NinSheetMusic Forums

Important Stuff => Site News => Topic started by: Winter on July 04, 2012, 12:00:21 AM

Title: Update, Wednesday, July 4th 2012 - Featured Arranger: Joel Hands-Otte
Post by: Winter on July 04, 2012, 12:00:21 AM
Well, Here's to another Holiday! It's about time we uploaded some Super Mario 3D Land Sheet music, and today we have a LOT of it!

Round of applause to Joel Hands-Otte for arranging 'nearly' the entire soundtrack!


[3DS] Super Mario 3D Land - "Overworld" - Joel Hands-Otte
[3DS] Super Mario 3D Land - "Main Theme" - Joel Hands-Otte
[3DS] Super Mario 3D Land - "Main Theme (Duet)" - Joel Hands-Otte
[3DS] Super Mario 3D Land - "Clock Tower (Main Theme)" - Joel Hands-Otte
[3DS] Super Mario 3D Land - "Jazzy Overworld" - Joel Hands-Otte
[3DS] Super Mario 3D Land - "Jazzy Overworld (Duet)" - Joel Hands-Otte
[3DS] Super Mario 3D Land - "Staff Roll (Main Theme)" - Joel Hands-Otte
[3DS] Super Mario 3D Land - "World 1" - Joel Hands-Otte
[3DS] Super Mario 3D Land - "World 1 (Duet)" - Joel Hands-Otte
[3DS] Super Mario 3D Land - "World 2" - Joel Hands-Otte
[3DS] Super Mario 3D Land - "World 2 (Duet)" - Joel Hands-Otte
[3DS] Super Mario 3D Land - "World 3" - Joel Hands-Otte
[3DS] Super Mario 3D Land - "World 4" - Joel Hands-Otte
[3DS] Super Mario 3D Land - "World 5" - Joel Hands-Otte
[3DS] Super Mario 3D Land - "World 6" - Joel Hands-Otte
[3DS] Super Mario 3D Land - "World 7" - Joel Hands-Otte
[3DS] Super Mario 3D Land - "World 7 (Duet)" - Joel Hands-Otte
[3DS] Super Mario 3D Land - "World 8" - Joel Hands-Otte
[3DS] Super Mario 3D Land - "World 8 (Part 2)" - Joel Hands-Otte
[3DS] Super Mario 3D Land - "Special World 1" - Joel Hands-Otte
[3DS] Super Mario 3D Land - "Special World 1 (Duet)" - Joel Hands-Otte
[3DS] Super Mario 3D Land - "Special World 2" - Joel Hands-Otte
[3DS] Super Mario 3D Land - "Special World 3" - Joel Hands-Otte
[3DS] Super Mario 3D Land - "Special World 4" - Joel Hands-Otte
[3DS] Super Mario 3D Land - "Special World 5" - Joel Hands-Otte
[3DS] Super Mario 3D Land - "Special World 5 (Duet)" - Joel Hands-Otte
[3DS] Super Mario 3D Land - "Special World 6" - Joel Hands-Otte
[3DS] Super Mario 3D Land - "Special World 7" - Joel Hands-Otte
[3DS] Super Mario 3D Land - "Special World 7 (Duet)" - Joel Hands-Otte
[3DS] Super Mario 3D Land - "Special World 8" - Joel Hands-Otte
[3DS] Super Mario 3D Land - "Special World 8 (5 Stars) (Duet)" - Joel Hands-Otte

Title: Re: Update, Wednesday, July 4th 2012 - Featured Arranger: Joel Hands-Otte
Post by: Ruto on July 04, 2012, 12:08:37 AM
3 hours and 21 seconds late!!!  >:(

Lol jk. Update sounds freakin' awesome.
Title: Re: Update, Wednesday, July 4th 2012 - Featured Arranger: Joel Hands-Otte
Post by: spitllama on July 04, 2012, 05:37:59 AM
Winter you're so sneaky- making an update behind everybody's back :D Thanks you two for your hard work!
Title: Re: Update, Wednesday, July 4th 2012 - Featured Arranger: Joel Hands-Otte
Post by: Spyro on July 04, 2012, 06:58:25 AM
Oh, those look awesome!
Title: Re: Update, Wednesday, July 4th 2012 - Featured Arranger: Joel Hands-Otte
Post by: TheZeldaPianist275 on July 04, 2012, 07:22:05 AM
*whistles*  Fingerz was busy.
Title: Re: Update, Wednesday, July 4th 2012 - Featured Arranger: Joel Hands-Otte
Post by: SlowPokemon on July 04, 2012, 10:29:30 AM
Here's my comments on the sheets for Fingerz:

"Clock Tower" - you're missing the intro

"Jazzy Overworld" - good

"Jazzy Overworld (Duet)" - good

"Main Theme" - technically this song is called "Title," since the main theme is the regular Overworld theme, but the song itself looks great

"Overworld" - again, this is called "Main Theme," but it's not a huge deal; also, have you considered changing those 32nd notes to simple grace notes? It seems that that would make it a little easier on the eyes...otherwise, song looks good

All World themes look good. I find the duets to be kind of frivolous and unnecessary, but I suppose they are for far less advanced pianists? Also, the official names for the special worlds are "World S1" "World S2", etc. This would also clean up the page, making the worlds appear in chronological order.

"Staff Roll" - good

So let's see, we're still missing a lot of the soundtrack. This really helps the site get going on it though, nice job Fingerz.
Title: Re: Update, Wednesday, July 4th 2012 - Featured Arranger: Joel Hands-Otte
Post by: KefkaticFanatic on July 04, 2012, 11:17:17 AM
The above post is the stuff we're supposed to talk about before an update gets posted...

And as far as I can tell, every time a "duet" arrangement comes along it's because the arranger doesn't know how to properly arrange the piece for single piano without losing major parts.
Title: Re: Update, Wednesday, July 4th 2012 - Featured Arranger: Joel Hands-Otte
Post by: SlowPokemon on July 04, 2012, 11:43:31 AM
^ A) Fingerz last update was in April. He and Winter must have done this behind the scenes or something like that. Therefore, none of us critiqued it knowing that it was going on the site today.

B) Yes, I agree. All of the duets are unnecessary, but in this case he arranged all of them for solo piano and added a duet as well, which I found incredibly odd.
Title: Re: Update, Wednesday, July 4th 2012 - Featured Arranger: Joel Hands-Otte
Post by: FSM-Reapr on July 04, 2012, 11:49:38 AM
For me, the ''Jazzy Overworld(duet)'' had the perfect timing.
Title: Re: Update, Wednesday, July 4th 2012 - Featured Arranger: Joel Hands-Otte
Post by: Winter on July 04, 2012, 11:50:20 AM
Quote from: SlowPokemon on July 04, 2012, 10:29:30 AMThe official names for the special worlds are "World S1" "World S2", etc. This would also clean up the page, making the worlds appear in chronological order.

Hm, I'll think about doing that. And regarding your comments on various sheets, I'll let Fingerz review his sheets. The intention was to get started on well needed games on the site. This update brings more benefit than harm.

I understand what you are saying about the duets, Kefka. No harm was done, however, and maybe someone will put them to good use! More importantly, we have them for solo piano also.
Just because I posted it does not mean that just these sheets are going to stay there forever, anyone may still critique the sheets and submit replacements.
Title: Re: Update, Wednesday, July 4th 2012 - Featured Arranger: Joel Hands-Otte
Post by: FSM-Reapr on July 04, 2012, 11:54:00 AM
Quote from: Winter on July 04, 2012, 11:50:20 AMI understand what you are saying about the duets, Kefka. No harm was done, however, and maybe someone will put them to good use!

Wayyyyyy ahead of you, pal.(check my blog)
Title: Re: Update, Wednesday, July 4th 2012 - Featured Arranger: Joel Hands-Otte
Post by: SlowPokemon on July 04, 2012, 11:57:34 AM
Quote from: Winter on July 04, 2012, 11:50:20 AMHm, I'll think about doing that. And regarding your comments on various sheets, I'll let Fingerz review his sheets. The intention was to get started on well needed games on the site. This update brings more benefit than harm.

I understand what you are saying about the duets, Kefka. No harm was done, however, and maybe someone will put them to good use! More importantly, we have them for solo piano also.
Just because I posted it does not mean that just these sheets are going to stay there forever, anyone may still critique the sheets and submit replacements.

Yep! I thought it was a great way to start off the great soundtrack for this game.
Title: Re: Update, Wednesday, July 4th 2012 - Featured Arranger: Joel Hands-Otte
Post by: KefkaticFanatic on July 04, 2012, 12:46:58 PM
You shouldn't just bypass the standard submission process.  This makes it even worse than what we had before.
Title: Re: Update, Wednesday, July 4th 2012 - Featured Arranger: Joel Hands-Otte
Post by: Winter on July 04, 2012, 01:37:52 PM
Technically that /would/ be what we had before.

