Post all your strange dreams here!
This is the first...I started typing it in Instant half of it is IM the other half good.
I slept in late
until just now
so what is that 3pm?
I had the strangest dream
there was this contest for my school
to see who could get the best picture of the school
and so my friend and I decided we wanted to get an aerial shot
so we got the helicopter out of my garage (it was under a big white sheet)
and he was going to fly it
even though he had never flown one
but I had
so he was flying really well, and he told me that he learned from videogames
so we ended up taking the shot
and we went to turn it in
and I guess the school...kind of went into some taco time place
and we ended up eating a huge churo, and I mean like 2 x 4 feet churo instead.
then we decided to go with my friends house to pick up some controler
only we got stuck there
with a friend named Charles
and he kept wanting us to play this new card game
and we after much nagging we decided to play it once
then when we left he was trying to make us feel all bad
so I guess we were heading to some ski resort for the weekend
and we ended up finding out hotel room and stuff
but the room that I got was ridiculously small
and the whole room was tilted
like at a 10 degree angle
so that if you put a marble on one side
it would fall to the other side
and the ceiling was JUST tall enough for me to stand up straight
and ways I looked out the window of this new complex
and about 100 yards away there was this huge building on it
that had "Jeep" on the side
and I was like OMG
(I probably haven't told you but I really like this new Jeep concept car called the Jeep Renegade.)
so I got my coat on (it was cold there) and headed outside
I guess my intention was to sneak into the complex and that I did, but I don' remember doing it
but anyways this place was a huge factory
and half of it was a parking garage for newly made cars
And so I immediately went to the parking garage and started exploring
and I found the Jeep Renegade
and I was like omg
so I decided to steal it
I mean the keys were IN the ignition
it was begging me to take it away
so I backed out and that’s when the siren went off
and out of no where a bunch of people started to chase me
and I'm racing through this huge parking garage trying to get out
I think I was on the second level because I ended up going down one level and out of the parking garage.
But I ended up crashing into a barrier that they had set up to prevent me from escaping.
So handcuffed me and I though they were going to take me to the police, but they didn't. They took me to this underground cell that they had, which was more like a closet and locked me in.
I remember sleeping there for the night.
The all the sudden I was woken up early in the morning by someone nudging me
I thought it was one of the guards so I turned around and looked
but it wasn't one of the guards
I screamed and got up to the other side of the cell
what was nudging me was a mix between a big bug and a crab and a Trade Federation Droid Star Fighter in standing mode.
Anyways it was about 2 feet tall and I was freaked man.
So anyways I just stood in the corner shocked and unable to move as it moved closer to me
and it got so close the on of its 4 legs reached out and touched my hand and I pulled it aside very quickly
I could have sworn that the thing smiled, because it did have a face type thing
kind of like a big mouth with long slits of green eyes.
Anyways it backed away into the corner, and I watched and all the sudden a spot on the top of one of its arms glowed very bright green, almost like a flash light
and it pointed it to a spot in the side of the cell, where there was a big hole, big enough for me to crawl through.
Then it went in, for a few seconds and the light slowly faded.
I was relieved that it left and started to relax, but then the light from the tunnel started to increase again and I tensed back up.
Sure enough the creature came back out, but in its mouth there were flowers, and it brought them over to me and dropped them to the ground by my feet
It then went back over to the tunnel and back in, then quickly back out.
It looked at me with those green slit eyes, and then made an impatient clicking sound. I immediately understood! It was trying to get me out!
I slowly and warily walked over to the hole and the creature made a different noise, more like a little cry/whistle of joy and went up the tunnel.
I took a breath and look in, and sure enough, there WAS a light at the end of the tunnel.
But it wasn't day light, it was just a lamp...which was lame.
So I walked out and it was dark out side, and the creature was waiting for me.
It almost had the actions of a happy dog, but it was much smarter than one. I started walking back to the hotel where my friends were surely wondering were I was.
Anyways, this thing which I've warmed up to surprisingly fast was just behind me, and I decided it was best to hide it in my jacket. So I walk into the hotel with this huge bulge in my jacket and meet my friends in the lobby. They were about to call the police when I showed up. Suddenly there was this big earthquake and we braced on the furniture and the creature got out but lights were out and no one saw it. It was a normal everyone screams omg earthquake experience and there were things that fell and stuff.
So we go outside to see the damage, but there wasn't any visibly, although a strange mist had set in.
ARGH, this is going to be painful to type in full detail so I'm going to shorten it, A LOT.
So it ends up that aliens landed and they wanted their baby back (the strange creature) and we ended up fighting a lot of them and it sort of turned into a videogame. Cuz there were weapons everywhere. (I mean seriously, we're in a HOTEL and I run out of bullets for my shot gun, and I instinctivly turn to my right and there is a rifle with ammo and a scope right on top of this counter.) Half the time the aliens were the same as the creature, but half way during thing fight there were different aliens, kind of human-like, except their heads were on back words and they walked on all fours...but backwords like this:
Except their backs were perfectly straight and they were really agile and could climb on ceilings.
Sorry tired of typing I'll finish it later, so in the meanwhile you guys type what you like! :D
Lol. I have so many weird dreams. I will give basic summaries:
~I once walked into an elevator. The teletubbies were there. They had ties and glases. Po kept on saying "Hi." Then the elevator cables broke and we tumbled into perpetual freefall. They enjoyed it thoroughly.
~I once was escorted around school by "Charlie's Angels". It was very freaky. They kept on rubbing against walls...
~I once was a blood-thirsty tyrant. I conquered worlds in a matter of seconds. My mode of transportaion: The Wee-Sing Train.
And of course:
~Who is wearing the blue crotch plate under their pants amongst a crowd of red crotch plate people.
Go on guess. Well, you're wrong.
Wow Concerto, of course you would make a topic like this lol... my dreams are usually not that complex, just really short like Hugo's.
But here's two I remember from a couple nights ago:
> Someone came in my room right when I woke up to get ready for school. They were going to cut my hair. I was like, "yay! I'm getting a new hairstyle!" So they cut my hair, and it looked really good
> My city was going to build a water park not too far from my house. And it looked really cool. Just to get in the park you had to go down this water slide and at the end was a waterfall you went through. There were really pretty waterfalls everywhere. It was way awesome.
first of all, LOL.
second, i have a bunch of messed up (not that way you pervert!) dreams i'll just do what hugomeister did:
- i'm walking through some house and a ninja pops out then i jump down the stairs but then the stairs stretch on forever, so i fall for a long time (it really felt like i was flying, too)
- i went to Japan to steal buy a copy of Brawl when either Shiggy of Iwata-san steals my mind (he reaches into my head and just pulls it out) and throws my mind into Brawl and i fight all the characters but i can't read it because it's in Japanese... and Master Hand grabs me and starts squeezing me and i wake up in real life and my cat is squeezing my leg...
- i'm some samurai/ninja/kung fu master warlord and... no this dream was too epic. i'll type it into a real story in word later in the week and post it here later.
- me and one of my little brothers are staying at a hotel in Nintendo Land/Country but our parents and out other brother are in another castle (heh heh, i nerd out in my sleep, seriously...) so we steal a mario kart and drive to them through various Mario, Zelda and Metroid stages to get there but then we see a nuclear explosion and we stare at it until we burst into flames from the radiation.
- i'm in english class and my english teacher, who's a really old British guy in real life, has a massive seizure or a stroke or something then transforms like a TransFormer robot into a really hawt girl but the this other hawt girl from my engish class in real life jumps up and rips her throat out the eats it and starts teaching us english and her mouth is all bloddy and it's kind of funny cuz she's teaching like out real teacher and thus she has no idea what she's talking about.
i'll stop there...
I've had far more dreams than any of you guys would ever imagine of. In high school we'd sometimes say the screwed up dreams we had and by far I've had the strangest ones because of how random they are. I've even got some people tell me I should be in a mental institution. Hell, I can probably improvise far stranger stuff while I'm awake than you guys ever dreamed of. Yay for LLI.
Hit me. I have strange...and admittedly disturbing dream...but I dont' think I should post them.
I was swimming underwater in my pool with Akiro, trying to get away from zombies with guns, and other weapons above. There are alot of other people in the pool too, i dont even know who the are.
we get out.
we run for our mom and dads car.
we get in and try to drive away.
it's dark
all of a sudden we get to albertson's (a grocerey store) and get out.
our mom and dad are they, along with our grand paretns and a bunch of hobos.
no one knows.
i wake up.
That was one of the most disqueiting and discomforting dreams i've ever had. :P
Do you know Akrio personally?
What the heck is that supposed to mean. We're brothers. (i'm no exactly the "same" as him as most of you say i am though)
Quote from: Beethoven II on February 29, 2008, 10:08:44 PMWhat the heck is that supposed to mean. We're brothers. (i'm no exactly the "same" as him as most of you say i am though)
seriously? you and Akiro are brothers! wow.
anywho, back on topic, Mike, you should seriously post your dreams. i posted my dreams, and not my thoughts. my thoughts are the most bizarre.
I had the weirdest dream last night, no joke. hm. i can't remember parts though so...
I'll just give you a brief synopsis. It was about zombies. Thankyou razer for giving the ideas about zombies.
it's my job, yo.
Alright so here's one of the bizarre one's I've had. I probably watched The Matrix before that one.
So I'm Neo, except I'm wearing a giant burrito costume. Then like a thousand zombies arrive doing the Michael Jackson - Triller dance and the whole dream is pretty much me running and flying around town in my burrito costume shooting zombies with different guns, including lasers shooting out of my fingers while crazy music is running in the background.
Hm, dreams.
I've had many, I had some great ones but I don't wanna post.
I really wish I could have lucid dreams, it isn't fair that some people have them every night.
I was at one point trying to have a lucid dream, and I had two or three. Though every time I realized I was dreaming, it would start fading out and I would try to do something fun but then I'd wake up.
