#15.Baby Mario from Yoshi's Island
Did you know that human beings are biologically programmed to find a baby's crying unpleasant? If you answered 'yes', congratulations, you're smarter than Nintendo.
Every time Baby Mario is separated from Yoshi, he bawls his lungs out, releasing one of the most ear-piercing sound effects in video game history. While the relentless crying does prompt the player to urgently recover Baby Mario, it comes at a great price: their sanity. Thanks to him, the mute button quickly becomes an integral part of this gameplay experience.
#14.Miles "Tails" Prower from Sonic the Hedgehog 2
On one hand, Tails is a cute, lovable fox. But on the other hand, Tails is good for exactly nothing. Unable to keep up with Sonic's momentum, playing as Tails in the co-op mode is basically a constant struggle to keep the character on-screen.
The computer-controlled version of Tails is no better. Try playing a special stage with Tails as your computer partner and he becomes the digitalized version of every bumbling sidekick in TV sitcom history, crashing into bombs at will. During regular gameplay, when he's not busy dying, Tails has also been known to prematurely activate crumbling platforms and elevators. Worst of all, deep down inside he believes he's helping the entire time, which makes it almost impossible to hate him.
#13.Slippy Toad from Star Fox 64
You'd think that a toad flying a jet fighter in space would be nothing short of awesome. You'd be wrong. During every mission, Slippy quickly makes himself the most hated member of the Star Fox team by using his high-pitched voice to shout random, useless advice. During combat, his idea of dogfighting seems to be getting trapped by the enemy and bugging Fox to save him.
We're assured during the game that his mechanical expertise makes him invaluable, which must be the only reason he isn't blown out of the sky by friendly fire five seconds after takeoff.
#12.Ashley Graham from Resident Evil 4
When will game developers learn that no one enjoys protecting the weak and defenseless? Or even worse, controlling them?
Like Resident Evil 2's Sherry Birkin before her, Ashley's special abilities include being difficult, slowing you down, and making the game less fun. It gets to the point that when Ashley gets recaptured, it's like a weight has been lifted. You can go back to slaughtering mutated Spanish villagers unencumbered. The whole second half of the game revolves around saving Ashley from a parasite implanted in her body that would turn her into an inhuman horror. How many of us were hoping the parasite would take over so we would have an excuse to bombard her with incendiary grenades?
#11.Raiden from Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
Mainly, because he prevents us from playing as the ultra-cool Snake. Instead, we're "treated" to hours upon hours of controlling the effeminate, whiny Raiden. We've never been employed in the spy business, but according to all the research we didn't do, it's industry policy that girly men like this aren't given jobs.
Raiden's unwelcome presence makes him a constant, persistent eyesore. Let us re-emphasize that Metal Gear Solid 2 is still a great game. But Raiden did something we had previously thought impossible: he took the fun out of sneaking up on people and breaking their necks.
#10.Natalya from Goldeneye
"Ok Natalya, here's the deal. I'll kill all the bad guys and complete the mission objectives. All you have to do is not die and under no circumstances should you step in front of me while I'm shooting. If you get the urge to fire your revolver or type on a keyboard with closed-fists, go right ahead. Just don't die. Think you can handle that?"
No she can't. If James Bond is licensed to kill, Natalya must be licensed to die. She, like the aforementioned Ashley Graham, was born with a rare genetic disorder that disables her instinct for self-preservation.
Natalya also reinforces a double-standard. It's ok for her to ruin James Bond's missions by dying unexpectedly, or nag at him for icing Boris, her scumbag computer programmer friend. But should we suddenly feel the need to turn on her and unload two RCP-90 clips into her skull, it's considered "wrong" and "misogynist" and "pathological".
#9.John Madden from the Madden Football Series
Just like his real-life counterpart, the virtual John Madden is always prepared to state the obvious. If a defender knocks someone down, Madden will be quick to point out that a big hit was delivered. If a receiver burns the secondary for a touchdown, Madden will cunningly observe that the player is, in fact, quick.
The only difference here is that video game Madden plays Captain Obvious in a much more repetitive manner than he does in real life. For example, one can only listen to Madden calling a nice play "big time football" so many times per game before fantasizing about Solid Snake creeping up behind him and snapping his neck.
Madden barely makes an appearance in the newest edition of the game, so maybe after more than a decade of annoying gamers, somebody at EA finally turned off his microphone and hoped he wouldn't notice.
#8.Navi from Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Anyone who has ever played this game should remember constantly hearing a tiny little voice saying:
"Hey!...Hey!...Listen!...Hey!...Watch out!...Hey!..."
