NinSheetMusic Forums

NinSheetMusic => Piano Arrangements => Topic started by: Kricketune54 on July 15, 2020, 11:28:00 AM

Title: ❗NEW: How to Check Piano Arrangements on NinSheetMusic
Post by: Kricketune54 on July 15, 2020, 11:28:00 AM
Hey all!

If anyone has any edits they'd recommend for any of my submissions or arrangements I'd greatly appreciate it! 

On-site Sheets (31 sheets!) (


On-site Sheets - Takes you directly to the sheet's page on NSM. On-site sheets are in green           
PA Exclusive Sheets - Click the song title link to open a Dropbox folder containing each of the standard NSM file types  :)       
Total On-site : 31
PA Exclusive Total: 18
Grand Total: 49


Pokémon Colosseum
Agate Village (
Cipher Peon Battle (
Friendly Battle (
Main Menu (
Miror B.'s Retro Groove (
Mt. Battle Rest Room (
Normal Battle (
Title Screen (
World Map (

Pokémon Ruby Version and Pokémon Sapphire Version
Trainers' Eyes Meet (Hiker) (

Pokémon Snap
Professor Oak (

Pokémon X & Pokémon Y
Geosenge Town (
Title Screen (

Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness
Cipher Admin Theme (
Dr. Kaminko's Manor (
Jovi is Sad (
S.S. Libra (
The Hexagon Brothers (

Pokémon Sword & Pokémon Shield
Battle! (Calyrex) (


Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
Neo Star (

Kirby Star Allies
Echo's Edge (
Puppet Offering (
World of Miracles - Planet Popstar (

Kirby's Return to Dream Land
Steel Station (

Kirby Triple Deluxe
Reflected Laughter (
Tilting the World (

Animal Crossing

Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Nook's Cranny (Before Closing) (
Outing (Waiting) (
Tournament in Progress (
Toy Day (


Metroid Dread
Ferenia (

Metroid Fusion
Environmental Mystery (
Sector 5 (ARC) (

Star Fox

Star Fox
Out of This Dimension (

Star Fox 64
Bill's Theme & Katt's Theme (
Meteo (


Select Time Theme (

Paper Mario

Super Paper Mario
Mr. L, Green Thunder (

Misc. Other Games

Among Us
Dead Body Reported (

Battlefield 3
Solomon's Theme (

CT Special Forces 2: Back in the Trenches
Sniper (
Snow (North America) / Game Over) (

Godzilla: Monster of Monsters
Mars / Intro (

Star Wars: Bounty Hunter
Main Theme (

Admittedly, I do not put a lot of value into this page as I find it too tedious to regularly update.  If you want to check out my arrangements, check my arranger page on NSM ( or visit my YouTube (

Feel free to drop a comment on the YouTube if you're looking for one of my sheets or would like to request anything.
Title: Re: Kricketune54's Arrangements - New - Katt's Theme (Star Fox 64)
Post by: Kricketune54 on July 19, 2020, 11:05:26 AM
Hey all, working on Katt's Theme, a small jingle from Star Fox 64!

Let me know if you have any feedback.  I think I need to change the .mus file to E minor but I couldn't seem to figure out how to get that to work.

Title: Re: Kricketune54's Arrangements - New - Katt's Theme (Star Fox 64)
Post by: Kricketune54 on November 12, 2020, 06:48:47 PM
I haven't really played around with this page in a while, because I'm kind of lazy about uploading things to DropBox.

However, I am adding several arrangements tonight!  I will only be posting PDFs and MUS from here on out, but I will put up other files if they are requested.  See my YouTube for audio. (

Pokémon Diamond & Pearl - Kricketune Cry
PDF (  MXL (

Pokémon Trainer Battle - Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness

PDF (  MUS ( 

Currently working on:

Pokémon Sword and Shield - Calyrex Battle Theme

Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS & Wii U - Menu

Star Wars 1313 - Main Theme
Title: Re: Kricketune54's Arrangements - Several New
Post by: Kricketune54 on November 16, 2020, 08:56:11 PM
Nothing like some late night sheet editing to ease the mind

Kirby's Return to Dream Land - Steel Station  MUS (  MIDI (  PDF (  MuseScore (

Wondering for M26-30 RH... should I make an effort to transcribe that weird roar/sound effect?  Otherwise that's an empty section.

Title: Re: *New* Kricketune54's Arrangements - Pokémon XD and Kirby's Return to Dream Land
Post by: Kricketune54 on November 26, 2020, 11:08:26 AM
Here are the (piano) keys to the King of Galar

Battle! Calyrex (PDF) (

Title: Re: *New* Battle! (Calyrex) from Pokémon SW and SH: Kricketune54's Arrangements
Post by: Kricketune54 on July 10, 2021, 10:50:17 PM
Just about full circle.  When the pandemic caused everything to lock down in March 2020, I picked up the piano again after touching it only here and there after high school.  Outside of some beginner books, my first picks upon restarting were to go back to NinSheetMusic (which I had used for several years prior), download and print some songs that seemed about right for myself, and begin playing.

About a year ago, I was looking to do something new in the summer, and I decided to give arranging a go.  For several years, I had enjoyed listening to BespinBen on YouTube, as well as diving through the various categories on site and printing off sheets; I guess I kind of wanted to try to make a contribution myself to the library of NinSheet. 

Now a little under a year later, I just wanted to say thanks to those who are a part of the community for helping me learn so much about not only piano, but arranging in general.  It's been pretty fun getting into this, and I hope to keep contributing for a while to come
Title: *NEW* Pokémon X & Pokémon - Title Screen Y Kricketune54's Arrangements
Post by: Kricketune54 on September 04, 2021, 08:18:06 PM
Nani???  What's this???  A PA Post???

That's right, with inspiration after today's event, as well as some other projects wrapping up in my life, I finally got around to doing some more arranging. Over the next week or so, I hope to post at least two or three arrangements in total, depending on my freedom to work on them.