If you don't know what a lucid dream is then here: A Lucid Dream is a dream where you know you are dreaming and you can do anything you want.
i had a normal dream where i was in some creepy school that was like a mental institution (kind of a cross between Harry Potter's school and the camp from Phsconaughts and the mental hospital from Terminator 2) and i was being attacked by random looneys and then it turned into a lucid dream and i became like Superman and started wreaking havoc on the institution but the building expanded in every direction forever so i couldn't bust out, no matter how hard i tried. eventually i killed myself with a laser eye/falcon punch combo while trying to kill a flying jellyfish and i woke up.
I had a dream when I was 5 years old or sometime around that...
The Sesame Street characters came into my room and started torturing me... no joke 8)
Sadly I don't remember much of it, but maybe that's a good thing :)
I had a really weird dream a few days ago.....I was in Taiwan and it seemed like a regular day...until i found out that the sun was going to explode in just a few hours......I sprinted like a cheetah to the safest place...then....BOOOOOOOOM! The sun exploded like a nuclear bomb! suddenly, the whole earth got dark...i was scared....
then i found myself in a friend's house (which is in NJ...weird) with a bunch of friends and the 3 people from Mythbusters (Tory, Grant, and Kary)
At the front door was a store selling was random
We starting discussing as i drank out of a scooby doo cup.....What's going to happen? I said.
We're going to die soon because the oxygen in the earth is running low since plants need the sun to transpire. Grant said
We're doomed...I said
Yep....that's it
Just last night I had this dream:
> I was in my room and had just woken up. I reached my hand out to grab my glasses, but they were too far away. But then they just flew into my hand. So i tried that with other stuff, and I could pick up objects without touching them. It was like I had the Force. So I went a bunch of places, i climbed the hill next to my house, and I went to a baseball game, and some other places. And I was having a lot of fun. But then I woke up. ='(
There was one dream where i was about to kiss the girl i like and then...i woke up....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
This is a dream I had a long time ago but is still the strangest:
I was in a grocery store being chased around by a giant lobster that looked like he was from Spongebob. There was also some fat guy being chased. I ran away for a while until finally finding a hiding spot. For some reason, this "grocery" store had a window display like a video game store might have, but it contained more food items. I hid there, thinking I was clever (even though I was up against the window). After waiting there a while, the lobster pops his head out from over the food rack and says "The fat man said he didn't want me to eat him, so now I'm going to eat you!" Then I woke up. :D
Quote from: Lildigipoke2 on March 01, 2008, 02:39:05 PMThere was one dream where i was about to kiss the girl i like and then...i woke up....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
That sucks.
I had the most random dream ever. It was weird; like, one night i had it, then I died in the dream, then, the next night I killed the Old Guy. It was like a video game.
Our House: Lives 3
It was night
And I was at my house (which was black) and I had a dog for some reason
then, my mom told me to go walk it (I think its name was Dinky, I dont know)
I said "But its dark out"
But I went out anyways.
I walked him to some firehidrant that was
on the sidewalk.
He started walking around it then it started to rain.
Then, my cousin, Andrew, ran over.
Then, the dog was gone.
And we noticed we were on the front lawn of a big Mansion.
We walked up to it and the doors (yes the doors) said, "Don't come in, the basement still needs work"
but we went in anyways
Then an old guy (ya know in the Eddie Murphy Movie? Haunted mansion? That guy) came up to us.
He said, "Dont you listen to the doors?"
Then, it started to hail (Although it was summer).
Andrew said, "hey look baseballs"
Then, the doors closed and said, "F**k off Andrew.
Then the old guy (his name was chairman...) told us to stay over for the night.
We agreed and he told us to go up the staircase on the left and go left to 2nd room on your left.
"Ok" we said and went there.
We saw a glimps of something black run down the hall.
Andrew went down the hall to look for what it was.
Then as soon as his, 5th step down the hall, All the lights in the hall went out.
I called him and it echoed like 10 times.
I opened the door and I saw Claire (My girlfriend at the time of the dream) sitting on the bed.
I called Andrew again and it echoed again.
I turn back to the room and Claire turned into the old guy, but I didnt see it happen.
He said, "here is your room. Sleep tight"
"Thanks" I said.
I laid down in the bed.
Then Andrew cam flying in through the window.
And happen to land on his bed.
"I'm tired" he said.
"No sh** sherlock! You just came flying through the window!" I said.
But he was already asleep.
more later...
Heh, these dreams are very inspiring, in some sort of way. To write a novel about them, I mean.
Anyway, I got two types of dreams: the ones I'd like to call 'surdreams', as in surreal, and the prophetic dreams. These first ones are the most strangest things, which are just too random - I'll give an example later. The second ones are predicting the future, and they happen actually quite often. Wednesday I dreamed my well.. girlfriend became sick at school, and last Friday she actually became sick, at school. The intervals between dreams and the actual happenings are getting shorter, but I do not pay much value to it.
I hate tohse random dreams. Once, I had a dream i was Superman (da hell?) and I was flying around the world (Literally, in space) and I said, "My spider senses are tingling" (lol) and I flew down, the broke through the roof of my own house, and there was an old lady on the floor. I helped her up, then instead of going through the already hole in the roof, I went through another spot, then I died...
I had 2 dreams last night.
First one, I was at my grandfathers house and for some reason our family had brought our cat with us. He escaped out the door and I went after him. I chased him around and then he crawled into a pipe ( :( ) So I was told he was in the sewer, so I went into the sewer where it was filled with green liquid that I could see through. Through this pipe all these cats, and the occasional dog, would come through. I saw other people finding their cat there too. So I picked up some of them and they were dry. I didn't find my cat.
Second one, I know there is more but all I remember is going into a guitar shop and there was guitar hero there that had a bunch of custom songs that when you played them they were just a bunch of random notes. Then me and my family went into a room inside the shop to sleep for some reason and I got a small bed and we found a cover with a smiley face painted with blood on it. It was messed up.
I once had a dream where I went downstairs to get a glass of water, (it was morning) and all over the refrigerator were crawling, hopping, and walking tails... like, Raccoon Tails, Ferret Tails.... all sorts of tails... O_o;;
Quote from: Harvest on March 01, 2008, 10:09:16 AMHm, dreams.
I've had many, I had some great ones but I don't wanna post.
I really wish I could have lucid dreams, it isn't fair that some people have them every night.
I was at one point trying to have a lucid dream, and I had two or three. Though every time I realized I was dreaming, it would start fading out and I would try to do something fun but then I'd wake up.
If you don't know what a lucid dream is then here: A Lucid Dream is a dream where you know you are dreaming and you can do anything you want.
You know, spinning around after you realize you're dreaming helps you stay in the dream. That and rubbing your hands.
I love lucid dreaming. I do it a lot. Common, we spend 1/3 of our life sleeping. Might as well use it for something. ^^ I get a ton of recall because I actually lucid dream as a hobby so that's why in case you're wondering. I also use dreaming lingo like so because I keep a DJ (dream journal)
ND: Normal Dream
RC: Reality Check: ways to prove you're dreaming
LD: Lucid Dream
DC: Dream Character
RL: Real Life
Fun at the park with DC’sLucid dream
Rated: G (Don’t worry. “Fun†doesn’t imply rated R stuff. :p)
I can’t remember how the dream started off. All I know is I was at my grandparents’ house on the Greek side of my family.
This location is VERY common in my dreams. My cousins and I wanted to go to the park. It was really sunny and bright outside so I decided to take them. Both my brothers and my dad also came. While walking down the path, I watched my cousins Christina and Andrew racing. I was alittle worried they’d slip on the cement path. They managed to make it to the park uninjured and but continued with other semi-dangerous things like fighting with sticks and climbing trees.
I saw my little brother making a volcano out of sand and that reminded me of the time in RL when I was 4 and first learned what a volcano was. Upon remembering this moment, I became lucid.
I decided to try and convince my little brother that this was a dream so I started flying around in circles around him saying, “This is a dream! You can fly too!â€
He didn’t seem to get it or care.
I gave up and started flying circles around the playground for fun and then changed into a big bat, which made flying easier. It didn’t last long though. I soon became stuck in midair and couldn’t shake it off. My vision, my wings, everything was stuck. I yelled out in frustration and woke up.
WBTB + Accidental WILD (these are techniques to get lucid dreams)
I was back at the park and completely lucid. I decided to lay off the flying though. I started heading down the path and changed into my male form. While walking, I saw 3 DC’s next to a tree who had seemed to have gotten a ball stuck in it. The fat one tried climbing the tree but failed.
I ran over to them and told them that this was a dream and I had dream powers. Surprisingly, they didn’t believe me.
This doesn’t happen to me often.
“If you have powers, then prove it!†said the fat one.
I then flew up in the tree and gave them their ball… which turned into a stick… Yeah, they were as confused as I was about that…
“There. I flew. Is that proof enough?†I asked.
“What else can you do?†asked the skinnier taller one.
“I can do
anything.†I replied. I had so much confidence at the time, I probably
could do anything.
“Make your feet grow big!†said the girl.
“Um, okay…†I said weirded out and made my feet grow big. It felt weird! :p
The three of them cheered and introduced themselves. The fat one was Tim, the tall one Lance, and the girl was Alison. I introduced my self as Clayton because that was my dream name.
“This is so cool! We can do anything then! Oh! I got an idea!†said Tim as he pointed to a black expensive looking car, “Let’s steal that car over there!â€
I didn’t have any experience with driving a car in a LD so I agreed. We all went inside, me in the driver’s seat, Tim in the passenger seat, and the other 2 in the back. I then started up the car and we were driving.
-skip-We were on the highway now. The car was going super fast. Unfortunately we had to slow down because of trucks infront of us.
“Let’s fly, Clay!†said Lance.
“Alright!†I responded and started turning the car into a helicopter. It wasn’t flying that high though. Infact, it was practically dragging on the road at times but the others didn’t seem to mind. Lance and Alison we eating candy in the back and Tim had somehow made a machine gun appear and was firing at other cars. We both laughed as one car got fired in the window, the driver couldn’t see, and the car spun out of control into a truck causing a massive accident. It was just hilarious!