SHUT UP! I'm trying to have an adventure here.
#7.Tingle from Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Yes, the Zelda series makes its second appearance. Are we being too hard on Nintendo on this list? It's no coincidence; they have a terrible habit of including characters and themes in their games that are cringe-worthy for anyone over the age of 12... yet the same games are also some of the best ever made and impossible to resist for a dedicated gamer. It's a cruel, cruel trap.
As for Tingle, we're all for character development in games but it may never be fully understood why this simple map maker had to be fleshed out as a 35- year-old weirdo obsessed with fulfilling his fairy fantasy. Sure, as Link we're also wearing green tights, but at least we've got a sword.
This guy seems to have been genetically bred in a lab as a walking irritant. Everything he does rubs us the wrong way (Tingle ends every single conversation with the magic words "Kooloo-Limpah") and there's no avoiding him, because he's got the maps. What's worse, Nintendo continued to bring him back in future installments of the series.
It is a cruel irony that we could barely make it down one hallway of Goldeneye without accidentally killing Natalya, yet no amount of vicious blows by Link's sword will bring down Tingle. He's lucky, too, because as soon a we had that last map we'd put his head on a pike.
#6.Daxter from Jak and Daxter
Daxter reminds us of that one friend who is always cracking jokes, but isn't any good at it. In the case of our friend, we try to force a polite laugh, as not to lower his self esteem any more than it already is.
Daxter, however, is not our friend, leaving us no choice but to hate his very soul. Further sealing his fate, he constantly complains about how the player is playing the game. This is the kind of back-seat gaming we wouldn't tolerate from Navi the magical fairy up there, we're sure not going to take it from this talking rodent.
#5.Mr. Resetti from Animal Crossing
Much like an activist with nothing better to do, Mr. Resetti travels around berating those who quit their game without saving. If you forget to save, the next time you attempt to play, Mr. Resetti shows up to punish you by forcing you to scroll through endless screens of boring text. There are no exceptions to this policy.
Even if you had to quickly turn off the system in order to drive your grandmother to the hospital, you will still be chewed out. If he happens to be particularly upset with you, he'll even make you type out an apology using a mediocre and outdated letter entry system. Okay, it's funny the first couple of times. But after that, Nintendo just needs to realize we're busy people, always getting paged to go tend to some emergency. We can't be stopping to save your stupid game every time, Grandma's spleen is bleeding.
#4.The Cops from Road Rash
When playing this game, all you're trying to do is participate in an innocent little illegal motorcycle street race, while maybe hitting your opponents with chains. The "fuzz", as they are referred to, insist on busting you at every opportunity. They have also clearly been bribed, as they never attempt to arrest your opponents, many of which, according to their bios, actually have an established criminal history.
As if these officers weren't already diabolical enough, they often have the foresight to park themselves roughly two-hundred yards in front of double-parked cars at the end of blind 90-degree turns, so that when you inevitably crash, you slide right into them. We ask you, who's committing the crime here?
The system, man. That's who.
#3.Waluigi from Mario Tennis
When they were developing Mario Tennis, Wario needed a doubles partner. So they chose between two alternatives: Either dig into the Mario archives and bring back another classic villain, like they did with Birdo and Shy Guy, or put 'Wa' in front of 'Luigi' and create the biggest piece of crap character of all time. Sadly, they chose the latter and the abomination known as Waluigi was born.
Sure, maybe the concept of an evil counterpart to Luigi actually had potential at some point, like maybe if they didn't just take the Luigi model, turn it purple, then stretch him out and give him a mustache like a silent film-era villain. It also doesn't help that you're debuting him in a stupid tennis game. Seriously, if this is the first time we've seen him, how do we know he's evil? Because of his backhand?
#2.Every Racer that uses Comeback A.I., from Countless Racing Games
When we own the fastest racer on the track, are the most skilled driver, and sit in first place for minutes on end, we expect to build an ever-widening lead en route to a dominant victory, thus giving us that self-esteem boost we so desperately need.
However, racers who use comeback A.I. don't like it when you feel good about yourself. Making people angry and depressed is the highlight of their day. Whenever you move into first place, they gain an impossible speed burst (or, in Mario Kart, actually teleport ahead) to stay right behind you and wait for you to make the slightest mistake. Hit a pothole two seconds before the finish line, and these guys will sweep around you to claim the checkered flag.
Never mind that you just shaved a whole minute off the time it took you to win the race before, and that you've spent weeks honing your driving skills and upgrading your car. It's like a practical joke the system is playing on you, and you keep falling for it over and over again.