As for today, I give you the Title Screen music from Pokémon X & Pokémon Y.  Yeah, it's the same old main series theme, but I have always enjoyed this particular version.  Something about starting up Pokémon Y, hearing those triplets and the subtle main motif before opening into the main melody as Yveltal flaps along on screen... it really makes me soar.  A great blend of nostalgia, adventure, and satisfaction that Pokémon is back, and it's in 3D.

Title Screen - Pokémon X & Pokémon Y (

I see that people want the pink puffball- fear not, he shall arrive soon enough here...
Title: Re: *NEW* Professor Oak - Pokémon Snap Kricketune54's Arrangements
Post by: Kricketune54 on September 12, 2021, 10:21:42 AM
Welcome back! 

Professor Oak - Pokémon Snap (

Meant to upload this yesterday but felt like putting it out before weekend was over.  Do check out the new poll I just started for what types of arrangements want to be seen!

Title: Re: *NEW* Environmental Mystery - Metroid Fusion Kricketune54's Arrangements
Post by: Kricketune54 on October 24, 2021, 06:44:30 PM
Metroid is the current winner of my arranging poll.  This will not be the last arrangement from the games I post...

Short and spooky, perfect for the month.  Happy Halloween!

Environmental Mystery - Metroid Fusion (

Title: 🎄The 12 Days of Sheetzmas!🎄 DAY 1 - Kricketune54's Arrangements
Post by: Kricketune54 on December 14, 2021, 06:28:16 AM
This might be a reach and a copy of this trend.  But I'm gonna give this a go, and try to avoid doing a bunch of jingles and short pieces... or just adding arrangements I haven't put on here yet.  No cop outs.

Feel free to sing along! 

On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to meeeeeeeeee

Dr. Kaminko's Manor from Pokémon XD

[.PDF] (

[.MIDI] (

[.MUS] (

[.MUSX] (

Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness - Dr. Kaminko's Manor

This is a quirky tune that plays inside Dr. Kaminko's house, who is a somewhat important side character in Pokémon XD.  It's a humorous tune noteable for its association with his assistant Chobin, and the contrast of the mysterious sounding exterior music.  I remember the moment of entering this house for the first time rather fondly with how the tension of Chobin accusing you of being a trespasser goes away.
Title: Re: 🎄The 12 Days of Sheetzmas!🎄 DAY 1 - Kricketune54's Arrangements
Post by: Latios212 on December 14, 2021, 03:49:28 PM
Quote from: Kricketune54 on December 14, 2021, 06:28:16 AMOn the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to meeeeeeeeee

Dr. Kaminko's Manor from Pokémon XD
good rhyme
Title: repyl
Post by: on December 14, 2021, 04:04:03 PM
Quote from: Kricketune54 on December 14, 2021, 06:28:16 AMBut I'm gonna give this a go, and try to avoid doing a bunch of jingles and short pieces... or just adding arrangements I haven't put on here yet.  No cop outs.

I feel attacked...
Title: Re: 🎄The 12 Days of Sheetzmas!🎄 DAY 1 - Kricketune54's Arrangements
Post by: Kricketune54 on December 14, 2021, 04:42:02 PM
Quote from: Latios212 on December 14, 2021, 03:49:28 PMgood rhyme

From here on out every first day song will be from Pokémon XD

Quote from: LeviR.starI feel attacked...

 :'( I was really more referring to not just uploading my sheets that I've already had submitted.  Gonna be some jingle/short stuff in here (already feeling a crunch 💀)
Title: Re: 🎄The 12 Days of Sheetzmas!🎄 DAY 2 - Kricketune54's Arrangements
Post by: Kricketune54 on December 15, 2021, 02:22:00 PM

                        ❄                                                                             ❄

On the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to meeeeeeeeee❄

2 Tournaments (Fishing and Bug)

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[.MUS] (

[.MUSX] (

Animal Crossing: New Horizons Tournament (In Progress)

For day 2, it's the upbeat theme you wake up to when it's Tourney Day in New Horizons!  Maybe not the most known set of tracks in the game, but the tournament songs are really fun combo tunes (though I am not planning on doing the song that plays for when you're mid-tournament this time around unfortunately).  The tuba is the most underrated instrument in the NH soundtrack imo

Overall though, this was fun... if I get back around to this at some point though I might consider adapting some of the snare hits into pitches.  But on the flipside, the space is somewhat satisfying to my ear...?

please please please don't listen to the playback idk how to make it happen I tried everything
Title: Re: 🎄The 12 Days of Sheetzmas!🎄 DAY 3 Godzilla - Kricketune54's Arrangements
Post by: Kricketune54 on December 16, 2021, 05:29:27 PM
On the third day of Christmas, my true love gave to meeeeeeeeee

3 Giant Kaiju

[.PDF] (

[.MIDI] (

[.MUS] (

[.MUSX] (

Godzilla: Monster of Monsters - Intro / Mars

Okay so today's attempt at staying within the song lyrics isn't that factually true.  There are more than 3 monsters in Godzilla: Monster of Monsters, but you can only play as two, and the introduction scene that this song plays during only specifies King Ghidorah as the evil monster (you fight a decent handful in the game).

Maybe you've heard of this game because of AVGN, maybe from the creepypasta (which I didn't know was a thing till this past year).  It's not that great a game, and the music is decent-ish for the NES era.  As a kid though (before I discovered much better Godzilla games), Godzilla in a video game?  And I can be Mothra?  Now that was awesome.

This is the oldest song I think I've arranged yet (track name is what Niko's 8 Bit Stereo calls it on YouTube).  I've always kinda gravitated to this track for its hopeful direction in the face of an alien invasion, but it is admittedly a little lackluster when adapting its channels to the keys of a piano.
Title: Re: 🎄The 12 Days of Sheetzmas!🎄 DAY 3 Godzilla - Kricketune54's Arrangements
Post by: Kricketune54 on December 17, 2021, 01:29:44 PM
On the Fourth day of Christmas, my true love gave to meeeeeeeeee

4 Special Operatives

[.PDF] (

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[.MUS] (

[.MUSX] (

CT Special Forces 2: Back In The Trenches - Sniper

Might be the most or second most obscure game for my 12 days, depends on if I get to the clear favorite lol.