I started lifting off in the helicopter and wanted to go to a store and maybe terrorize the DC’s in there. It was just so much fun. Especially controlling the helicopter. Unfortunately my dream soon faded and I woke up.
If you wanna read another, I got plenty. :)
i had a dream last night where i was flying a fighter jet and was fighting all these star wars type starfighters with the rest of the earth's air force and then darth vader shot me down so i ejected and then i started flying around like Superman and i satrted shooting lasers out of my eyes and fingers and i shot some nuclear missiles from my mouth and i blew up the death star that was orbiting earth and then i came back to the planet and i was a hero! i could no longer vomit nukes though, so the president said i was useless against stopping the russians, and then i'm like, "WTF!?! the russians!?! i thought they were okay now." and the president (who i at that point just realized was president Regan) said," lol [he actually said the word 'lol'], you're a funny boy, son. but the damn russians are evil! lol, lol, lol. that's rich! you should be a comedian!" and then i realixed it was 1986 and that i had traveled back in time!
so then i was sent to russia to assassinate the USSR's president or what ever they called their leader but i was shot down by a surface-to-air missile and crashed in east germany. then hitler's ghost came and started speaking german at me and then the KGB came and locked me away in some secret prison. then the dream became an on-rails shooter as i busted my way out of the prison i then flew into the skies over the communist bloc and let loose with all my laser powers (kind of like what Regan wanted to do with the star wars program) and everything east of the iron curtain to west of japan north of india was left as a smoldering husk of death.
i then landed in washington DC in front of the washington monument and was promptly arrested by the FBI for crimes against humanity. i looked at a conveniently placed news paper and it was 2008 again. i was then put before the supreme court and was found guilty of war crimes. i then was sentenced to death by a firing squad. i was taken to the UN building in NYC and and all the UN representatives pulled out various machine guns and opened fire as the UN security council laughed drunkenly at me. however i was to quick for them and dodged every single bullet, Matrix style, and then vaporized the UN. i went to the white house in DC and told President Bush to, "suck it" as i vaporized him as well.
then the entire US military, Army, Air Force, Marines, and Navy launched a huge attack at me. i decided i was tired of vaporizing people so i vaporized their guns in stead. i then proceeded to use my new found uber-martial arts skills to fight the military in hand-to-hand combat. i fought the army with kung fu (i killed the army rangers with northern praying mantis style kung fu), the marines with tae kwon do (which was the coolest because i do tae kwon do in real life, so it felt the realest), the air force with jujitsu while flying around their planes, and the navy with kendo and a katana.
afterward i found the rest of the US government in a bunker in Arizona. i asked them why i was going to be killed, and the said it was because i vaporized half the planet more than 20 years after the cold war ended. i said i was sorry and ninjas jumped out and attacked. as i fought them off the Dick Cheney the new president told me they were the only warriors left because i didn't kill japan. i killed them with my katana that i then turned into a lightsaber with my laser powers and did that thing from that Superman movie and spinned the earth backward to travel back in time to 1986 and then i vaporized the communist bloc again.
i then returned to DC and was not arrested but hailed as the greatest hero of the free world. i then went back to the future and there were flying cars and moon bases, you know, all the future stuff that they thought we would have by 2000 in the 70's. the world was too perfect. so i went crazy. they locked me up in an asylum and i waited and waited.
eventually the martian communists (mars is called the 'red' planet after all...) attacked and i fought them off. then i was a hero again and the world loved me. however, the martians had sowed the seed of evil in the perfect world, and the new president, President Obama, declared war on the evil countries: England, France, Brazil, China, Slovakia, India, Australia, and Canada. The good countries were: USA, Japan, Spain, West Germany (because i vaporized east germany 20 years ago, remember?), New Zealand, all the norwegian type countries, Mexico, and Egypt. all the other countries were not on either side, so we also declared war on them, just to be on the safe side.
after a brutal war that lasted ten years, in which i personally did most of the fighting for the United Powers (which is what the good guys were called, like the Allies in WWII), the Axis of Evil (thanks to Bush, that's what the bad guys were called) surrendered. i became the new military of the world and a new age of peace was ushered in. the world lived happily for a long time, until, you guessed it, the zombies of the AoE attacked. by that time i was sixty years old, and an uber badass fighting master of war. i fought all the zombies and the world was saved. however, the last battle against the zombified Osama bin Laden and his minions used up the last of my power and i died of old age shortly after the war.
the dream continued, showing a montage of the great accomplishments of humanity after i ended the Last War on Earth. we discovered civilizations on other worlds, and we were the most advanced one and we led the galaxy into the future. we brike Einstien's laws of realativity and created black holes as a means of energy source and time travel. we created robots that did not rebel like in most science fiction, but helped the worlds prosper. and we achieved the ultimate triumph of the universe, we combined all fields of science, math, technology, arts, literature, and any other knowledge into one, beautiful equation of life, and the galaxy the entire universe prospered for the rest of forever. all because i ended war on earth.
it was a very profound and inspiring dream, i'll go far as to say it changed my views and my goals in life for some reason, and i know that sound kind of silly, but if you experienced it like i did, you would see just how deep it was. wow, i'm kind of in awe of it.
you guys have really weird and long dreams....i had one last night where this really small/short guy named i think Pip was trying to take over the world.....i woke up before the ending
One time I had this dream:
I don't remember how it started, but I remember that I was at the hospital, watching someone get a lethal injection. I didn't know the nurse or the person that was gonna die. The nurse said to the person, "You seem pretty calm for a person that's about to die!" She had a strange accent.
But then I woke up before I saw the injection.
Razer, you obviously didn't have that dream you liar!
yes i did! i swear! it was cool, and it was cel-shaded!
it was real. honestly.
Quote from: razer84 on March 01, 2008, 07:03:00 AMQuote from: Beethoven II on February 29, 2008, 10:08:44 PMWhat the heck is that supposed to mean. We're brothers. (i'm no exactly the "same" as him as most of you say i am though)
seriously? you and Akiro are brothers! wow.
anywho, back on topic, Mike, you should seriously post your dreams. i posted my dreams, and not my thoughts. my thoughts are the most bizarre.
Narf, *cough *cough
I said that before.
I haven't had any STRANGE dreams recently.
okay, i just had one this morning...don't remember too much so i might be typing the wrong thing..... but very weirdand inappropriate
I was in my house when suddenly, a girl named Dana (from my schooland i kind of like) comes in and says, "We need to work on our project."
"oh yeah....let's go!"
Okay, we started working on it and i couldn't stop looking at her.
She never noticed.
It was nighttime and we had to go to mom's like, go to bed!
I told her, "go to the bathroom over there and brush your teeth and everything"
Afterwards, we were in my room. I slept on my bed and she slept on the floor.
I locked the door.
Quote from: Lildigipoke2 on March 03, 2008, 02:25:28 PMokay, i just had one this morning...don't remember too much so i might be typing the wrong thing..... but very weirdand inappropriate
I was in my house when suddenly, a girl named Dana (from my schooland i kind of like) comes in and says, "We need to work on our project."
"oh yeah....let's go!"
Okay, we started working on it and i couldn't stop looking at her.
She never noticed.
It was nighttime and we had to go to mom's like, go to bed!
I told her, "go to the bathroom over there and brush your teeth and everything"
Afterwards, we were in my room. I slept on my bed and she slept on the floor.
I locked the door.
The rest shouldn't be case of some minors.....
LOL. however, i don't think we should post those kinds of dreams, as much as we all like them.
i editted the ending....THE END! stop it before anyone sees
ahem, thanks for that then.
i'm was just weird and random....and she's not even my crush! yeah......
ha ha, your edit phailed cuz i quoted your post and you can't edit my quote. (watch Concerto or someone come here immediately and edit/take down my post..)
Okay, i've been playing Midtown Madness 3 alot lately, this dream kinda of relates...
~I was running, really fast, through a bunch of cars in a highway, all of a sudden, my legs extended and became metal, and i went rampaging through the city, grabed a sports car, and sped of, raming stuff,................and........ZOMBIES!!!
Quote from: Lildigipoke2 on March 04, 2008, 02:10:37 PMi'm was just weird and random....and she's not even my crush! yeah......
I hate when that happens. You wake up and ur like, "wth?...0.o" (yes im sure we've all had those type of dreams :D)
Quote from: Beethoven II on March 04, 2008, 07:17:56 PMOkay, i've been playing Midtown Madness 3 alot lately, this dream kinda of relates...
~I was running, really fast, through a bunch of cars in a highway, all of a sudden, my legs extended and became metal, and i went rampaging through the city, grabed a sports car, and sped of, raming stuff,................and........ZOMBIES!!!
what have i started?!?
anyway, so i had this really weird dream, but i can only remember like 3/4 of it. (this one won't be as long and world as my last dream...)
i forget the exact beginning, but some of my dreams don't even have beginnings, so... but my family was in some creepy neighborhood, the kind that looks nice but you kind know there's some really awful secret that everyone's hiding.
and we were walking down the street and this little kid runs up to us and points a handgun at us and yells "get off my property!"
my dad grabs a gun out of nowhere and blows the kid away, and my mom kisses him and is all like, "my hero! i knew i married the right guy!"
and then we walk into some graveyard thats on the side of some fill and there's this half-built house in the middle of it, and there's an old lady that was hung one of the exposed poles coming out of the unfinished side of the house.
and she was crying and making sobbing noise even though she was dead and her head was at some weird angle because she was hung, you know.
then some hillbillies came and my mom and littelest brother teleported back to out house but my dad and my ither brother were still with me.
we jumped onto the house and ran down the hill then the old coots started chuking wooden ninja stars at us and i opened a door to some house...
i walked into my english classroom at my school!
it was a magical door!
i sat down and started class, and i totally forgot about my family and all that stuff.
then this kid i know was sitting next to me and he's sharing his seat with this kind of hot girl (and he's kind of a fat and ugly kid, no offense to large people, but it was a weird picture)
and then the girls sitting on my other side just randomly says to the kid
so she says, "you would like to ride her... helicopter? no?"
and the kid says, "yes i would like to ride in hers. i would shift the stick to high gear!"
and i look be hind me and these two girls are laughing at something.
then the kind of hot girl raises her hand to ask the teacher a question
and the teacher (he's a really old guy) looks over and has a stroke and dies.
it was a really realistic-looking dream, too.
one time my little sister had a dream that our grandpa hugged a giant kernel of corn lololol
and my little sister's friend once had a dream that she was in her room, in the dark. she saw a little dot of light on the floor. she picked up a sock and chucked it at the dot, and it got bigger. she kept throwing things at the dot, and it got bigger and bigger. when it almost filled the whole room, a voice from nowhere said, "Warning! If you throw one more thing at this dot, it will explode and you will die!" so she threw one more thing at it, and it exploded, and she died.
then she woke up
Quote from: B-Kpianist on March 04, 2008, 09:47:47 PMQuote from: Lildigipoke2 on March 04, 2008, 02:10:37 PMi'm was just weird and random....and she's not even my crush! yeah......
