 1
Bruce Springsteen, Madonna
Way before Nirvana
There was U2 and Blondie
And music still on MTV
Her two kids in high school
They tell her that she's uncool
Cause she's still preoccupied
With 19, 19, 1985
Uh... yes...? I think?
Next question:
Fill in the sequence:
Nintendo Entertainment System, Super Nintendo Entertainment System, Nintendo 64, _______________, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo Wii U.
You MAY NOT use Google
Also, new rule:
The winner of the previous question must wait for someone to get the answer incorrect before posting.
So Bubbles, wait until someone gets this wrong before attempting again. Of course, though, if someone gets this wrong on this site, I'd be appalled. ::)
Lol ok
And I was just being creative ::)
Nintendo GameCube.
Yay! One point Slow!
Next question. Remember, Slow, you can only answer it if someone gets it wrong:
The vast majority of Pokemon games are on portable systems. Gen 1 was for Gameboy, Gen 2 was for Gameboy Color, Gen 3 was for Gameboy Advance, and both Gen 4 and 5 were for DS, with Gen 6 coming for the 3DS in October. However, some spinoffs of Pokemon games sometimes land on consoles. Name 5 Pokemon spinoffs that were on consoles.
Do not use Google
Pokemon Snap, PokePark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure, Pokemon Colosseum, Pokemon XD, Pokemon Battle Revolution
Very good! And fast, too. Now, for a different series.
In the original Ice Climbers for the NES, if the player takes too long to advance up the screen, an animal will appear and jump, causing the screen to scroll down one level, this killing the player if he/she is on the bottom level on the screen before hand. What animal is this?
Hint: It is in Super Smash Brothers Brawl in one form or another
You may use Google
a polar bear, with some sweet shades if memory serves.
Very good! That was a tough one.
Round #1, Question #5:
In the original Donkey Kong game in the arcade, what was Mario's name?
Do not use Google. (And when I say Google, I mean the internet. Don't try to be smart and use Yahoo or anything else. :P)
Dang, you guys are good!
Round #1, Question #6:
In the original Legend of Zelda, for the NES, what does the Old Man in the cave say to Link when giving him the Wooden Sword? (This should be easy, so quote it word for word.)
Do not use Google, you guys should know this.
Quote from: blueflower999 on January 15, 2013, 12:13:49 PMDang, you guys are good!
Round #1, Question #6:
In the original Legend of Zelda, for the NES, what does the Old Man in the cave say to Link when giving him the Wooden Sword? (This should be easy, so quote it word for word.)
Do not use Google, you guys should know this.
It's dangerous to go alone! Take this!
Shit I don't remember ;_;
"It's too dangerous to go alone. Take this."
ninja'd FUCK
There's going to be some competition for those My Coke Rewards points!
Round #1, Question #7:
In Yoshi's Story, for the Nintendo 64, what is the (very corny) name of the plant that the Yoshis want to rescue?
You may use Google
And sorry, BDS, he posted it first. And I wasn't counting punctuation. Also Waddle, you can't answer 2 questions in a row
Oops sorry. Can I answer this one?
Yes, you may. Use Google if you want too.
You can only not answer 2 in a row. If you answer question #1 and get it right, you can't be the first one to guess at question #2. However, if someone ELSE guesses at #2 and gets it WRONG, then you may guess at #2.
Super Happy Tree.
No Google. 8)
Next question!
Round #1, Question #8:
What game did Meta-Knight first appear in?
You may use Google
Bubbles and Waddle are tied for the lead at a whopping 2 points!! ::)
Kirby's Adventure I think?
You guys are great XD
OK, sort of general gaming history question now. I'm sure someone out there knows this.
Round #1, Question #9:
Back in the 90s, Nintendo wanted to make a CD-based add on to the Super Nintendo. after failing originally with one company, Nintendo went to Phillips and tried again, but this fell through as well.
1 Point: Name the game console that the failure with Philips became
1 Point: Name the game console that the failure with the original company became, and also name the original company
2 Points: Name all 3
You may use Google
Quote from: blueflower999 on January 15, 2013, 12:39:46 PMYes!
You guys are great XD
OK, sort of general gaming history question now. I'm sure someone out there knows this.
Round #1, Question #9:
Back in the 90s, Nintendo wanted to make a CD-based add on to the Super Nintendo. after failing originally with one company, Nintendo went to Phillips and tried again, but this fell through as well.
1 Point: Name the game console that the failure with Philips became
1 Point: Name the game console that the failure with the original company became, and also name the original company
2 Points: Name all 3
You may use Google
Philips CD-i
EDIT: And also, the other company was Sony; that became the Playstation.
And BDS gets one point. The other answer was Sony and the PlayStation. (Gosh I hate that thing)
And now we have a 3 way tie!
Round #1, Question #10:
Which gaseous element is poisonous to Captain Olimar from the Pikmin series? He finds this element on the Pikmin Planet.
ninja'd :(
thx AVGN
You're right.
No more using Google unless specifically noted.
new question
Quote from: blueflower999 on January 15, 2013, 12:43:35 PMAnd BDS gets one point. The other answer was Sony and the PlayStation. (Gosh I hate that thing)
And now we have a 3 way tie!
Round #1, Question #9:
Which gaseous element is poisonous to Captain Olimar from the Pikmin series? He finds this element on the Pikmin Planet.
You should know this actually.
It would be funny if someone beat you to it.
Oxygen. 8)
And Waddle takes the lead! :D
Round #1, Question #11:
All these lines are said by Peppy Hare in StarFox 64. They are worth 0.5 points each:
"Use the _______ to chase!"
"Do a ________!"
"Try a ________!"
"Use _______ wisely!"
My recommendation is this; even if you know ONE of these, and one is obviously the most famous, then post it. If you post it first, you may only get 0.5 points, but you've stopped a StarFox nerd from taking 2 points.
It's unfair that I can't answer a 2 point question. :(
Sorry, but I have to do it to make it fair. D:
If you were the only one online, then you could just spam all the answers and win!
Besides, you're in the lead anyway! ;)
Anyways, I'm glad people are playing this. I didn't expect this to actually work.
The second one must be "Do a barrel roll!"
But idk what the rest are.
I apologize for my failed attempt at that. Moving on...
Round #1, Question # 12
The Robot Operating Buddy, or, R.O.B., was an accessory for which system (one point), and could only play which games (one point for naming both, and 2 points for naming both the system and the games)?
Quote from: blueflower999 on January 15, 2013, 12:57:14 PMIf you were the only one online, then you could just spam all the answers and win!
i don't see the problem
Can I answer the remaining 3?
ninja'd :(
Use the boost to chase
Do a Barrel Roll
Try a somersault/Try a U-Turn
Use bombs wisely
Quote from: Waddle Bro on January 15, 2013, 12:59:12 PMCan I answer the remaining 3?
No. Sorry. :(
Quote from: The Boy Who Cried Wolf on January 15, 2013, 01:02:22 PMUse the boost to chase
Do a Barrel Roll
Try a somersault/Try a U-Turn
Use bombs wisely
Little late there :P
Quote from: The Boy Who Cried Wolf on January 15, 2013, 01:02:22 PMUse the boost to chase
Do a Barrel Roll
Try a somersault/Try a U-Turn
Use bombs wisely
It's pretty cheap to try to steal my points. ::)
Gyromite and Stack-Up and answer to your EDITED question( >:( ): NES
Thank you AVGN!!!
Oh man, I'm such a slow typer and thinker
Quote from: Waddle Bro on January 15, 2013, 01:05:15 PMGyromite and Stack-Up and answer to your EDITED question( >:( ): NES
Thank you AVGN!!!
Good. +2 points for Waddle!
Round #1, Question #13
Minecraft question!
The Creeper was a failed model for what animal in Minecraft?
A pig.
+1 for Dudeman!
Seriously, though, how the heck did you answer so fast?!
Round #1, Question #14:
The Yellow Devil from Mega Man 1 is weak to which weapon?
This may be a little hard. If no one gets it, I'll let Dudeman answer.
Thunder Beam, I really thank FSM for introducing me to that game.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 15, 2013, 01:16:57 PMA pig.
This I would have not known. :o
Yay! Love that game so much. Not sure if someone will get this one though.
Round #1, Question #14:
In Mother 3, who kills Hinawa in the first Chapter?
Quote from: blueflower999 on January 15, 2013, 01:17:14 PMSeriously, though, how the heck did you answer so fast?!
I spammed the refresh button until you posted the next question. That and I knew the answer. (Which is weird, because I don't even play Minecraft.)
Quote from: blueflower999 on January 15, 2013, 01:22:40 PMIn Mother 3, who kills Hinawa in the first Chapter?
Good thing(,) I can't answer that! XD
Quote from: blueflower999 on January 15, 2013, 01:22:40 PMYay! Love that game so much. Not sure if someone will get this one though.
