Should I sell my Wii and if so, what should I get to replace it?
Option 1: No
votes: 9
Option 2: Yes, PSP
votes: 1
Option 3: Yes, X-Box 360
votes: 8
Option 4:
Yes, PS3 (not going to happen but who knows). 
votes: 1
Option 5: Yes, (Other)
votes: 0
Yes, I'm getting tired of it. I barely play it so I don't see a point in keeping it.
Plz vote.
xbox pwns. But you need to like shooters to get the full awesomeness of the 360.
Get a 360 obviously.
Bioshock, Mass Effect, Orange Box, Oblivion, Fallout 3, Banjo, Lost Planet, Viva Piñata, Lost Odyssey, Left4Dead, XBLA games
Also amazing Xbox Live online which after you use you will think "wtf? The Wii is teh sux compared."
do not bother with ps3 or psp, both are just inferior to other things (360 and ds respectively)... 360 is probably your best bet...
I just don't want to spend too much money on XBL.
Plus I want to get a PSP just for homebrew junk.
XBL is $40-50 a year depending on where you buy it from.
It is not expensive at all.
And you can still get a silver membership and enjoy single player games.
I'd say sell it. I want to sell mine, but my dad won't let me (he says he likes Wii Bowling ::) ). Get a 360, I prefer PS3 myself, but since you said you weren't getting one... yeah, go with that.
I say go for the 360.
I would sell mine, but we still use it as a GCN.
Do what all the smart people say and get a 360.
Which means don't listen to Concerto tell you to get a PS3, that's only because he was a fool and bought one himself and is now stuck with it.
Quote from: Gamer4250 on December 06, 2008, 10:18:46 PMDo what all the smart people say and get a 360.
Which means don't listen to Concerto tell you to get a PS3, that's only because he was a fool and bought one himself and is now stuck with it.
lol :P
get a 360, much better than a PSP or a ps3
Though I WAS a Wii entusiast at the time but know that all the games are out and they abbandoned the fans and went with stupid ass games for Family fun. Go get a 360 and go get these games.
Gears of War 1 & 2
Halo 3
Fable 2 (I liked it)
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare
and plenty of others. and when you first experiance live you will definetly want to spend money every months, 3 months, or year (go with the year plan you save some extra cash)
I voted "no", but i want to cancel it cuz if you really want to replace your console, i think the Xbox 360 will be the best option.
Well, I wouldn't be so hasty now. Nintendo Power had coverage on all the new releases for 2009, and it looks pretty good. The Conduit, Arc Rise Fantasia, Tenchu 4, Madworld, No More Heroes 2, it looks like they have something to please everybody. I personally can't wait for Arc Rise Fantasia and The Conduit. Also, there may be a US release of the Fragile. PLUS, Nintendo announced that they are working on a new Zelda game, and that screenshots and trailers should be available at E3 '09!
well i'm at the point where I'm just keeping my WII for first-party games (when/if they ever come out)...
but if you don't want to bother with that, just sell it and get a X360 like everyone else has said... there is a greater variety of games now slowly starting to show up on the 360 (probably a result of the PS3 tanking...) but yeah, 360 is easily the best choice...