I hate when that happens. You wake up and ur like, "wth?...0.o" (yes im sure we've all had those type of dreams :D)
yeah...all the dreams i have about her are so dumb too....if you look in the posts above, i had a dream where we were about to kiss and.......i woke up.....GAY!
lolololololol i had the funniest dream last night. i woke up and a box floated into my room and popcorn started shooting out of it. my brother cried. it was hilarious! lololololololololololololrofl
Ok, here's one of my dreams!
I was in this one random mall, and it had super fast escalators! I stepped on one and I was sent flying by the force of the escalator! I crashed through the wall and landed by my car with my family in it. They said they were going to trade the car for a different car because our car wasn't extreme enough. I screamed 'NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!' and then I woke up.
Ah, I love my dreams!
I had some pretty messed up dreams this weekend.
One there was water and I was swimming, then some awesome stuff happened I can't remember, then some more stuff happened, and I was in a courtroom. Then for some reason I was telling this guy about the future. Apparently I was not in 2008 because I was telling him events from now and he didn't believe me :S
Then this morning I had one where I was delivering an abnormally large load of newspapers. I hate dreams where I do work or go to school.
I've had a few dreams where I just go to school or deliver my whole paper route, which sucks.
i had a dream last night, but i can't remember what it was about. :(
Quote from: razer84 on March 09, 2008, 03:24:41 PMi had a dream last night, but i can't remember what it was about. :(
Well, anyway, last night I had a dream I had a pet broom. Oh ho, but this was no ordinary broom; my broom was
"magical". It had really big cartoonish eyes, and an angry unibrow. I named him Everest. Everest was a peculiar thing he was. If anything made him mad he would shoot lasers out of his eyes. Then, whenever the mailman came with my copy of Brawl, he emitted this high pitched squealing sound. From where I will never know. We played Brawl through the night until the crack of dawn. I won multiple times, so he shot me with his lasers. I died. The End.
i kissed a sexy zombie last night.....then i woke up...
I have often, was a long now though, dreamt that I was dreaming that I could fly. And whe I woke up from the dream in the dream, I was so sure that I could fly that I went to my friends to show. But I couldn't fly and they began to laugh :-[.
And then I woke up from the real dream. Flying would be awesome though :D.
Well, I had some what of a strange dream. I mean, telling aliens that look like humans that you're human, then having then scream and run away, and the only way to stop them is to get them into a corner and totally make out then drive to a water park while simutainously are on a high speed chase is weird.
i had a dream where i was randomly attacked by zombies. i was just standing there and.... BOOM! zombies!
i had a really weird dream....i was at my house and i had to set the code for the alarm...suddenly, after pressing the first button...ZAP! I was in another room! I found out that it was a room of my friend.
"Interesting," I said. I pressed the button again, and i was back in my house....there was a party downstairs for some strange reason..i was like, "Screw this!"
I pressed another button, I was in my church...weird.....then i pressed a different button and i was in my other friend's room...WHY DO I KEEP TELEPORTING!?
Then i was about to press a button until....i woke up
Why does every single one of my dreams happen at a bus stop? And it's the same damn bus stop every time!
well i had this dream that would stop and continue and the parts were totally random and unrelated. first i was at some fashion show and they were showcasing the woman with the largest butt in the world. it was really awkward. then i was in school and i was late for band class and when i got there the room was set up differently whit the chairs and stands, etc. so i sat down and the first chair clarinet dude (i play clarinet so, yeah) who's kind of a jerk says "move it punk!" and tells me to sit in first chair, and i'm like "wtf?" but anyway i sit there and i figure out that the band teacher re-seated everyone based on how awesome they were at Brawl. in the next part of the dream i was in english class and we were doing a play (because we actually were studying Shakespeare stuff the last few weeks, so...), i think the play was A Midsummer's Night's Dream, and all we were doing was running around a really big tree in the middle of the classroom.
it was a strange dream, but you've figured that out by now...
Quote from: razer84 on March 16, 2008, 08:01:20 AMlast night i had a dream where my pants had an expiration date.
Quote from: razer84 on March 16, 2008, 08:01:20 AMlast night i had a dream where my pants had an expiration date.
don't double post
and i also had a weird dream
once again, i was in Taiwan with my mom...don't know why....then we ate at some weird place....i was the only clean place compared with the rest of the city. we were about to go back to my grandma's apartment until i woke up.....but i was going to go on the internet and dial my friends back in the US if i got back to the apartment before i woke up
I love how you have those dreams where all of a sudden you trip and fall, get stabbed, etc then jerk awake with a really awkward feeling.
Quote from: gamer4251 on March 17, 2008, 01:21:59 AMI love how you have those dreams where all of a sudden you trip and fall, get stabbed, etc then jerk awake with a really awkward feeling.
those happen to me all the time.
yeah... one time i had a dream where i tripped, then this weird moth (blood-sucking, evil moth or something) flew into my ear, like it was going to eat my brains or something, and it felt like my ear was hurting
then this other time, I was on a swingset by a giant bottomless pit, then i accidentally flew out of the swing and into the pit. it felt like i was really falling down it, but then i woke up
dreams that involve the girl i like happens all the time....probably for you guys too
So in my dream last night, I went to some resort place with my family. My dad, sister and little brother. The first thing that I always do when I go to a hotel is look under the furniture for loose change (I’m not a cheap skate) but apparently my little brother had caught onto my habits and had already looked under it…by the time I had entered the room…and had gotten the goods; but I wasn’t ready to announce defeat, so I pull the refrigerator forward, and there was at least $100 USD in loose change under it. I was just picking up quarter after quarter, trying to hide what I was doing from my dad, so that he wouldn’t get any. Arg, I’m a pirate. Anyways, later in the day my dad had asked me to go out and get some toothpaste from the hotel lobby store and also a battery for his cell phone. So I went down there and got the toothpaste, but there was no battery - no duh â€" so I went back up to our room and told him there was no battery, and he got upset and took me with him back downstairs. I guess I missed the batteries and he was trying to prove his point, but I was already leaving. I wanted to get away, because I was afraid of my dad getting upset. So I went outside with my skateboard (for some reason in my dream, the skateboard is invisible, I don’t know why) and got away from the resort and started to skate in the neighborhoods nearby.
(This next part kind of shifts my dream away from the resort, you know how dreams do that.)
So I’m going around in these neighborhoods, and they have trees along side the roads and it’s a little chilly outside and around 5pm. I’m skating along and I go by a house and a childhood acquaintances mother, standing by the door spots me and tells me to come in. Now the acquaintance, I don’t really like at all, but I can’t say no to the mother, so I leave my skateboard on the side of the house (remember its invisible, but it still makes noise) and go in. (A small note here, the mother in the dream is not the real mother of the actual acquaintance that I know, she is more a of an average 1950’s American house wife.) So the mother serves me cookies and milk and she goes to fetch (from now on we’re going to call this acquaintance of mine Bob) Bob, and I sit on the couch quietly eyeing the cookies, which look very under baked. So Bob walks in the front room with a smirk on his face, and the mother goes back to the kitchen to leave us to ourselves. Bob starts to talk about stuff, I can’t remember exactly, but I know I got offended, and I can feel the tension in the room. So I get up and leave and Bob is smirking and trying to trip me, but I’m just ignoring him and walking out the door. Of course as soon as his mother comes out of the kitchen Bob acts like an angel and says that I had to leave because I was feeling sick and I walk grab my skateboard and roll away.
It’s getting late now, and I’ve come into a more Venice type town, and now I’m walking. Many lanterns on the side of buildings light the town, and the sun has set, but there is still a little light left by it. I’m kind of in the middle of this big group of people all walking the same way, but little by little, people walk off onto other streets and I decide to follow these Japanese people in front of me. So finally, I’ve walked a long way with these Japanese people still about 10 feet ahead of me, and the Venice type town is behind us now, and we are back in a suburban area (I don’t know what I’m doing following these people, but I just am). All of the sudden we walk up this uphill road toward a neighbor hood and a lot of bushes, and the Japanese people turn around and look at me, and whisper among themselves, and I’m embarrassed that I’ve followed them and say sorry and walk away. They keep climbing the road and ignore me, but curiosity has gotten the best of me. I mean, this group wasn’t a family, they were all different ages, and where were they going? I had to find out. So I sneakily followed them the next 20 meters or so, and I thought they were going to keep along the road, but they suddenly turned away from the road, and went toward a bunch of bushes right next to a house. They went behind the bushes and right up against the house, and they knocked on the wood paneling on the side of the house, and I got into the bushes and laid low. Suddenly it opened a crack and I could here someone say “password?†They had said something in Japanese and paneling opened up more and the people walked inside, then it shut tight. I was all very intrigued by this, but I hadn’t exactly heard the password, so I decided I should go to my friend’s house and ask. (My friend in real life, has a mother that is Japanese, so I was hoping she could help me out) So I got there and to make things short, I learned what the password was and headed back to the place. I knocked on the wood paneling, and it opened up a little, and the person behind asked, “password?†I answered…but I kind of messed up. It opened though, but the man had a samurai sword by his side and was drawing it. So I just kind of ran away.