There are indeed 4 playable special operators in CT Special Forces 2: Back In The Trenches, also known as CT Special Forces 2: Back To Hell in the PAL region.  For a while, I had no idea who the composers were to this OST because it says Shin'en Multimedia in the credits instead of a person, and even though I emailed the company a few years ago, I still didn't know the answer.  But someone included composer info on the Wikipedia page!  It seems like they check out.

Anyway, this was my favorite GBA game as a kid, before I discovered Pokémon no less.  I've seen it described as Metal Slug like, but having hardly played Metal Slug I have no frame of reference.  This song is not what I was intending to post for today (the one I was going to didn't work out super well so I went with this), but I have a second song from it I will probably post for one of the other 12 days.  As the title indicates, it plays during a sniping segment, which functions more as an extra lives minigame.
Title: Re: 🎄The 12 Days of Sheetzmas!🎄 DAY 5 Metroid Fusion- Kricketune54's Arrangements
Post by: Kricketune54 on December 18, 2021, 02:30:17 PM
On the Fifth day of Christmas, my true love gave to meeeeeeeeee

Fiiiiiive Spoooky Sectooors

[.PDF] (

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[.MUSX] (

Metroid Fusion - Sector 5 (ARC)

So there are six sectors in Metroid Fusion.... at least until you send Sector 6 plummeting to Planet SR 338's surface (precluding the rest of the BSL station of course).  Today's arrangement is the Arctic Sector 5, which was a bit ear piercing after a while to arrange for as short as it is.  Thought it was fitting, since we got a bit of snow today.
Title: Re: 🎄The 12 Days of Sheetzmas!🎄 DAY 6 Battlefield 3 - Kricketune54's Arrangements
Post by: Kricketune54 on December 19, 2021, 12:35:04 PM
On the Sixth day of Christmas, my true love gave to meeeeeeeeee

$6(0) dollar shooter

[.PDF] (

[.MIDI] (

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[.MUSX] (

Battlefield 3 - Solomon's Theme

Battlefield 3 was one of my favorite shooters of the last decade- it actually came out a little over a decade ago at this point (the memories  :'().  Yes, it's pretty formulaic in a sense by today's standards, but back then, whoa I had never played anything like it.  Battlefield had existed before of course, but this was the big return to 64 player game modes, along with the destruction features of more recent Battlefield titles. 

Anyway, this is the theme of the main villain in the campaign.  Not a memorable foe by any means... I think he was French?  This theme is most known to gamers though because an abridged version of Solomon's Theme plays when you lose a match.  Also people in the Battlefield fanbase used to like to make piano covers of it, though they were not quite that faithful to the song beyond the melody (probably for the better...).
Title: Re: 🎄The 12 Days of Sheetzmas!🎄 DAY 7 Kirby TripleD - Kricketune54's Arrangements
Post by: Kricketune54 on December 20, 2021, 05:52:19 PM
On the Seventh day of Christmas, my true love gave to meeeeeeeeee

7th Handheld Sequel

[.PDF] (

[.MIDI] (

[.MUS] (

[.MUSX] (

Kirby Triple Deluxe - Tilting The World

Maybe the weakest day theme attempt so far (hey it was this or 7 collectible sunstones or something, and there's way more than 7), but it'll do.

Somebody posted some sort of head empty compilation in the Discord recently and I saw this song in the track list.  I thought for some reason it was from RtDL but no less, here's some Kirby for the pink puffball fans out there!  Should be one more this countdown. ;)
Title: Re: 🎄The 12 Days of Sheetzmas!🎄 DAY 8 Pokémon RSE - Kricketune54's Arrangements
Post by: Kricketune54 on December 21, 2021, 08:54:34 AM
On the Eighth day of Christmas, my true love gave to meeeeeeeeee

8 Gen III Hikers

[.PDF] (

[.MIDI] (

[.MUS] (

[.MUSX] (

Pokémon Ruby & Pokémon Sapphire Version - Trainers' Eyes Meet (Hiker)

I was delighted last night to find there are 8 hiker trainers in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire versions. 

This goofy sounding march is probably my favorite trainer encounter theme from Pokémon, outside of Cynthia's trainer theme maybe. I have a lot of nostalgia associated with this; my brother and I used to grind Ruby and Sapphire together, and we would constantly be rematching trainers, particularly the hikers (I think we thought their locations were convenient, and you could gain a decent amount of experience from all their Geodudes and Gravelers).  One of the hikers we found quite funny, who would shout Yodelayhihoo! at you and expect you to shout it back because there wasn't an echo in the location.  They all seem so aloof and oafish, and this jolly theme matches that perfectly.

I've left out the pluckier inner part on this currently because it doesn't seem like it fits in well with a piano part, but maybe later down the line I'll sprinkle it in (probably while there is a RH held note).
Title: Re: 🎄The 12 Days of Sheetzmas!🎄 DAY 9 F-Zero - Kricketune54's Arrangements
Post by: Kricketune54 on December 22, 2021, 06:32:14 AM
On the Ninth day of Christmas, my true love gave to meeeeeeeeee

9 Deadly Race Tracks

[.PDF] (

[.MIDI] (

[.MUS] (

[.MUSX] (

F-Zero - Select Time Theme

Yeah there's more than 9 tracks in F-Zero... but there are 9 if you exclude any of the II or III variations of tracks!