#1.The Dog from Duck Hunt
This dog, despite not even having a name, has truly earned his title as the single most hated character in video game history. For millions of kids, he was the very first video game character they ever saw, and it was their very first experience with having an inanimate computer mock their failure.
You could shoot a hundred ducks in a row, but as soon as you miss one, this idiot would be laughing at you like you pooped your pants. This canine is not man's best friend. To him, you're his human, to be mocked for his enjoyment. If real dogs did this, they'd be extinct by now. Mankind would have made sure of it.
These same people, who cried watching Old Yeller as a kid, found themselves shooting mercilessly at this animated, snickering dog, to no avail. So congratulations, Laughing Duck Hunt Dog. You were the first landmark annoying video game character, and for two decades you have held tightly onto that crown.
EDIT: source (http://www.cracked.com/article_15902_15-most-annoying-video-game-characters-from-otherwise-great-games.html)
i don't get why people find navi so annoying...
slippy and ashley should both be much higher on this list if you ask me...
The most annoying thing is when i'm battling a boss in SF64, and I hear, "WATCH OUT FOX!" or, "FOX! Are you Okay?!" Or the most annoying, "Fox, GET THIS GUY OFF ME!" UGGGHHHH, I cant stand that about her (it's a she right? Cuz in SFA, "It" Sounded like a guy lol
Quote from: blah54 on February 22, 2008, 08:46:48 PMi don't get why people find navi so annoying...
slippy and ashley should both be much higher on this list if you ask me...
i didn't think navi was that annoying either
but i didn't make this list, so... whatever
And that's what we call plagiarism. Please list the source ZeldaFan.
What's with the damn plagiarism-calling all the time! Give it a break already.
Tingle isn't annoying, he's just misunderstood. >:(
I like Dax. Best part of Jak's series.
i got my first ever headshot on that damn dog from duck hunt. AND HE DIDN'T DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Move Slippy to #1 and thats a good list.
In Picture #8 that's Tatl not Navi... ;D
Quote from: Dude on February 23, 2008, 09:19:10 AMIn Picture #8 that's Tatl not Navi... ;D
yeah, Navi's blue.
Tails is usefull, he picks up extra rings and smashes extra boxes and on the metropollis level act 3 he helps hugely with the boss, you just have to know how. For me tails doesnt count.
Some of those guys aren't annoying.....not Mr. Resetti.....He is #1!!!!
Quote from: The-Real-Link on February 23, 2008, 01:29:13 PMSome of those guys aren't annoying.....not Mr. Resetti.....He is #1!!!!
;D. Mr. Resseti is the worst!
I dont mind any of the characters on this list from the games I have played.
Baby Mario? You guys are being pansies...
Tails helps more. I never found him annoying...
Slippy Toad might have been aggravating if I payed attention to her.
Madden makes me laugh.
I never heard "HEY! Listen!" as others have claimed from Navi. Maybe I just don't mind it.
Tingle helps....
Mr. Resetti is the pwnage. DONT RESET! Just dont do it...
And Dog was necessary to make you feel awful. I enjoyed him.
If you wish to, you can tune out anything in a video game which is why I probably dont find any of these people annoying...
I love tails
if your playing two player or as tails in adventure theres nothing wrong with him
however i do not like tails in the newer games as he has to be in the stupid robot ( robotnik too!)
I also did not find navi that annoying
Watch, then tell me Navi is not annoying. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azxC7IbmtNc)
huh watch what?
Like thats happened in game though razer... ::)
If that was happening 100% of the time, then LoZ would stink. However, it doesn't.
There is no way you can judge normal Navi from that vid...
Quote from: razer84 on February 23, 2008, 03:25:43 PMWatch, then tell me Navi is not annoying. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azxC7IbmtNc)
Why didn't you make it THE INSANE EDITION? That one is WAY better.
The insane version for both that and the mudkip makes you start hearing really bad things if your mind is bad....
Quote from: JaMaHa on February 23, 2008, 02:13:48 AMWhat's with the damn plagiarism-calling all the time! Give it a break already.
source (http://www.cracked.com/article_15902_15-most-annoying-video-game-characters-from-otherwise-great-games.html/)
Has anyone seen Legend of Link? And Tingle whacking Navi with a baseball bat? Now THAT is heroic.
i love Legend of Link... that was funny
Quote from: razer84 on February 23, 2008, 03:25:43 PMWatch, then tell me Navi is not annoying. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azxC7IbmtNc)
i agree with most of what you said...including the Mario kart one.....ABSOLUTELY TRUE!