I'll finish later.
I had the same dream two nights in a row.
It was me laying in my bed, there was a light on outside my room and I could hear someone moving around.
I took a drink of a water bottle and then for some reason I had a King DeDeDe plush thingy. Then, I found a small jug of water and put it inside the plush toy thing then drank water out of King DeDeDe.
Kind of weird, but it was a nice dream, and two nights in a row.
Never had a dream where I was in my bed before. :S
this is a recurring dream that started 3 years ago and i haven't had in a while until last night.
so i'm in some random shopping mall with my dad and my two little brothers. my mom isn't there but that doesn't bother me because it's a dream, y'know. so we come out of an electronics store and start walking down the main concourse to some other store. my dad just randomly tells me, "son, go fetch you mother, would you?" (he doesn't ever normal talk like that, but whatever...). so i exit the mall and i look around (this dream is from a third-person perspective, so i'm seeing myself look around right now) and i see some lights off on the other side of the parking garage. so i begin walking around the parking garage towards the light and i see that the lights are coming from a shopping mall that was almost identical to the one that i had just exited from.
so as i walk past the garage the camera angle of the dream (remember, this is 3rd person) shifts to an almost side-scrolling angle with me in the foreground and the garage in the background. then these two fat old ladies come into view and start laughing and they start talking. i know that the are talking about me. "what a pity he has to die... :(" they say. and i get freaked out and run into the parking garage....
Quote from: Concerto No.20 in D minor on March 18, 2008, 06:09:36 PMI'll finish later.
Last night I had a dream, but I only remember a bit of it:
My watch (which is normally pretty big but huge in the dream) started beeping and flashing a little symbol of a bomb. According to the manual of the watch, this meant that there was a poisonous gas in the room. This gas lowers your body temperature until you die, but you actually begin to feel warm. To prevent my death, I used the feature on my watch to raise my body temperature even though I was already very "warm". That's all I remember...
there's this website that said that it's normal to have "wet" dreams
Yeah...these are weird...
~ My house was under attack by....Madge the Candle Eater. >_> He ate all of my scented candles. WHY MY SCENTED CANDLES?!?!?! So..he ate candles. And ate candles. And ate (guess what?) candles. Then he kissed me goodnight. <_< His breath smelled of buttercream icing....
~ Apparently I write stories in my dreams. This one was a spoof of "The Lord of the Rings." It was about the magical microwave named Dickins. He was evil, and always hungry. If you didn't feed him, he regurgitates evil unto the world. Such evils include: Blood Muffins (Liam Sullivan FTW!), Dracula Penguin, Humberto the Happy Taco, and Elmo.
~ My mum made fried chicken. She turned to me and said "Colonel Saunders eat your heart out." Then I opened the refrigerator and....Colonel Saunders ate my heart out.
Quote from: HugoMeister on March 20, 2008, 09:25:05 PM~ My mum made fried chicken. She turned to me and said "Colonel Saunders eat your heart out." Then I opened the refrigerator and....Colonel Saunders ate my heart out.
Quote from: razer84 on March 21, 2008, 06:36:15 AMQuote from: HugoMeister on March 20, 2008, 09:25:05 PM~ My mum made fried chicken. She turned to me and said "Colonel Saunders eat your heart out." Then I opened the refrigerator and....Colonel Saunders ate my heart out.
wow....that's really random
I have strange dreams :o
Once upon a time I went to bed and had this dream
I was babysitting at this old granny's house and there was this little girl there. All inside the house were these ornate glass bowls of candy. The candy was those nasty chalky valentines hearts. Anyways, the granny told me, "Don't eat any of those candies, they're highly addictive!" She told me that if the little girl ate any of the candy, the only way to cure her of the addiction was to put her in the DVD player. I said, "Okay, whatever!" and the granny left. So next thing I know this girl is shoving her face full of these candies! So I say "Alright little girl, in the DVD player you go." and I put her in the DVD player (I still don't understand how it all worked) a blue light flashed, and the DVD player opened up and she was gone! I kinda started freaking out and then I stopped caring. I decided I should try the candy because I hadn't eaten in a while. All the sudden I realize I'm addicted now! I freak out because I know I won't fit in the DVD player. So I run outside and flag down this female cop. I say "Cop lady, take me to the hospital, I'm addicted to heart-shaped-candies!" I don't think she hears me, because she takes off in the opposite direction. It turns out she is actually a man and she... he is in a race. I help him out by throwing these oranges (which I was apparently holding the whole time) at the other racers. We end up driving off the road into a river. He tells me to go on without him. I start walking because I'm tired, in the direction we were racing. Eventually I come to the finish line and the guy there told me I won an air hockey table.
I have fun dreams ;D
This was the weirdest dream i ever had:
I dreamed that I woke up to my radio. I could hear my radio in my dream but couldn't actually wake up (and yes, the radio was playing). So (in my dream) i kept pushing the snooze button, but it wouldn't turn off! I pushed it like 20 times, and it wouldn't go off. then i pushed the off button, and it still wouldn't turn off. I thought about unplugging it, but that might have messed it up, so i didn't. Then i got up and went to the bathroom (still in my dream). i came back to bed and laid down again, and still tried to turn off the radio, but it still didn't work. Then i woke up and realized i had been dreaming.
Once, I had dream... that you were all insane. And then... I woke up....
and I was typing out this message. HoW MaNy Of YoUr DrEaMs CoMe TrUe?? ?? ?? ;D
Quote from: Brawler4Ever on April 08, 2008, 04:26:02 PMHoW MaNy Of YoUr DrEaMs CoMe TrUe?? ?? ?? ;D
all of them.
...well, the normal ones at least (not the random ones)
i had a dream where i turned into a bowl of cereal and ate myself. i hope my dreams stop being true.
I had a dream last night that the submissions board was actually up. No joke.
Congratulations, you are officially the dork of NSM :P ::)
Lol Gamer XD
This isn't really about me but my mom has dreams about Dr. Mario :P... The game not the actual person ;D
Sometimes i have dreams about tetris. Like playing the game nonstop in my dreams.
last night i had a short dream where my house was in the eye of a storm. it was pretty cool. all the clouds were like, swirling around us, and it was really windy
i had this dream where i got off the school bus at the end of the day and i forgot to take my backpack and clarinet off the bus with me, so then i was running super fast after the bus and the driver was laughing at me. it was one of those really realistic dreams.
I heard that you only remember 10% of your dreams of the entire night, but here is one of the most F%$#ed up dreams I can remember
I am in a tent with my 2 best friends, camping. We leave the tent and start walking outside in the forest. It is night. Randomly one of my friends falls down and starts to cry, and bleed. me and the other friend walked away. (I remember thinking in my head, wait, I need to help him, but the dream carried on). So we continue to walk, and I realize, the moon is getting closer like in LoZ: Majora's Mask, and it has that F%$#ed up face too. (I should have never played that game at age 7, I was scared of EVERYTHING then and it messed me up bad...) so the moon comes down so close that we can touch it, it opens its mouth and eats us. Then, we randomly are in a lake, and there are ducks everywhere.
I wake up and my head is under a running faucet.
and no, I am not on Meth.
Quote from: David Hauffe on April 27, 2008, 09:13:15 PMI wake up and my head is under a running faucet.
and no, I am not on Meth.
Quote from: David Hauffe on April 27, 2008, 09:13:15 PMI heard that you only remember 10% of your dreams of the entire night
LIES!!! I remember quite a few of my dreams 100%
I agree...I remember most of my dreams...but that's because I have a condition that doesn't allow me to leave the stage of sleep where dreaming occurs...I can nod off for a split second and have an entire dream. (Think of the classroom headbob and that's what I'm talking about)
wow that's pretty cool, i wish i could do that! :)
that's kinda cool.
last night i had a dream where i was flying. at first i couldn't move, but eventually i had control over flying. it was really fun.
Last night I had a dream I was batman.
I had a dream I was Belle from "Beauty and the Beast".
I woke up, went to the bathroom, looked at my reflection, and yelled "HELL NO."
I dreamed last night that I was still in band, destroying everything >:-) It was really weird...
Last night...
I dreamed that the German army want to kill me, so i start to run, and i blocked some bullet with a chair i had in my hand(WTHeck this chair was doing in my hand????) And then i was saved by a man in a barn who had some anti-bullet windows.....
it was some kind of .....FREAKKKK!!!
I have unmetionable dreams...*shudders*
I have some Kick Ass dreams.
1. I dreamt my super hero (I made one ;D) was real and I was him! and my friends were other heros but related to certain others for instance my friend Frizy had frizy hair like Cloud in FF7 or what game he's from and he had a huge ass sword only he can weild. and so alot of peole I know were Video game and super hero characters and we the Nega version of me and it....was....AMAZING! I mean if I could animate it. It would be legendary! but In the end I sacrificed my self to save the city and when I said my final words I woke up! (On the bright side the girl I like kissed me :-* ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D)
2. Me an my friend were working in the theater(I'm aplying for the job as we speak) and this guy who looks EXACTLY Like Robert Downey Jr. (except he was calling him self Tony Stark so it was a Iron Man dream) he comes up and says. Uh which one of you is *Insert Metroid's Name here* and I go "yes?" and he says Here you go and then he vanished and I got his sweet goate and knowledge and I built meh Iron Man suit ;D and I go and blast things to kindom come and all of a sudden the Iron Monger shows up with nobody in it. and starts to shoot me and of course I win and as soon as I went to meh house I fall and almost hit the cement until I wake up in which I hit the floor >___>;
3. This one I can't even tell you cause it is by far the most Awsomest (IMO) dream known to man! It was EVERY GAME I PLAYED IN ONE DREAM! and it felt like a month! ;D It had every boss I have faced and every character I have played and it was INCREDIBLE!!!
I rarely have strange dreams.