This is a pretty short track, but a calming and relaxed classic (in contrast to almost every other track from the series) that I was first introduced to by the Captain Falcon main Fatality, who used to use this as his YouTube ending screen. Perhaps some will not agree with the cut time choice, but that was how I was feeling the beat when arranging this.
Title: Re: 🎄The 12 Days of Sheetzmas!🎄 DAY 10 CT SF - Kricketune54's Arrangements
Post by: Kricketune54 on December 23, 2021, 09:07:34 AM
On the Tenth day of Christmas, my true love gave to meeeeeeeeee

10 Lost Lives

[.PDF] (

[.MIDI] (

[.MUS] (

[.MUSX] (

CT Special Forces 2: Back In The Trenches - Snow (North America) / Game Over

More CT Special Forces, this time the snow level theme (which also is the game over theme - you can have a maximum of 10 lives).  The level themes are pretty good in this game overall, and I think this or the Middle Eastern one are my favorite.  This particular level has a frustrating part where you have to diffuse 4 bombs in a short time period.  They are spread throughout the base fairly far apart (though it is a mostly linear level), but it's easy to lose a lot of lives failing at the countdown.  And then immediately after, you fight a boss!  The game is not very difficult overall, but the final boss is hard for the weird fact that you can only win by shooting explosives right next to it or tossing grenades over a front plow.  While dodging rolling barrels and falling bombs.

Title: reply thingy
Post by: on December 23, 2021, 11:02:49 AM
Quote from: Kricketune54 on December 20, 2021, 05:52:19 PMOn the Seventh day of Christmas, my true love gave to meeeeeeeeee

7th Handheld Sequel

[.PDF] (

[.MIDI] (

[.MUS] (

[.MUSX] (

Kirby Triple Deluxe - Tilting The World

Maybe the weakest day theme attempt so far (hey it was this or 7 collectible sunstones or something, and there's way more than 7), but it'll do.

Somebody posted some sort of head empty compilation in the Discord recently and I saw this song in the track list.  I thought for some reason it was from RtDL but no less, here's some Kirby for the pink puffball fans out there!  Should be one more this countdown. ;)

Late, but thanks for arranging this! More Kirby: Triple Deluxe sheets are always appreciated.
Title: Re: 🎄The 12 Days of Sheetzmas!🎄 DAY 11 KSA - Kricketune54's Arrangements
Post by: Kricketune54 on December 24, 2021, 06:34:56 PM
Quote from: on December 23, 2021, 11:02:49 AMLate, but thanks for arranging this! More Kirby: Triple Deluxe sheets are always appreciated.

Absolutely!  Modern Kirby needs love too.

Speaking of which:

On the Eleventh day of Christmas, my true love gave to meeeeeeeeee

11 Friends and Foes

[.PDF] (

[.MIDI] (

[.MUS] (

[.MUSX] (

Kirby Star Allies - Echo's Edge

Welp, I made it up to Day 11, and made an excuse one way or another why each song was in that position for the day.  There's way more than 11 helpers in Star Allies, even if you're just counting DLC it doesn't add up nicely  :P

On the song though, one of my fav level themes from Star Allies - especially the chord changes at 0:31  ;D.  The atmosphere is good enough to take you out of the absolute cakewalk of a level Echo's Edge is (along with most of the game).

Might change this one around a bit if I ever submit it, have definitely cooled a bit on it since I started this a month or so ago.  The LH part could've gone a few separate ways, either extremely basic with just the bass notes, or like what I did, combining the ascending piano notes with the bass.  Admittedly, to pull it off, it drops the bass pulse off at parts and kind of feels awkward coming in and back out, so in the future I might change up the notes so that it's intervals instead of the actual ascending notes.  Would love to hear other ideas as well!

🎄Happy Christmas Eve all, have a good a night  ;D
Title: RE: DAY 12 Animal Crossing: New Horizons - Toy Day
Post by: Kricketune54 on December 25, 2021, 08:44:41 PM
On the Twelfth day of Christmas, my true love gave to meeeeeeeeee

12 Animal Buddies

[.PDF] (

[.MIDI] (

[.MUS] (

[.MUSX] (

Animal Crossing: New Horizons - Toy Day

Welp, this is what happens when there's a mandatory viewing of National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation right after dinner.  But hey, I guess like Sam Wainwright in It's a Wonderful Life, I come in at the nick of time with my sheet  8)

There are two versions of "Toy Day" in New Horizons, one for either if it's a sunny day or if it's snowing.  I just did one though, because the snowy version just seemed to add some sparse drumming, which in my opinion didn't need to be translated into another version (the added parts would probably clutter the existing and appropriate sparseness where it exists).

Finally, let's round off 12 Days of Sheetsmas all at once!  This was a fun thing to do over the past 12 days, but I'm kinda glad to now have the daily aspect off my back for another 353 days.

12 Animal Buddies
11 Friends and Foes
10 Lost Lives
9 Deadly Race Tracks
8 Gen III Hikers
7th Handheld Sequel
$6(0) dollar shooter
Fiiiiiive Spoooky Sectooors
4 Special Operatives
3 Giant Kaiju
2 Tournaments (Fishing and Bug)
Dr. Kaminko's Manor from Pokémon XD

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas, and to those who still have a few hours left, I hope you have a great rest of it  ;D
Title: NEW - Kirby Star Allies - Kricketune54's Arrangements
Post by: Kricketune54 on January 25, 2022, 10:36:40 AM
Time to do the first thread update of 2022!  Not much to show up with today, just a short 8 bar piece.  I was going to submit this for February, but I'm a little dissatisfied with how it turned out so I might not after all yet.  After the first four bars, the spacey albeit straightforward chord notes that make up the LH start to see a variety of octaves come out... at least in the current blend I think I'm almost there, but I don't know if it's worth spending extra time on.

[.PDF] (

[.MIDI] (

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[.MUSX] (

Kirby Star Allies - Planet of Miracles, Popstar

Do people want to see this cleaned up in time, or should I focus on something else?