Baby Mario is so gay when he cries for help
I never found Waluigi annoying...his voice is a bit weird but he's like the other Nintendo characters!
And Mr. Resetti has to be number 1!!
I love it when he misses a ball in Mario Tennis
he says
OOH! in like a weird italian voice
this fairy is really annoying lets kill it, hey, get back here you, im gonna rip its wings off with a pair of tweezers
camera angles are the worst thing in every game.
worst than any character. 8)
Quote from: KINGOFTH3CASTLE on February 27, 2008, 12:42:59 PMcamera angles are the worst thing in every game.
worst than any character. 8)
that might have been true ten years ago, but now... not so much. (and there are a lot more FPSs these days, so idk how you could mess up that camera angle [although those haxors did do that in the Halo 3 beta and saw Master Chief's face...])
Dude, even the Galaxy camera tends to screw you over now and then.
yeah, well, Galaxy's a bad game, so i don't care. i don't play it anymore.
with the exception of resetti, none of these characters are actually annoying, just bizarre/weird/annoying if you have an OCD
Meh... Although this list is pretty funny, it's total crap. Why is poor Navi placed as #8? All the ones I've read before #8 sound way worse. I recently got done playing OoT again and seriously Navi hardly says a word (I actually welcome Navi's assistance, because OoT can get pretty tough. To me it's one of the harder Zelda games). If we're talking about characters from OoT who are annoying, then I'd rather pick Kaebora Gaebora (the owl) to be more annoying. When you're trying to get through his dialog by rapidly pressing the A button, and then you finally notice you're just going through the same dialog over and over again, now that is annoying... But not enough to be on a list like this! I could easily find another game character to take poor Navi's place. ;)
I think slippy toad should be #1! she (or he) is the most annoying character in SFX!
Quote from: B-Kpianist on February 22, 2008, 08:52:39 PMThe most annoying thing is when i'm battling a boss in SF64, and I hear, "WATCH OUT FOX!" or, "FOX! Are you Okay?!" Or the most annoying, "Fox, GET THIS GUY OFF ME!" UGGGHHHH, I cant stand that about her (it's a she right? Cuz in SFA, "It" Sounded like a guy lol
he really is a dude in star fox64 , he just doesnt sound like it
that's creepy. They must of used a really gay dude or a really annoying girl as the voice actor :P
What about the Marines of Halo (3, is the one I noticed it most.)
they jump in the way of my gun, then attack me when I accidentally shoot them
they shoot me "by accident"....
Oh, definitely.
"This is great in theory, but the marines have the unfortunate disposition of being pants-on-head retards."
-Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw
my list (top 5 worst!)
1 resseti
2 slippy
3 navi
4 Ashely
5 Waluigi i mean seriously an upside down L? i can see the M/W thing but not the L/Upsidown L i mean most gamers arent in russia!
Quote from: Dude on February 23, 2008, 09:19:10 AMIn Picture #8 that's Tatl not Navi... ;D
Sorry, never saw someone so picky.
Im probably gonna get yelled at by die-hard FF fans. I have to say cloud, Vincent and sephiroth is in my top 10. For various reasons actually. First off, what makes Cloud annoying is how the Game portays him. He's supposed to be the tough, scarred, manly character. Too bad they gave him Super yellow, spiky hair and a purple jumpsuit. Way to give mixed impressions.
Sephy is annoying because of why he wanted to destroy the world. It was portrayed as a uber traumatic experience of seeing the cruelty of Shinra. In all reality, all he saw was something that was supposed to be his mother (spoiler alert!!!!!!) even though it really wasn't, locked up in a tube. That whole game was pretty annoying actually. I enjoyed the game, its just that there were so many parts to it that made no sense what-so-ever.
What annoyed me about Vincent is how he was portrayed after the game in Advent Children. How was Vincent portrayed in that weird movie? the wiseman who knew everything and the person you needed to turn to in the toughest of times. Hmm, that makes sense until you play the game again. I kid you not, vincent says no more than 50 words in the entire game and it is all in his own little parts. He says nothing in the main plot, he plays no major role, he's not even that good a character. Also, how can you be super wise to everything in the world when you've been asleep the past 20 years?
Quote from: David Hauffe on April 21, 2008, 03:02:51 PMQuote from: Dude on February 23, 2008, 09:19:10 AMIn Picture #8 that's Tatl not Navi... ;D
Sorry, never saw someone so picky.