Aw, you're lucky you get so many cool dreams. I seem to think about some people too much and in the wrong way...*shudders again*
Quote from: starpikachu on June 11, 2008, 07:10:33 PMAw, you're lucky you get so many cool dreams. I seem to think about some people too much and in the wrong way...*shudders again*
ouch that must...there is no way to make a comment that doesn't provoke thoghts after you just said that >.>'
Quote from: MetroidHunter26 on June 11, 2008, 07:13:19 PMQuote from: starpikachu on June 11, 2008, 07:10:33 PMAw, you're lucky you get so many cool dreams. I seem to think about some people too much and in the wrong way...*shudders again*
ouch that must...there is no way to make a comment that doesn't provoke thoghts after you just said that >.>'
Exactly. I am emotionally scarred for life now.
I die sometimes in my dreams.
In my awkward dreams, I sometimes have psychic
I also seem to have ghosts/spirits in my dreams, eh, quite amusing stories to look back to once I wake up.
ok, i have a twisted mind, so i can't exactly post most of the dreams, but i think this is one of my favorites. In fact, i'll post 2 of em.
1) Ok, it started out like this. I along with some of my friends were enslaved and put to forced labor on an extremely obese tyrants marijuana fields. But, him being obese, we easilly escaped after the first week of enslavement. So, we make it back to school and everyone is walking around in their swimsuits and underwear, and the 5 of us sat around a high table and talked about "them yankees". After about a half an hour a couple other people gather around, and we all decide to walk around town. On our excursion around town, we met a Hippie, whom we tried to communicate with, at least until he told us "i don't talk to squares" and started to chase us. Somehow we ended up halfway across America on the Colorado River, 9 of us divided up into 3 rafts and then the angry hippie chasing us, sitting on his "Anit-Man Van" that was propelling itself with flower power. 3 of my friends were in the front boat, i along with 2 of my other friends were in the middle boat, and then a robot, Bill Clinton, and one of my stranger friends were covering the rear. I still don't exactly see where bill and Mr. Roboto came into the equation. But the hippie quickly closed in on the rear raft and snatched up Bill and Mr. Roboto, leaving my friend squeeling like a pig in fear. He jumps into the river and swims away to start his very own nudist colony. The Hippie closed in on our boat until i stood up, pressed the red button on a large remote and yelled, "Jackson 5, assemble" where they rose out of the water and blasted the hippie with black (and one half-white) rays of music that shot out of their eyes. I woke up after that.
You would have to be in marching band to understand my next dream. I'll give you a quick summery. It was totally black except for the never ending clicking of Dr. Beat, our metronome hooked up to a big speaker. If you march, you know what i mean.
LOL I had a dream themed to robot chicken and family guy! XD both at different nights and then they just blended together XD I conserder myself lucky to remember ALL my dreams. Some I wish I wouldn't remember >____>
ok...last night...worst dream ever...
to resume this quickly, i dreamed that i had 50% in my math436 ministery exam(THE exam you wanna pass) and then i woke up, and i realized that i had 50% in my exam...then i woke did this like, 5 times......(sorry for all the grammar mistake, i'm french...)
Sometimes my dreams come true, like...
I dreamed that I was playing baseball and then I got hit in the mouth with the ball and I woke up, then when I went to my baseball game, I got hit in the mouth with the ball. It's weird. :o
oh yeah! like déjà vu? that happens to me all the time! i think it's awesome
lots of my dreams are... reality like. I have a dream about myself at skool and a bunch of drama happens. It's like a TV show while I sleep lol.
In one dream I was banjo and I was in spiral mountain LOL! (That's the VGnerd side of my brain!) And while I was playing, I walked into this level, and this music that I liked was playing, It was a level called Honeybee Mountain. That music was all made up in my dream by me, and then I wrote it the next morning! :D
Quote from: ZeldaFan on June 16, 2008, 07:26:22 PMoh yeah! like déjà vu? that happens to me all the time! i think it's awesome
you too? It's way to frequent for me sometimes... I usually get the things that happen usually a week or so in advance...
Quote from: ZeldaFan on June 16, 2008, 07:26:22 PMoh yeah! like déjà vu? that happens to me all the time! i think it's awesome
I have Deja vu too! and I have flash backs too! so I develped a theory similar to the back to the future one XD but it makes sense.
here it goes!
so you find yourself in that moment of deja vu and you have a flash back of when you saw that moment. (example I was running up the path of my Elemantary school back in Salt Lake when had a kinda future sight to a dreary old school and it was all brown and icky. and then when I came to southern Utah BAM I found myself in a dreary old Middle school dubed DMS >__< but when I found the point of my deja vu I flashback to that exact same time I had seen that future event!) and then I go more in detail how if we were to grasp on to that moment between past and future we could go back in time not physicly BUT MENTALY! so yeah just wanted to share that ;D
Quote from: B-Kpianist on June 16, 2008, 07:29:24 PMlots of my dreams are... reality like. I have a dream about myself at skool and a bunch of drama happens. It's like a TV show while I sleep lol.
In one dream I was banjo and I was in spiral mountain LOL! (That's the VGnerd side of my brain!) And while I was playing, I walked into this level, and this music that I liked was playing, It was a level called Honeybee Mountain. That music was all made up in my dream by me, and then I wrote it the next morning! :D
Hey that's cool. I just use other peoples music in my dreams XD
I once had a dream that came true two years later...exactly! I had the dream in the fifth grade and in it I was playing the violin in front of an audience. I didn't play the violin until two years later and at my first concert...bam! Exactly like my dream. The place, the people, the event.
Lol, strangest dream Ive had involved going back to bed during the dream and falling asleep (in the dream) then waking up irl and going - wtf?? it's day time already?? but i just went to bed!!
My own mind screws with me
A little bit ago I had an awesome dream that I went to mars and there was life. I was in a city, and the beings there were something I recognized but this was a couple weeks ago so I can't remember exactly what they were.
I remember I've had dreams for the past couple of nights now.
I just can't remember, no matter how hard I try, what they were about.
well, ine time i had a dream that i was sonic... i woke up just b4 i died...
Tell you what's the best - when you realise that you are dreaming really early on, it's epic
"flys away"
More like.
"Hey, this is a dream---wait, don't wake up! DON'T! NOOOOO!"
Lucid Dreams: Dreams whereby the dreamer takes conscious control of the dream.
Site on Lucid Dreaming:
We've gone over the lucid dream thing plenty of times lol.
one time i dreamed that i woke up to my brother and i saw all this bionicle stuff(i was a little kid) and then i saw this this huge bionicle that you could sit in and control. then, i dreamed i woke did normal stuff and then i dreamed i woke up AGAIN and did the SAME THING. then i woke upp fer reals ;D
why is it that the wierd dreams are always the ones that you can never remember
probaly the wierdest dream i had was similar to majora's mask.. and the wierd thing is that it happens like once every week. basically i relive my day over again in my head.. but i do something different.. (like talk to someone else instead of another person) and when i go to bed (in my dream) it shows me the people that were effected by my actions and then sends me back to the beginning of that same day... and it repeats over and over again.. whats wierd is that when i do what i did in my dream the next day whatever the outcome was happens... very odd.. although the wierdest one was that orginally i talked to one of my friends after school and in the dream i didn't and she got raped... it made like no sense.. =/. and no she didn't actually get raped...=P
I finally had a dream where I was flying. It wasn't lucid but it was amazing anyway.
I can't remember it all but it was probably the best dream I've ever had.
hm... wow a lot of your dreams are about games and school and stuff. You can really see what you guys think about
"I die sometimes in my dreams." - Akiro
WOOOAAAHHH, I had one of those, it was part of a massive dream that was like..... well it was in the epicness of star wars except none of it made too much sense, and I was the narrator looking down at the wizard kid who had to save like the universe... and... let's not go into detail, but at one point this zombie girl comes and goes "beware the pixie" and holds out the decapitated head of a faerie, saying again,
"keep him locked, I must have peace" and collapses into dust and the wizard kid's all like "wtf' and takes the still bleeding head
well anyway, then after that dream was over and the boy had saved the universe i had another dream.
I was this girl, with long blonde hair (but I had to tie it back so the blood can't stain it [have you ever tried to get blood out, it's hard!]) and I was in this war, the war from the main story, with the vampires. Long story short (and it is quite a long story) I meet this pixie. Through the army training I know that the pixie is dangerous, that you have to kill it and it will transform into a faerie. But, I'm like 17, so I'm an idiot, and think I can trick the pixie first before it kills me. So she puts her gun down and I stare at the pixie. Long story short (again) she fails :P stoopid teenagers, and she gets captured by the pixie and tortured. That was fun to experience first person >_> <_<
Well I have to relive and experience all her memories. Long story short (this could be a novel), the last one is the time where she kills her parents, but suddenly she turns lucid, this is a memory that she hated the most, she knows that her parents never meant to hurt her (no, my dream never told me what they did exactly, I just thought the girl's thoughts and felt everything she felt) and so she put her knife away and cried,
"DADDY!" hugging her dad and long story short the pixie comes and is all like evil and it makes me relive the memory over and over again... oh here's a good quote from her that i remembered "it called them levels, as if this were some kind of game, that freak. With every 'level' I failed, it had to be repeated, again, and again, and again"
and so by the end of it, she got so insane
and she had a knife
(dude my mind is screwed up)
I picked up the knife, shakingly raised it above my stomach, and plunged it down. But the freaking pixie saw and grabbed the knife, it sliced open my stomach. IT HURT SO MUCH! who says you can't feel pain in a dream? IT FREAKING HURT!!!
then the pixie laughed at the wound, saying I deserved it for the insubordination and began to walk off, but I saw the knife again, glinting with blood. With her final breath I got up, grabbing the knife, and sliced the pixie's head off. Then I took the knife to myself, stronger now, it plunged deep into my chest and I woke up.
HAHAHA well now try to figure out what *I* think about...
My friend had a dream, once...
I don't remember exactly what he told be but it went something like:
"I was flying a plane on the ground (?) then I decided to look for Kenny (his friend) and Mr. Brown (pe teacher) then I found them, so I decided to storm the band room but it was locked and nobody was in there...."
