Everyone I know calls it oh-ka-me, with the a accented.
I call it oak-a-me, with the o accented. The o has an accent on the front of the box and some voices in the game said oak-a-me when I started up the game for the first time, making me think that I have the correct pronunciation. Anybody know which pronunciation is right?
If it's Japanese, you pronounce it pretty much how you read it lol
every segment short and precise
not like
then again, I could be wrong, meh
so you say it my way right?
idk, lol, but it shouldnt matter as long as you spell it correctly
I say it in french, where pronounciation isn't a problem! lol
I would say OH-kah-mee, where the ah is like the o in odd.
It's actually Oukami; an o followed by a u doubles the length of the o. So like: Oh-ka-mi.
Guan is correct. It is wolf in Japanese.
Yup. G-Han's got it :)