Round #1, Question #14:
In Mother 3, who kills Hinawa in the first Chapter?
You bastard you've just been waiting to post a mother 3 question
Quote from: SlowPokemon on January 15, 2013, 01:40:48 PMYou bastard you've just been waiting to post a mother 3 question
I hope this was sarcasm. There's no reason not to. If I can post an Ice Climber question without a complaint, I should be able to post a question from a 3-part game series with a huge cult following. :P
Wow, slow, chill. He can ask whatever he wants, since it is his thread and all ::)
And besides, this is an easy one: It was obviously a reconstructed drago (Mecha-Drago) that killed Hinawa.
Quote from: Olimar12345 on January 15, 2013, 02:07:34 PMWow, slow, chill. He can ask whatever he wants, since it is his thread and all ::)
And besides, this is an easy one: It was obviously a reconstructed drago (Mecha-Drago) that killed Hinawa.
You Googled it. Tis cheating. :P
Whatever. Question is done and no one gets points.
Only if you don't call me a
Quote from: SlowPokemon on January 15, 2013, 01:40:48 PMbastard
for picking the series that I do. >:(
lol I'm pretty sure he was joking.
Quote from: blueflower999 on January 15, 2013, 02:10:03 PMYou Googled it. Tis cheating. :P
D: You can't proove that!
OK, I'm better now. New question! (I'll do another Mother one later, don't worry ::))
Round #1, Question #14...and a half...?
In Mike Tyson's Punch Out, or the Wii counterpart, what happens when you land a successful pun on King Hippo to the face?
King Hippo, like The Hippo from avatar? :P
Complete guess: he falls and shakes the floor? Or you knock off his head (idk XD)
His pants fall down.
Correct! + another for Sheikah!
Bubbles, Sheikah, and BDS all have 2 points, with Waddle way ahead with 6. Can anyone beat him?!
Next question!
Round #1, Question #15
This game was a complete commercial failure. Not only did it suck, but it's rumored that the company made so many games that they needed to get rid of that kids wouldn't take them for free! To solve this, the company buried all the games in the Mexico desert.
2 points max:
Name the game
Name the company
2 points to SocialFox!
Round #1, Question #16:
In Pokemon Red and Blue, a trainer says the following quote:
"I like _______. They're ____ and _____ ____ _____!"
Fill in the blanks.
shorts; comfy; easy to wear
How did I guess you would be the one to get that. ::)
1 point for Slow! How about another Pokemon question, while I'm in the mood.
#1, Question #17:
This character... mysteriously vanished after messing around with Heatran's mountain.
Hmm, Buck's father? I have no clue.
Is it Buck himself? :P
^No, Buck was in the Battle Frontier after that and I think in the Survival Area as well.
Looker! Right? Or Charon?
Looker appeared in other games.
And due to a technicality, I would probably get the points.
Points? Lol If I win Ill just give em to...BLUEFLOWER
Quote from: SocialFox on January 15, 2013, 06:51:57 PMCharon.
Looker appeared in other games.
And due to a technicality, I would probably get the points.
Pretty sure I said it first :P
But you gave two answers specifying which one you thought.
Can you give another question please?????
Good morning.
Slow is right! I think... lol it was originally going to be Buck because I never saw him in other games. Looks like I should research my Pokemon quesitons more. ::)
Here's an interesting one:
Round #1, Question #18:
In Conker's Bad Fur Day, there is a scene where a talking Sunflower has her back to a wall. Up high above the Sunflower's head is a cove in the weall with money in it. How does Conker get the money?
Well, I know SOME people on this site have played this game. If no one gets it in a couple hours, I'll open up the use of the internet.
Wait wait wait, is this the one where the sunflower has breasts? I think he bounced on the breasts to get the money?
Correct! +1 for TBWCW! XD
Round #1, Question #19:
Name who said the quote:
"PART 5: BOOBY TRAP THE STALEMATE BUTTON! Wha--? Are you still alive? You are joking! You have got to be kidding me! Well... I'm still in control! And I have NO IDEA how to fix this place! Oh... you just had to play bloody cat and mouse, didn't you?"
Wrong. But close. GLaDOS rarely says things that I would put an exclamation mark for. She talks like this:
"But I think we can put our differences behind us. For science. You monster."
Even when insulting the player, she remains calm and collected, which adds to the humor.
So no, this is not GLaDOS. This is someone else that is not afraid to scream...
Hah I've never played portal anyway :P it was a guess.
But Ill guess again and say Cave Johnson?
Wait is that even his name Im going to feel really dumb
It's not Cave Johnson either. But you're guessing from the right game.
And yes, Cave Johnson is a character. There are literally like 5 or 6 people in the entire Portal universe that you need to know to play the games, so not really that many.
But I cant googe it :(
Oh wait that other girl grahhh she was in the credits song... OH Caroline?
Still close, but no cigar. :P
Ok Ill stop now :3 I dont even know who they are XD
Quote from: blueflower999 on January 16, 2013, 09:05:50 AMRound #1, Question #19:
Name who said the quote:
"PART 5: BOOBY TRAP THE STALEMATE BUTTON! Wha--? Are you still alive? You are joking! You have got to be kidding me! Well... I'm still in control! And I have NO IDEA how to fix this place! Oh... you just had to play bloody cat and mouse, didn't you?"
Correct! +1 for BDS.
Round #1, Question #20:
Name 4 "suits" that were introduced in Super Mario Bros. 3. 0.5 points for each. Again, even if you know just one, name it to stop other people from taking your points!
I am not counting the P-wing or the Shoe
Tankooki suit
Frog Suit
Hammer suit
Leaf suit??
Instead of editing your posts for the new question, could you make a new post? It doesn't register as a new post if I read the point post before it was updated.
No wait flower suit/ fire suit?
You can only answer once :3
Quote from: The Boy Who Cried Wolf on January 16, 2013, 10:46:40 AMTankooki suit
Frog Suit
Hammer suit
Leaf suit??
This right, but the last one is the Raccoon Suit. Still, +1.5 points for TBWCW!
Quote from: SlowPokemon on January 16, 2013, 10:49:57 AMInstead of editing your posts for the new question, could you make a new post? It doesn't register as a new post if I read the point post before it was updated.
And yes, I can. Thanks.
Quote from: blueflower999 on January 16, 2013, 09:05:50 AMRound #1, Question #19:
Name who said the quote:
"PART 5: BOOBY TRAP THE STALEMATE BUTTON! Wha--? Are you still alive? You are joking! You have got to be kidding me! Well... I'm still in control! And I have NO IDEA how to fix this place! Oh... you just had to play bloody cat and mouse, didn't you?"
D'oh! Why'd I have to be at school when this question was up? I know, like, every quote from that game! :(
^Lol, so I do. ::) There will be more, I promise. It's such a quotable game.
Rounnd #1, Question #21:
Gaming inspirations!
Traveling around and battling 8 gym leaders in 8 different cities may have been inspired by traveling around to 8 _____ to complete the 8 ____ from EarthBound. Fill in the blanks, 0.5 points each.
Temples, melodies?
Lol I know nothing about EarthBound.
The last part is... really close. But I'm looking for a specific synonym.
Songs? Tunes? (Are two guesses legal?)
It was pulling out spike/needle thingies to complete the 8 melodies.
The Needles are from Mother 3, but the 8 Melodies is correct. +0.5 for Social Fox. (And yes, I got away with a Mother question. Hooray!)
Round #1, Question #22
The dog guitarist from the Animal Crossing series is named K. K. Slider, and his name is a homage to a Nintendo composer who worked on several great Big N games, including Mario Paint, the whole Animal Crossing series, Luigi's Mansion, Pikmin 2, Yoshi's Story, and Link's Awakening.
1 point: Name this composer
Another point: Name the easter egg that this composer hides in some of his games, including all of those listed above.
Lol, Dudeman, you edited that. :P
1. Kazumi Totaka.
2. Totaka's Song.
Correct! +2 for Dudeman! Will add new question later, I must study Algebra 2 D:
ALG 2 is fun. :)
is blueflower gone
he is? Good.
Because I'm sadistic, I'll put a random question in while we wait, blueflower can determine wether this will earn any points or not.
Name This song (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/107836331/05.mp3) and say where it comes from.
Quote from: blueflower999 on January 16, 2013, 03:55:14 PMRound #1, Question #22
The dog guitarist from the Animal Crossing series is named K. K. Slider, and his name is a homage to a Nintendo composer who worked on several great Big N games, including Mario Paint, the whole Animal Crossing series, Luigi's Mansion, Pikmin 2, Yoshi's Story, and Link's Awakening.
1 point: Name this composer
Another point: Name the easter egg that this composer hides in some of his games, including all of those listed above.
Lol, Dudeman, you edited that. :P
DAMMIT I KNEW THAT ONE XD I love Kazumi Totaka.