Title: Re: NEW - Star Fox - Kricketune54's Arrangements
Post by: Kricketune54 on February 11, 2022, 06:41:57 PM
Unintentionally, I have posted two space-based arrangements in a row.

Until recently I had never actually played or heard the entirety of the first Star Fox (despite 64 being one of my all-time fav games).  It's certainly a product of its time, but I can still appreciate the innovation that the game brought.  The musical tone though, despite being for the first game in the series, evokes a feeling of 90's coolness that is not really ever replicated outside of the first game in the series.  While I love 64's soundtrack, and the more cinematic, space opera tone that its music brought to the series, Hajime Hirasawa made some bumpin tunes for your space battles in the OG game.

Then there's this.  If you want more context as to what "Out of This Dimension" is from in Star Fox, definitely watch this easter egg video (   No current plans to arrange the music for the slot machine boss fight.

Astute listeners will recognize this Star Fox song is itself an arrangement of Johann Strauss's Voices of Spring... after hearing the zaniness of this rendition I had to arrange it.  Hope someone can appreciate it, and that I didn't butcher the accidentals in m37-38

[.PDF] (

[.MIDI] (

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[.MUSX] (

Star Fox - Out of This Dimension

Title: Re: NEW - Pokémon - Kricketune54's Arrangements
Post by: Kricketune54 on February 21, 2022, 04:49:21 PM
Pokémon Colosseum has some very memorable location themes (if you played the game lol)... while this might be your third or fourth favorite Orre town theme (i.e. most people like Phenac City, The Under or Pyrite Town's themes more), it's actually my first.  Always gravitated towards the very calm blues feeling, the harmonica, and then the string section that soars in after the first go through of the melody.  It's so rustic!  Glad that I finally took the time today to finish this and share it out there.  I've been practicing this one as well; it won't be ready for tomorrow's performances on Discord, perhaps it'll appear sometime this Spring  ;)

I know it's a fairly big thing to grapple with, but I went back and forth a lot early on on if this should be in 12/18 or 4/4 swing, and I ended up with the latter primarily because of the accompaniment part didn't look super great in 12/8 or 6/8 imo until m22.  Plus I think the swing feeling is more present than your typical 6/8 blues, but  I'd be interested in knowing what others thought though!

[.PDF] (

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Pokémon Colosseum - Agate Village

Title: Re: NEW - Geosenge Town - Pokémon X & Y - Kricketune54's Arrangements
Post by: Kricketune54 on April 16, 2022, 06:30:50 PM
Did not intend to post two Pokémon town themes in a row, but here we are! 

Back to Kalos after 7 months time.  One of my favorite town themes... it's got such a relaxed and chill theme to it, but also has a forward feeling rhythm with the percussion parts.  My arrangement attempts to marry the piano and guitar dueling melodies in the section after the intro, though it favors the guitar as far as representation.  If anyone is acutely familiar with this piece, I have also made a lot of embellished rhythms out of piano/string chords that lay under each bar, given that the bass parts are fairly sparse throughout most of "Geosenge Town".

Also upload date not intentional, given the context of this location and big stone "tombs" opening up lol.  Happy Easter to all who celebrate!

[.PDF] (

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Pokémon X & Y - Geosenge Town

Title: Re: NEW - Geosenge Town - Pokémon X&Y - Kricketune54's Arrangements
Post by: Kricketune54 on May 15, 2022, 05:57:27 PM
Decided I'd get around to posting my Space Travel Project sheets, both of which were unfortunately not ready on time as it turned out. Not super enthused about my Rogue Squadron sheet given some arranging choices I wasn't totally satisfied with, might play around with it a bit more in the future but not anticipating submitting it anytime soon.

For "Hostiles Revisited", I would be curious to hear if anyone thinks more of the unique embellishments of this version (it is an arrangement of Sector Y from Star Fox 64 to begin with) such as at m8 and m12 should be added in; I personally wasn't sure if they detracted from the melody so I left out in my first go around at least.

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The Hangar - Star Wars: Rogue Squadron

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Hostiles Revisited - Star Fox: Assault

Title: 🎄12 Days of Sheetsmas Day 1: Title Screen - Pokémon BW2
Post by: Kricketune54 on December 13, 2022, 06:04:40 PM
Well, looks like I'm the first to it  :P, let's say I'm on European time and not that I can't count to 12 properly. My preparation for this year's 12 Days of Sheetsmas is higher than last year, but two group sessions of EU4 over the weekend took a lot of time I had planned to use for arranging so hopefully there isn't a crunch in the latter part of next week...

On the First day of Christmas, my true love gave to meeeeeeeeee

Title Screen - Pokémon Black 2 Version and Pokémon White 2 Version

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Keeping with Gen 5's more dramatic tone, this rendition of the Pokémon series title theme one of my favorites in the series. I remember listening all the way through when I first booted up my copy of White 2, and being astounded by the audio quality and the depth of the arrangement. I think the rendition sounds somewhat Akira Ikafube-like (original composer of the Godzilla films), which fits the kaiju aesthetic of the cover 'Mons.

While the depth made it tough to arrange for piano, and there's parts I'm not entirely satisfied with (looking at you intro RH), I still am happy to put this up as my Day 1. I had this mostly arranged and on my YouTube (in "Synthesia" form) back in October, but I did more editing in the lead up to today.