I lol'ed
I had a dream. yeah, i was like free-running (which i actually do in real life) but i could alter gravity. it was insane. then i grabbed a tree and used it to cut a car in two.
Wow. I just had the strangest dream. I will tell you all shortly.
I had a dream this morning of an entirely new sport it was kinda like a cross between golf and horseshoes but a lot more complicated and it was played on a football (american) field. As soon as I woke up, I ran and got a piece of paper and wrote it all down.
5/3/2009 3:04:44 PM Erich. Jeni Omg that was weird
5/3/2009 3:04:51 PM Jeni Erich. what?
5/3/2009 3:05:09 PM Erich. Jeni I had a dream last night and part of it was trying to make it to your birthday party in salt lake
5/3/2009 3:05:21 PM Jeni Erich. really?
5/3/2009 3:05:26 PM Erich. Jeni was really weird
5/3/2009 3:05:38 PM Erich. Jeni Like I got you this pikmin shirt or something
5/3/2009 3:05:43 PM Jeni Erich. you were dreaming about me lol ;)
5/3/2009 3:06:02 PM Erich. Jeni And kirilenko and boozer and deron williams were there too
5/3/2009 3:06:24 PM Erich. Jeni But paul milsap got shot and died! And that like woke me up
5/3/2009 3:06:28 PM Erich. Jeni It was very sad
5/3/2009 3:06:29 PM Erich. Jeni :(
5/3/2009 3:06:50 PM Jeni Erich. oh how sad!
5/3/2009 3:07:04 PM Erich. Jeni I know
5/3/2009 3:07:23 PM Erich. Jeni I also got really mad at my dad, but I can't remember why
5/3/2009 3:07:33 PM Erich. Jeni And I rented like a tuxedo
5/3/2009 3:07:40 PM Erich. Jeni And got lost on trains in the mountain
5/3/2009 3:07:48 PM Erich. Jeni And I was like a multibillionair
5/3/2009 3:07:52 PM Erich. Jeni It was a crazy dream
5/3/2009 3:08:08 PM Erich. Jeni And I ate at quiznos
5/3/2009 3:09:33 PM Jeni Erich. haha I still think it's funny that I was in your dream lol
5/3/2009 3:10:02 PM Erich. Jeni lol
5/3/2009 3:10:35 PM Erich. Jeni But why were the jazz players at your birthday party in salt lake in a fancy resturant?
5/3/2009 3:10:43 PM Jeni Erich. hahahaha
5/3/2009 3:10:57 PM Jeni Erich. because I'm tight with them all!
5/3/2009 3:10:59 PM Jeni Erich. we're all buddies!
5/3/2009 3:11:04 PM Erich. Jeni cool
5/3/2009 3:12:02 PM Jeni Erich. yep!
5/3/2009 3:12:09 PM Jeni Erich. I invite all my buddies to my birthday!
5/3/2009 3:12:17 PM Erich. Jeni lol
5/3/2009 3:12:21 PM Erich. Jeni OH!
5/3/2009 3:12:32 PM Erich. Jeni Also brian was in my dream too like at the beginning
5/3/2009 3:12:41 PM Jeni Erich. what did he do?
5/3/2009 3:13:08 PM Erich. Jeni For some reason, he got off at the mtc or something for a week and was spending a week at home?
5/3/2009 3:13:09 PM Erich. Jeni Idk
5/3/2009 3:13:29 PM Erich. Jeni And he was at my house and like all he could really do was sit at the table
5/3/2009 3:13:38 PM Erich. Jeni Because he wasn't allowed to do anything
5/3/2009 3:13:48 PM Erich. Jeni Like even go to the park and go down the slides
5/3/2009 3:13:58 PM Erich. Jeni And before that
5/3/2009 3:14:21 PM Erich. Jeni I was like learning to jump high enough to dunk a basketball
5/3/2009 3:14:29 PM Erich. Jeni Oh and holy crap how can I remember all this
5/3/2009 3:14:44 PM Erich. Jeni And there was like a police car chase
5/3/2009 3:14:58 PM Erich. Jeni And I was like spying on some evil jr. high kids
5/3/2009 3:15:09 PM Erich. Jeni And my nieghbors yard got flooded
5/3/2009 3:15:14 PM Jeni Erich. Oh my gosh!
5/3/2009 3:15:41 PM Jeni Erich. Your dreams are crazy!
5/3/2009 3:15:44 PM Erich. Jeni Yeah
5/3/2009 3:15:47 PM Jeni Erich. haha I was in it lol
5/3/2009 3:16:06 PM Erich. Jeni You were in it at the very end right before I woke up though...and it was depressing!
5/3/2009 3:16:14 PM Erich. Jeni Milsap died!
5/3/2009 3:16:17 PM Erich. Jeni ;(
5/3/2009 3:16:33 PM Jeni Erich. it was only depressing because you couldn't see more of me lol ;)
5/3/2009 3:16:44 PM Jeni Erich. j/k
5/3/2009 3:16:45 PM Erich. Jeni Right lol
5/3/2009 3:16:59 PM Erich. Jeni I think I was actually trying to escape the party
5/3/2009 3:17:08 PM Jeni Erich. :(
5/3/2009 3:17:10 PM Erich. Jeni I can't remember why though
5/3/2009 3:17:15 PM Jeni Erich. My party's not good enough for you?
5/3/2009 3:17:35 PM Erich. Jeni I think it was because I was tying to do some important spy stuff
5/3/2009 3:18:01 PM Jeni Erich. my party sucked! :'(
5/3/2009 3:18:06 PM Erich. Jeni lol
5/3/2009 3:18:11 PM Erich. Jeni Well it was like a really fancy place
5/3/2009 3:18:16 PM Erich. Jeni You must have been rich!
5/3/2009 3:18:26 PM Jeni Erich. maybe!
5/3/2009 3:18:53 PM Jeni Erich. but you were rich too, like a billionaire right? Maybe YOU paid for my party!
5/3/2009 3:19:01 PM Jeni Erich. that would explain why the jazz players were there!
5/3/2009 3:19:52 PM Erich. Jeni Maybe!
5/3/2009 3:20:26 PM Jeni Erich. lol
5/3/2009 3:20:31 PM Jeni Erich. how awesome!
5/3/2009 3:20:38 PM Jeni Erich. so, why did you quit your job?
5/3/2009 3:20:50 PM Erich. Jeni D:
5/3/2009 3:20:59 PM Erich. Jeni HOW DOES EVERY oh wait
5/3/2009 3:21:05 PM Erich. Jeni I posted it on face book
5/3/2009 3:21:41 PM Erich. Jeni Like yesterday I hadn't even told ANYONE and all the sudden people were like, "why'd you quit your job!?"
5/3/2009 3:22:11 PM Jeni Erich. well that's what happens when you post things on facebook Erich lol
5/3/2009 3:22:46 PM Erich. Jeni Well that wasn't until like 10 minutes ago!
5/3/2009 3:23:08 PM Jeni Erich. lol oh
5/3/2009 3:23:15 PM Jeni Erich. so, why did you quit? lol
5/3/2009 3:23:19 PM Erich. Jeni It was boring
5/3/2009 3:23:25 PM Erich. Jeni And way too repetitive
5/3/2009 3:24:29 PM Jeni Erich. Oh I'm sorry
5/3/2009 3:24:34 PM Jeni Erich. have you found another job?
5/3/2009 3:26:01 PM Erich. Jeni I'm lookin
5/3/2009 3:26:09 PM Jeni Erich. same here
5/3/2009 3:26:26 PM Jeni Erich. I'm thinking about teaching private sax lessons or working at some music store somewhere
5/3/2009 3:26:43 PM Erich. Jeni cool
5/3/2009 3:27:34 PM Jeni Erich. yeah
5/3/2009 3:27:45 PM Jeni Erich. so have you been practicing your sax?
5/3/2009 3:28:31 PM Erich. Jeni >.>
5/3/2009 3:28:34 PM Erich. Jeni <.<
5/3/2009 3:28:39 PM Erich. Jeni Maaaaaaaaaaybe?
5/3/2009 3:29:17 PM Jeni Erich. lol
5/3/2009 3:29:21 PM Jeni Erich. is that a no?
5/3/2009 3:31:29 PM Erich. Jeni yup
5/3/2009 3:31:31 PM Erich. Jeni >>>>>.>
5/3/2009 3:32:11 PM Jeni Erich. lol
5/3/2009 3:32:13 PM Jeni Erich. guess what!!
5/3/2009 3:33:44 PM Erich. Jeni what?
5/3/2009 3:34:28 PM Jeni Erich. I'm going to learn how to play the oboe and the french horn!
5/3/2009 3:37:53 PM Erich. Jeni D:
5/3/2009 3:37:56 PM Erich. Jeni How?!
5/3/2009 3:38:13 PM Jeni Erich. I'm going to rent them from the school and then learn!
5/3/2009 3:39:08 PM Erich. Jeni Cool
5/3/2009 3:40:01 PM Jeni Erich. yeah I'm excited :D
5/3/2009 3:42:57 PM Jeni Erich. so, have you heard from Brian?
5/3/2009 3:44:56 PM Erich. Jeni Nope
5/3/2009 3:45:13 PM Erich. Jeni I need to write him a letter still D:
5/3/2009 3:45:24 PM Jeni Erich. did you ever send him those mints?
5/3/2009 3:46:26 PM Erich. Jeni Not yet
5/3/2009 3:46:30 PM Erich. Jeni D:
5/3/2009 3:46:34 PM Erich. Jeni I'm too lazy!
5/3/2009 3:46:38 PM Erich. Jeni BUT I WILL
5/3/2009 3:47:18 PM Jeni Erich. lol
5/3/2009 3:47:21 PM Jeni Erich. nice!
5/3/2009 3:51:23 PM Jeni Erich. I'm composing a song
5/3/2009 3:51:25 PM Jeni Erich. :)
5/3/2009 3:51:47 PM Erich. Jeni Really?