Quote from: SocialFox on January 16, 2013, 04:32:05 PMpsssssttttttt
is blueflower gone
he is? Good.
Because I'm sadistic, I'll put a random question in while we wait, blueflower can determine wether this will earn any points or not.
Name This song (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/107836331/05.mp3) and say where it comes from.
Vivi's theme; Final Fantasy IX
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on January 16, 2013, 04:35:34 PMVivi's theme; Final Fantasy IX
Did you know from the start, or did you just use the cheap way.
It doesn't matter, this isn't your thread. Make your own if you want to give points.
I didn't even know that song. Sorry! It doesn't count. D:
And Kazumi Totaka is in my top 10 favorite video game composers of all time.
Next question!
Round #1, Question #23:
In Luigi's Mansion, who is the professor that teaches Luigi to capture ghosts?
E Gadd.
Round #1, Question #24
Without looking, name the 3 starters from all 6 generations of Pokemon. 0.5 points for each generation correct. (Again, if you know JUST ONE, post and steal points!)
Charmander, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Treecko, Mudkip, Torchic, Turtwig, Piplup, Chimchar, Snivy, Oshawott, Tepig, Chespin, Fennekin, Froakie
Correct! +3 for Slow!
Slow has taken the lead! (Where are you, Waddle? :P)
Round #1, Question #25
Name the 4 hostile mobs and 1 neutral mob that turns hostile that spawn regularly every night phase in Minecraft. I'm not counting rare happenings, just normal enemies that you probably see every night you go out.
Creeper Skeleton Zombie Spider.
Darn it!!!!!
Zombies, skeletons, spiders, and endermen.
Quote from: blueflower999 on January 16, 2013, 05:44:04 PMSlow has taken the lead! (Where are you, Waddle? :P)
Sleeping. :(
Your questions are really good and tricky :D
Quote from: SocialFox on January 16, 2013, 05:53:22 PMCreeper Skeleton Zombie Spider.
You missed Endermen, but it's good anyway! Oh, and I forgot to say the points: +0.5 for each. So Social gets +2 points.
Quote from: Pit0010 on January 17, 2013, 04:44:07 AMYour questions are really good and tricky :D
I hope they're not too hard, but thanks! :D
Round #1, Question #26
What is the main action that you will be doing to progress between stages in Superman 64?
fly through rings
Correct! +1 for Waddle.
Round #1, Question #27
Red Pikmin are immune to fire. Blues are immune to water. Yellows are immune to electric. Whites are immune to poison.
What are Bulbmin immune to?
Bulbos? Lol never played pikmin either
....what's a Bulbo? XD
Waddle can attempt an answer now if he wants.
Idk XD It sounded right
No, that's not right either. Purples are immune to nothing, though.
Water, fire, electricity, and poison.
Hey, and I answered that last one perfectly >:1
Quote from: Olimar12345 on January 16, 2013, 06:00:23 PMZombies, skeletons, spiders, and endermen.
^You missed Creepers. And Social answered before you, so it didn't count anyway!
But this one is right. +1 for Olimar!
Round #1, Question #28:
What was the first area in the original Sonic the Hedgehog?
...but creepers spawn all the time, not just at night...
Quote from: blueflower999 on January 17, 2013, 12:01:50 PM^You missed Creepers. And Social answered before you, so it didn't count anyway!
But this one is right. +1 for Olimar!
Round #1, Question #28:
What was the first area in the original Sonic the Hedgehog?
Green Hill Zone
Round #1, Question #29:
This incredibly eerie town theme song is/was rumored by creepypasta-lovers to give children headaches, and possibly even commit suicide.
Lavender Town
Finally ;D
Round #1, Question #30:
Dr. Light was based on ________, and Dr. Wily was based on _________
Both are real-world people, both are Americans, and both lived at different time periods. 1 point each.
Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein
Round #1, Question #31:
The Super Mario World fight against Bowser debuted the ___________ as his new contraption?
Quote from: blueflower999 on January 17, 2013, 12:23:52 PMRound #1, Question #31:
The Super Mario World fight against Bowser debuted the ___________ as his new contraption?
Kooopa Clown Car
Round #1, Question #32:
Shigero Miyamoto originally wanted Kirby to be what color?
Agh... I know the answer... but because of the rules, I can't answer... yet... :P
Incorrect! Nintendo of America made Kirby white in Kirby's Dream Land because Sakurai and Miyamoto were in a debate over his color.
"The winner of the previous question must wait for someone to get the answer incorrect before posting."
Is this still in effect? :P
Yes. But Sheikah got it incorrect.
Blue (crosses fingerz)
Round #1, Question #33
Man, this is fun XD
OK, I really want to ask a Professor Layton question. But I know almost nothing about that game. So, if you don't mind, I'm going to look up a good one.
What's his first name? XD
Haha this must be so easy. But IDC.
More of those :D
But dont look up too much to spoil yourself
That is the best name ever. Reminds me of Hershey.
Round #1, Question #34:
Mega Man 2 onward had 8 Robot Masters. However, the original only had 6; Cut Man, Guts Man, Ice Man, Bomb Man, Fire Man, and Elec Man. When Mega Man 1 was remade for the (*sigh*) PSP, they added 2 more Robot Masters to make the total the standard 8. What are those 2?
This may be a little tough. Not sure if anyone knows this or not.
Wind Man?
Water Man?
Are we allowed to make loads of guesses? If so...
Snow man?
Stone Man?
Strong Man?
None of those are correct.
Time man and Oil man?
Ground Man and Metal Man :P
Quote from: Winter on January 17, 2013, 02:45:01 PMTime man and Oil man?
Well well well! Look who's back! This is correct! +1 for Winterkid09.
Round #1, Question #35:
Name the Konami Code in its entirety.
Pfffffff easy
Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A.
Quote from: blueflower999 on January 17, 2013, 02:50:01 PMRound #1, Question #35:
Name the Konami Code in its entirety.
Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A (or A B sometimes???)
You're all missing something. This is Contra's Konami Code, the most famous one. One key is off on all of yours. ::)
Quote from: blueflower999 on January 17, 2013, 02:53:30 PMYou're all missing something. This is Contra's Konami Code, the most famous one. One key is off on all of yours. ::)
Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A start?
That counts right? :P
There we go! :D
And Winter, you can only answer 2 in a row unless someone gets it wrong before you.
+1 for Bubbles, next question.
Round #1, Question #36:
More of a musical question, but it's my way of asking a Mother 3 one that you guys know:
Name the 7 Magypsies. Here's my hint: even single one of their names is a musical mode minus the "n" at the end of it.
Oh boo.
Plus they were all right.. they all stated the original konami code :<
Ionia, Aeolia, Doria, Phrygia, Lydia, Mixolydia and Locria.
Quote from: blueflower999 on January 17, 2013, 02:56:19 PMMore of a musical question, but it's my way of asking a Mother 3 one that you guys know:
Name the 7 Magypsies. Here's my hint: even single one of their names is a musical mode minus the "n" at the end of it.
??? I haven't played Mother 3, but I do know modes...
Ninja'd AGAIN
Social gets it! (Locria is by far the best one, but I can't say why; it's a spoiler ::))
Round #1, Question #37:
What was the fatality in the original Mortal Kombat that made Sub-Zero famous, gave Mortal Kombat an M rating, and pretty much started the ESRB?
Quote from: blueflower999 on January 17, 2013, 03:03:56 PMSocial gets it! (Locria is by far the best one, but I can't say why; it's a spoiler ::))
Round #1, Question #37:
What was the fatality in the original Mortal Kombat that made Sub-Zero famous, gave Mortal Kombat an M rating, and pretty much started the ESRB?
Ripping off their heads, complete with spines?? If I remember correctly...
...yes, that's right!
+1 for BDS.
Round #1, Question #38
What were Koffing's and Weezing's original names going to be?
Can I just answer it now. :P It's rather easy if you've read up on Pokemon History... :P
Ny and La, referring to the pollution of New York and Los Angeles
Round #1, Question #39:
Name the 4 buttons on the Super Nintendo controller that were new, and not on the NES controller.
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on January 17, 2013, 04:01:20 PMNy and La, referring to the pollution of New York and Los Angeles
Ny and La
Ny + La
Ny La
Or Nyla :P
Quote from: SlowPokemon on January 17, 2013, 04:05:06 PML R X Y
Right again!
Round #1, Question #40:
What was the first video game console to ever be widely released in the home?
Nope, not the NES! And not the Atari 2600 either! The NES was released in 1985, this was 1972.
Btw that was a total guess.
I'll say the Atari.
QuoteAnd not the Atari 2600 either!
Well you ninjad me.
The Magnavox Odyssey was one of the first consoles, released, I believe, but I didn't think that it was really that widespread, was it??
The Atari 2600 would seem like a logical answer because of it's popularity... unless the question is going by merely release date, or I don't have my facts entirely right?