I hope you enjoy some different sheets from what you normally see from my submissions for this Christmas, no repeats of games this time!
Title: 🎄12 Days of Sheetsmas Day 2: Tournament (In Progress) - ACNH
Post by: Kricketune54 on December 15, 2022, 07:16:49 AM
On the Second Day of Christmas, my true love gave to meeeeeeeeee

Tournament (In Progress) - Animal Crossing: New Horizons

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It seems I've returned from my trip overseas. Not exactly unfamiliar arranging territory for me yet, but this one is a follow up to last year's Tournament (Waiting) theme. I think this was slightly more difficult to arrange, as it features some solo instrument parts trading alongside some lower layer chords (representing the acoustic part). Still, it feels good to put this one up, a year later to the date!
Title: 12 Days of Sheetsmas Day 3: Frontier Serenade - Star Fox: Assault
Post by: Kricketune54 on December 16, 2022, 01:05:24 PM
On the Third Day of Christmas, my true love gave to meeeeeeeeee

Frontier Serenade - Star Fox: Assault

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Okay. I lied. Not breaking new ground quite yet. But here's a non-replacement Star Fox: Assault sheet! This track is actually a remake of Katina from Star Fox 64, and is fairly faithful to that despite this being a live orchestra performance (this version has a lower tempo). There's some interesting stuff going on with the time signatures, and I really like the m30-38 build up. Overall, a very jubilant piece for an alien invasion.
Title: 🎄12 Days of Sheetsmas Day 4: FE: New Mystery of the Emblem: The Right Road
Post by: Kricketune54 on December 17, 2022, 02:08:57 PM
On the Fourth Day of Christmas, my true love gave to meeeeeeeeee

Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem: The Right Road

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This is the first Fire Emblem arrangement I've ever completed. I discovered this particular track, which is an arranged version of the famous "Advance" theme from Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem, through the Relaxing Music from Fire Emblem Series ( compilation on YouTube; it's a great compilation containing four hours of tracks from games prior to Three Houses (it was released in 2017). This track stuck out in particular for not only the calmer rendition of a distinctive melody, but also for the piano part that seemed like it would make for a fine arrangement.

For those not aware, New Mystery of the Emblem is a remake of Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem for the Nintendo DS. It is a follow-up to the DS remake of Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon, and to my knowledge, it is the most recent of the series to have never seen official release out of Japan (this track name is what I see most commonly translated). I haven't played too much of the series, having 15 hours or so in a Awakening, on a file I haven't touched in at least 7 years (though many hours played as Marth, Roy, and Byleth over the years in Smash). This year though, I checked out the series' music beyond what I was familiar with from that game and Smash, and have come to really enjoy it, mainly the 3DS games and Valentia in particular.
Title: 🎄12 Days of Sheetsmas Day 5: Call of Duty Black Ops II: Main Theme
Post by: Kricketune54 on December 18, 2022, 03:49:40 PM
On the Fitfth Day of Christmas, my true love gave to meeeeeeeeee

Call of Duty Black Ops II: Main Theme

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Well I did a Battlefield sheet from a ten year old game last year, only fitting I do a Call of Duty one I guess.

This is the longest arrangement I've done to date, and while there are certainly some repetitive cut and paste bassline parts, I found it quite difficult to adapt the whole song. This track plays in abridged form on BO2's main menu with just the piano and synth parts of the full track, and in full in a few dramatic moments of the campaign. Hopefully it doesn't sound too empty at parts because I was trying to get the same deep bass sound from a piano as all the stuff Trent Reznor was playing around with this (yes, the Nine Inch Nails dude wrote this track but for some reason didn't compose the whole soundtrack like promos make it seem like he was going to (

At the end of the day, not a very difficult song to play. I like the dark, brooding feel to it, and the building tension leading to the dramatic reveal at the end.
Title: Re: 🎄12 Days of Sheetsmas Day 6: Pokémon X&Y: Snowbelle City
Post by: Kricketune54 on December 19, 2022, 06:18:09 PM
On the Sixth Day of Christmas, my true love gave to meeeeeeeeee

Snowbelle City - Pokémon: X & Y

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And were half way there. Time to get thematic.

Spent a bit longer on this than I expected - it's a relatively short loop, but there's some density to what's going on and I felt I wasn't capturing it enough with my first go through.
Title: Re: 🎄12 Days of Sheetsmas Day 7: Mario Kart DS: Failure
Post by: Kricketune54 on December 20, 2022, 12:33:50 PM
On the Seventh Day of Christmas, my true love gave to meeeeeeeeee

Failure - Mario Kart DS

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I didn't contribute to the Mario Kart project, but if it were beyond just tracks, I guess this is my contribution lol.

Heard this many a time as a kid; the goofy, somewhat bashful tone contrasts well with the disappointment and occasional rage felt by the player. It was fun to figure out how to best work it for piano, as the accompaniment is a mix of the bassline and some modification of that plucky banjo. Haven't swung in a good while.
Title: Re: 🎄12 Days of Sheetsmas Day 8: DSVII: Modern Military Tactics - Green Belts
Post by: Kricketune54 on December 21, 2022, 07:55:26 PM
On the Eighth Day of Christmas, my true love gave to meeeeeeeeee

Dai Senryaku VII: Modern Military Tactics - Green Belts

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I have a strong feeling no one has ever heard of this game, but that's okay. Dai Senryaku, literally meaning Grand Strategy in Japan is a military turn based strategy game. And while I've never played Advanced Wars, that is the series it is often compared to (Daisenryaku/Dai Senryaku predates Famicom Wars by a few years).

The series has had only a couple releases outside of Japan, with DSVII being the one most known to players due to it releasing on Xbox and PlayStation. A later sequel did make its way on Steam in 2018, but it wasn't until last year that many of its bugs and translation issues got solved. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone unless you are willing to pay $30 when it is on sale, and can stomach some very amateurish presentation and bad graphics. What can I say though, I've put 500+ hours into it...  :-X

The Dai Senryaku titles are very cool games for a very specific type of person, but I'm glad to have a small group of irl friends who I got hooked to it as well. Almost got some US Army officers and State Department personnel into it too at one point...

Anyway, that's enough of that, onto the track. The music in DSVII is also a bit ear grating, and I wouldn't doubt this track will have few fans as well. That said, it's like the only one I can listen to in Dai Senryaku VII. It's a very different sort of musical track for a strategy game, as most strategy game tracks are fairly dramatic, or have a march theme to them. "Green Belts", however, is rather funky, with a very cool bass part laying it down throughout the track, and even a couple synth solos. Whereas most tracks in this game are short, dramatic loops, this track is cool and laid back, almost like, "c'mon, you've got all the time in the world. Beat the map". The hardest part of the track to arrange was the end, and is also the part I look forward to the most (it sounds almost like the music is skipping, but it's actually some really interesting off beat choices).

