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NinSheetMusic => Submission Center => Projects => Topic started by: Francesca on July 02, 2024, 10:58:00 AM

Title: Francesca's Acquatic Update Project Sheet
Post by: Francesca on July 02, 2024, 10:58:00 AM
Clocktowers Beneath the Sea
A Hat in Time [PC]
[Files] (

Hello again! For this year's update, I decided to arrange this wonderful track from A Hat in Time. The process was rather complex, mostly due to the many voices that I found myself juggling with, all within a limited high range, but I managed to come up with something nonetheless and I am open to any suggestions regarding different ways to handle the polyphony, playability and maintaining the original "deep" feel of the track.

This is the only arrangement I will be uploading for the project - Thank you in advance!
Title: Re: Francesca's Acquatic Update Project Sheet
Post by: Francesca on July 10, 2024, 07:17:00 AM
Apologies! Upon looking close again, I found a few things that needed some modifying and went ahead to change them. I removed some instances of the higher voice being present when it isn't in the track, abolished some unplayable notes in the lower voice and parenthesized some that were present in both staves and changed some dynamics. I hope that doesn't trouble anyone who might have already been looking through the sheet.
Title: Re: Francesca's Acquatic Update Project Sheet
Post by: Kricketune54 on August 30, 2024, 11:57:31 AM
Hi apologies for the long time this went without feedback. There's going to be a lot I have to review more specifically between m5-m52,but to start off here's a few things I noticed in the notes.

• m1 RH beat 3 - there's actually a 32nd rest on 3.0, and then the F# currently on 3.0 is 32nd length right after the rest. This applies to m2-4, m29-32, m41-m48 RH part's.

Separately, I think tonally the LH chords are wrong for m1-4, and also apply for later LH measures as well.
•m1 En as the root in m1 beat 1 for example I think makes it sound E minor, when I think it would better to start the roll at Gn. I'm hearing the chord top to bottom as: Gn-Dn-Bn-F#. Then beat 3 it shifts to Bn-Gn-Dn-Gn (taking full advantage of the roll)
• m2 There's a bit more in the chords here, but I think these would work well (again top to bottom) C#-An-F#-En for beat 1, and beat 3 An-En-C#-F#
• These chords apply to m29-32, m41-m48 as well

• m53-56 I would relisten here. There's a lot more notes that could be added to fill out chords for the LH to play.