EDIT: I looked it up right now, and the Odyssey only sold 330,000 units... it generally had poor sales. Though, it depends on which context you take the question to mean, by release date or by popularity.
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on January 17, 2013, 04:50:22 PMThe Magnavox Odyssey was one of the first consoles, released, I believe, but I didn't think that it was really that widespread, was it??
The Atari 2600 would seem like a logical answer because of it's popularity... unless the question is going by merely release date, or I don't have my facts entirely right?
EDIT: I looked it up right now, and the Odyssey only sold 330,000 units... it generally had poor sales. Though, it depends on which context you take the question to mean, by release date or by popularity.
>Sold poorly
Quote from: SocialFox on January 17, 2013, 04:56:41 PM>330,000
>Sold poorly
For comparison, the Atari 2600 sold 30 million units (as of 2004, huh? ???), and the NES sold 61.91 million units.
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on January 17, 2013, 04:58:38 PMFor comparison, the Atari 2600 sold 30 million units (as of 2004, huh? ???), and the NES sold 61.91 million units.
The Odyssey is correct! +1 for BDS. Again.
OK, enough. BDS, no answering this question :P
You're one point away from the codes.
Round #1, Question #41:
What the heck is a leaflet?
The Goron Mask in Majora's Mask contains the spirit of whom?
Correct! That should have been easy.
Round #1, Question #42
The main characters of most Castlevania games all share the same last name. What is it?
That was easy.
It was. But I wanted a Castlevania question. New question that is hopefully harder!
Round #1, Question #43:
In Minecraft, Emeralds only spawn under a certain biome. Which?
Extreme Hills Biome
BDS, promise me that you haven't been looking these up. Have you?
Quote from: blueflower999 on January 17, 2013, 05:40:53 PMBDS, promise me that you haven't been looking these up. Have you?
Nope; the only thing I looked up was how many units the Odyssey sold (but that was after I answered).
OK! You get the Mycokerewards code! I'll PM you, and we'll start Round 2 tomorrow!
Hopefully you guys enjoy this, because I certainly do.
Yes, please continue! This is great! :D
New idea: If, for some reason, you want me to post more questions from games I haven't played (Professor Layton, Final Fantasy, the newer Zelda games, etc.) Then PM me the question and correct answer. You can't answer the question though, obviously.
Fun fact: I wouldn't have taken the code even if I had won.
Quote from: SlowPokemon on January 17, 2013, 05:48:59 PMFun fact: I wouldn't have taken the code even if I had won.
Really? Why?
Lol because I don't use coke rewards :P
I just love the trivia challenge
Quote from: SlowPokemon on January 17, 2013, 05:51:34 PMLol because I don't use coke rewards :P
I just love the trivia challenge
So, if you win, would you let me give the code to the second place winner?
Quote from: SlowPokemon on January 17, 2013, 05:51:34 PMLol because I don't use coke rewards :P
I just love the trivia challenge
It reminds me of memories...
Like how our old copy of the original Sonic the Hedgehog fell into our swimming pool (don't ask me how that happened; I was too young to remember :P).
My older stepbrother introduced me to video games, specifically, Pokemon, when he stoped liking it; thus, although I was born in 1998, the earlier games (Genesis, N64, and even NES) are still familiar to me (including Rocket Knight Adventures, Columns, the second Sonic the Hedgehog, and even Goldeneye 64; lots of Game Boy games, including Super Mario Land, Monsters Inc GBC, which we still have, and Tetris, obviously :P).
I sent you a few questions blue
Quote from: SlowPokemon on January 17, 2013, 05:51:34 PMLol because I don't use coke rewards :P
I just love the trivia challenge
But most of the questions are Pokemon questions. So might as well call it Pokemon trivia or give us some other questions like what game was the first game in history??? Or anything like that???
Quote from: wolf on January 17, 2013, 08:04:10 PMwhat game was the first game in history??? Or anything like that???
Spacewar, released 1962
Quote from: wolf on January 17, 2013, 08:04:10 PMBut most of the questions are Pokemon questions. So might as well call it Pokemon trivia or give us some other questions like what game was the first game in history??? Or anything like that???
It's not mostly Pokemon, it's a nice blend of everything in my opinion
Quote from: SlowPokemon on January 17, 2013, 05:48:59 PMFun fact: I wouldn't have taken the code even if I had won.
I would have given it to Bubbles. ;)
Also time zones were the reason I didn't win. :<
Quote from: Bubbles7689 on January 15, 2013, 06:52:46 PMPoints? Lol If I win Ill just give em to...BLUEFLOWER
But nice try though ;)
Quote from: Waddle Bro on January 17, 2013, 09:06:42 PMI would have given it to Bubbles. ;)
Also time zones were the reason I didn't win. :<
Quote from: Waddle Bro on January 11, 2013, 10:19:12 AMsomeone's trying to score some chicks by being sweet ;)
I never saw that XD what
but yay more winnings
Quote from: SlowPokemon on January 17, 2013, 05:51:34 PMI don't use coke rewards :P
I just love the trivia challenge
Lol ditto. These are fun!
The questions I sent in.
Let's get round 2 rolling! Social, I'll try to ask some of your questions this round. If anyone else has some suggestions, feel free to PM me!
Round #2, Question #1:
This character from Portal (that makes a cameo in Portal 2) will never threaten to stab you, and, in fact, cannot speak. Give his full name.
The Apeature Science Companion Cube.
And if I get it wrong because I mispelled a word I will stab everyone.
Round #2, Question #2:
The first Pokemon designed and implemented into the original games was...?
Right again!
Round #2, Question #3:
In Mario Kart 64, what is the only enemy/obstacle on Rainbow Road?
The only racing games I have played are the Crash Bandicoot ones (mostly CTR). :P
Quote from: Olimar12345 on January 18, 2013, 08:45:29 PMChomps
And there are those bomb things. So there are two.
I thought the bombs were only in the multiplayer.
I've only ever played multiplayer...
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on January 18, 2013, 08:46:58 PMThe only racing games I have played are the Crash Bandicoot ones (mostly CTR). :P
Quote from: Olimar12345 on January 18, 2013, 08:45:29 PMChomps
Correct! And the bombs are in every single track and only in multiplayer. So I wasn't counting those. +1 for Olimar!
Round #2, Question #4:
What American president was Dr. Robotnik/Eggman based off of?
Round #2, Question #5:
Who are the 5 babies that one can play as in Yoshi's Island DS? +1 bonus points for naming all their abilities.
D: I know this
Baby mario, baby luigi, baby peach, baby bowser, and baby wario.
Round #2, Question #6:
Name the 7 Koopalings. +2 points for all of them, but you have to name them all. Bowser Jr. is NOT one of them.
They had different names in the tv show from the game, so that will account for some confusion as I'll probably end up with a mixture of them (I think they should still count but it's up to you):
Larry, Bigmouth, Hip, Hop, Cootie Pie, Roy, Ludwig van Koopa
I will take that! +2 for Slow!
Round #2, Question #7:
Here's an interesting one. According to the handbook for Super Mario Bros., the Toads in the Mushroom Kingdom had been turned into what? ::)
Quote from: MaestroUGC on January 19, 2013, 10:22:44 AMBlocks.
Yes! What the heck, Nintendo. +1 for Maestro!
Round #2, Question #8:
What does Dodongo not like, according to an old man in the cave in the original Legend of Zelda?
Makes playing the original Super Mario Bros. all the more horrifying, doesn't it?
Aah... I missed all the good questions... :P
Quote from: SlowPokemon on January 19, 2013, 10:26:43 AMSmoke.
Right! +1 for Slow.
Round #1, Question #9:
This is a question from Social. Therefore, I know nothing about it, and he cannot answer:
FFVI Question: Is it possible to resurrect General Leo?Wait, never mind, this is just a yes or no question! Let me try a better one...
FFXII question: What Esper does Doctor Cid Summon and What previous FF villian is it based on?
Only if you believe hard enough.
blue, Can I reveal the answer for the General Leo question?
Sure. Why not.
Doctor Eggman
Or something
Promoting activity ftw
I find it funny that after the Final Fantasy question comes on the topic dies.
Quote from: SocialFox on January 21, 2013, 03:51:35 PMI find it funny that after the Final Fantasy question comes on the topic dies.
I haven't played any Final Fantasy after X, and even that, I've never completely finished. D:
It was based on Neo Exdeath but can't remember the name. I'll just take a guess and say Shemhazai.
Yeah... Social... uh, not sure if anyone knows this question. :P
This game is on temporary break until I get wi-fi at my new house.
Round #2, Question #9:
What is the name of Professor Layton's car?
The Laytonmobile
Curse you mariolegofan and your addictive survey! I missed the trivia question!
Quote from: blueflower999 on January 23, 2013, 05:24:48 PMREVIVAL!
Round #2, Question #9:
What is the name of Professor Layton's car?
Are you going to do my other two questions?