You're acting like there was no reviewing of the sheets whatsoever. If you'd like, try running an update your way and see if anything ever makes it onto the site.

Yes, quality is better than quantity, but we can't have quality with no progress whatsoever xD
Title: Re: Update, Wednesday, July 4th 2012 - Featured Arranger: Joel Hands-Otte
Post by: pumpy_heart on July 04, 2012, 03:13:27 PM
First one to find KefkaticFanatic happy with anything that happens to the site wins some NSM dollars.

Congratulations Fingerz! Keep up the hard work! =D
Title: Re: Update, Wednesday, July 4th 2012 - Featured Arranger: Joel Hands-Otte
Post by: KefkaticFanatic on July 04, 2012, 04:00:01 PM
Missing an entire part of a song doesn't scream "reviewed" .-.
Title: Re: Update, Wednesday, July 4th 2012 - Featured Arranger: Joel Hands-Otte
Post by: SlowPokemon on July 04, 2012, 04:17:39 PM
Quote from: pumpy_heart on July 04, 2012, 03:13:27 PMFirst one to find KefkaticFanatic happy with anything that happens to the site wins some NSM dollars.

Congratulations Fingerz! Keep up the hard work! =D

Lol you're absolutely right!

Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on July 04, 2012, 04:00:01 PMMissing an entire part of a song doesn't scream "reviewed" .-.

He missed like a tiny measure that had the same bass clef as the rest of the song.
Title: Re: Update, Wednesday, July 4th 2012 - Featured Arranger: Joel Hands-Otte
Post by: KefkaticFanatic on July 04, 2012, 06:27:06 PM
A missed measure is still a missed measure.  That should be the first thing any review catches, then moving on to notation and cosmetics.
Title: Re: Update, Wednesday, July 4th 2012 - Featured Arranger: Joel Hands-Otte
Post by: Olimar12345 on July 04, 2012, 06:53:03 PM
Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on July 04, 2012, 06:27:06 PMA missed measure is still a missed measure.  That should be the first thing any review catches, then moving on to notation and cosmetics.
He's right, you know.
Title: Re: Update, Wednesday, July 4th 2012 - Featured Arranger: Joel Hands-Otte
Post by: Winter on July 04, 2012, 08:38:14 PM
Okay sorry, I'll take them all down.
Title: Re: Update, Wednesday, July 4th 2012 - Featured Arranger: Joel Hands-Otte
Post by: KefkaticFanatic on July 04, 2012, 09:00:00 PM
The point is, I'm lazy.
Title: Re: Update, Wednesday, July 4th 2012 - Featured Arranger: Joel Hands-Otte
Post by: Ruto on July 04, 2012, 09:30:09 PM
Holy crap you posted right at 12:00:00 EST! 0:00:00 for you 24 hour clock people.

Everyone should just stop overreacting -.- It's not like you're submitting a dissertation here.
Title: Re: Update, Wednesday, July 4th 2012 - Featured Arranger: Joel Hands-Otte
Post by: Jub3r7 on July 04, 2012, 10:04:23 PM
Let's stop this before Jamaha has to be involved, please. (That means both of you, even though...)

[12:53:18 AM] Jordan Knapp: Mod on mod action!!!!
[12:53:29 AM] Ruto: sounds sexy
Title: Re: Update, Wednesday, July 4th 2012 - Featured Arranger: Joel Hands-Otte
Post by: spitllama on July 04, 2012, 10:08:28 PM
This shows so much forum unity to all the guests viewing the site news.

Enough already.
Title: Re: Update, Wednesday, July 4th 2012 - Featured Arranger: Joel Hands-Otte
Post by: KefkaticFanatic on July 04, 2012, 11:07:53 PM
I would edit his posts back, but I'm not 12

Just read the valid points and take note godammit.
Title: Re: Update, Wednesday, July 4th 2012 - Featured Arranger: Joel Hands-Otte
Post by: fingerz on July 05, 2012, 10:03:20 PM
Whoa! I missed this? XD

Thanks for the compliments guys! I'll try and answer anything that needs to be done. :D

Quote from: SlowPokemon on July 04, 2012, 10:29:30 AM"Clock Tower" - you're missing the intro
Shit! I'm sorry about that. I have the most horrible recording of the soundtrack because it was all I could find. If someone knows where I can find a better OST, please let me know. :)