5/3/2009 3:52:03 PM Jeni Erich. yes
5/3/2009 3:52:05 PM Jeni Erich. it's for my cousin
5/3/2009 3:52:21 PM Erich. Jeni Are you using Finale or just manuscript paper?
5/3/2009 3:52:51 PM Jeni Erich. the 30-day trial of Finale
5/3/2009 3:53:19 PM Erich. Jeni cool
5/3/2009 3:53:32 PM Erich. Jeni Can I see?
5/3/2009 3:53:43 PM Jeni Erich. so I'm trying to get the main melody for him and then I'll play with the rest once he tells me how he wants it
5/3/2009 3:53:45 PM Erich. Jeni send me your file so far!
5/3/2009 3:53:54 PM Erich. Jeni I want to see!
5/3/2009 3:53:57 PM Erich. Jeni :D
5/3/2009 3:54:45 PM Jeni Erich. okay... I just s tarted and I've never done it before so it will probably sound retarded... and it's just the main little melody okay?
5/3/2009 3:54:57 PM Erich. Jeni kk
5/3/2009 3:56:46 PM Jeni sends loco for coco.mus
5/3/2009 3:58:34 PM Erich. Jeni puffs
5/3/2009 3:59:02 PM Jeni Erich. It's supposed to be like a joke of some sort about the hot chocolate song from Polar Express
5/3/2009 3:59:07 PM Jeni Erich. what do you mean puffs?
5/3/2009 3:59:15 PM You have successfully received C:\Documents and Settings\Erich 2\My Documents\My Received Files\loco for coco.mus from Jeni.
5/3/2009 4:02:47 PM Erich. Jeni D:
5/3/2009 4:02:52 PM Erich. Jeni Incompatable version
5/3/2009 4:02:53 PM Erich. Jeni :(
5/3/2009 4:03:02 PM Jeni Erich. oh dang!
5/3/2009 4:03:16 PM Jeni Erich. hmmm....
5/3/2009 4:03:21 PM Erich. Jeni It's okay
5/3/2009 4:03:35 PM Erich. Jeni I've got finale allegro 2005 and finale notepad 2008
5/3/2009 4:03:40 PM Erich. Jeni So...that's prolly why
5/3/2009 4:03:48 PM Jeni Erich. I think this is notepad 2009
5/3/2009 4:03:52 PM Erich. Jeni Yeah
5/3/2009 4:03:58 PM Erich. Jeni It's okay though
5/3/2009 4:04:04 PM Erich. Jeni I should prolly upgrade to 2009 though
5/3/2009 4:04:58 PM Jeni Erich. do it!
5/3/2009 4:05:01 PM Jeni Erich. then you can hear!
5/3/2009 4:05:34 PM Erich. Jeni I can't install programs on this computer :(
5/3/2009 4:06:07 PM Jeni Erich. oh poop snapple
5/3/2009 4:06:51 PM Jeni Erich. maybe I'll have to bring my laptop to your house when it's closer to being done
5/3/2009 4:09:00 PM Erich. Jeni cool
5/3/2009 4:09:57 PM Jeni Erich. so, is it nerdy for me to say I want to see the new Star Trek movie?
5/3/2009 4:09:58 PM Jeni Erich. lol
5/3/2009 4:10:36 PM Erich. Jeni No?
5/3/2009 4:11:11 PM Jeni Erich. lol
5/3/2009 4:11:14 PM Jeni Erich. it looks cool
5/3/2009 4:11:56 PM Erich. Jeni I know
5/3/2009 4:12:02 PM Erich. Jeni But, I'm not getting my hopes up
5/3/2009 4:12:26 PM Jeni Erich. lol did you see the wolverine movie?
5/3/2009 4:12:32 PM Erich. Jeni Nope
5/3/2009 4:13:23 PM Jeni Erich. I wanna see that one too
5/3/2009 4:13:48 PM Erich. Jeni I've heard good things and bad things about it
5/3/2009 4:14:01 PM Erich. Jeni Just kinda really opposite reviews
5/3/2009 4:14:30 PM Jeni Erich. hmmm... I guess you'll just have to develop your own opinion about it then!
5/3/2009 4:15:56 PM Erich. Jeni yup
5/3/2009 4:16:14 PM Jeni Erich. shifty*
That was like a dream I had a few nights ago. And this is the one I had last night.
The main part that I remember was me playing Battlefield Bad Company with Frank, and I ran over the same 5 guys like 6 times. Then I like went to a church or something and when I came back my mom had bought a $450 bunny. And the bunny was playing with my cats. Then my mom and little brother and I ran across some huge green flowing hills each carrying one pet in our arms, whilst clouds rolled in and the sun rose. Then I woke up.
I had a dream i was playing the protagonist in Pokemon 2nd Generation, and I fought the Elite four, then I got hit by a grenade, then I beat Lance and I jumped on a truck and kissed a girl, then zombies came after me and she said bye.
i will never forget this dream, it happened when i was little:
so me, my mom, and dad are driving, so then we pull up in front of Safeway (store) and my mom goes in to get somethin. so, its not how the actual laout of our Safeway is, its wierd. its dark, and it was, were waitin in the car, and ahead, there is a big fence, and behind it we can hear elephants yelling (or however u wanna describe it....the sound they make...u know...) and u can hear a T-rex's roar....etc.....hes eating them, but tis behind the then my dad says, ok we're leaving! so then we drive out, turn left, and head back down the street, and there is a T-rex on the left, just standing, roaring at the drivers, then it looks at us, and roars, with its mouth wide then we pass it, and my dad turns around and says, "It's going to be a long ride." then it all goes white.....and i wake up.................
usually, when i figure out im in a dream, the dream starts to disappear...i hate
I laways used to have this dream when I was a kid where I was on a balcony overlooking the entrance hall of a big, fancy, gold house, but then I would fall over the balcony, I'd try to reach the chandelier but couldn't, and then I would just fall and just before I hit the ground, I'd either wake up or have my dream change...
Quote from: SirIngusBingus on July 05, 2009, 07:03:37 AMI laways used to have this dream when I was a kid where I was on a balcony overlooking the entrance hall of a big, fancy, gold house, but then I would fall over the balcony, I'd try to reach the chandelier but couldn't, and then I would just fall and just before I hit the ground, I'd either wake up or have my dream change...
ya, and for me, if i hit the floor, id wake up and feel the pain..... lol..........
OMG, about 2 weeks ago I had a crazy scary dream about being in a failing passenger jet, the captain was all like: "ITS ALRIGHT, DON'T PANIC" and I ran into the cockpit, but no one seemed to care. Then the plane started violently jerking up and down and started dropping out of the sky FAST. It barely just managed to pull up, it started flying straight again about 10 metres off the ground. The dream just ended there.
Creepy thing was that the next morning I checked the news and the most recent headline was that there was a plane crash over Iran with that killed all 168 on board. I figure it's just a coincidence, but still.
^ wow...creepy...
Don't you guys hate it when you are half asleep and then you fall or something in your sleep and you jump? Or when you feel like you're about to fall of the bed and you're like 4 ft away from it?
Actually I'm not much of a dreamer...
Quote from: Dalonzo on August 01, 2009, 10:04:06 AMDon't you guys hate it when you are half asleep and then you fall or something in your sleep and you jump?
i hate that, like il be in a semi-dream tone....and ill like trip and like freak out when i wake up...
I had this odd dream where I was Link and I was messing with some weird arrow system in what looked like Hyrule field from OoT and near some woods. Somehow I knew that it was a part of the field like in TP, only a small section. Then I get hit with a flame ball by a poe (Like in OoT). I shoot it and it disappears, but then more show up so I took it as a sign to get the hell out. I get on Epona and start riding away from the woods and towards and area I somehow knew there would be water. I come to a stone bridge riding over some white fortress walls then we reach a set of steps. I can't recall if I jumped over Epona or she stopped abruptly and throwing me but I flew down the flight of steps into a door to a white fort on a river. I woke up when I crashed into the door.
It's the second dream I had about a Zelda game that never was or isn't.
I had by far the most strange dream in my entire life (Or at least that I can remember) ever!
I was for some reason at this camp in the woods, surrounded by a swamp. It looked like this.
But it was no ordinary camp, my friends were there and my family was no where to be seen. Then all of a sudden, I was walking on this bridge, surrounded by very deep water. There were trees there too, and I suddenly appeared on one of the branches of the trees, and it was going to crack and break off. I kept on trying to go to other branches, but one of the branches finally gave and broke with me on it. I fell directly down into the swamp, expecting the end of my life, and I fell down and hit the bottom of the swamp. I'm 100% sure I died, and you know how when you die in a dream, you wake up right? Well, first the first time in my life ever, (Or at least that I can remember) and I went to some weird version of heaven, it was brown and blocky, and really small too. Then for some reason I was given a second chance to live, and I went back down to Yu Yu hakusho land, and after that, I came to this building that looked like my local YMCA, and it was grey, and all chrome. It also for some reason played this. ( This random spanish lady came up to me and said my life is nothing but a lie to me, and it is meaningless. Then she said it's hard to accept truths in a world where you are nothing. (Or something like that...) Here's the scary part, the world became even more chrome, and all light ceased to exist in the world. It was almost pitch dark, and the world seemed to tell me it hated me. The lady came back and said heaven eternal, and my dream was over. ??? ??? ???
A few days ago I had a dream that my family was in the MIddle East, like Iran or something. I was talking to this old man who was telling me his life's story, then he gave me a silver coin and a piece of paper explaining where to take the coin. Then he snapped his fingers and the silver coin turned gold. And he said, "It's worth even more now!" then we heard noises outside his house and he said, "There's people out there who will be looking for that coin. You'd better get out of here!" So I was running from these people and I hid in this abandoned house until they went away. Then my family returned home to America and I followed the instructions on the piece of paper. The person who I sold the coin to gave me an envelope, but for some reason, I didn't open it till later. My family went to see a movie that night, and that's when I opened it and found out the guy had written me a check for $93,500!!! I was so excited! But then I woke up. :'( :'( :'(