I don;t think they're as hard as the FFXII question.
My guess would be that he's not asking two questions in a row that are from the same series.
Lol, Right! +1 for Bubbles.
Round #2, Question #10:
In Dr. Mario, what are the colors of the 3 viruses?
Blue yellow and red
Right! This one's a little obscure, but I hope someone knows it. If not, I'll change it.
Round #2, Question #11:
How did Gunpei Yokoi die?
Car Crash/Collision.
Correct! You didn't look that up, right? :P
Now do one of my easier questions.
No. I dun wanna. +1 for Social.
Round #1, Question #12:
How many days does Olimar have to recover all of his ship parts in Pikmin 1?
30 days
Nice job getting ninja'd while typing out that much text. :P +1 for Sheikah!
Round #1, Question #13:
How much does a Poke Ball cost in the modern Pokemon games?
100 whatever the currency is (yen?)
Slow is right! +1 for him.
Round #2, Question #14:
Who is the main antagonist of Kirby's Epic Yarn?
yin yarn
Quote from: SlowPokemon on January 23, 2013, 05:37:26 PMCurse you mariolegofan and your addictive survey! I missed the trivia question!
+1 for Orimah!
Round #2, Question #15:
What is a man?
I want the quote named exactly word for word. Try again. :P
What is A man? A miserable little pile of secrets! But enough talk... Have at you!
Oh Fox... I was just about to say it...
Quote from: Yugi on January 23, 2013, 06:35:32 PMWhat is A man? A miserable little pile of secrets! But enough talk... Have at you!
Right! +1 for SocialFox
Round #2, Question #16:
In Super Paper Mario, name the 3 people (I'm not counting Natasha) that are working for Count Bleck. +0.5 for each.
Mr. L, O'Chunks, and Dimentio (I think I spelled that right...)
Mr. L wasn't one of the ones I was looking for, but I'll give you a +1. The other was my personal favorite, Mimi. More questions tomorrow!
D'oh! Of course. Mimi. That creep. I hate her. So much. Did I mention that I hate spider people combined with creepy music? Plus she breaks her own neck to transform. NINTENDO, WHY!?!?
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2013, 06:43:41 PMD'oh! Of course. Mimi. That creep. I hate her. So much. Did I mention that I hate spider people combined with creepy music? Plus she breaks her own neck to transform. NINTENDO, WHY!?!?
Quote from: blueflower999 on January 23, 2013, 06:29:13 PMXD
+1 for Orimah!
Round #2, Question #15:
What is a man?
Sorry for the delay!
Round #2, Question #17:
While the Sega Saturn was in development, Sega wanted to make the Genesis live longer. 2 crappy addons were then made for it. Name both of them.
Quote from: blueflower999 on February 01, 2013, 01:36:15 PMSorry for the delay!
Round #2, Question #17:
While the Sega Saturn was in development, Sega wanted to make the Genesis live longer. 2 crappy addons were then made for it. Name both of them.
Sega CD and Sega 32X
"Put it on your Genesis" was used in a commercial for one of them, I believe? :P
Correct! +1 BDS!
Round #1, Question #18:
Match the game with the console.
Duck Tales
Super Mario World
Ocarina of Time
Viewtiful Joe
Sonic the Hedgehog
Faces of Evil
Duck Tales - NES
Super Mario World - SNES
Ocarina of Time - N64
Viewtiful Joe - Gamecube
Sonic the Hedgehog - Genesis
Faces of Evil - CD-i
+1 Shado!
Round #2, Question #19:
This infamous marketing term was used by Sega in their Genesis commercials against the Super Nintendo, which tried to convince consumers that the Genesis was better because it could handle "faster" games.
Blast processing?
Yes! +1 Social.
Round #2, Question #20:
The ColecoVision and the IntelleVision had an odd implication on both of their controllers. What was it?
Quote from: blueflower999 on February 01, 2013, 03:17:43 PMYes! +1 Social.
Round #2, Question #20:
The ColecoVision and the IntelleVision had an odd implication on both of their controllers. What was it?
Number pad on their controllers?
I saw a ColecoVision controller at a thift shop, but I'm not sure about IntelleVision...
That's right! And I hope you bought the ColecoVision. Those things are pretty expensive where I shop. :P
Round #2, Question #21:
What word can you say in the N64 game Hey You, Pikachu! to piss off Pikachu?
Quote from: blueflower999 on February 01, 2013, 03:26:03 PMThat's right! And I hope you bought the ColecoVision. Those things are pretty expensive where I shop. :P
It was just the controller, and I think it
may have been a third-party one? :P
Quote from: blueflower999 on February 01, 2013, 03:26:03 PMRound #2, Question #21:
What word can you say in the N64 game Hey You, Pikachu! to @#!*% off Pikachu?
Don't know why you changed "piss" to symbols, but OK. :P
That is correct! +1 for Dudeman.
Round #2, Question #22:
The Atari Jaguar claimed to have how many bits?
Quote from: blueflower999 on February 01, 2013, 08:06:56 PMDon't know why you changed "@#!*%" to symbols, but OK. :P
That is correct! +1 for Dudeman.
Round #2, Question #22:
The Atari Jaguar claimed to have how many bits?
64... not like Nintedo 64... I've watched that commercial about a dozen or more times. :P It keeps following me around. :P
Quote from: blueflower999 on February 01, 2013, 08:06:56 PMDon't know why you changed " @#!*% " to symbols, but OK. :P
My computer does that automatically. ???
Oh, look, it did it again.
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on February 01, 2013, 08:08:46 PM64... not like Nintedo 64... I've watched that commercial about a dozen or more times. :P It keeps following me around. :P
You are right. :P +1 for BDS. :P
Round #2, Question #23 :P
What happens when lightning strikes a Creeper in Minecraft?
It explodes?
Ooh, incorrect. :P
It melts or sets on fire
It becomes charged, creating a larger explosion when it DOES explode.
^ i was just gonna say that...
Quote from: shadowkirby on February 01, 2013, 08:52:08 PMIt becomes charged, creating a larger explosion when it DOES explode.
This is correct! Time for a similar question...
Round #2, Question #24:
What happens when lightning strikes a pig?
It burns to death.
It turns into a zombie pig
A Zombie Pig what? ::)
zombie pig man
technically you didn't answer correctly ::)
Eh... IDK... what should I do, guys?
give olimar the point and make a 2 point question next
Well thus far you've been awarding points based on if the response wasn't exactly correct, it doesn't count. But if you'd like to make an exception, I don't think anyone will have an objection.
Olimar gets +1, and I'll make a fairly challenging next question:
Round #2, Question #25:
The general rule in the Pikmin series and spinoffs is that only 100 Pikmin can exist on the field at one time. However, there are very few points in the series, and in other series, where this rule is broken. Name them. +1 for naming one correctly, +2 if you name 2, etc.
I am confused, there are a couple of parts I think you might me talking about:
-In Pikmin 2 you can find stray pikmin. When you see them, your counter goes to 95 to equal it out.
-(Pikmin 2) Say you have 100 pikmin on the field. 95 of them are with your party, five of them are in the ground. If you delve into a cave and use a queen candypop bud, it gives you 3 more than you started with (you exchange 5 for 8). Once you return to the surface you'll have 103.
Well, #2 is right, but it's not what I was thinking of, and you just answered the last question, so you can't do it again until someone gets it wrong. :P
-In Pikmin 2 you can find stray pikmin. When you see them, your counter goes to 95 to equal it out.
-(Pikmin 2) Say you have 100 pikmin on the field. 95 of them are with your party, five of them are in the ground. If you delve into a cave and use a queen candypop bud, it gives you 3 more than you started with (you exchange 5 for 8). Once you return to the surface you'll have 103.
i was definitely ninja'd ::)
becuz olimar can't answer twice in a row i demand i get tha points
But in all seriousness, I would have answered the second thing Olimar said.
I have a right to not count that, FSM. Sorry for being a little mean.
Here's a hint: The 2 moments I'm thinking of never happen during the actual gameplay.
It's not mean, Olimar was just being a little jerk. (jk buddy luv u)
Pikmin 2 the ending cutscene?:
That is definitely over 100 Pikmin.
That is one of them! +1 for FSM.
Anyone can try to name the 2nd I was thinking of. Hint: It's not from a Pikmin game, but has Pikmin in it.
Super Smash Bros. Brawl, tons of Olimar
Yeah... but... what?! +1 for Slow, I guess. :P
No, one Olimar can only have like 7 Pikmin with him in Brawl! And there can only be 4 Olimars on the field!
Brawl is the right game though.
The tons of pikmin attacking that R.O.B. in the cutscene that introduces Olimar and Capt. Falcon? (Although I'm not sure...)
I haven't played Brawl in so long, but I remember enjoying the cutscenes. I remember one with Luigi, where he's really terrified of something and nervously karate chops when he hears something.