I started this arrangement quite a while ago, and had intended to submit it for the Colors update, but it was not close to being done when the deadline hit. The reason I even bothered arranging this track though is the connection I've had to it, and that's one thing I try to bring with the arrangements I put out  ;D

Note the YouTube link starts at m21 and then loops back to the repeat. Couldn't find a proper YouTube upload, and whoever uploaded to KHInsider actually didn't rip the music right (there is a skip where it should loop at m40) KHInsider Link (

P.S wot is a Green Belt anyway
Title: Re: 🎄12 Days of Sheetsmas Day 9: Harvest Moon: Magical Melody - Moonlight Café
Post by: Kricketune54 on December 22, 2022, 07:20:45 PM
On the Ninth Day of Christmas, my true love gave to meeeeeeeeee

Moonlight Café - Harvest Moon: Magical Melody

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This is the second arrangement of this 12 Days that I will have discovered from a compilation ( I've never played a Harvest Moon game before, but this track was quite nice and I have wanted to arrange it for a while. Hopefully this isn't too much of an accidental minefield; the further I got along, the more I could tell that it was getting outside my comfort zone. But a challenge is a challenge, so I likely will revisit this with less of a time constraint in the future.

Oh, and the original is pitched a bit sharp, so you'll notice that if you play the midi for this; it will be a bit jarring.

Tomorrow is Friday and the start of the Holiday Weekend, but it will be a shorter arrangement. Shorter, but relevant to world events of the past couple weeks...
Title: 🎄12 Days of Sheetsmas Day 10: International Superstar Soccer 64 - Title Screen
Post by: Kricketune54 on December 23, 2022, 06:32:15 PM
On the Tenth Day of Christmas, my true love gave to meeeeeeeeee

International Superstar Soccer 64 - Title Screen

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In honor of the World Cup's recent conclusion, I present this gem. Though this song went viral three summers ago, it's okay if you don't recognize the name. Yes, I am talking of course about Ronaldinho Soccer, the bootleg version of International Superstar Soccer 64, the former of which was highly memed for about a month. This sheet is short, and a bit hard on the right hand. I was going to arrange this if Sports won the last project update, but it makes for good content for the 12 Days countdown 

Bootleg Sheet (
Title: 🎄12 Days of Sheetsmas Day 10: International Superstar Soccer 64 - Title Screen
Post by: on December 23, 2022, 09:14:17 PM
This might be the meme-iest sheet I've seen all year. Thanks for doing this one, as well as the bootleg version for good measure!
Title: 🎄12 Days of Sheetsmas Day 11: F-Zero - White Land II
Post by: Kricketune54 on December 24, 2022, 08:11:27 PM
Quote from: on December 23, 2022, 09:14:17 PMThis might be the meme-iest sheet I've seen all year. Thanks for doing this one, as well as the bootleg version for good measure!

Thanks! It's a bit old, but it still checks out (the meme)

On the Eleventh Day of Christmas, my true love gave to meeeeeeeeee

F-Zero - White Land II

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I guess this is thematic by virtue of the title. Why White Land II and not just White Land? Well I was a little short on time today, and the first seemed like it would take a bit more to arrange (I ran out of time to work on the the track I had planned to upload :P). I made some small changes to the left hand part (i.e. tying beats 1.75 and 2 and 3.75 and 4), because despite its simplicity, the bassline is quite fast.

Hope everyone had/has a nice, warm Christmas Eve!
Title: 🎄12 Days of Sheetsmas Day 12: Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards - Shiver Star
Post by: Kricketune54 on December 25, 2022, 02:43:58 PM
On the Twelfth Day of Christmas, my true love gave to meeeeeeeeee

Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards - Shiver Star

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Merry Christmas everyone! For the final present of the 12 days, here is not only a Kirby classic, but also a replacement sheet. Hopefully the cheery melody of "Shiver Star" brightens a cold winter's night.

This track is definitely not one that you can do much with with by just sticking with the melody and bassline octaves as is, but if there's anyone who thinks more could be fit into the RH from m32 to the end, certainly post your comments!

And with that, my 2nd 12 Days project comes to an end. Lessons were learned last year, and this time I made sure to have more preparation for the 12 Days, both in what I had ready to work on and in what I knew I could accomplish in this time period. The goal was to focus on series that I don't usually arrange for and to avoid repeat games over the 12 Days, and I think I mostly succeeded that. Hopefully I will be able to do this again in a 2023, but until then, enjoy the rest of the holiday weekend  8)
Title: NEW: Pokémon XD - Kricketune's Arrangements
Post by: Kricketune54 on February 20, 2023, 11:43:45 AM
Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness - Normal Battle

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An update of a sheet that was quite outdated.

I'm beginning a project where I'm going to be transferring sheets of mine into MuseScore. My desire is to eventually have most of my stuff available in that format with as much consistency visually as possible. Still figuring out some stuff related to margins, but thanks to Xiao's most recent template it I am mostly there.

My plan is to continue with Finale as my primary editor, so I'll be working backwards from how many are using MuseScore to export to Finale format  :P
Title: NEW How to Check Sheets: Sharing an Updater's Perspective
Post by: Kricketune54 on August 12, 2024, 08:37:45 PM
A Guide to Checking Sheets

For everyone who is reading this, this is my attempt at pulling back the curtain a bit on my personal sheet checking process.  With this, I hope it gives some insight into what I'm looking for personally, how I come to conclusions that I do, and hopefully inspire others outside of the updating team to look at other submitted sheets with a constructive eye.