Your face is picky T_T
jkjk :P
GAH SPOILERS SO I DIDN'T READ ANYTHING PAST LIKE THE FIRST 2 SENTENCES but if you think that cloud having the spiky hair and stuff is bad, you obviously don't play JRPGs. And WTF is up with a little whiny kid in an orange jumpsuit calling himself a Ninja. Ninjas wear black. And are quick. He's just a little bitch, that Naruto.
Quote from: Gamer4250 on June 11, 2008, 10:35:05 PMNinjas wear black.
Correction. While some wore black, the majority wore dark blue and green and whatnot.
^Daily Info Tidbit^But yes, Naruto has the tendency to annoy after prolonged exposure. Especially the hardcore Naruto fans, since it's all they ever talk about...(no offense to any here) There's a couple at my school that I have to spend time around every day. (Sasuke is teh hotcakes!!1!)
Well let me correct myself...
Ninjas are only cool if they wear black.
How the hell did that wear come out as were... Did it auto-spellcheck? O_o
I've never seen a black ninja before, all the ones I've seen are white. But a black ninja would be pretty uber. (I'm bored if you haven't caught that yet)
Ok, this just hit me. The most annoying video game character is an NPC from .hack. It was .Hack Infection and the NPC was this little fruit that could be found out in the fields. There were many different ones, but i think the most annoying was the "Oh No" Melon. It just sat there on rocks screaming OH NO MELON!!! at you. Gah, i hated it so much. I guess on that same subject, most of the grunties from that particular span of .Hack were pretty horrible, especially the royal one that was all snobby to you.
You know what's annoying but mostly scary? POISON HEADCRABS. You'll turn a corner, then all of a sudden hear that little chirping noise and BAM. You have 1 health and are about to die D:
What's worse is that later on in the game they'll have them on the other side of a doorway off to the side so you can't see them JUST as you leave a really hard room so you'll rush through it.
Quote from: iatetheinternet on February 23, 2008, 12:58:04 PMTails is usefull, he picks up extra rings and smashes extra boxes and on the metropollis level act 3 he helps hugely with the boss, you just have to know how. For me tails doesnt count.
Tails took out Dr Eggman in Chemical Plant-I didn't even have to move!!!
woah,woah,woah daxter is not annoying. some of the stuff he says is freaken hilarious
baby mario is nowhere near as bad as baby peach
Quote from: Requiem on June 11, 2008, 11:14:57 PMQuote from: Gamer4250 on June 11, 2008, 10:35:05 PMNinjas wear black.
Correction. While some wore black, the majority wore dark blue and green and whatnot.
^Daily Info Tidbit^
But yes, Naruto has the tendency to annoy after prolonged exposure. Especially the hardcore Naruto fans, since it's all they ever talk about...(no offense to any here) There's a couple at my school that I have to spend time around every day. (Sasuke is teh hotcakes!!1!)
naruto is REALLY anoying, all the time. one of my friends (who also hates naruto) automaticaly deems anyone who likes naruto a "Narutard"
I don't see why Daxter is up there >:( he is awesome
Quote from: Wrydryn on August 03, 2008, 02:30:26 PMI don't see why Daxter is up there >:( he is awesome
i know, right
He is one of the best sidekicks ever so he is awesome can I get more Daxter supporters?
Slippy should be like first or second. Also, what about Prince Tricky from Star Fox Adventures? He was so annoying. He had all those annoying phases he said over and over.
"Let's play!"
"Where are we going?"
"Feed me Fox!"
where did they get this list if they made it on thier own we should have the right to say who is where on the list.(get daxter off of it!! :-[)
There is a link to the website that posted this list somewhere in here.
Anyway, Prince Tricky from Star Fox Adventures is an absolute must. Him, Navi, and Slippy own this list.
My favorite Slippy quote: "Fox I'll be monkey food if you don't get these guys off me!"
Quote from: Wrydryn on August 05, 2008, 11:01:41 AMwhere did they get this list if they made it on thier own we should have the right to say who is where on the list.(get daxter off of it!! :-[)
daxter should be on the list of best video game characters, not the most annoying
Daxter was funny, but he verged on annoying at times, then he deserved like an Emmy at other times.
DAMMIT TRICKY. He is easily the most annoying.
Why isnt there any bosses on that list????
bosses? you may ask
Umm idk - DARK LINK
not exactly a difficult boss, but you know...
you know that that's the reason why people like these characters? (execpt slippy of course)
Tingle is the Micheal Jackson of LoZ.
Quote from: Gamer4250 on August 07, 2008, 11:56:41 PMDAMMIT TRICKY. He is easily the most annoying.
No one seems to agree. Maybe not enough people play star fox adventures.