I was playing Luigi's Mansion last night. I got worse at it? Somehow?
Are you going to get the sequel? I've already reserved a copy :P
Oh absolutely, I expect great things from the sequel of one of my most favorite games of all time, Pikmin-not-withstanding.
OH IT'S SUCH A GOOD GAME! I had fun reviewing it.
Round 2, Quetion #32423985
In Super Mario Land, what do the Koopas do when jumped on?
And Spike?
Do spikes come out of their back?
If I remember correctly, they explode.
Next question (I'm sick of doing the numbers):
How many WORLDS are there in Super Mario Land?
Too many/not enough.
4 worlds
Yo! Noid for the NES was an advertising game for what company?
(If you grew up in the 80s, you should know who the Noid is!)
Domino's pizza.
Next up:
This enemy (or, as some call him, "mini-boss") appears in the Kid Icarus games, and changes the song that's playing to a rather uncomfortable one.
Quote from: blueflower999 on February 15, 2013, 07:36:50 PMRight!
Next up:
This enemy (or, as some call him, "mini-boss") appears in the Kid Icarus games, and changes the song that's playing to a rather uncomfortable one.
Kid Icarus: "Reaper"
You're going to Reap-
-er what you sew!
Ugh, that tune is my morning alarm now. I really need a new one.
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on February 15, 2013, 07:52:22 PMKid Icarus: "Reaper"
This Virtual Boy game is considered by many to be the best one. It even has Totaka's Song in it.
Quote from: FSM-Reapr on February 17, 2013, 06:14:50 AMWA-WA-WA-WAAAAAARIO LAND
There are 3 playable races in the StarCraft universe. Name all 3. +0.5 for each one.
Not Human
Not Not Human
Ninja'd... so you've been writing that for twelve minutes... really...
...and I thought that after these 7 posts someone might have even a reasonable answer. :P
I don't Starcraft.
I'm not Korean.
Well, I had Koreans living in my house with me as foreign exchange students for 2 years. And they introduced me to it.
If nobody knows it after 24 hours, I'll open up the use of Google.
I'll just take a wild guess and say:
Quote from: MaestroUGC on February 17, 2013, 02:05:20 PMHuman,
elf, and...orc.
STAR. Craft. Not War Craft. :P
Hey, I did say it was a wild guess.
Google is open!
Terran, Protoss and Zerg.
Correct! +1.5 for Olimar.
And I apologize. I won't ask anymore StarCraft questions from now on. :<
Next question:
What is the name of the painter-girl in Kirby 64?
Or something like that.
How many treasures are there in Pikmin 2?
Not enough/too many.
201 if you count Louie.
What Mario game did Birdo first appear in?
Super Mario Bros. 2. At least that's the US name.
Right! Slow gets +1, but the person who names the Japanese name of Super Mario Bros 2 gets +2! (There are actually 2 acceptable answers here)
Didn't they call it Super Mario Bros. USA?
Or am I thinking of something else equally ridiculous?
Doki Doki Panic?
Or maybe something like Ching Wang Zaco Taki Mario.
Quote from: MaestroUGC on February 19, 2013, 01:44:28 PMDidn't they call it Super Mario Bros. USA?
Or am I thinking of something else equally ridiculous?
Quote from: shadowkirby on February 19, 2013, 02:03:04 PMDoki Doki Panic?
These are both right! You each get 1 point!
What game does the phrase "C-C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER" come from?
Wild guess but Street Fighter?
It was Killer Instinct!! I think, might have been before that?
Yes! Killer Instinct is correct! My favorite SNES fighting game! >:D
Mortal Kombat is made by which company?
And actually there are 2 correct answers to this because the company was bought in 2009 by another!
Midway games.
Warner bros.
I'll trust you didn't look it up!
+2 for SocialFox for naming both of them!
Who is the main villain of the Donkey Kong series?
But if you mean DKC, then King K. Rool
A plank of wood.
we should cpntinue this
Quote from: shadowkirby on February 19, 2013, 05:27:32 PMMario
But if you mean DKC, then King K. Rool
What item breeds pigs in Minecraft?
This weapon in the original Metroid makes your beam WEAKER!
Quote from: blueflower999 on February 23, 2013, 03:27:21 PMThis weapon in the original Metroid makes your beam WEAKER!
Ice Beam, if you downgrade from the Wave Beam??
The first 4 main towns in EarthBound have what noticable trait in their names?
They are named after numbers!
Onett Twoson Threed Fourside
I love you Shadow :D
What is the first Galaxy in Super Mario Galaxy?
Good Egg Galaxy! (or Egg Planet in Japan)
What is the name of Luigi's vacuum in Luigi's Mansion?
The Poltergust 3000.
Poltergust 5000 in Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon and Poltergust 4000 in Mario Kart DS!!!
Do I get a point
lol slow has 10101 posts
I think you mean "lolol slow has 10101 posts"
or perhaps "10101 slow has lolol posts"
But I didn't ask for it in Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon or Mario Kart DS! +1 for Social Fox!
This object was found at the site of Simon's murder scene in Professor Layton and the Curious Village.
No spoilers in your answer, please!
A small gear.
Ooh, let's ask another from this game!
In Conker's Bad Fur Day's remake for the xBox, how does it censore the swears in the Great Mighty Poo's song?
Wait no a farting noise.
Finish the quote:
"Go ahead and leave me. I think I prefer to stay inside. Maybe you'll find someone else to help you..."
Blue did you get my Pm.
Maybe Black Mesa. That was a joke. HAHA. Fat chance.
Quote from: Yugi on February 23, 2013, 05:16:41 PMBlue did you get my Pm.
Yes, but I can't use the question because I don't swear.
Quote from: shadowkirby on February 23, 2013, 05:19:05 PMMaybe Black Mesa. That was a joke. HAHA. Fat chance.
This game actually has 2 versions on the NES: One is a black Tengen version that is pretty rare, and the other is the insanely common Nintendo version, even though the Tengen version is better because it includes a 2-player mode. Name the game.
Rrgh...I know I've heard this before...
Google is open!
What colors were the Virtual Boy in?
Black, Red, and Pain.
"I used to be an adventurer like you, __________________________"
"...until I became the victim of a very cruel and unfunny internet meme."
screw it
"until i took an arrow to the knee"
or "but then I took an arrow to the knee"
Im actually not sure which is right
"then I took an arrow IN the knee"
I know it but don't want to steal it :P
until i took an arrow in the knee
Quote from: blueflower999 on February 26, 2013, 12:53:04 PMRight!
"I used to be an adventurer like you, __________________________"
", then I took an arrow to the knee."
I haven't even played that game, but I've pretty much memorized the quote. :P
Not what I'm looking for! You're missing and need to change one word!
Quote from: blueflower999 on February 26, 2013, 04:06:34 PMNot what I'm looking for! You're missing and need to change one word!
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on February 26, 2013, 03:59:20 PM", then I took an arrow in the knee."
If that's not it, then I'm convinced you're thinking of a different quote. :P
Im pretty sure its that but I already said it so
Missing a word!!!!!
but then I took an arrow in the knee
totally guessing here, don't even know what game it is XD
Quote from: blueflower999 on February 26, 2013, 04:15:16 PMMissing a word!!!!!
...I'm pretty sure that's the quote... :P Do I have permission to find a video and show it to you (by way of PM??).
Slow is right. good job guyz
Quote from: blueflower999 on February 26, 2013, 04:28:31 PMSlow is right. good job guyz
That's the quote, exactly from the game; there's no "but" in it at all (merely a slight misquote as part of the internet meme it created?).
Bubbles was correct.
Fine. *Fixes*
I still think I had it right...
I used to make arrow to the knee jokes like you, but then I took an arrow in the knee!
Quote from: blueflower999 on February 26, 2013, 07:19:24 PMI used to make arrow to the knee jokes like you. Then I took an arrow in the knee!
It's a paradox! There IS no answer!
Ain't nobody got time for an arrow in the knee.
Quote from: blueflower999 on February 27, 2013, 01:29:31 PMIt's a paradox! There IS no answer!
Um, false. I'm gonna say "false" on that one.
In Super Mario Brothers 2, Mario is well rounded, Luigi can jump high, and Peach can fly for short amounts of time. What can Toad do?
Was that a guess? Because it's actually right! XD
How many Mega Man games are on the NES?
Actually, if you're counting Mario's "well-roundedness" and Luigi's ability to jump higher, you should probably note that Toad can run extremely fast. Because really Mario can't do anything either, and all Luigi can do is jump a bit higher.
Quote from: blueflower999 on March 13, 2013, 06:05:30 PMHow many Mega Man games are on the NES?
And Toad's special ability is he can pick Turnips faster than the others.
Quote from: SlowPokemon on March 13, 2013, 06:07:34 PMActually, if you're counting Mario's "well-roundedness" and Luigi's ability to jump higher, you should probably note that Toad can run extremely fast. Because really Mario can't do anything either, and all Luigi can do is jump a bit higher.
