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Important Stuff => Help Guides => Topic started by: Latios212 on July 14, 2024, 03:06:29 PM

Title: Creating fanfare collections or other sheets with non-standard loops with Finale
Post by: Latios212 on July 14, 2024, 03:06:29 PM
Ever wondered how to create a fanfare collection or notate structure for tracks with things like weird loops, jumps, or alternate sections? This guide will help you set up those visual pieces in Finale to achieve an end result that looks something like one of these ( sheets ( (Note that this doesn't talk about engraving best practices; please refer to the Formatting Guidelines ( under Different Arrangement Types > Collections of two or more tracks for what your sheet should look like.)


First, start by writing out the parts you want on staves normally:

For any places where you want to insert a break in the system, highlight the measures in the latter part of the system and choose Plug-ins > Measures > Create Coda System... From here, leave the default spacing (you can adjust this later) but don't create any symbols.

Now you have the system break you need:

From here, edit the measure attributes of the last measure of each fanfare to prevent any courtesy key/time signatures from appearing, and use a solid barline:

For the first measure of each fanfare, ensure the time and key signatures do show:

Make sure measure numbers reset (and do not show) at the beginning of each fanfare by creating different measure number regions for each:

That should be about it! This is a fanfare collection used as an example but you can do similar things for tracks with alternate intros, odd jumps between sections, and such. If there are any further questions, feel free to ask :)