When someone submits an arrangement, the first thing you can do, especially if a person is submitting for the first time, is to be helpful to that person and give them a bit of their bearings. What that often looks like is explaining the submission process, replying to to their submission in a timely fashion (ideally in under a week), as well as offering feedback (there is also a good chance that there is some formatting that could be assisted with as a start, and first time submitters will not realize that a YouTube/source recording is preferred to be posted alongside their files).

The following is a helpful blurb you can copy and paste into a new submission thread (courtesy of XiaoMigros and Bloop):

QuoteHi, and welcome to NinSheetMusic submissions!

The way the submissions process works is individuals will review your sheet and highlight notes and formatting on your sheet that need to be updated, which you can then review and implement. Once two updaters approve of your sheet, it will be accepted and put on the site in the next update!

Initial Feedback
Before I listen to the song, I do tend to give an initial look over the sheet. If you don't have a lot of time on your hands, or just want to give a quick look, downloading the PDF for a short review can be a good start for the feedback process. The formatting guidelines guide my eyes here, and usually I look for stuff like different fonts, or if the template is completely different from the one people are directed to submit with.

If I do have time for a longer look, I will download the notation software files, the .mus file or .musx if it is available. As a Finale user, I often work exclusively from the submitted .musx or .mus file. I like to reference this file primarily because it has both the visual component that you get from looking at a PDF (plus any stuff that's not visible on the PDF), as well as the ability to hear things on the file's playback feature.

That's not to say that a PDF review also isn't a good thing to do, as reviewing the PDF allows you to see exactly what the end user will see (e.g. the performer won't have the extra context of hidden tempo markings when trying to read the sheet).

Doing a Closer Review
Now, outside of basic formatting what are the things to look for, if you are looking at a piano sheet for the first time?

The answer to that question can go in a lot of different directions, and most of what I'm going to say here can be seen in the Submission Guidelines ( as well.  Checking note accuracy is very important, yes (and all the melody notes specifically), but checking if the accidentals, time signature, tempo, or general key choices can all be manageable things to aid arrangers on and ultimately increase the site submission rate. Sometimes going right into the notes doesn't make sense, either for your own time commitment or for the potential learning experience the arranger could gain.

Regardless of which style of review I'm doing though, when first looking at someone's sheet, I will turn up on a separate monitor or tab the original song's audio. I prefer to do this with YouTube, as it has a great UI on desktop for both changing the speed of the song's playback and is easy to go forward or back 5 seconds with the arrow keys on my keyboard.

Comparing Audio
I usually like to listen through a song and compare it to the arrangement loosely for accuracy. Sometimes I come across bits where the notes are very hard to make out. Occasionally, I can mess around with the treble and bass settings on my speaker setup, but most of the time I resort to using a 3rd party YouTube-to-MP3 site, and then import that ripped YouTube video MP3 into the free program Audacity ( I've been using Audacity to some degree for most of my life at this point, so while others use Audiostretch ( for this process, I am more comfortable with and prefer to use Audacity for looping parts or other tweaks to assist my process.

But most of the time, I am pitching up basslines, or lower notes. I tend to find bass lines are some of the most difficult parts of music to transcribe without some sort of audio manipulation, such as what I am describing. Often too, I couple pitching up or down with slowing down song tempo in Audacity. This can take a bit of time, but I do strive to get that perfect accuracy when doing my note review.

All in all, I generally listen to songs and compare it to an arrangement at least two times, one that is focused on the RH/melody part, and one that is focused on the LH/bassline/accompaniment. For longer songs, say something that doesn't loop usually beyond 2 minutes at a moderate tempo, I tend to break up my listening and feedback; it's not generally useful to go too deep on a long song all at once.

For sheets to be accepted to NinSheetMusic's site collection, it must be realistically playable for a human (This is a major bit for what makes piano arrangements distinct from making straight transcriptions). If you can discern if something is humanly possible to be played (ex. A lot of video game bass lines do not work 1-to-1 going from a transcription to trying to play on the piano), this is something that can be very helpful as far as feedback.

One thing that I find really enhances sheet reviews is having a piano, keyboard, or any type of keyed instrument on hand that you can try playing parts on. This can do a lot to determine if an arrangement needs tweaking in order to compensate for parts that are not humanly possible. Do not worry about your own playing abilities! It is less about playing at tempo, and more about if fingerings are going to be impossible at any speed. Regardless, you will find your sight-reading skills will improve the more you try out new sheets.

Next Steps
Overall sheet review can take a fair amount of time, but I hope this gives people some insight into how they can review sheets and give constructive feedback to others as well. Please feel free to ask the updaters, ask arrangers for why they did certain things on a sheet, and most beneficially, widen your own musical knowledge!

Title: Re: ❗NEW: How to Check Piano Arrangements on NinSheetMusic
Post by: Fantastic Ike on August 13, 2024, 05:54:15 AM
This was really helpful. Thanks!
Title: Re: ❗NEW: How to Check Piano Arrangements on NinSheetMusic
Post by: Kricketune54 on August 13, 2024, 07:58:07 PM
You're welcome.
Title: Re: ❗NEW: How to Check Piano Arrangements on NinSheetMusic
Post by: Fernman on August 14, 2024, 07:02:32 PM
Regarding your pitching up bassline comment, recently I came across AI music splitters that can split the instruments, vocals, drums, and bassline out. There are a number of free ones out there with varying capabilities. This may be more effective than solely pitching up the song. Wanted to share an option for your consideration.
Title: Re: ❗NEW: How to Check Piano Arrangements on NinSheetMusic
Post by: Kricketune54 on August 19, 2024, 06:57:53 PM
Quote from: Fernman on August 14, 2024, 07:02:32 PMRegarding your pitching up bassline comment, recently I came across AI music splitters that can split the instruments, vocals, drums, and bassline out. There are a number of free ones out there with varying capabilities. This may be more effective than solely pitching up the song. Wanted to share an option for your consideration.

I think I first found and used an AI voice splitter about four years ago. I'm sure they've much improved since then, but what would you recommend?