Toad's equivalent in Doki Doki Panic had extra strength, which was removed from Toad's design.
Quote from: Dudeman on March 13, 2013, 06:07:48 PM6. OHHHHHHH
What does GLaDOS stand for?
Geez Lady Always Dark and Overly Sarcastic
Rrrrgh... I know it ends in "operating system." Darnit!
Quote from: blueflower999 on March 13, 2013, 06:05:30 PMWas that a guess? Because it's actually right! XD
Bahaha I was joking, but ok :D
Quote from: blueflower999 on March 13, 2013, 06:05:30 PMWas that a guess? Because it's actually right! XD
Toad can run normal speed and jump normal height even when holding an item.
Your trivia, sir, was incorrect.
GLaDOS: Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System.
What is the name of Professor Layton's (and apparently someone else's) mentor who is featured in Diabolical Box?
Dr. Schrader
omg i always spell this wrong
In Super Mario Galaxy, there are 3 Green Stars. Name the galaxies that the Green Stars appear in. +0.5 for each galaxy named, and you must name at least 2 to get the points.
Ghostly Galaxy... I think that should be enough for a half point, because I don't remember either of the others...
That's actually wrong. And you need to name at least two of the galaxies!
Ghostly Galaxy, Dusty Dune Galaxy, Buoy Base Galaxy.
I played Super Mario Galaxy for the longest time after it came out.
But there's not one in Ghostly Galaxy :o
The other two are right though, so BP gets +1~
Name a game that Wario makes an appearance in on the NES.
Wario's Woods
Name 3 game franchises made by Rare LTD.
I don't know if you'll accept the old Rareware franchises, but if so...
Donkey Kong Country, Banjo-Kazooie, and the Conker series.
Wait, isn't the one where you rescue Luigi from the haunted mansion a green star? And isn't that the ghostly galaxy?
No, the last green star comes from Luigi in Battlerock Galaxy under the last platform of the first mission.
BP is right, and so is FSM, but you can't answer two questions in a row!
Someone else name 3 other Rare franchises!
Perfect Dark, Viva Pinata, and Jet Force Gemini.
Also Battletoads, Blast Corp., Killer Instinct, and Kinect Sports.
Back when they were Ultimate Play the Game they made Jetpac, which was in Donkey Kong 64.
I love Rare Ltd., well back before... the dark times.
Perfect Dark (if that counts as a franchise), Battletoads, and... Viva Pinata...
These are the only other ones I remember...
NINJA'D!! If only I had typed faster!
I'm on my Wii U right now, but my passion for RareWare gave my stylus the wings of Mercury to type with swift accuracy.
Quote from: MaestroUGC on April 04, 2013, 11:28:59 AMJet Force Gemini.
What a great game. Fantastic music, too.
So when do we find out who's the most right?
Quote from: MaestroUGC on April 04, 2013, 11:28:59 AMPerfect Dark, Viva Pinata, and Jet Force Gemini.
Also Battletoads, Blast Corp., Killer Instinct, and Kinect Sports.
Back when they were Ultimate Play the Game they made Jetpac, which was in Donkey Kong 64.
I love Rare Ltd., well back before... the dark times.
What is the most common Pokemon type? (i.e., if you pick a random Pokemon, what type has the highest percentage of belonging to the Pokemon you pick?)
Water Type.
^that would have been my second guess
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on April 20, 2013, 03:27:55 PMWater Type.
What is the name of Snake Man's weapon in Mega Man 3?
a snake
What's the NAME of the WEAPON, not what the weapon is.
Search snake?
What company made Super Mario RPG?
You wish. :P
This 1981 arcade game made Shigeru Miyamoto famous as a reputable video game designer.
Donkey Kong
Left! I mean Right!
Where does the game Yoshi's Island take place?
Mushroom World
More specific, please. What AREA of the Mushroom World.
...Yoshi's Island.
This Street Fighter game was released on the NES. It is relentlessly difficult and some say that it sucks.
Street Fighter II?
(posting not for the reward, but for the thrill of answering Qs...)
Street fighter 2010?
Street Fighter 2010 is correct!
Who has the heart-ripping fatality in the original Mortal Kombat?
Do you want the points, or do you want to give them to someone else?
Someone else can have them.
Who wants 'em?
Wait, there were points?
I thought we were just flexing our nerd muscles.
Blueflower said that I could start a new round.
VG Trivia Yugi Style tomorrow?
This is fine. Go ahead.
Ok so I finally got the energy to do this so
Points and shit:
Bubbles: 1
First Question: How do you spell the name of the bad guy in pokemon X and Y?
Lysandre or something
Question: Who made the robot masters of Mega Man 1?
Trick question, they came into existence through their own sheer force of will.
Dr. Robotnik?
Dr. Light!
Beware, I'm a Mega Man super-geek (almost).
Pfft, everyone knows Mega Man created the Robot Masters from his robo-ribs.
Well actually it was Capcom
Dudeman is correct!
That's Harlan Ellison; not sure what that has to do with video games, though.
There was an adaption of I have no mouth in a video game form.
It's pretty good.
Ok, either way that's not a question.
How about this?
Oh wow is this still a thing
C'mon blue
I was actually just reading this topic before you bumped it... stop reading my mind
But I would love to play
If people show interest I'd be happy to host a Round 3.
duuuuuuuuuuuuuue it
Alright, why the heck not. Here are a few reminders for rules:
- Please don't use Google or other internet sources unless I say you can.
- If you get a question right, wait until someone gets the following question wrong before attempting an answer.
- 10 Points wins the round
- One My Coke Wards code will be given to the winner
- Occasionally I'll ask Jeopardy questions in which I describe something and the response must be phrased in the form of a question (i.e., "what is ____ ?")
First question of the new round:
The current president and CEO of Nintendo is Mister Satoru Iwata. Before him, and going back to the company's founding in 1889, three other people have held this title, and they all had the same last name. (One of which was through marriage.) Name the last name.
Yamauchi, I can't remember any of their names, though.
That is correct. The next question will be a Jeopardy-style question.
This 2011 cross-over fighting game title featured everyone's favorite blue-suited lawyer, and most fans didn't have any objections to his inclusion.
what is Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3?
Darn.....I know this.....I know it starts with a Y :/
Quote from: Shadoninja on March 04, 2015, 06:45:43 PMwhat is Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3?
And you're on the board with one point! Next question.
The top three best-selling video games on the Nintendo Gamecube are Super Smash Bros. Melee, Mario Kart Double Dash, and Super Mario Sunshine. Name the fourth, fifth, and sixth in any order. You must name at least two to get a point, and if you name all three you get 1.5 points.
The Thousand Year door is one.....
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron, Luigi's Mansion, and The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Mostly random guesses :P
I don't think Star Wars was that well selling, I want to say the sixth was Metroid Prime?
Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness?
Quote from: mariolegofan on March 04, 2015, 06:54:52 PMThe Thousand Year door is one.....
The Thousand Year Door is #12.
Quote from: Dudeman on March 04, 2015, 06:55:43 PMStar Wars: Rogue Squadron, Luigi's Mansion, and The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Mostly random guesses :P
Wind Waker and Luigi's Mansion are #4 and #5 respectively, so congrats! Rogue Squadron didn't sell more than a million copies.
Also, #6 was Animal Crossing. Onto the next question!
In Super Paper Mario, Count Bleck has four main buddies that he consults with on numerous occasions as cutscenes, and three of these are fought as bosses early in the game. Name all three.
Dimentio, Mimi, and O'Chunks.
Quote from: MaestroUGC on March 04, 2015, 07:01:18 PMDimentio, Mimi, and O'Chunks.
Very good! Time for another Jeopardy question.
The Italian character Pizza Pasta was originally included in this 1980s hit arcade game, but was knocked out when the game was ported to the home consoles.
What is burger time, perhaps?
What is Punch Out?
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on March 04, 2015, 07:24:03 PMWhat is Punch Out?
There you go! Last question before I go to bed:
Name four third-party (Non-Nintendo based) developers that have had characters represent them in Super Smash Brothers.
Sega, Konami, Namco and Square(soft)?
Not sure on that last one.
just in case maestro is wrong
Sega, Konami, Namco, Capcom
Right, I forget Mega Man isn't Nintendo sometimes.
Quote from: Bubbles on March 04, 2015, 08:08:14 PMjust in case maestro is wrong
Sega, Konami, Namco, Capcom
This is what I was looking for. There's no Square character playable in Smash Bros, right?
Geno for Smash 5
Can't belive I missed this (so far) because of Ace Attorney. :(
And, yes, Maestro, Squaresoft/enix has had zero representatives.
I can't think of a single 5th one.
Well, the Xeno series got its start via Square, but oh well.
Xenoblade Chronicles was made by Monolith Soft. Not Squaresoft.