Quote from: SlowPokemon on July 04, 2012, 10:29:30 AMAlso, the official names for the special worlds are "World S1" "World S2", etc. This would also clean up the page, making the worlds appear in chronological order.
Once again, that's because of the soundtrack. I'll get around to fixing that. XD

Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on July 04, 2012, 11:17:17 AMAnd as far as I can tell, every time a "duet" arrangement comes along it's because the arranger doesn't know how to properly arrange the piece for single piano without losing major parts.
Or the person decides to make a duet because it would sound better that way. My friends and I play many of these duets I've arranged, thank you very much. We've even turned some of them into trios. :P
Title: Re: Update, Wednesday, July 4th 2012 - Featured Arranger: Joel Hands-Otte
Post by: SlowPokemon on July 05, 2012, 11:02:34 PM
I have a crappy version too -___- but I'm curious, how do you know the composer for each song?
Title: Re: Update, Wednesday, July 4th 2012 - Featured Arranger: Joel Hands-Otte
Post by: fingerz on July 05, 2012, 11:29:25 PM
I found a site which had all the songs labelled with their composers! I was pretty impressed, actually. If you'd like a list I'd have to go and find it again... I didn't bookmark it. XD
Title: Re: Update, Wednesday, July 4th 2012 - Featured Arranger: Joel Hands-Otte
Post by: SlowPokemon on July 05, 2012, 11:31:35 PM
Omg please?!
Title: Re: Update, Wednesday, July 4th 2012 - Featured Arranger: Joel Hands-Otte
Post by: FSM-Reapr on July 06, 2012, 01:04:57 AM
Quote from: fingerz on July 05, 2012, 11:29:25 PMI found a site which had all the songs labelled with their composers! I was pretty impressed, actually. If you'd like a list I'd have to go and find it again... I didn't bookmark it. XD

You should check your history. That might help.
Title: Re: Update, Wednesday, July 4th 2012 - Featured Arranger: Joel Hands-Otte
Post by: SlowPokemon on July 06, 2012, 09:48:28 AM
no shit? He probably already thought of that, it's the most obvious thing. It was so long ago he doesn't feel like sifting through months of browsing history which might have been deleted anyway.
Title: Re: Update, Wednesday, July 4th 2012 - Featured Arranger: Joel Hands-Otte
Post by: Olimar12345 on July 06, 2012, 10:00:42 AM
Easy now, his english isn't perfect and he was just trying to help.
Title: Re: Update, Wednesday, July 4th 2012 - Featured Arranger: Joel Hands-Otte
Post by: FSM-Reapr on July 06, 2012, 10:06:59 AM
My English is very good, but I don't understand much computer words... I was just trying to help.
Title: Re: Update, Wednesday, July 4th 2012 - Featured Arranger: Joel Hands-Otte
Post by: SlowPokemon on July 06, 2012, 10:57:27 AM
Title: Re: Update, Wednesday, July 4th 2012 - Featured Arranger: Joel Hands-Otte
Post by: fingerz on July 06, 2012, 07:06:31 PM
Yeah... XD
I delete my browsing history because it slows down my computer. No other reasons... XD
Title: Re: Update, Wednesday, July 4th 2012 - Featured Arranger: Joel Hands-Otte
Post by: Jub3r7 on July 06, 2012, 10:42:13 PM
Title: Re: Update, Wednesday, July 4th 2012 - Featured Arranger: Joel Hands-Otte
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on July 07, 2012, 02:24:40 PM
Epic! Too bad I haven't played Super Mario 3D Land yet...
Title: Re: Update, Wednesday, July 4th 2012 - Featured Arranger: Joel Hands-Otte
Post by: JDMEK5 on July 10, 2012, 02:21:49 PM
So fingerz, do you have any idea what you searched when you found the site? I'm going to try to find it myself...
Title: Re: Update, Wednesday, July 4th 2012 - Featured Arranger: Joel Hands-Otte
Post by: fingerz on July 10, 2012, 02:28:13 PM
Ah, I only recall searching Super Maro 3D Land Composers, something like that. Sorry. XD
Title: Re: Update, Wednesday, July 4th 2012 - Featured Arranger: Joel Hands-Otte
Post by: JDMEK5 on July 10, 2012, 03:46:50 PM
Well, I found one that has a lot of hard-to-find info about lots of games, but unfortunately, no composers..
This site's called VGChartz ( It has info on sales, stats for different countries, etc.

I'll keep looking!!