There is little relation of XBC to the Xeno games of old. And Monolith Soft is now a first party developer (Thanks, wikipedia for background checks).
Quote from: blueflower999 on March 04, 2015, 07:00:25 PMIn Super Paper Mario, Count Bleck has four main buddies that he consults with on numerous occasions as cutscenes, and three of these are fought as bosses early in the game. Name all three.
Fudge, I knew that!
Jeopardy question:
This Mega Man boss can be killed in only a couple of hits with his own weapon.
What is Flash Man?
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on March 05, 2015, 02:07:08 PMWhat is Flash Man?
Flash Man's weapon doesn't do damage to anything except for Quick Man last time I checked, so no. :P
never played mega man and he's the only boss I know :X
Who is Dr. Wily?
Well, I mean he did build/modify all of those robots used to defeat him...
Quote from: blueflower999 on March 05, 2015, 02:05:14 PMJeopardy question:
This Mega Man boss can be killed in only a couple of hits with his own weapon.
Who is Metal Man?
isn't there someone named bubble man?
Quote from: K-NiGhT on March 05, 2015, 02:10:09 PMWho is Metal Man?
Quote from: Bubbles on March 05, 2015, 02:11:19 PMisn't there someone named bubble man?
Absolutely. You can put "man" after pretty much anything and there's someone in Mega Man with that name. ::)
Quote from: blueflower999 on March 05, 2015, 02:12:25 PMAbsolutely. You can put "man" after pretty much anything and there's someone in Mega Man with that name. ::)
Maelstrom Man
Next question:
Name the four DLC (not pre-installed) games in the 3DS's StreetPass Mii Plaza.
Mii force, Haunted house, Samurai thingy Warrior's Way and Garden somethingorother. Potted plants?
edit: not even close.
Quote from: blueflower999 on March 05, 2015, 02:05:14 PMJeopardy question:
This Mega Man boss can be killed in only a couple of hits with his own weapon.
Quote from: Dudeman on March 05, 2015, 06:39:53 PMARE YOU KIDDING ME THE ONE QUESTION I COULD HAVE ANSWERED
should've been faster 8)
Quote from: blueflower999 on March 05, 2015, 02:25:24 PMNext question:
Name the four DLC (not pre-installed) games in the 3DS's StreetPass Mii Plaza.
Monster Manor, Warrior's Way, Flower Town, Mii Force
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on March 06, 2015, 02:44:22 PMMonster Manor, Warrior's Way, Flower Town, Mii Force
There we go! One point for you.
In the original Dr. Mario game for NES, these two songs are the options. They also appear in Smash Bros as remixed tracks.
Fever and Chill.
"Chill" and "Fever"?
Two seconds. Are you kidding me -___-
Quote from: mariolegofan on March 06, 2015, 07:48:55 PMFever and Chill.
This is correct. Sorry, Latios!
Next question:
Which Pokemon has the most X1/4 resistances?
No, sir. Off the top of my head, Aggron only has Normal and Flying as double resistances.
Heatran; I know because I have done research in the past. ;)
I don't even play pokemon and I know that it's heatran.
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on March 06, 2015, 09:35:21 PMHeatran; I know because I have done research in the past. ;)
This is correct. Plus 1 for you!
Jeopardy question:
This pancake-like enemy in the original Legend of Zelda can steal Link's shield.
What is a Like-like?
Quote from: Maelstrom on March 07, 2015, 06:46:41 AMWhat is a Like-like?
I was about to say that :o
Darn :P
Quote from: Maelstrom on March 07, 2015, 06:46:41 AMWhat is a Like-like?
That's it!
Other than King Dedede, Meta Knight, and the final boss Yin-Yarn, Kirby's Epic Yarn has four other original bosses. Name two of them.
Fangora, Hot Wings, Capamari, and Squashini are the ones I remember. Just played through Epic Yarn :P
Wow, good for you! That's all of them.
Next up, a Jeopardy question:
These round blue and pink characters first appeared in a HAL Laboratory game on the NES, which spawned two sequels. Today, you can see them occasionally showing up in Kirby games as bosses. Their main attacks involve pushing blocks and Gordos around.
Nana and popo
Lololo and lalala?
That's my best guess :-[
Who are Lolo and Lala?
Quote from: mariolegofan on March 07, 2015, 07:25:23 AMLololo and lalala?
That's my best guess :-[
I can't give you points for this.
Quote from: Maelstrom on March 07, 2015, 07:27:00 AMWho are Lolo and Lala?
THERE we go! Sorry, putting a "?" after the answer does not make it a question!
Doctor Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine and Kirby's Avalanche are both clones of this classic Tetris-style puzzle game.
Quote from: blueflower999 on March 07, 2015, 07:31:13 AMI can't give you points for this.
THERE we go! Sorry, putting a "?" after the answer does not make it a question!
I did say "Who is" or an extra lo and la?
Quote from: blueflower999 on March 07, 2015, 07:31:13 AMDoctor Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine and Kirby's Avalanche are both clones of this classic Tetris-style puzzle game.
Puyo Puyo?
You need the what is part.
And you had the extra lo and la.
You might want to try again before someone else takes it from you....
And I looked it up. They are known as Lololo and Lalala in kirby games, but the original characters were named Lolo and Lala
Quote from: mariolegofan on March 07, 2015, 07:34:47 AMPuyo Puyo?
This is correct. I sure you you're not using the internet to help you though, because that kinda defeats the purpose.
Next question later tonight.
Quote from: blueflower999 on March 07, 2015, 09:09:37 AMThis is correct. I sure you you're not using the internet to help you though, because that kinda defeats the purpose.
That's right??!??!??!??!??!
I kinda guessed on that! I heard that name before and that is the only other Tetris "like" sort of game I've heard of :P
And isn't Using the Internet cheating? I would do that.
Eeh! A question I could have answered...
Quote from: blueflower999 on March 07, 2015, 07:17:20 AMWow, good for you! That's all of them.
Next up, a Jeopardy question:
These round blue and pink characters first appeared in a HAL Laboratory game on the NES, which spawned two sequels. Today, you can see them occasionally showing up in Kirby games as bosses. Their main attacks involve pushing blocks and Gordos around.
crap I totally knew that
Sorry for the delay! Next question:
Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box, Unwound Future, Last Specter, and Azran Legacy all have major sequences that take place in this city.
London? Seems too easy
Yeah, hard to ask a question about Layton that isn't to easy or too hard. :P
How many different skin/hair colorations were there to choose from at the beginning of Pokemon X and Y?
edit: shit sorry I forgot the rules lol
3 for each gender.
4 for each gender.
Quote from: Yugi on March 16, 2015, 09:37:40 PM3 for each gender.
This is right.
Who is the lightest character in Smash Bros for Wii U and 3DS?
Mr. Game and Watch?
okay guys maelstrom is hosting the game now
Wait, what.
I didn't ask for this.
^What game is that from?
Quote from: Maelstrom on March 17, 2015, 07:44:44 PMWait, what.
I didn't ask for this.
^What game is that from?
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on March 17, 2015, 07:46:04 PMDEUS EX: HUMAN REVOLUTION
Is this for real?
A Nintendo franchise was named after the wife of a famous American author.
Name both the franchise and the namesake.
And no google
The Legend of Zelda was named after Zelda Fitzgerald, wife of author Scott Fitzgerald. Miyamoto chose the name simply because he liked it.
How many Fire emblem games (with physical releases) have NOT been released in America?
I'll go with four.
Quote from: MaestroUGC on March 18, 2015, 07:41:54 AMThe Legend of Zelda was named after Zelda Fitzgerald, wife of author Scott Fitzgerald. Miyamoto chose the name simply because he liked it.
I should check nsm more often obviously
3 sir, 3!
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on March 18, 2015, 11:44:25 AM2
Nope. One more guess not by NoS.
And yes, I knew this before I fact-checked.
Isn't it like 7?
Quote from: MaestroUGC on March 18, 2015, 11:49:03 AMIsn't it like 7?
Precisely. Fire Emblem was the 7th game in the franchise (And the first to make it to the west) and we only got one of the two DS remakes.
Random guessing for the win (I remember reading on Wikipedia some time ago that there like 11 games in the series and we had only gotten 4 of them.)
That must have been a long time ago, as the first 2 came out on GBA followed by a GCN, DS, and Wii one.
There were a few Legend of Zelda games that never made it out of Japan, yet had no physical copies.
How were they distributed? (I don't need extreme specifics)
Phillips CD-i?
It was downloaded from some sort of distribution system (I don't remember the specifics of it either! :P)?
Geez Maelstrom I was being facetious. Way to go and quite literally steal my show. :P
Carry on though I guess.
^Hey, maybe people can ask a few questions whenever you don't have time to keep up with this.
^I agree.
It was just a few extra questions for fun. Anyway, it was broadcasted out by some weird thing. They're refered to as the BS Zelda games.